God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1096 Against the Misty Water! (three more)

Shui Yanyu suddenly raised her eyes, Luo Xiyan still had that faint dignified and elegant smile on her face.

Who would have imagined that she would use the power of the primordial spirit to ridicule people like this?

Shui Yanyu sneered in her heart.

She has long known that Luo Xiyan is not easy to get along with, no matter how those people praise her, she always feels that Luo Xiyan is wearing a mask, very stiff and false!

Now the two finally confront each other head-on, as expected!

Of course, the reason why she is so keen is only because she sensed a feeling very similar to her in Luo Xiyan's body.

——In fact, everyone is pretending, it's just to see who is more like and more convincing!

Shui Yanyu suppressed the turbulent emotions in her heart, and also asked with the power of the primordial spirit:

"I think, you should want to say this to Mu Qinglan more, right?"

Shui Yanyu was satisfied to see Luo Xiyan's expression, she froze for a moment, and the coldness that flashed in her eyes was extremely clear!

"Why don't you and I work together to solve her first, and then talk about the things between us, how about?"

Anyway, this wheel race is just a test of each other's strength.

In the next round of elite battles, who will be the opponent is still unknown!

If the two of them work together, no matter who Mu Qing bumps into, she will be ripped off!

However, to Shui Yanyu's surprise, Luo Xiyan did not agree to her proposal.

She raised her chin slightly, and the smile on the corner of her mouth seemed to be a little mocking.


"Eligible to join forces with me?"

Luo Xiyan's voice was very gentle, but every word pierced into Shui Yanyu's heart like a poisonous knife!

A strong feeling of being humiliated came to my heart!

Luo Xiyan is really too arrogant!

Shui Yanyu sneered in her heart, then flipped her wrist, and the Falling Water Sword reversed direction, stabbing obliquely towards Luo Xiyan!

However, Luo Xiyan's realm is higher than hers, how could she let her act presumptuously in front of him?

Luo Xiyan's fingers suddenly let go of the Falling Water Sword, and with a flash of her figure, she quickly dodged the blow, and at the same time grabbed Shui Yanyu's wrist extremely quickly!

Hookah's secret channel is not good! Retreat immediately!

But how could Luo Xiyan give her a chance?

Pushing hard with a fingertip, Shui Yanyu immediately rushed to the wrist with a shock and severe pain, subconsciously let go of his hand, and Luo Xiyan easily snatched the Falling Water Sword!


Luo Xiyan moved her feet, turned her body a step away, and the Falling Water Sword landed next to Shui Yanyu's neck!

Shiyanyu instantly froze in place!

The cold touch on her neck reminded her how dangerous she was at this moment!

The people who were watching were also stunned for a while.

This... Are these two people fighting?

It seems that it was just Shui Yanyu who made a move, and then Luo Xiyan snatched the weapon back! ?

After a short period of silence, there was an uproar all around!

I thought that Water Misty Rain was already powerful enough, after all, she had defeated two strong mid-term domain masters one after another, but now——she was in Luo Xiyan's hands, and she didn't even pass a single move!

How strong Luo Xiyan is, I can't even imagine it!

"It is rumored that once the threshold is crossed, all living beings will be regarded as ants... Looking at it now, it really is so..."

Chong Jingyan watched and couldn't help murmuring.

He asked himself that his talent was outstanding, but compared with the current Luo Xiyan, there was still a gap.

Chong Shuang curled his lips.

I was still thinking how exciting the fight between those two would be, but I didn't expect that the misty rain would be too useless! She was crushed by Luo Xiyan all at once!

So what if it breaks through the threshold of the Lord?

"Hmph, then she hasn't cultivated the real body of the Lord yet, so she can't be regarded as the real Lord!" She whispered stubbornly.

Chong Jingyan glanced at her and smiled dotingly.

Knowing that his sister likes Mu Qinglan, he is naturally impatient to look at people like Luo Xiyan and Shui Yanyu.

"Shuangshuang is also right. Without the real body of the Lord, it is indeed not a real Lord. But at this age, it is almost rare to reach this level. I have to say that the Luo people are so confident this time, and they can't be regarded as the real Lord. Not without reason."

Chong Shuangshuang snorted softly.

She felt that it was not certain who would have the last laugh!

Sister Qinglan has been able to be so strong relying on herself all these years. If she is given resources like Luo Xiyan, she will be much stronger than Luo Xiyan!

"I surrender."

Shui Yanyu quickly chose to admit defeat, and showed a smile of admiration.

"The Goddess of the Luo Tribe, she truly lives up to her reputation."

Luo Xiyan returned the sword in her hand and said with a gentle smile:

"Acceptance. You have fought two battles before, so winning or losing this one is of course nothing."

