God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1080 Family Contest (Part 2)

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, there was only one day left before the Family Competition.

The Luo nationality is located under the Luoshan Mountain, adjacent to the Luoshui River. It covers a vast area and is rich in energy. It is an excellent place for cultivation.

At the beginning, the mountain was not called Luoshan, and the water was not called Luoshui. It was only because Luoshen, the ancestor of the Luo nationality, once sat here, so it was renamed to this later.

And Luoshan is actually not just a mountain, but a continuous mountain range. Luoshui is like a blue jade belt, passing through this beautiful mountain and river, adding a bit of ethereal atmosphere to this place.

And Phoenix Mountain is an extremely peculiar mountain in the Luoshan Mountains.

The reason why it is strange is that although the mountain peak is steep and straight, it is divided into two completely different parts from the middle.

It seems that there is an invisible barrier, stretching across the middle of the mountain peaks, one side is lush and pleasing to the eye, while the other side is scorched black, lonely and cold.

The reason for the formation of such a strange scene is that it is rumored that a phoenix was born here, which caused half of the mountain to be burned.

Therefore, not only is this Phoenix Mountain not despised by people, but it is hailed as a great holy place of the Luo people.

After all, the place where the ancient phoenix was reborn from the ashes, how can it be an ordinary place?

The family competition has been held many times, and this is not the first time that the Luo people have hosted it, but it is the first time that Phoenix Mountain has been used as the venue for the competition.

Everyone was shocked when they heard the sound. After all, this Phoenix Mountain is of great significance to the Luo people, and idlers are not qualified to approach it, let alone hold a family competition?

But after knowing that their family meeting was also held here, everyone suddenly realized that this Phoenix Mountain was opened for them, it was clearly for Luo Xiyan, or in other words, for the entire Luo clan!

Of course, this is nothing to everyone.

After all, the family meeting is an extremely important event for every family, especially the Luo family has a high status in the family, and it is even more impossible not to pay attention to ostentation.

However, it can also be seen from this how much people in the Luo family value Luo Xiyan!

And on the day before the family competition, the entire Phoenix Mountain was completely martial law, and the whole Luo family was in full swing!

Everyone is eagerly awaiting the arrival of the next day!

But the central figure in this matter - Luo Xiyan, doesn't seem to care about these things.

On the top of Phoenix Mountain, there is an extremely magnificent hall——Luo Temple!

This is the place where only the most talented people from the Luo tribe can enter!

Similarly, this is also the place where the goddess of the Luo tribe was officially conferred!

The entire Luo tribe, except for the patriarch, is only the goddess of the Luo tribe, who can freely enter and exit here.

Other elders and others must also obtain permission before they are eligible to enter or leave.

At this moment, layers of vigilance have been put up outside Luo Temple.

Two figures were standing in front of Luo Temple.

The identities of those who can stand here at this moment can be imagined - it is Luo Qingheng, the patriarch of the Luo clan, and Luo Xiyan!

"Xi Yan, tomorrow is the family competition, and it is also the day you want to awaken your blood. As long as everything goes smoothly, after tomorrow, you can enter and leave this place as you like."

Luo Qingheng stroked his beard and looked at Luoshen Temple with deep eyes.

After speaking, he looked at Luo Xiyan who was at the side.

Under the moonlight, her already stunning face was even more inviolable and noble and holy.

Her eyes were cut like autumn water, and she looked very moving at this moment, but if you look closely, there is neither sadness nor joy in her eyes, calm and unwavering.

It seemed that she didn't care about what Luo Qingheng said.

If someone else was here, seeing her reaction like this, they might think she was pretending to be calm. After all, the goddesses of the Luo tribe have a high status, and within the Luo tribe, their power is comparable to that of the patriarch!

How many people in the world can remain unmoved by such a title and honor?

But Luo Qingheng knew very well that the Luo Xiyan in front of her didn't need to pretend.

She is so calm, not because she doesn't care about this matter, but because she has a plan in mind!

Because she has full confidence, she will naturally not have any fluctuations in those things that have already been expected.

Luo Qingheng appreciated this very much.

There was a hint of appreciation in his old eyes.

Luo Xiyan is indeed the only and best choice for a goddess of the Luo tribe!

Except for her, no one in the Luo clan can bear this title!

It is worthy of their best efforts and meticulous cultivation!

Luo Xiyan slightly bowed her knees and saluted, with a perfectly curved smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Patriarch, don't worry, Xiyan will definitely not let you down."

She didn't say that she would do her best, but said that she would not let Luo Qingheng down. It can be seen that she was determined in her heart that she would be able to awaken the top bloodline and successfully ascend to the position of Goddess of the Luo Clan!

Luo Qingheng smiled and said, "You have never disappointed people before, and I believe this time will be the same."

After finishing speaking, Luo Qingheng suddenly remembered something, the smile on his face gradually subsided, and his expression became serious.

