God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1095: Illusion (Part 2)

Mu Qinglan lazily said:

"Hit if you want, why are there so many nonsense?"

The boy on the opposite side froze.

I thought Mu Qinglan would be a little flustered or angry, after all, everyone could tell that these things had a great connection with her.

But why is she so careless, or even indifferent?

The boy was a little embarrassed for a while, but finally he could only grit his teeth and sarcastically said:


Mu Qinglan shrugged.

"I've given you a chance."

The boy was taken aback: "What?"

Mu Qinglan flicked her wrist suddenly!

Several black sea gold sand vines flew out from her wrist immediately!

"Since you don't want to make the first move, then—let's call it a day!"

Mu Qinglan's clear voice fell, and the sea gold sand vine had spread to the boy's feet!

A trace of panic flashed across the young man's face, and then he immediately swung the long sword in his hand and slashed at the sea gold sand vine!

However, the moment his sword tip touched the sea gold sand vine, the latter stretched up with incomparable flexibility, directly entangled tightly!

He felt his hand sink, but it was the sea gold sand vine that had tightly wrapped his sword and was dragging it back!

His sword is extremely sharp, but under such circumstances, it is impossible to cut it off at all!

"Go away!"

He shouted sharply and swung his sword suddenly!

At the same time, inject Yuanli into the sword body!

The sharp sword energy erupted instantly!

chi chi!

The sea gold sand vine was instantly cut off by the sword energy!

The boy sneered.

"That's all!"

After he finished speaking, he raised his sword and came towards Mu Qinglan!

But as soon as he moved, he felt that his feet seemed to be blocked by a huge force. He looked down, but saw that at some point, there were several black vines that stretched his ankles. It is tightly entangled, and it is spreading upwards crazily!

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he was about to swing his sword!

However, before he could move, he suddenly felt that his arm was unable to move!

He looked up in shock, only to see that the black vines that he had just cut off had spread into more and were attacking him!

This time, a cage was directly formed, trapping his arm and sword together!

As a result, his posture became very awkward.


He was ashamed and angry in his heart, looking into Mu Qinglan's eyes, he seemed to be able to spit out fire, but he couldn't move his body!

At the same time, he could feel the sharp thorns on the vines slowly piercing into his body!

He finally panicked.

If he's not mistaken, this should be Mu Qinglan's sea gold sand vine - it's poisonous!

Mu Qinglan even stood where he was, without moving his feet. He just raised his hand and put him in such a situation!

He has never felt ashamed and angry like this for a moment!

However, Mu Qinglan, who was opposite, still had an incomparably calm expression, with one arm folded and the other controlling the sea gold sand vine.

Her slender and white fingers slowly grasped the sea gold sand vine!

He suddenly realized something, and his heart was suddenly empty!

However, before he had time to say anything, Mu Qinglan had already grabbed the sea gold sand vine and swung it hard!

His body flew out uncontrollably!

The powerful impact made him drag a long trace on the ground!

There was a burning pain in the back, as if it was about to catch fire!

And the trace he left was also bloodstained, clearly visible!

With a thought in Mu Qinglan's mind, the sea gold sand vine quickly retreated, and finally entrenched on her wrist again.

She raised her eyes and glanced at the boy with raised eyebrows.

"Instead of caring about other people's right and wrong, why don't you think about whether you have the right to ask. Otherwise, I'm afraid you don't even know how you died."

Everyone, there was a dead silence!

Mu Qinglan's words were clearly meant for everyone!

Standing here, she has a straight back, a pine figure, and between her eyebrows and eyes, she is full of willfulness!

From beginning to end, she just raised her hand!

The boy from Tianyan Mountain was kicked out of the arena before he even had time to make a move!

He lay down on the ground and looked at Mu Qinglan who was standing there. Although he was smiling, there was a clear and cold light in those black eyes!


He couldn't help but wince all over.

That breath is really too shocking...

His chest trembled, he spat out a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale and pale, but he didn't dare to say another word!

Mu Qinglan looked at Luonan Mountain and asked with a smile.

"Now, can we decide whether to win or lose?"

Luo Nanshan's face shuddered, and he really hated Mu Qinglan in his heart!

In five games, the first one to win and end the game was Tonglinghai! ?

This has almost never happened before!

But this kind of scene can't allow him to refuse.

So, he had no choice but to say in a deep voice:

"Wheel race, Tonglinghai versus Tianyanshan—Tonglinghai wins!"


Everyone in Tongling Sea cheered immediately!

"Qing Lan is doing great!"

Wang Chan and the others looked excited and waved at Mu Qinglan happily.

Although he had already thought of the ending, but Mu Qinglan solved Tianyan Mountain so easily, it is still more powerful than imagined!

The people of Tianyan Mountain are the first to offend, no matter how they are dealt with, it is the right thing to do!

What's more, this can be regarded as a warning to other people present!

They, Tonglinghai, are not so easy to bully!

