God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1084: The Cloud Clan is Coming! (three more)

The young man in front of him changed his clothes and modified his description. He seemed to be a completely different person from the depressed young man in his impression.

Only the beast-like loneliness that could not be concealed in those eyes made Mu Qinglan sure that he was indeed him!

At this moment, Mu Qinglan's mind suddenly became confused.

Po Tong...how could he be from the Tantai family?

Moreover, he followed closely behind Tantai Mo, the patriarch of Tantai, and the people around him were very respectful to him, obviously he had a very high status!

Numerous doubts suddenly appeared in Mu Qinglan's heart.

It has been a long time since she left Xiling College, and a long time ago, when Helian Liefeng left, Po Tong disappeared.

She once thought that Po Tong had gone outside to practice again. After all, the gentle way of practice in the academy was really not suitable for him.

She thought that Po Tong might enter the dangerous primordial beast forest, fight countless fights, and suffer a lot...

But she never thought that he would become like this!

She had envisioned many scenes of reunion with them, but for Po Tong, she had never imagined that she would meet them in the Family Competition!

What happened during his absence?

Or...he has hidden his true identity from the very beginning?

Mu Qinglan's thoughts turned, and he kept coming up with ideas while denying them.

If Potong was originally from the Tantai clan, there's no reason why Yun Yi and Helian Liefeng didn't know about it!

But she clearly remembered that those two people before, and even Shui Yanyu later, never showed the slightest in this regard!

They obviously don't know either!

However, after Po Tong exchanged a glance with her, he turned his gaze away.

Mu Qinglan was a little surprised, but saw that Luo Qingheng and the others had already greeted the people from the Tantai clan.

She twitched slightly between her brows, and glanced at Po Tong again, looking away seemingly unintentionally.

She glanced over Helian Gaefeng, but saw the shocked expression on his face.

Obviously, he didn't know it before.

Even he doesn't know, let alone others.

There were some low voices of discussion coming from the side.

"Didn't it mean that the young master of Tantai's family died ten years ago? Why did this happen again?"

"Who knows! The direct descendants of the Tantai clan have always been very few, and in this generation, they are even more withered. It is rumored that his mother took him out ten years ago, but unfortunately died, and his mother's body was thrown away. At that time, people were already in disrepair... As for their noble young masters, they were even missing! People from the Tantai clan searched for a year, but they couldn't find anyone. Although they didn't say anything, everyone always tacitly agreed that he would He is dead. In such a dangerous place, the strong may not be able to survive, let alone a child of how old?"

"That's right! I heard that there was a lot of trouble back then, but I didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, the man was found again! It can be seen that things in this world are really uncertain!"

"Heh, so what if I get it back? Without the training of the Tantai clan, how strong would he be?"

"Hush! His status in the Tantai Clan is extremely high now, so be careful what you say!"

Mu Qinglan leaned back in the chair, exhaled lightly, feeling complicated for a moment.

It turns out that Po Tong is really a member of the Tantai clan...and a direct descendant with a very high status!

Moreover, he had been missing for ten years, and only returned to the Tantai Clan at this time...

For some reason, Mu Qinglan inexplicably felt that Potong might have known about his life experience a long time ago, or maybe he has always had the memory of that year!

Although he was young at the time, if he really knew nothing, he might not have returned to the Tantai Clan at such a coincidental time to regain his identity.

But in any case, these are just her conjectures, and only Potong knows what happened.

And the way Potong looked at her just now...

Mu Qinglan's eyelashes trembled slightly.

She has always admired Po Tong, especially when Po Tong's eyes, which are always very sharp, look at her pitifully and sadly, she is more likely to soften her heart.

In her heart, she has always regarded Potong as a younger brother, and she will take care of him more or less unconsciously.

But now, she realized that maybe, she never really understood him.

But Mu Qinglan didn't have any dissatisfaction or complaints about this.

She can understand what Hatomi does and the choices she makes.

After all, even she herself has so many unavoidable times, not to mention Po Tong.

His situation may not be much better than hers.

