God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1078: Contribution (Third)

Mu Qinglan followed Lord Wang Yan down the mountain quickly.

At the foot of the mountain, there were already several elders waiting anxiously. When they saw the figure of Lord Wang Yan, their eyes lit up and they looked over nervously.

Lord Wang Yan once again kissed the Tongling Hall, if this time, the problem still cannot be solved...

Several pairs of eyes fell on Lord Wang Yan.

Probably because they were worried about being disappointed, several people swallowed all the words in their throats, and just stared at Lord Wang Yan.

Lord Wang Yan couldn't help laughing when he saw their expressions.

"Haha! Pass the order, the problem of the Tongling Palace has been solved! Let those boys and girls come over and continue to awaken the blood!"

This sound immediately excited several elders.

"Patriarch, are you serious?"

"The issue of the Tongling Palace has really been resolved?"

"You didn't mean to comfort us, did you?"

These people are all close friends of Lord Wang Yan, so they became excited at this time, and they didn't pay so much attention to their words.

Venerable Wang Yan stared: "When did I ever tell a lie?!"

Although he was staring, those people couldn't help but look at each other, excited and ecstatic!

Looks like it's true!

The problem that caused them a lot of headaches was actually solved like this?

"Great! Patriarch, without you this time, we really don't know what to do!"

"Yes! If the bloodline cannot be awakened, then we really..."

Several people were extremely excited.

Lord Wang Yan raised his palms up, revealing an inscrutable smile.

"Hey - the problem can be solved this time, it's not the deity's credit."

The voices of several people stopped abruptly, and they looked at each other.

Isn't it the patriarch's credit?

Who would that be?

correct! There was obviously another person who went up with the patriarch before!

Thinking of that person's name, several people were shocked in their hearts!

Could it be—

Seeing the expressions of disbelief on the faces of several people, Venerable Wang Yan laughed out loud, and then waved to the back.

"Girl Qinglan, come out soon!"

Several people looked together, and then saw a black figure appearing in front of them.

Although she was wearing a black robe to hide her slender figure, her face was absolutely stunning!

Several people were stunned for a moment.

Except for Wang Huan and others who followed Lord Wang Yan to the western border, most people in Tonglinghai had never seen Mu Qinglan's true appearance.

After Wang Huan and the others came back, there were private rumors that Mu Qinglan was indeed a rare beauty.

They all felt a little unbelievable at first.

After all, not long ago, they had clearly seen that handsome young man who had a great reputation at the family meeting!

In the blink of an eye, she became a woman, and anyone would be surprised.

However, when they saw it for a moment, they realized that even though the appearance had changed, the aura all over the body would still make people feel reassured—the gorgeous woman in front of them was indeed the arrogant and wanton woman back then. juvenile!

The few people were stunned for a moment, and they didn't react until Mu Qinglan stepped forward and greeted several elders respectively.

Then, remembering what Lord Wang Yan said just now, several people realized something, and opened their mouths in shock.

"This... this... patriarch, what do you mean..."

One of them opened his mouth with difficulty, his eyes lingering on the two of them.

Seeing this, Lord Wang Yan finally laughed in satisfaction, patted the man on the shoulder heavily, and said to them with unconcealed pride:

"This deity doesn't have that ability, everything is due to this girl!"

Hearing Lord Wang Yan's proud and complacent tone, Mu Qinglan couldn't help but feel a little ashamed.

My master is really rude, and he didn't say that this problem was caused by her in the first place, but directly put his reputation on her head...

Lord Wang Yan obviously didn't care about these at all.

He directly ignored some things, and only picked out the good things his precious apprentice did.

The effect is remarkable.

Those elders looked at Mu Qinglan in a different way!

Unexpectedly...she actually has such abilities! ?

It seems that it is not unreasonable to be able to dress up as a man before, and show off at the family meeting...

"I see, I really want to thank Miss Mu!"

The elders then turned solemn, and thanked Mu Qinglan very solemnly.

Mu Qinglan hurriedly said: "That... you don't have to be polite to the elders, this is what I should do..."

The elders didn't know the reason, but they felt even more moved after hearing this.


How humble! How sensible!

Originally thought that this child was a person who was proud of her talent, but only now did she realize that she really took Tonglinghai to heart!

The problem that even they couldn't solve was solved by this child...

"Miss Mu, don't be polite, this means a lot to the entire Tongling Sea! I really don't know how to thank you..."

"Yeah! If this problem can't be solved, we don't know what to do!"

"As expected of the apprentice chosen by the patriarch himself, he is really outstanding!"

Facing the eager and grateful eyes of several people, Mu Qinglan turned to Lord Wang Yan for help, but saw that the latter was smiling proudly.

