God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1100 Little Consummation (1 more)

Lord Mingyue was very surprised.

Water family? Offended Mu Qinglan?

Li Hentian seems to have a high opinion of Mu Qinglan?

And she can be sure that he definitely didn't say that because of Lord Wang Yan or Yun Yi behind Mu Qinglan.

He seems to be a little different since he checked the Blood Heaven Cauldron just now...

"Why do you say that?" She asked with interest.

Li Hentian said with a meaningful smile:

"You'll find out soon enough."

After saying this sentence, there is no more to say.

Lord Mingyue didn't ask any more questions, and only looked at Mu Qinglan and Shui Yanyu again.

She had also seen Mu Qinglan's strength at the family meeting in Tonglinghai before, and she was indeed amazing.

But...there is a huge gap between her and Shui Yanyu now. With her few trump cards, is it really enough?


With the sound of a sharp weapon hitting, Shui Yanyu's figure finally stopped in front of Mu Qinglan!

The Falling Water Sword in her hand pierced straight out! It was touching the blade of Qing Yuanzhan standing in front of Mu Qinglan!

A burst of powerful energy fluctuations immediately spread from the place where the knife tip hit to the surroundings!

Shui Yanyu was secretly surprised—how could it be?

Her realm is two levels higher than Mu Qinglan's, and her Yuanli is more powerful than Mu Qinglan's. It stands to reason that Mu Qinglan would never be able to withstand this blow!

However, Mu Qinglan didn't even move her feet from the beginning to the end, just raised her hand like this, and blocked her attack with a knife?

Whether it's speed or strength, Mu Qinglan has no reason to stop her, right?

But Shui Yanyu's daze was only for a moment.

After all, he got to where he is today at the Shui family, if he doesn't have any strength, it would be unreasonable.

Shui Yanyu's reaction was extremely fast, and she immediately withdrew her sword! With a turn of the waist and a slanted step to the side, the Falling Water Sword stabbed towards Mu Qinglan's lower abdomen again!

Her movements were extremely fast, and this series of reactions were completed in an instant!

But what she didn't expect was that Mu Qinglan was even faster!

Before Shuiyanyu's Falling Water Sword reached Mu Qinglan's lower abdomen, a blue-black streak flashed across!


The ear-piercing sound came!

The Falling Water Sword was thrown away immediately!

Shui Yanyu felt a force coming towards her from the Falling Water Sword, she tapped her toes immediately, and quickly backed away!

An extremely sharp aura flew from below, blowing past her predecessor!

Shui Yanyu hurriedly leaned back, and then narrowly avoided it!

But even so, she still felt a burning pain above the tip of her nose!

When she straightened up again, there was a low exclamation sound from around.

Those voices were naturally aimed at her!

Her heart sank, and she immediately reached out and touched her nose.

A touch of bright red, especially dazzling!

Shui Yanyu was burning with anger——Mu Qinglan's knife cut her nose directly!

No wonder she felt a sharp pain above the tip of her nose, it was clearly a wound!

The wound was neither big nor deep, but the skin had just been scratched and blood oozes out.

However, in such a confrontation, the two fought each other, and the first to see the blood was actually her!

This is simply a great shame!

She still underestimated Mu Qinglan!

However, what Shui Yanyu couldn't figure out was that Mu Qinglan was only an early domain master, how could he have such a fast reaction speed and strength?

The power contained in that knife just now was much sharper than she imagined!

Shui Yanyu took a deep breath and warned himself that he must never repeat the experience a few years ago!

At that time, the realms of both of them were very low. Although there was a gap in realms, they could still make up for it by other means.

This gave Mu Qinglan a chance!

But now it's different!

Break through to become the domain master, and every time you upgrade a level, your strength will have a huge leap!

And the gap before this level is getting bigger and bigger!

Today, it is absolutely impossible for Mu Qinglan to beat her again!

Shui Yanyu held her breath and concentrated, and then mobilized the vitality in her body, rushing wildly!

A terrifying coercion gradually emanated from her body!

The coercion exuded by a high-level practitioner has a very obvious suppressive effect on other people with a lower level!

Invisibly, this has already given Shuiyanyu a certain advantage!

Afterwards, Shui Yanyu held the sword in both hands, a faint light suddenly appeared on the blade, and then gradually formed a peculiar pattern!

If you look closely, it turns out to be a hexagon that looks like frost.

"Luoshui Sword—Frostfall from the Sky!"

With a clear drink from the water mist and rain, the light on the lines became more and more powerful!

Then, she swung the Falling Water Sword from above!

A blue light shines past!

Countless frosts condensed one after another, and then flew towards Mu Qinglan!

The shape of those frosts is exactly the same as the pattern on the sword body. It is only the size of a fingernail, but it is extremely sharp!

Under the shining of the sun, countless pale blue frosts rushed towards Mu Qinglan swiftly and overwhelmingly!

Almost for a moment, Mu Qinglan's figure was directly submerged!

A piece of frost scraped across the ground, leaving a deep scratch on it!

These frosts look magnificent and moving, but the energy contained in them is extremely strong!

With a thought in Mu Qinglan's mind, barriers were immediately set up around her!


