God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1097 The face is too big (one more)

There was a moment of silence.

Mu Qinglan lifted his eyelids, and the light in his black eyes shone like stars.

Then, the corners of her mouth slowly curled up.

Interesting... Actually, in the first game, there was misty rain?

I don't know if it's a coincidence, or...

But that doesn't matter, presumably Shui Yanyu is almost unable to hold back in her heart right now?

She looked straight at Shui Yanyu, and the eyes of the latter collided with each other.

There was still a trace of disgust and hatred in those eyes that were always full of brilliance.

Sensing Mu Qinglan's gaze, she reacted very quickly, turned her gaze away hastily, and flinched back, as if she was afraid of something.

This scene made many people see it clearly.

Immediately, the look in Mu Qinglan's eyes was even more unclear.

Mu Qinglan couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

Shui Yanyu's acting skills seem to have improved a lot compared to before.

When she was in the Five Great Academies before, Shui Yanyu always had a cold look, trying hard to get her image closer to Yun Yi.

But it's a pity that he was soon overthrown, and then became angry from embarrassment.

Mu Qinglan still remembered how ugly that seemingly cold and pretty face was when it was distorted.

Afterwards, she secretly moved her hand a few times, but to no avail.

until now.

Colliding so quickly, Mu Qinglan was about to mourn for Shui Yanyu for a few seconds.

Judging by Shui Yanyu's appearance, it was clear that she had used some method to rapidly increase her strength.

She might want to take advantage of this family competition to justify her name.

Obviously, after coming here, she tried her best to create a well-behaved, gentle, wronged and pitiful image.

And the one who made her wronged and pitiful was her—Mu Qinglan!

Shui Yanyu has made a great determination this time, otherwise, according to her arrogance before, she would never say "concession" to her defeated opponent, let alone in front of her. In front of so many people, he deliberately showed timidity towards her.

Unfortunately, her plan will soon come to naught.

Helian Liefeng was very dissatisfied.

"How can it be so difficult for others to fight you, but I want to fight you?"

Mu Qinglan smiled.

"It's very simple, if you win, you will have a chance to fight me."

Many people looked at each other in blank dismay.

——Mu Qinglan is sure that he will win the water smoke and rain?

Although she is formidable, the water mist and rain are also very strong!

Among the younger generation present, how many of them can reach the peak strength of domain masters?

I'm afraid that among the top ten aristocratic families, there are no more than eight people in total!

What's more, when Mu Qinglan made a move just now, although she didn't use much energy, there were countless strong people present, and they could all see her current state, which was just the early stage of the domain master!

Even if she has the top-level beasts to help out as rumored, there is still a huge gap between her and Shui Yanyu!

Where did she get her confidence?

The corner of Luo Nanshan's mouth twitched imperceptibly, as if mocking.

Then, continue to shout:

"The third group: Chong Jingyan, against Yunyao!"

The match between these two is interesting, because Chong Jingyan's own strength is the pinnacle of domain masters!

Although Yun Yao is only in the middle stage of the domain master, the strength he showed in the battle just now seems to make people dare not underestimate it.

Chong Jingyan cupped his hands at Yunyao, and the other party smiled back politely.

"Group Four: Luo Chenxuan, against Tantai Mirror!"

Luo Chenxuan is also the pinnacle domain master!

Tan Taijing smiled wryly.

He is the domain owner in the early stage, how can he beat it?

"The fifth group: Zong Zheng Yizhi, against Li Mo!"

With the comparison of the previous groups, this last group seems much duller.

In general, two peak domain masters came out in this match, which must be very curious.

However, there is no doubt that among these five matches, the most eye-catching one is the duel between Mu Qinglan and Shui Yanyu!

Not only because both of them are women, but also because there have been many rumors about them!

And now, the two are officially fighting, and it is bound to be very fierce!

How can this not be expected?

Mu Qinglan let Xiaoyue return to the sea of ​​​​qi, then got up again, and walked towards the arena with a relaxed expression.

Helian Liefeng had already jumped on it, and said to Mu Qinglan:

"My game ended early, don't make me wait too long!"

Mu Qinglan couldn't help laughing and said, "Even if I end the game soon, you can't fight me right away, right?"

Helian Liefeng clicked his head with a headache, and felt that Yun Yi's cold eyes were constantly piercing towards him, and finally he restrained himself a little.

"Then, I'll just wait a little longer! Cough!"

After finishing speaking, he quickly turned around, and shouted at Ming Hao, whose face was a little pale: "Hurry up and start!"

Ming Hao had no choice but to bite the bullet.

He is an early domain master, but Helian Liefeng is a mid-term domain master!

There is a difference of one level, how can we win?

He still thinks about how to lose so badly...

And other people whose names were called also stepped onto the field one after another.

Shui Yanyu also stood up.

Everyone in the Shui family looked at her expectantly, and they were all very excited, as if they had already seen the scene where Shui Yanyu won.

--joke! Is there any comparison between a domain master at his peak and a domain master at his early stage?

No matter how many tricks Mu Qinglan has, they are all futile in the face of real strength!

