God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1079 Nervous (one more)

There are only twelve days left before the Family Competition.

It sounds like there is still a lot of time, but in fact, the journey from Tonglinghai to Luozu Phoenix Mountain is still very tight.

The family competition is of great significance to each family, so each family will send the patriarch and some elders with high status to bring the most outstanding geniuses among the younger generation to face the battle.

The same is true of Tongling Sea.

And compared to other families, the pressure from the people in Tonglinghai is actually even greater.

Because of the previous family meeting, the Ming faction and the Yang faction had completely fallen out. After Lord Wang Yan climbed to the top of the Tongling Hall and officially took charge of Tongling Sea, he carried out a thorough cleansing of the forces in the entire Tongling Sea.

The Ming faction was hit hard, and because Lord Wang Yan had already begun to investigate many things before, and found that many people were killed and injured, it was the people of the Ming faction who did it secretly, so the people of the Ming faction already had the feeling that they should be executed. Lock up what should be locked up.

Even a person of Wang Huaizhi's level has been completely locked up by Lord Wang Yan, unable to see the light of day.

The entire Ming faction has almost been annihilated, leaving only a few sporadic characters who are still struggling to support themselves.

But those people are absolutely impossible to be released to participate in this family competition.

Although the people of the Ming faction have done many despicable things, it has to be said that Tonglinghai's thorough rectification of the Ming faction is almost equivalent to cutting off an arm!

In this way, Tonglinghai's strength was also forced to decrease a lot.

As for the children who can participate in the family competition, it is even more difficult to choose.

So this trip to Phoenix Mountain is a huge challenge for the entire Tongling Sea.

Venerable Wang Yan brought six elders and ten young disciples, a total of seventeen people, to go together!

And Mu Qinglan was naturally among the seventeen people.

A group of people set off from the teleportation array in Tongling Sea and traveled all the way.

On the way, everyone's attitude towards Mu Qinglan has changed significantly compared to before.

In the beginning, most of them were more polite to her just because she was Lord Wang Yan's apprentice, but now it's different.

Without her help, the problem of Tongling Hall would not be resolved!

Then this time the family competition, they will definitely lose face!

So now, everyone looked at Mu Qinglan with politeness and respect.

Even her age is younger than most of the younger generation who go to the competition.

For such an obvious change, Mu Qinglan didn't bother to explain so much.

Although a large part of this trouble was caused by her, she knew that this change was a great benefit to her, not to mention that Lord Wang Yan's previous efforts had been paving the way for this.

Although Mu Qinglan had no intention of deceiving them, but now that this matter has developed like this, she chose to accept it gladly.

After all, there is still an uphill battle to be fought in the Aristocratic Family Competition in Phoenix Mountain!

A few days later, the relationship between Mu Qinglan and them has become very close.

Especially the younger ones, they thought Mu Qinglan was a little distant at first, but after getting along for a while, they found that she was a very nice person, and gradually became familiar with her and became lively.

But probably because of her status as Lord Wang Yan's apprentice, and the fact that she summoned the Nine Heavens Tribulations before, they always had a little admiration for Mu Qinglan in their hearts. Although Mu Qinglan was almost the youngest, there was a faint feeling A sense of respect for her.

But the atmosphere of the crowd is a little subtle.

Because Mu Qinglan always felt a faint resentful look in her eyes, betting on herself.

And the owner of that line of sight was none other than Wang Chan who had stood up to speak for Mu Qinglan back then.

Because she never thought that the handsome young man back then was actually a woman!

Wang Chan recalled her little thoughts before, and couldn't help feeling annoyed and ashamed.

She thought—

So when she saw Mu Qinglan again at this time, her emotions were naturally very complicated.

Although Mu Qinglan didn't know what was going on in her heart, she had seen such eyes too many times.

After thinking about it, I can probably understand it.

Regarding this, she could only sigh secretly in her heart - who made her brother's face so attractive!

But fortunately, she and Wang Chan don't have frequent contacts, so she shouldn't be sad.

Such emotions can only dissipate little by little with time.