It's just... I'm afraid that no one will look at her stubbornly and distressingly in the future.

After Helian Gaefeng came to his senses, his first reaction was to look at Mu Qinglan.

——Potong used to be very dependent on Mu Qinglan, but now that his identity has changed, wouldn't it be equivalent to becoming another helper of Mu Qinglan?

But when he looked carefully, he found that there seemed to be no interaction between the two.

It was as if they were just two strangers.

Helian Liefeng scratched his head, he really didn't understand, so he just stopped thinking about it.

On the other side, Shui Yanyu, who was originally shocked by Po Tong's appearance, was relieved when he saw that Po Tong hadn't greeted Mu Qinglan, and sneered secretly.

Potong had a good relationship with Mu Qinglan at the beginning, but now she has offended the Shui family and the Luo family, which is a big trouble in itself. I am afraid that it will be too late for Potong to break away from her, so how can I recognize her!

Today Mu Qinglan can't fly even with wings!

Except for the few people who had seen Po Tong before, the others didn't notice anything unusual.

Mu Qinglan simply closed her eyes and held her breath.

On the other side, Po Tong sat down with Tantai Mo.

His every move is more standard than any well-cultivated etiquette.

No one would doubt his origin, his qualifications.

Even those who spoke bitter words in secret had to admit that Po Tong's performance was even better than most young masters from aristocratic families.

However, no one noticed the white knuckles under his sleeve robe.

He didn't let go of his hands until he was seated.

As long as he blinks, he can see the person not far away.

so close.

so far away.

It has been too long since the last time they met.

He thought he could control it very well, but the moment he saw it, he almost lost his mind.

Especially, when he turned his eyes away, he could clearly see the surprise flashing in her eyes from the corner of his eye.

She is so smart, there are things she can't fail to guess.

Are you disappointed? Are you sad?

He wished she had it, but was afraid that she would.

He is reluctant, but uncontrollably greedy.

But in the end, he withdrew his gaze and looked ahead, everything was as usual.

Tantai Mo was very satisfied with this.

He looked at Po Tong and nodded.


As expected of his son, although he has been away for ten years, the arrogance and dignity in his bones are definitely not something that others can pretend at will!

Those people thought that he must be vulgar and lowly when he grew up outside, but in just a few months, he used practical actions to tell everyone that the noble blood of their Tantai clan still flows in his bones!

But Po Tong didn't seem to care much about the compliment, he nodded slightly with a calm expression.

But Tantai Mo was even more relieved.

This can also be regarded as his first official appearance before the top ten families on the top of the gods. In any case, Tantai Mo hopes that he can shock everyone.

At least this state of mind is no longer comparable to ordinary people!

The heir of the Tantai Clan will naturally be able to withstand all kinds of tests!

Many people's eyes fell on Potong, but he was as indifferent and calm as before, even a little cold.

Raise your brows and eyes slightly, they are as sharp as a blade!

On the square, almost all of the top ten families have arrived, leaving only the last seat, which is still vacant.

Although the atmosphere was lively, everyone was obviously absent-minded, looking at the empty chair from time to time.

Cloud family!

Up to now, the only one that hasn't appeared yet is the Yun Clan!

Luo Qingheng glanced at the sky, and frowned for a moment.

Could it be that the Yun Clan is planning not to come?

Or did they not pay attention to their Luo people at all, and did so on purpose?

No matter what it was, it made Luo Qingheng extremely upset!

If it wasn't for the fact that he had something important to do today, and he was still waiting to be proud, he would never have endured the Yun Clan until now!

Time passed bit by bit, and the atmosphere gradually became tense.

Everyone is waiting for the arrival of the Yun Clan!

"The Yun Clan will not stop coming..." Wang Chan murmured in a low voice.

In fact, she is not the only one who thinks this way.

Mu Qinglan's expression changed suddenly, then he sat up straight and looked at the distant sky.


As soon as the words fell, several powerful auras quickly approached!

Everyone was shocked——

Cloud Clan, here we come!

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