God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1082: It's a pity (one more)

The woman was dressed in a black dress, which simply outlined a perfect and exquisite figure, her black hair was tied up high, and there were no extra pendants all over her body, but she revealed a chic and freehand style that could not be ignored!

When she appeared, without saying a word, she easily caught everyone's attention!

Although it is the most concise black, but against the background of her bully Saixue's skin, it is extraordinarily beautiful.

Everyone was shocked!

There were a lot of speculations about Mu Qinglan before, especially when she disguised herself as a man and stole the limelight at the Tonglinghai Clan Conference, so this time everyone is guessing whether she will appear in her real face!

But no one expected that the real Mu Qinglan would be so free and unrestrained, flamboyant and incomparable!

She is only in black and white, but these two extremely simple colors show her unrestrained temperament to the fullest!

Just take a look at it, and people will know that this is indeed a free and easy woman!

Her appearance is clearly extremely beautiful, and every part of her face seems to be carefully carved by the heavens, which makes people think that when she was born, she was especially favored by the heavens.

Especially those eyes, shining like stars!

However, when such a face appeared in front of their eyes, the first thing everyone noticed was her extraordinary and free and easy temperament exuding from her whole body!

There are so many beauties in this world, especially those present today, I don't know how many beautiful beauties they have seen before.

Some beauties are beautiful on the surface, while others are beautiful on the bone.

However, when Mu Qinglan appeared, it instantly made people understand that some people, from inside to outside, from bone to skin, can become the most beautiful!

Like the high sun in the clouds, brilliant and bright, but like the snow returning to the starry night, cool and noble!

The scenery of Luoshan and Luoshui is extremely beautiful, but when she appeared, the surrounding scenes seemed to have all faded away!

Only one person can be seen in the eyes!

Above the square, fell into a moment of dead silence.

Venerable Wang Yan smiled in his heart.

Don't these people want to know what his precious apprentice looks like?

Then he will bring her here and let them see clearly!

Look at what is called - the difference between cloud and mud! Heaven and earth!

Everyone reacted differently, but most of them couldn't help but have a flash of amazement in their eyes.

Lord Wang Yan was very satisfied with this.

Although their precious disciples don't rely on their looks for food, how many women in the world can match such a face and temperament?

The Luo people have bad intentions today, so don't blame them for messing things up!

Mu Qinglan didn't care much about those gazes.

——From childhood to adulthood, she has seen this kind of look too much.

And even though he put on his elder brother's face in the past few years, his elder brother's demeanor is also unique, and peach blossoms bloom wherever he goes. The biggest change now may be that the way men and women look at her has changed.

As expected of being the head of the Luo family, Luo Qingheng was the first to react.

"It turned out that it was Lord Wang Yan who came here. I hope I will forgive you for my disappointment!"

Although Tongling Hai's status in the aristocratic family is not high, but Lord Wang Yan himself is the master of the star array, and his status is respected, and he has been suppressed in that hall for more than 400 years, and now almost all those present are his descendants . Therefore, even Luo Qingheng had to be polite.

Lord Wang Yan laughed:

"Patriarch Luo is polite! How can I not come to Tonglinghai for such a grand event?"

As he said that, he looked around the field and said with a smile: "I thought we came late enough, but now it seems that we came at the right time!"

Luo Qingheng also had a very polite smile on his face.

"Haha! We've all been waiting for you!—please!"

The two sides exchanged pleasantries, which was very lively, as if they had a very good relationship.

But everyone present didn't know that Mu Qinglan was Lord Wang Yan's apprentice! Mu Qinglan had a grudge with the Shui family before, and later with the Luo family. It can be said that it is dangerous to come here this time!

However, Venerable Wang Yan really brought people here!

I'm afraid he is determined to support Mu Qinglan!

This family competition - there will be a good show!

Everyone had different thoughts, but they all did a great job on the surface. Afterwards, Venerable Wang Yan led them to their seats in a calm and easy manner.

Among them, Mu Qinglan was undoubtedly the one who received the most attention.

They wanted to see something from Mu Qinglan's face, even if it was a little bit of nervousness, apprehension, or excitement.

But to their disappointment, Mu Qinglan only kept smiling, with crooked eyebrows and eyes.

Don't reach out to hit the smiling person, not to mention that the smile is very beautiful and touching.

Mu Qinglan could vaguely hear some low voices of discussion.

"So she is Mu Qinglan! I didn't expect...the appearance is so born..."

"Isn't it rumored that she is very powerful? I thought she was a hag!"

"Bah! What a hag! If all hags in the world look like this, then I still want to—"

"Shh! You're crazy! Don't forget that the one from the Yun clan rejected the marriage contract from the Luo clan just because of her!"

Mu Qinglan couldn't help laughing when she heard the sound.

This group of people must have described her as a monster, right?

