God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1099 offended (three more)


In this extremely tense atmosphere, Mu Qinglan looked relaxed and asked in a low voice.

Shui Yanyu finally lost his patience, the smile on his face disappeared, and he was extremely cold.

"The slander for no reason, of course I don't admit it!"

Mu Qinglan stared at her for a while, then suddenly laughed.

"If you don't admit it, don't admit it, why are you so nervous?"

Just as Shui Yanyu breathed a sigh of relief, she heard Mu Qinglan say again:

"Anyway, it's yours, and you can't escape!"


The water mist and rain almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

Mu Qinglan made up her mind to put this hat on her!

So arrogant, so domineering!

"You have no evidence, but you are so confident?" Shui Yanyu's shoulders were shaking.

On the one hand, she was angry, on the other hand, she was really afraid of Mu Qinglan's tricks.

Mu Qinglan blinked.

"Didn't I learn this from you? Didn't you just say 'I think' casually without proof, and pour dirty water on me?"

Hookah suffocated.

For a moment, she couldn't think of any rebuttal words!

Many people present frowned.

In the final analysis, this Blood Heaven Cauldron has indeed involved too much, and it must not be left in such a daze.

Shui Mingfei sneered and said:

"Honorable Master Wang Yan has cultivated a good apprentice, who is so indiscriminate, and can casually frame such an important matter as the Blood Heaven Cauldron!"

Lord Wang Yan suddenly laughed.

"How can this be regarded as slander? It's just my apprentice, and I learned from your daughter, that's all!"

Shui Mingfei was furious, and was about to refute, when Li Hentian next to him suddenly spoke.

"Actually, although the Blood Heaven Cauldron is broken, it is not impossible to find the original owner."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked!

Shui Yanyu's heart trembled, and she looked over immediately.

Li Hentian pondered for a moment and explained:

"Everyone knows that my Li clan was once plagued by the Blood Heaven Cauldron, so I am extremely vigilant against this thing. Therefore, I have some experience in this regard. Among them, I use the Blood Heaven Cauldron to find the original owner."

Lord Wang Yan asked: "Even if it is damaged, can it still work?"

Li Hentian pondered for a moment, then nodded.

Everyone was silent.

The Blood Heaven Cauldron hadn't appeared for many years, so they didn't know much about it. They didn't expect Li Hentian to have a way to find its owner directly with the damaged Blood Heaven Cauldron!

Li Hentian stood up and looked at Mu Qinglan.

"Miss Mu, I don't know this thing, can you lend me a look?"

Mu Qinglan smiled.

"Patriarch Li is willing to lend a helping hand, I am too late to be grateful."

Saying that, he sent the Blood Heaven Cauldron over there.

Lihentian took it.

There was a dead silence all around.

All eyes were on Li Hentian!

Even these people who were preparing to fight stopped.

Shui Yanyu's whole body tensed up, her whole body froze in place, only a pair of eyes stared at Li Hentian uncontrollably!

Will not…

definitely not...

The third uncle has already lost his soul, and there is no more him in this world, even if Li Hentian has the ability to reach the sky, he will definitely not be able to find it!

Li Hentian held the Xuetian Cauldron with both hands, and saw several cracks on it at a glance.

He took a deep breath, suppressed the emotions in his heart, then closed his eyes, and poured energy into the blood heaven cauldron!

At the same time, he let go of his hand, and the Blood Heaven Cauldron quietly floated between his hands!

His palms began to change postures, and streaks of blue energy began to intersect with each other! Soon, a strange rune was formed!

Afterwards, the rune was pasted on the Blood Heaven Cauldron!

A subtle fluctuation gradually spread from above!

Everyone held their breath and watched without blinking.

The blue rune will soon cover the Blood Heaven Cauldron!

A streak of blood suddenly flew out from the Blood Heaven Cauldron!

Mu Qinglan's eyes flashed - the blood light was exactly the same as the scene that appeared when the Blood Heaven Cauldron displayed its power back then!

It's just that compared to that time, this ray of blood is really much weaker.

As if... is left in this blood heavenly cauldron?

Li Hentian suddenly opened his eyes!

The blue rune is heading towards that ray of blood!

However, just when it was about to be touched, that ray of blood suddenly dissipated with a "bang"!

Li Hentian was full of astonishment.

The people around were also taken aback.

What... what does this mean?

Mu Qinglan's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly glanced at Shui Yanyu next to her, just as she saw her breathing loosen.

Li Hentian shook his head, and with a wave of his hand, the blue rune also disappeared.

He sighed regretfully:

"The person who made this Blood Heaven Cauldron is... dead. His blood energy dissipated, his soul died, and he can't be found again."

Mu Qinglan was still looking at Shui Yanyu.

This time, her stiff body also relaxed, and there was even a trace of gratification on her face.

As if, after a catastrophe, the rest of his life is general.

Everyone didn't expect that such a result would happen, and they were all stunned on the spot for a while.

