God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1083 Broken Pupil (Part 2)

Shui Yanyu's nails had already been deeply embedded in her palm, and the stinging pain came in bursts, but it could not relieve the anger and resentment in her heart at all!

She stared at the person in the distance, looking at the face that was deeply engraved in her mind and almost became her nightmare day and night, she felt a violent flame rising in her heart, almost burning her to death !

She hates it!

She blames!

She had already guessed that something was wrong with that "Mu Linghan" back then, and she even thought that Mu Qinglan was not dead, and started sending people to investigate her whereabouts!

But she never imagined that "Mu Linghan" was actually Mu Qinglan!

She is so bold, with another face on her face, ostentatiously and unrestrainedly!

Mu Qinglan——she was playing with everyone in applause!

When everyone was circling around "Mu Linghan", I'm afraid she didn't know how many times she was secretly proud!

She really didn't die!

She turned out to be using the identity of Mu Linghan!

God knows, when she got the news from Honghe, she was struck by lightning!

Shui Tianqing and Shui Tianyue sent out by the Shui family are so powerful, she originally thought that "Mu Linghan" would definitely have to run away!

Who knew that the lives of these two strong men would be directly involved!

And this is not what she can't accept the most, what makes her most angry and embarrassing is that the domineering "Mu Linghan" is actually Mu Qinglan himself!

At that moment, she suddenly understood many things!

Why does Yun Yi defend "Mu Linghan" in every possible way?

Why does Yun Yi care so much about everything about "Mu Linghan"?

Why are all of Yun Yi's choices related to "Mu Linghan"?

so many!

So many questions, finally at that moment, got the final answer!

It's just because - "Mu Linghan" is just Mu Qinglan!

Shui Yanyu felt like a clown.

She thought that if Mu Qinglan died, she would be able to win Yun Yi's favor, and even went to the five colleges for him, and even for this, she humiliated the Shui family!

She is for him wholeheartedly, and everything she does is for him!

But what about him?

At first she thought it was just because he still had a little nostalgia for Mu Qinglan, but at that time she didn't care at all - Mu Qinglan was already a dead person, how could he fight her! ?

But it turns out she was dead wrong!

She was almost certain that Yun Yi must have known everything about it long ago!

Only she, like the most ridiculous existence!

Everything she thought and did before suddenly made her a complete joke!

How can hookah not hate? !

Because of the fall of the two elders of Honghe City, Shui Yanyu was inevitably angered by Shui Mingfei. It was she who pleaded hard and tried her best to escape the catastrophe.

This time, she didn't have a part in the family competition, but in the end Shui Mingfei allowed her to come.

Ever since she came here, she has been waiting, waiting for Mu Qinglan to appear!

But when she really saw Mu Qinglan, she found that she hated that face even more than she imagined!

If it wasn't for the fact that there were so many people present, she desperately told herself to be patient, and she might have rushed up by now!

Shui Mingfei seemed to sense something, and turned to give her a warning look.

Shui Yanyu lowered her eyes and suppressed the expression in her eyes.

Now, her only way is to endure!

She didn't believe it, what kind of waves could Mu Qinglan make in this family competition!

Mu Qinglan withdrew her gaze and looked at Chong Shuangshuang who was at the side.

The two looked at each other, and Chong Shuangshuang's face immediately showed a look of surprise, and there was even a trace of inexplicable tension in the whole person, with both hands clasped tightly on his knees, it seemed that he was about to rush over in the next moment, Take a closer look at Mu Qinglan in front of her, is it the person in her memory?

"It's really her... it's really her!"

Chong Shuangshuang murmured, and couldn't help blushing.

Chong Jingyan followed her gaze, sighed slightly in his heart, and gently stroked Chong Shuangshuang's hair.

Chong Shuang twitched, took a deep breath, held back the tears, and burst into a big smile.

Although her face was always pale, her eye sockets and the tip of her nose were slightly red at this time, which made her look a little more bloody, and with this comfortable and brilliant smile, she was even a little more angry.

Mu Qinglan blinked at her and smiled.

She was actually relieved.

Chong Shuangshuang's health has always been poor, after knowing the truth, I am afraid that it will be clear but also excited.

This is actually not a good thing for her.

Mu Qinglan has always regarded Chong Shuangshuang as a younger sister in her heart, so she naturally doesn't want any problems with her body, especially she doesn't want the cause to be herself.

But fortunately, Chong Shuangshuang's situation seems to be much better than her appearance.

This made Mu Qinglan feel relieved.

In addition, although she didn't deceive on purpose, she did deceive Chong Shuangshuang for a long time.

She can ignore other people, but Chong Shuangshuang can't.

Chong Shuangshuang treats their brothers and sisters sincerely, and has helped her a lot before and after.

Especially her brother...

In this regard, Mu Qinglan is also very helpless, after all, her brother already has Momo, and it is good to end some things as soon as possible.

Fortunately, Chong Shuangshuang is also very smart, after knowing that her brother has a fiancée, she never revealed her intentions in this regard.

Mu Qinglan knew that she was happy at this time because she was happy that she was still alive, so she naturally sighed in her heart, and nodded at Chong Shuangshuang with a smile.

Chong Shuangshuang's nose was sour again, and he rubbed his eyes hastily.

Chong Jingyan said distressedly: "Shuangshuang, you...don't think too much...just let nature take its course..."

Chong Shuang's eyes were red, and he asked, "Brother, what are you talking about?"

Chong Jingyan hesitated, and then said in a low voice: "I heard that the real Mu Linghan already has a marriage contract..."

"Brother, how do you say this?"

Chong Shuangshuang quickly waved his hands: "I'm not crying for Brother Ling Han, but I'm so happy to see Sister Qinglan!"