Shui Yanyu choked in her throat, suppressed the fire in her heart, pulled the corners of her mouth reluctantly, turned and left, not wanting to see Luo Xiyan's face again.

"The Luo tribe faces the Shui family, the Luo tribe wins!"

This time, Luo Nanshan did not need to be reminded, and directly pronounced the result.

And this result was actually expected by everyone.

However, there has been a lot of speculation about how strong Luo Xiyan is.

Naturally, there was much less attention paid to Misty Rain.

However, the Shui Family's attitude towards Shui Yanyu is still very good.

Although it was a bit ugly to lose this move, but without her, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to make it to Luo Xiyan's final appearance!

Shisha Yumian was apologetic, as if she was very ashamed and blamed herself.

"Patriarch, elder, I'm sorry, I...I..."

Shui Mingfei hurriedly said: "What can you be sorry for? It's already very good! Come sit down and rest! The elite battle later is the most important thing!"

Shui Yanyu just sat down.

Shui Mingfei hesitated for a moment, then carefully asked:

"Yanyu, you didn't use all your strength just now, did you?"

Shui Yanyu's eyes flickered slightly, and then she nodded slightly.

Shui Mingfei breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and patted her on the shoulder.

"That's fine! You've won two games in a row, that's great! As long as you save your strength, it won't be bad if you go all out in the elite battle later!"

Shui Yanyu nodded obediently.

"Everything is up to you."

The atmosphere of the Shui family was a bit depressed, but on the other hand, the atmosphere of the Luo family was full of joy.

Even though he knew that Luo Xiyan's shot was without any suspense, but the last blow was really a beautiful victory! They can't help being unhappy and unhappy!

The other three games also ended one after another.

But among them, unexpectedly, there were only four people from the Chong family.

The Zongzheng family was no match for the Chong family at all, so the identity of the fifth member of the Chong family became somewhat blurred.

As for the Yun clan, only four people came out.

Originally, everyone wanted to see how strong Yun Yi was now, but apart from him, the other members of the Yun family were all outstanding. Although the Helian family was also strong, they were all defeated in the end.

In addition, there is another person who has attracted the attention of many people.

It was the boy from the Tantai family who had finally returned.

After he went up, he quickly ended the battle.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't even look at his opponent.

Mu Qinglan was actually surprised.

Because when Potong was in Xiling College, although his strength was outstanding, his realm was not the highest.

But in such a short period of time, he has clearly broken through to the peak strength of the domain master!

However, considering that the Tantai family is considered to be a powerful family after all, it is considered to be the top of the gods, the changes in Potong's body do not seem to be unimaginable.

It's just that she clearly felt that Po Tong seemed... to be more lonely and cold than before.

Except for the fact that he once glanced at her when he came, the rest of the time, he didn't seem to know her at all.

And the strength displayed by Po Tong also made other curious people understand that this time, the Tantai Clan came here with great ambitions!

This time the family competition, I am afraid it will be more intense than imagined...

After all the games were over, everyone basically had some rough estimates in their hearts.

It is almost clear at a glance who is strong and who is weak.

Of course, the hole cards of each family have not yet been revealed at this time, so it is impossible to say what the final result will be.

The square gradually became quiet.

Everyone looked at Luonan Mountain, knowing that the next elite battle would be the most exciting and cruel competition!

The atmosphere became a little tense.

Luo Nanshan laughed and said:

"The wheel race is over, and everyone is looking forward to the next elite battle! The rules of the elite battle are also very simple. According to the performance of everyone in the competition just now, they will be automatically divided into groups of two, and they will naturally become opponents! The winner , you can advance to the next round! Until the end, the top three will be determined!"

He paused, looked around, and said with some seriousness:

"Everyone also knows that this family competition is a grand event for exchanges and exchanges. Therefore, although everyone is requested to do their best, but at the same time, you must stop at the end, and you must not kill anyone. But I believe you know this too. Xiao I won't say any more, old man."

"A total of fifty people participated in the elite battle. Because of the venue, five groups come up each time to start the competition together! Next, I will announce that the first five groups of ten people-"

Someone behind him handed up a roll of bamboo slips, he slowly opened it, and a thick and powerful voice immediately rang out——

"Group One: Helian Gale, against Minghao!"

Helian Liefeng was stunned for a moment, and then his face distorted for a moment: "Minghao? The one who courted death in front of Qinglan just now?"

Ming Hao, who was not far away, turned pale instantly!

It's really bad luck to meet Helian Gale!

Luo Nanshan suddenly paused, his expression became a little subtle, and then he continued to shout:

"The second group: Mu Qinglan, against Shuiyanyu!"

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