But in the blink of an eye, the barrier was penetrated by that blue frost!

Mu Qinglan's expression remained unchanged, and Qingyuan Zhan danced quickly in his hand!

A sharp blade of air flew out in an instant!


Bingshuang, who rushed to the front, hit Qingyuan Zhan, and immediately flew out backwards!

But there are more than hundreds of frosts around Mu Qinglan? !

It's impossible to rely solely on Qingyuan Zhan to defend!

Mu Qinglan's figure was soon covered by countless frosts!

There were countless sharp scratches on the ground around her!

It can be seen how powerful these frosts are!

Everyone looked at this scene with different expressions.

"Unexpectedly, the eldest lady has already cultivated the Falling Water Sword to the third stage: Xiaoyuan!"

Seeing this, the people of the Shui family were naturally elated.

Several people around Shui Mingfei hurriedly chased after Shui Yanyu.

"That's right! For this alone, no one in this generation in the clan can match it, right?"

"I remember that when the patriarch was nineteen years old, he only cultivated the third level—Shuangjiang from the sky! Today, the eldest lady is only seventeen years old, so it can be seen that the young is really better than the blue!"

These words directly praised the two people, and Shui Mingfei was naturally very happy when he heard it.

No matter what, Shui Yanyu was his daughter, she was so outstanding, his face naturally had light.

I didn't expect her strength to have progressed to this point... Fortunately, I brought her this time! Otherwise, wouldn't the Shui family not even have anyone who could support their appearance?

"Yanyu has been obedient since she was a child. She has good talent and is willing to work hard. She must have been studying the Falling Water Sword painstakingly during this period of time. Finally, she lived up to her expectations!"

Shui Mingfei stroked his beard, relaxed his body, leaned back in the chair, and looked at Wang Yan opposite him with unconcealed satisfaction while talking.

"I want to see how arrogant the Tonglinghai people are this time!"

As soon as the words fell, a wave suddenly came from above the arena!

A hole was suddenly cut open on the layer upon layer of frost!

A touch of blue and black flashed in an instant!

That is--

Shui Mingfei and the others changed their expressions!

Afterwards, that opening rapidly expanded!

The sharp blade, as if engulfed in endless momentum, forcibly tore the endless frost!

"Qingyuan Slash—Slash Heaven and Earth!"

With Mu Qinglan's clear shout, the energy between the heaven and the earth seemed to rush towards her!

It was as if there was an invisible big hand, scatter the frost away!


That black figure finally reappeared in front of everyone!

Holding the long knife in her hand, she swung it down fiercely, unexpectedly breaking through the blow of Misty Rain!

The most important thing is - her body was not injured at all!

"How can this be!?"

Shui Mingfei sat up straight immediately, watching this scene in disbelief!

The third layer of the falling water sword is extremely powerful, once it is sealed, it is extremely difficult to break free!

Mu Qinglan's realm is only in the early stage of the domain master, and it is simply whimsical to break through!

"Huh? Qinglan seems to have broken through from 'Artistic Conception' to 'Little Perfection'?"

Lord Wang Yan at the side was also a little surprised.

Mu Qinglan seemed to be at the level of "Artistic Conception" before, but after a while, she quietly broke through "Little Perfection"?

"How is this possible? Isn't Xiao Yuanyuan only able to cultivate at the peak of the domain master?" Elder Wang Huan and the others were shocked.

But the trick that Mu Qinglan used just now is indeed the realm of Little Perfection!

If artistic conception is to integrate oneself with the surroundings and maximize one's own strength, then Xiaoyuan is able to mobilize the energy of the world and serve as one's own help!

It was like this just now that Misty Rain was able to condense so much frost in such a short period of time.

And Mu Qinglan, too!

Her slash, seemingly simple, actually summoned the energy of the surrounding world, and fell with that slash!

Only in this way can the sky and frost of the mist and rain be torn apart happily and neatly!

"If her own realm does not reach the peak of the domain master, she will not be able to have a deeper understanding of the energy of the world, then naturally she will not be able to display the small perfection, but she..."

Lord Wang Yan suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up!

"It's the power of the primordial spirit!"

Elder Wang Huan and the others looked at him in astonishment.

"what do you mean…"

"In addition to the practitioner's own Yuanli cultivation, if the Star Array master is strong enough in Yuanshen power, he can also understand the movement of heaven and earth energy..."

Lord Wang Yan said, but his heart couldn't restrain his excitement.

Being able to achieve the Little Consummation proves that Mu Qinglan's primordial spirit power must have reached the sixth-level Star Formation Master!

It has only been a few months since she broke through to the fifth-level Star Array Master last time?

What's more, if a fifth-level Star Formation Master wants to break through another layer, the power of the primordial spirit that needs to be accumulated is incomparably vast!

Otherwise, there would not be so many star array masters, trapped in the fifth-level star array masters, unable to make further progress for a lifetime!

Because that is a huge gully!

Under the sixth-level Star Formation Master, they are all ants!

But - which threshold did Mu Qinglan cross so easily?

On the other side, facing Shui Yanyu's shocked eyes, Mu Qinglan raised her eyebrows.

"Come again?"

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