"This time, since it is a family competition, the power holders of the top ten families and the most outstanding young children will all come. Naturally...including Yun Yi..."

Luo Xiyan choked slightly, but the expression on her face didn't change a bit.

"Xi Yan has her own measure."

Seeing her like this, Luo Qingheng secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

He knew that Luo Xiyan really liked Yun Yi, otherwise, after so many years, with Luo Xiyan's temperament, she would not be willing to waste so much time on that girl Yunxi. But since the other party has rejected the marriage in public, then you can no longer have any illusions!

"That's good. Xi Yan, you have to be clear, what Yun Yi did back then has completely drawn a gap between the Luo clan and the Yun clan! No matter how you feel about him in your heart, from now on, you can't treat him again Any ideas!"

This was the first time he had told Luo Xiyan about this matter so bluntly and seriously.

Before, he had been worried that these words would make Luo Xiyan feel unhappy, but now that the family competition was coming up, there were some things he had to say.

Luo Xiyan's eyelids drooped slightly, her eyelashes were like small fans, casting a faint shadow under her eyelids.

In an instant, she raised her eyes and said with a faint smile:

"These Xiyan know it in their hearts. The reputation of the Luo clan is in Xiyan's hands, so Xiyan is naturally extremely cautious."

Seeing her firm and calm eyes, Luo Qingheng finally felt relieved.

"Xi Yan, you have been the best since you were a child. No matter what you do, you can always do your best. Believe that this time, you can still do it."

Luo Xiyan smiled slightly.

"Patriarch rest assured. Xiyan knows."

Luo Qingheng nodded, then sneered.

"This time people from Tonglinghai also came. I heard that Wang Yan brought his apprentice. I want to see what kind of woman she is!"

Luo Xiyan lowered her eyes again, unable to see clearly.

But Luo Qingheng didn't care, and just sneered: "I heard that his apprentice came from a humble background. Not only was he not from a family, he even came from a small empire outside the summit of the gods! If it wasn't for Wang Yan, How could she be qualified to come here! Yun Yi would be tempted by such a woman, I'm afraid she was really drugged!"

Luo Xiyan raised her eyes, smiled, and said in a calm tone:

"There are many things in this world that cannot be controlled. Maybe there is something special about that woman that makes him fall in love with her. It's unknown."

Luo Qingheng was even more disdainful.

"How can a woman of such a lowly background be so special!? At most, she climbed up to Wang Yan and Yun Yi with her face and talent!"

Luo Xiyan's eyes were gentle, and she said with a light smile:

"Patriarch, I've heard that the girl is extremely talented, and her own strength should not be underestimated. People from the Shui family... also suffered from her..."

"Ha! If you don't tell me, I almost forgot! She still owes the Shui family several lives! Although the Shui family can't compare with our Luo family, that Shui Mingfei is not a good-tempered person either. Shui Tian The lives of Qing and Shui Tianyue are enough for the Shui family to suffer for a while! It would be amazing if they could easily let her go! Hmph, I think after the Shui family comes this time, they will definitely not Let her go easily, and even implicate Tonglinghai! I just don't know if people in Tonglinghai are willing to offend the Shui family for her..."

Luo Qingheng thought about it, but couldn't help but sneer.

Tomorrow's scene must be beautiful!

Luo Xiyan didn't seem to care about these things, listening to Luo Qingheng's words, she only looked calm.

Luo Qingheng couldn't help asking: "Xiyan, are you not angry at all when that woman treats you like this?"

Luo Xiyan's eyes flickered slightly, then she shook her head.

"Xi Yan has limited energy, so she won't put her mind on unimportant and unworthy people."

Luo Qingheng paused, and then laughed.

"Hahaha! That's right! Xiyan is the talent that determines the bloodline! The goddess of my Luo clan! Why waste time with such a lowly person! She is not worthy to be compared with you at all! Good! Just take a good rest tonight, after tomorrow Naturally, Yun Yi and the Yun Clan will regret it!"

Luo Xiyan smiled faintly, saluted respectfully, then turned and left.

The bright moonlight stretched her shadow extremely long, reflecting on her face, half-bright and half-dark.

She raised her eyes and looked forward.

The mountains are lush and full of shadows.


Will he...will he?

She raised her chin slightly, the smile on her face had completely disappeared, without a trace of expression.

Only those eyes were faintly flickering with a cold light!

The next day, come soon!

Huifeng is smooth, the sky is high and the clouds are light!

Early in the morning, the Phoenix Mountain was bustling with activity.

In front of the Luo Temple, there are nine steps, and under the steps, there is a huge round black jade square!

At this time, ten seats had already been placed on the square!

Luo Qingheng, the patriarch of the Luo clan, led the crowd to stand in the middle of the square, welcoming the guests from all over the family!


A burst of Qingming suddenly resounded through the world!

Luo Qingheng looked up, and there was a huge red and blue shadow in the sky, approaching quickly!

It is the contracted beast of the patriarch of the Li clan——

Nine-tailed heron!

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