After a short silence, I heard another person sighing in a low voice:

"I've met the one from the Luo clan a few times. She is indeed a rare beauty, but I always feel that something is missing. If I were Yun... maybe I would reject the one from the Luo clan because of her... If To be able to win this beauty a smile, I really would die without regret..."

"It's a pity that you are wearing men's clothes. If you can appear in full clothes, you don't know how seductive it is..."

"Stop talking! This is the Luo family!"

Just as Mu Qinglan was about to sit down with the crowd, she suddenly felt a sharp and cold gaze on herself!

She raised her eyes almost immediately, and looked at the Luo Temple above the nine steps!

The security there is heavy, and there is no one else except the guards.

But Mu Qinglan could still feel the strong hostility towards her from that line of sight!

Rumant is on the back!

"Qinglan, what are you looking at?"

Wang Chan on the side couldn't help asking.

The corners of Mu Qinglan's mouth curled up slightly.


It's just... someone can't hold back anymore...

She sat down with a graceful posture, her brows and eyes were bright, and she smiled, as if she was here to watch the excitement.

Such a gesture made those who originally wanted to see her embarrassing and embarrassing silently swallow a mouthful of blood.

Everyone thought that Mu Qinglan would be the excitement of this family competition, or a joke, but looking at it now, she doesn't seem to be so easy to deal with...

"I heard that Mu Qinglan came from a humble background, so it can be seen that she has a good manners, but she doesn't seem to be from a small family!"

"Her master is Wang Yan after all! Look at how much Wang Yan loves her, I'm afraid he has raised her as his own daughter!"

"Even so, so what? At the top of the gods, if there is no backer, she can't stand no matter what! Her talent is good, but she is not a descendant of the God Lord, and she cannot awaken her bloodline. This alone is enough. Enough for many people to kill her instantly!"

"Let's take a look... I just don't know how capable Lord Wang Yan is when he has so much confidence in her..."

All kinds of discussions came to my ears one after another, some pleasant to hear, some unpleasant to listen to.

Wang Chan and the others looked at Mu Qinglan with some concern, but saw that the latter looked relaxed, as if he didn't take those words to heart at all.

Wang Chan cheered up, approached Mu Qinglan and said:

"Qinglan, don't worry! Tonglinghai is your backer! If anyone dares to bully you, we will be the first to let him go!"

Several other people also nodded one after another.


"Let them know how powerful we are!"

"Without you, we probably wouldn't be able to come here. Let's see who dares to be rude to you! We must kill him!"

Mu Qinglan laughed.

"Don't worry, those are not worth worrying about."

She has experienced too many ups and downs in the past few years, and she has heard countless humiliations. Now, what are these things?

After Mu Qinglan finished speaking, several people thought she was afraid of hurting themselves, and they were even more angry.

But Mu Qinglan didn't seem to really care about it, so he could only keep his anger in his heart.

Seeing the situation, Mu Qinglan blinked.

"Actually, you really don't have to care about what other people say. The big deal is to find a chance to beat him up. If it's not enough..."

"Just hit twice!" Wang Chan and the others immediately became excited.


Mu Qinglan raised her finger and shook it, with a half-smile.

"Just a little bit, just beat him to death."

The thing she hates the most is resurfacing and letting the tiger go back to the mountain!

So sometimes, doing it thoroughly will save a lot of trouble.

The hearts of several people were agitated when they heard it——

This is the Mu Qinglan who shined at the family meeting in their impression!

"Okay! Let's follow you and do their job!"

Wang Xiaoping on the side threw his fist a little excitedly, but Wang Chan rolled his eyes.

"What are you talking about!"

Wang Xiaoping hastily covered his mouth——bad! Is this too vulgar?

But when Mu Qinglan heard this, he just blinked and laughed.

The tense emotions in the hearts of several people were relieved a lot, and they laughed together.

Wang Chan tugged on La Mu Qinglan's sleeve and pointed in a certain direction with her eyes.

"Qinglan, look, the people of the Shui family are looking at you!"

Of course Mu Qinglan knew that people from the Shui family were looking at her.

In fact, from the moment she appeared, she had already felt those gazes from the Shui family, wishing to tear her apart.

That's right, let's not talk about those servants, just talk about one Shui Tianqing and one Shui Tianyue, two noble elders died at her place, it is impossible for the Shui family to turn this matter over so easily.

After all, those are two powerful Lords, especially Shui Tianyue is still at the peak of Lords!

For the family, this is a huge damage!

Mu Qinglan was surprised that they hadn't moved for such a long time.

Of course, the only explanation is - they are planning a big move!

But Mu Qinglan was fearless.

"The people of the Shui family are at fault. After all, they were the first to attack me. The people from Tianyan Mountain and the two elders of the Zongzheng family can prove this."

Mu Qinglan lazily withdrew her gaze.

"I'm afraid they can't wait to smash my body into thousands of pieces today... However, they have to have that ability. It's a pity..."


Go out to see a Chinese medicine doctor in the afternoon, how about the next night?

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