As for the other teenagers, they were more or less restrained towards Mu Qinglan.

Mu Qinglan didn't care about it. Although he was on his way, most of the time, he was still silently comprehending the star array in his heart.

In fact, she has basically read the star array diagrams left by Mr. Yan, including the six-level star array diagrams.

She clearly felt that, for her now, the six-level star map was basically not difficult.

Probably because she spent more than two years on the chessboard comprehending the extremely complicated Eight Spirits Conferred God Formation, so looking at those star formation diagrams now, she naturally felt that it was much simpler.

And in this process, her primordial spirit power and the power of the stars on the main star have also been greatly improved.

However, she has never found a suitable opportunity to break through to the sixth-level Star Array Master.

But Mu Qinglan was not in a hurry, and when he was on his way, he chose to continue comprehending the star array on the soul-suppressing stone left by Dean Xiling.

That thing has been placed in the sea of ​​​​qi, and the Fulingtai often turns over on it. Although Mu Qinglan doesn't understand what fun it is, the Fulingtai seems to enjoy it very much.

And after Mu Qinglan comprehended the Eight Spirits Conferred God Formation, she finally clearly felt that her ability to withstand this soul-suppressing stone had greatly improved.

In the past, she had to work hard to withstand its huge pressure, and the power of the primordial spirit would often be exhausted very quickly.

But now, she was finally able to spare part of her strength to understand the star array on it while bearing the soul-suppressing stone.

The star array itself is very strange. When Mu Qinglan saw the breakpoint on it before, he still couldn't understand what it meant, and he was injured a lot because of it.

But the Eight Spirits Sealing God Formation gave Mu Qinglan a huge inspiration.

——This star array is obviously the same as the Eight Spirits Conferred God Array, it is a three-dimensional star array!

There are ten breakpoints on it, so Mu Qinglan boldly speculates that it is a huge star array that can be divided into ten layers!

Although this sounds absurd, Mu Qinglan finally found out that this guess is very likely to be correct in the subsequent continuous testing!

Therefore, she also began to calm down and comprehend each layer with peace of mind.

When she saw those breakpoints before, the power of her primordial spirit would always continue to spread along the breakpoints uncontrollably, causing herself to be backlashed.

But now, the situation is much better.

Others also noticed that Mu Qinglan seemed to be falling into meditation from time to time, secretly marveling at her talent and working so hard, they couldn't help but sink their hearts and practice with all their strength.

Lord Wang Yan and several elders were greatly relieved when they saw the situation.

This time the family competition, it is clear that there are many crises!

There was an irreconcilable quarrel between the Yun family and the Luo family, and the people of the Shui family had suffered a big loss from Mu Qinglan before.

There are also dark tides among other families.

Tonglinghai has just cleared out the forces within the clan, so going there at this time must be in an extremely unfavorable situation.

If the children can win the competition more beautifully, it will undoubtedly be a great warning to other families.

It's just that we have to wait until the start of the family competition to know the result...

Because of the early holding of the family competition, the entire summit of the gods began to become uneasy.

Although some people were very dissatisfied with this, because the host was the extremely powerful Luo tribe, no one would say anything.

What's more, the Luo family meeting was held at the same time, and the information contained in it made them feel even more nervous.

Apart from rushing to the Phoenix Mountain of the Luo tribe at full speed, the crowd had no time to do anything.

In comparison, the most stable and peaceful people should be the Luo people.

After all, this is their home field, so it has a huge advantage anyway.

However, in fact, within the Luo clan, there is even more tension.

——Everyone knows that at this family meeting, the eldest lady Luo Xiyan will officially awaken her bloodline!

It is a certainty that she ascended to the position of Goddess of the Luo Tribe!

This is a top-level event of the Luo people. Naturally, no one dares to make any mistakes. From the entire process to the handling of every detail, it has to go through layers of checks.

The overall atmosphere is also tense and faintly excited.

——The peak of the gods has not seen a top bloodline for many years. Once Luo Xiyan takes the position, their status of the Luo clan will definitely be more stable, and even rise to a higher level!

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