The corner of Mu Qinglan's mouth twitched, and then he turned and walked back.

Countless eyes were fixed on her, meaning unknown.

But compared to before, there is obviously a little more fear and attention.

Mu Qinglan didn't even use her Yuanli at all just now, and directly dealt with the young boy who was the early domain master in Tianyan Mountain—her strength, I'm afraid she is really as tyrannical as the rumors say!

And just when Mu Qinglan walked to the edge of the arena, another exclamation came.

She glanced back.

It was Misty Rain, who once again defeated a young man from the Luo tribe!

And this person is already the fourth member of the Luo clan!

There is no doubt that her next opponent is Luo Xiyan!

The reason why everyone was shocked was because the fourth boy who came up was also a mid-stage domain master, but in the hands of Shui Yanyu, he was directly defeated without even going through five moves!

If before, everyone thought that Shui Yanyu easily won that match because her opponent's strength was exhausted, then this match has undoubtedly confirmed her strength!

The members of the Shui family finally couldn't hold back the joy on their faces.

In any case, I finally earned a little face!

"Misty Rain really won't disappoint!"

Shui Mingfei sighed in admiration.

Several elders and younger disciples around him also quickly complimented her, as if they didn't remember ever having ridiculed Shui Misty Rain before.

However, Shui Yanyu on the stage still looked very humble.


Winning two games in a row, and all with such ease, and being so humble and respectful, immediately changed many people's views on Shui Misty Rain.

"Look at Shui Yanyu, even if you win, you are humble! In contrast, Mu Qinglan is simply too arrogant!"

"That's right! They were the last ones to play. The one from Tianyan Mountain had already fought a battle before, and his physical strength was exhausted. If he fought against her again, he would be at a disadvantage! It's not a big deal for her to win, I really can't stand her arrogant look!"

"Hey, isn't it just relying on the support of Lord Wang Yan? And Yun Yi..."

"Shui Yanyu has always had a very good reputation before, but because of her involvement with Mu Qinglan in the past two years, those ugly rumors spread. In my opinion, it must be Mu Linghan's secret hands and feet!"

"Who knows, this kind of thing...hehe."

Even the people of the Luo tribe were not angry because Shuiyanyu won their two games, but instead transferred the accumulated resentment to Mu Qinglan.

——This is just two matches, compared to Luo Xiyan's rejection of marriage because of Mu Qinglan, it's nothing at all!

In their hearts, they harbor the deepest hostility towards Mu Qinglan!

So at this time, he was naturally happy to pour dirty water on Mu Qinglan's body.

Wang Chan finally couldn't hold back when she heard those discussions, and said coldly, "What are you talking about!?"

Those people were quiet for a moment, but their eyes showed disdain.

Mu Qinglan smiled, looked away, and walked towards a few people.

"Xiao Chan, don't be angry."

As she spoke, she hugged Xiaoyue who had been staying there all the time, and sat down leisurely.

Wang Chan couldn't help stomping her feet: "They speak so badly! I—"

Mu Qinglan frowned.

"If the dog bites you, is it possible that you want to bite back?"

The faces of those who were watching the show turned blue in an instant!

Wang Chan and the others couldn't help laughing.

It was still Qinglan who was so powerful that he choked those people to death with one word!

"makes sense!"

Wang Chan wrinkled her nose.

"Wait until the elite battle, and then deal with them severely!"

Wang Xiaoping and the others agreed repeatedly.

Mu Qinglan smiled without saying a word.

Luo Xiyan stood up and walked onto the field.

Shui Yanyu's whole body tensed up, but a smile appeared on her face.

"Unexpectedly, I will meet you in the first round."

Luo Xi looked dignified and smiled lightly.

"Your strength has really improved a lot recently."

Shishayu's heart sank!

this word...

Did Luo Xiyan know something?

She forced herself to stabilize her emotions and hooked the corners of her lips.

"Thanks for the compliment, but compared to you, it's still not enough."

Luo Xiyan's smile deepened.


Water Misty Rain no longer hesitated, and attacked first!

Luo Xiyan is powerful, she must gain the upper hand!

But as soon as she made a move, she realized that she still underestimated Luo Xiyan!

Because Luo Xiyan stood where she was, and didn't move at all, as if she was just waiting for her to make a move!

For some reason, Shui Yanyu suddenly felt uneasy.

But the Falling Water Sword in her hand has already stabbed out!

Luo Xiyan finally raised her hand!

Her slender and slender fingers suddenly caught the Falling Water Sword!

Shui Yanyu immediately realized that her sword could no longer thrust forward!

Luo Xiyan's strength is actually——


Luo Xiyan suddenly took a quick step forward!

The distance between the two quickly narrowed!

Luo Xiyan's fingers had already slipped to the hilt of the Falling Water Sword!

An extremely subtle voice suddenly reached Shui Yanyu's ears——

"Just because of you, you are trying to fight me?"

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