Does this mean... the owner of this Blood Heaven Cauldron will never be found?

The whole thing became a headless injustice?

Li Hentian looked at Mu Qinglan, returned the things, and said helplessly:


Regardless of whether it was caused by Misty Rain or not, he actually hoped to find out the truth, but unexpectedly... the person died!

Mu Qinglan blinked and said with a smile: "In any case, I would like to thank Patriarch Li for his help. If I really can't find it... then I can only admit that I am unlucky."

Li Hentian suddenly thought of something, and asked: "By the way, there is one thing... who broke this bloody heavenly cauldron?"

Mu Qinglan smiled and said:

"Of course it's me."

Li Hentian's pupils suddenly shrank!

Others don't know it, but he can sense it. In this Blood Heaven Cauldron, it must be the soul of the Lord Master who was refined before!

Mu Qinglan actually said that she broke it? !

Doesn't this mean--

Realizing what Li Hentian was thinking, Mu Qinglan frowned.

"Thank you, Patriarch Li."

After thanking again, Mu Qinglan put the Xuetian Ding back into the mustard ring and returned to the arena.

A stone in Shui Yanyu's heart finally fell!

She suddenly felt a lot more relaxed, and when she looked at Mu Qinglan again, she was no longer guilty, but a little more mocking and contemptuous.

"What? Now do you have anything else to say?"

However, Mu Qinglan didn't seem to care about the gazes of the people around him, and he didn't respond to Shui Yanyu's gesture.

She tilted her head.

"What I want to say is... the game, should it start?"

Shui Yanyu snorted coldly: "Since you slander at will and still refuse to admit your mistakes, don't blame me for being rude!"

As soon as the words fell, Shui Yanyu's momentum exploded!

They actually planned to fight with the peak strength of the domain master!

Mu Qinglan flipped his wrist, and a blue-black long knife appeared in his hand immediately!

On the sharp blade, there is an icy light shining!

She suddenly laughed.

"This scene is really familiar."

Shui Yanyu sneered in her heart.

She knew that Mu Qinglan was referring to the final round of the five college admissions competition a few years ago.

In that match, her realm was clearly higher than that of Mu Qinglan, but in the end, she was defeated by Mu Qinglan!

That was a shame that she would never forget in her life!

"Today, I won't give you any chance!"

Shui Yanyu gave a soft drink, and his figure instantly disappeared in place!

In the blur, only a touch of particularly conspicuous blue can be seen!

Falling Water Sword!

No one expected that the two would fight so quickly!

Although I still want to continue to ask about the Blood Heaven Cauldron, but even Li Hentian said that the person is dead, so basically there is no hope of finding him.

Naturally, this family competition had to continue.

Helian Liefeng reacted quickly, seeing Mu Qinglan and the two fighting together, he also raised his chin at Minghao.

"let's start!"

Minghao was startled, although he was afraid in his heart, but in this match, he couldn't do without a fight.

He took a deep breath, and quickly summoned a long sword in his hand!

Helian Liefeng couldn't help but sneered.

What is not good to compare with him, but to compare swords?

All these years, among the people he has met, except for Yun Yi whose swordsmanship is slightly better than his, he really has never suffered under the sword of others!

It's better to end the game quickly...

Helian Liefeng thought so, turned his wrist, and pointed a long black sword at Minghao!


Both of them started at the same time!

In the blink of an eye, close combat!

Seeing that these two games have already started, the others no longer hesitate! They started fighting one after another!

The entire square was divided into five arenas, each of which was blocked by a transparent barrier, so although five games were played simultaneously, everyone could see each game clearly.

The scene between Mu Qinglan and Shui Yanyu attracted the most attention.

Just now the two of them got into such a fight, this time, I don't know what will happen!

"Shui Yanyu is the pinnacle of the domain master, and Mu Qinglan is only the initial stage of the domain master. The match between these two should be decided soon, right?"

"Does it need to be said? It's hard enough to be one level away, let alone two levels?"

"However, I heard that Mu Qinglan contracted a top-level primordial beast, and he is also a Star Formation Master..."

"So what? As long as Shuiyanyu exerts coercion, he can easily restrain Mu Qinglan!"

"I think this Mu Qinglan is really hard to live up to under the prestigious name..."

Not only the children of each family, but even the elders of each family were discussing in low voices.

Lord Mingyue was watching, but found that Li Hentian was a little dazed.


Lord Mingyue yelled, but Li Hentian didn't seem to hear it, and still looked at Mu Qinglan with a complicated expression.

"Xiao Tian?"

Lord Mingyue stabbed him once, and Genius Lihen suddenly woke up.

"Huh? Mingyue? What's wrong?"

Lord Mingyue looked him around.

"What are you in a daze for?"

Li Hentian smiled helplessly, then shook his head.

"I was just thinking, why did the Shui family want to offend Mu Qinglan so much?"

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