Shui Yanyu stepped forward.

On the field, the two confronted each other.

Shui Yanyu's expression was a bit complicated, she stared at Mu Qinglan for a while.

"I didn't expect to meet you here."

Mu Qinglan raised her eyebrows.

Shui Yanyu suddenly gave a wry smile.

"Are you really going to kill me? Even Zhongyuan College has been destroyed by you, what else do you want?"

Everyone's eyes suddenly lit up!

Zhongyuan College, isn't that one of the five colleges that Shui Yanyu went to back then?

It was rumored that she went there because of Yun Yi, but for some reason, she didn't enter the same academy with Yun Yi in the end.

Later, because Zhongyuan College was jointly attacked by other colleges, Shui Yanyu escaped back to the summit of the gods.

"It is said that Mu Qinglan invited Master Wang Yan to help out, and killed the dean of Zhongyuan College on the spot! Speaking of which, this matter is indeed inseparable from her!"

"That's right! A good dean died just like that. If the other colleges join forces, how can there be any chance of survival?"

"It's uncertain what's going on here, let's not guess randomly..."

"Hey! Where is the random guessing? Isn't it true? If it weren't for Mu Qinglan, how could Shuiyanyu have fallen to such a point? Fortunately, she was strong enough to regain her foothold in the Shui family with her strength ! Otherwise, today is the grand competition of this family, and she is not qualified to come!"

"Haha, I don't know who is crushing the other of these two today! In a one-on-one match, you can't ask others to help you?"

There were many discussions all around.

Shui Yanyu sneered in her heart, but her face became more and more pitiful, as if she was really driven to a desperate situation by Mu Qinglan.

"I admit that I went to the five major colleges because... because I lost my head for a while, but I have never done anything outrageous to you. Moreover, from the very beginning, I thought you were Mu Linghan, How could I do anything to harm you? What good is that for me? What's more, at that time... He had already taken care of you a lot at that time, I don't understand why you still treat me—"

Mu Qinglan suddenly let out a "puchi" laugh.

Shui Yanyu was suddenly interrupted, her face froze.

Mu Qinglan waved her hand, as if she heard some joke:

"It's okay, it's okay, keep talking! I'm listening!"

Although she said that, but in this way, where does she seem to want to continue listening?

This clearly did not take Shiyanyu seriously!

The words in Shiyanyu's throat were stuck there abruptly, and it was not true even if it was said, and it was not true if it was not said.

Mu Qinglan was smiling, looking at her strangely.

"Hey, why didn't you say it? I'm still curious what happened next? What did I do to you, why don't I know?

The atmosphere became more rigid.

Shui Yanyu clenched the hands in her sleeves, pursed her lips, her face was a little pale, and she lowered her eyes slightly.

"never mind."

This sound, low and sour, seemed extremely helpless.

Looking closely, there seemed to be tears in the corners of his eyes.

From the looks of it, he was really wronged by the sky.

And the more it looks like this, the easier it is to arouse people's sympathy.

For a while, the person who wanted to hear "what did Mu Qinglan do to Shui Yanyu?" suddenly confirmed the guess in his heart.

——If Mu Qinglan really didn't do anything, how could Shuiyanyu be like this?

Moreover, she is obviously stronger than Mu Qinglan now, but the few times she saw Mu Qinglan just now, she was still a little afraid, obviously she was bullied before!

Mu Qinglan probably relied on the support of Lord Wang Yan to be so presumptuous!

What's more, what Shui Yanyu said made sense-Mu Qinglan was dressed up as Mu Linghan at the beginning, even if she really hated Mu Qinglan because of Yun Yi, what she saw was "Mu Linghan" ", how could they target "Mu Linghan"?

"You say forget it?"

Mu Qinglan didn't like her, her voice suddenly raised a few degrees.

"Many things before, there is no evidence here, and naturally it is impossible to argue who is right and who is wrong. But there is one thing, you have to be clear. The reason why Zhongyuan College fell apart was because He Song, the dean of Zhongyuan College, In the shocking battle where the Golden Dragon and the members of many colleges jointly fought against the enemy, the shameless betrayal caused the golden dragon and the elites of other colleges to fall! However, Zhongyuan College took this opportunity to skyrocket and sit firmly The top position of the five colleges!"

As soon as this remark came out, the square suddenly fell silent!

Many people were shocked and looked at each other.

It turns out... there are these things in it?

Although the five major academies are not very powerful to the people on the top of the gods, it has to be said that this matter is indeed a blood feud on the five major academies!

Whoever puts this on, I'm afraid they won't let it go!

Mu Qinglan narrowed her eyes slightly and smiled ironically.

"Feng Yi, the current dean of Zhongyuan College, has also done countless nasty things, including many sneak attacks on our Xiling College! His death and the disintegration of Zhongyuan College are purely self-inflicted, and he cannot live!"

She looked around Shui Yanyu up and down, the smile on the corner of her mouth faded, and she shook her head lightly.

"Shui Yanyu, the karma of these grievances has nothing to do with you? You are so eager to take the cause to yourself, it is inevitable..."

"Is the face too big?"

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