Chong Jingyan: "...Really?"

Chong Shuangshuang thumped him helplessly.

"Of course it's true! I already knew that brother Ling Han had a fiancee! How could it be - I just heard that sister Qinglan was still alive, and I thought it was incredible..."

"Then you haven't been sleeping well before..."

"Because I'm always thinking, Sister Qinglan has been pretending to be Brother Ling Han, it's been really hard these few years!"

Chong Shuangshuang bowed his head a little ashamed, twisted his fingers together, and whispered:

"Before, I always asked Sister Qinglan to protect me... She really suffered a lot... If I knew it was her..."

But talking about it now is no longer of much use.

Only then did Chong Jingyan understand, and patted her in relief.

That's good, that's good...

My younger sister should have only admired Mu Linghan when she was young and ignorant before, she couldn't say what she liked, and even in comparison, she seemed to be closer to Mu Qinglan...

He was worried about his sister getting hurt before, but looking at it now, he can feel relieved.

The conversation between Chong Shuangshuang and Chong Jingyan was so low that almost no one could hear it.

But when Mu Qinglan looked at it, he could probably "see" what they were talking about, and couldn't help feeling warm in his heart, shaking his head and smiling.

"Qinglan, look, that person seems to be the new young master of the Helian family!"

Wang Chan and the others at the side had already scrutinized everyone around them in this short period of time.

The relationship between these aristocratic families is very delicate, and they basically do not interfere with each other on weekdays, but they will pay great attention to basic news.

And among them, what interested them the most was the genius who deserved attention among the great families.

Wang Chan and the others made up their minds that this time, they must not let people bully Mu Qinglan, because they knew that Mu Qinglan was not the top of the gods, so they guessed that she might not know much about the situation and people of the major families .

So, while pointing to Mu Qinglan, Wang Chan explained to her.

"The position of the Helian family in the aristocratic family is basically ranked fifth. Although it is not as good as the Luo family of the Yun family, it is still very powerful. And I heard that their new young master was not very in the family before. Appeared, and often ran out to experience. This time, when he came back, he directly ascended to the position of young master! Everyone guessed that he must be a powerful character!"

Mu Qinglan followed her gaze, and raised her eyebrows when she saw the somewhat familiar figure.

When she heard about Helian's family earlier, she thought it was a coincidence. Who would have thought that it was really him!

As if aware of Wang Chan's gaze, the boy suddenly turned his head.

"He's watching us!"

Wang Chan said a little nervously.

But then, Wang Xiaoping next to him couldn't help but said, "Isn't it? Why do I think he's watching... Qinglan?"

Several people took a serious look and found that it seemed to be the case...

Wang Chan crossed her arms and raised her brows: "Unexpectedly, the young master of the Helian family is also a flirt—"

Before she could finish speaking, she heard the other party laugh out loud.

"This time, I can finally have a formal exchange with you!?"

Wang Chan and the others were stunned.

What... what does this mean?

In the square, many people heard the sound and looked over.

The corners of Mu Qinglan's mouth twitched, outlining a somewhat provocative smile.

"Welcome anytime!"

Everyone was stunned.

Before the game even started, the two sides have already agreed to fight?

Chong Shuangshuang couldn't help curling his lips.

"Sure enough, it's still the same as before! You have to find someone to compete with each other!"

Chong Jingyan was a little surprised.

"Do you know the young master of the Helian family? He and Mu Qinglan seem to have an unusual relationship..."

Chong Shuangshuang snorted softly.

"Helian Liefeng has always been like this. Before that, he also went to Xiling College with sister Qinglan! I heard that he was talking to sister Qinglan and brother Yunyi all day long, but brother Yunyi seemed to stop him every time. Before, so he never really fought with Sister Qinglan! Unexpectedly, this problem has not changed after returning to Helian's house!"

Chong Jingyan was very shocked, and then asked:

"Competing with Yun Yi... Is he crazy?"

"It seems that after returning home, it really became crazier." Mu Qinglan commented unceremoniously.

Helian Gaefeng laughed.

"This time, I may not lose to you! I—"

"The patriarch of the Tantai family, Tantai Mo, has arrived!"

With this sound, Mu Qinglan immediately felt that the atmosphere on the field had changed!

She also looked over.

The Tantai Clan is at the top of the gods, second only to the Yun Clan and Luo Clan!

And they have always been extremely mysterious!

So when they arrived, everyone was very concerned.

However, when Mu Qinglan saw a certain person in that group of people, she immediately froze on the spot!

Although she hadn't seen that face for a long time, and it had changed a lot now, she still recognized it at a glance!

He was no longer wearing tattered and dirty clothes. Instead, he wore a dark blue brocade robe with a jade-colored belt around his waist. The brocade robe was embroidered with dark silver patterns. As he walked, it was as if there was moonlight shining down on him. It is full of brilliance.

His hair was no longer messy and scattered on his forehead, but neatly tied up, revealing sharp eyebrows and eyes.

His originally extremely thin figure has become much taller and tougher, and his whole person looks completely different from before.

When he appeared, he instantly attracted the attention of countless people present!

Anyone who sees him will think that he is a young man carefully cultivated by the family!

He is no longer depressed, no longer humble, walking step by step, the whole body is a powerful momentum that cannot be ignored!

If you look carefully, you can actually see a trace of indifferent wildness in his eyes.

Like a beast.

Only these eyes are still very similar to before.

Mu Qinglan opened his mouth, but found that his throat seemed to be locked, making it difficult to speak.

She looked at the boy and approached step by step.

Everything is like an unreal dream.

Finally, the two looked at each other.

Mu Qinglan's heart seemed to be suppressed by something, and it was difficult for him to spit out two words silently.

"...broken pupil..."

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