That expression is clearly: The apprentice I chose is the most powerful, you are not envious at all!

As if sensing Mu Qinglan's gaze, Venerable Wang Yan glanced at her, then waved at several people:

"Actually, it's nothing. Qinglan is the disciple of this deity, so she is naturally a member of Tonglinghai! Besides, her child has always been so enthusiastic, so you don't have to take it to heart! Hahaha!"

Mu Qinglan: "..."

Master, are you really okay...

But the elders obviously liked this very much, and they immediately looked at Mu Qinglan with a little more love.

"Miss Mu—"

Mu Qinglan hurriedly said: "Elders, you can just call me by my name. Master is right. Since I am a disciple of Master, I am naturally obliged to do these things."

Several people immediately became a little more kind to Mu Qinglan. They glanced at Lord Wang Yan, and after getting permission, they couldn't help liking her even more.

"Qinglan, don't worry, if you have anything to do in the future, just say it, we will never let anyone bully you!"

They all know that Mu Qinglan's background is mediocre, and he is on the top of the gods, so it is inevitable that he will be criticized by some people.

Lord Wang Yan is of course a great backer, but being close to him alone is not enough.

If these elders with high status were all on the side with Mu Qinglan, then the situation would naturally be different.

When Mu Qinglan heard the words, she suddenly understood something!

Lord Wang Yan is helping her back up!

He not only wants himself to be Mu Qinglan's background, but also wants the entire Tongling Sea to become Mu Qinglan's support!

Mu Qinglan's heart suddenly warmed up, and her eyes felt a little hot.

There are not many people who can think about everything for her like this.

His Majesty Wang Yan really took great pains to do this.

As long as the news that she has solved the problem of Tongling Palace is released today, the impression of her in the entire Tongling Sea will change!

Mu Qinglan's eyelids drooped slightly, and when he looked up again, a bright smile appeared on his face.

"Then Qinglan will thank all the elders first!"

As Mu Qinglan expected, the news quickly spread throughout Tongling Sea!

When almost everyone heard the news, they were shocked and couldn't believe it!

Where is Tongling Hall?

After the incident happened earlier, Venerable Wang Yan and the other elders have been unable to do anything, which shows how serious the problem is!

Can a mere Mu Qinglan really solve it?

However, just when everyone was skeptical, there was news that someone had successfully awakened the blood in Tongling Hall!

Now, the entire Tongling Sea is excited!

The leaders of the younger generation who had great potential and met the age and strength requirements entered the Tongling Hall one after another.

And they, without exception, all successfully awakened their bloodlines!

Among them, there are even two heavenly bloodlines!

For a while, everyone in Tonglinghai respected Mu Qinglan.

The family competition is coming soon, and the awakening of the blood is extremely important!

And Mu Qinglan, who helped them solve their biggest trouble, is naturally a meritorious minister in their hearts.

Mu Qinglan didn't expect that things would turn out like this at first, but for her, it was indeed a good thing.

But when the crowd was boiling, Mu Qinglan did not appear in their sight. Instead, he helped the few people who had been injured in the Tongling Hall before Anxin to heal their injuries.

The so-called healing is actually to remove the hostility that has invaded their bodies.

Fortunately, there was not much hostility entering their bodies, so it was not too difficult for Mu Qinglan.

And after she solved the problems of several people, it was already the morning of the third day.

She cleared the anger from the last person's body, and then stepped out of the room.

As soon as he came out, he saw Lord Wang Yan standing there.

"Qinglan, it's time to go."

where to go

Naturally, it is Phoenix Mountain - Family Competition!

Mu Qinglan exhaled lightly, and immediately frowned.

"It seems that it will be very exciting..."

Recommend "The Prosperous Farmer's Pet: The Poisonous Husband, the Tsundere Wife": Awakened Shrimp.

During the pk period from January 9th to January 12th, please collect it.

Introduction: In the 21st century, Chen Maoqing encountered a car accident on his way to a blind date and passed through inexplicably.

An empty dynasty, a poor and white family, and a whole body of debts, a gentle mother, a sensible elder brother, a troublesome second elder brother, a mischievous younger sister, and myself.

Where is the father? It is said that Shangjing disappeared while rushing for the exam, and no one was alive or dead.

Chen Yuqing expressed that he was very sad. After a long journey of struggle, he finally became rich, and the best relatives also came to the door. Fortunately, Chen Yuqing got a magical space by chance. Chen Yuqing said that I am a modern person, who am I afraid of, the four The word 'beat him up'.

But who are the bastards behind? It's okay to spy on her every day, but she still blatantly wants to abduct her home.

Excuse me, do I agree?

The introduction is incompetent, more exciting moves to the text.

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