God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1103 Counterattack (1 more)

Water mist fell limply on the ground, her whole body was in an extremely distorted posture, as if she couldn't move, only blood gushed out of her mouth, and her chest was soon stained red.

As for her body, patches of red gradually spread out.

—It was the blood that flowed from the broken bones and flesh.

How strong is the golden dragon's blow?

Not to mention that Shui Yanyu is now the peak domain master, even if she has crossed the threshold of the master, she will definitely not be able to resist this blow!

The physical strength of the primordial beast is more than a little bit stronger than that of ordinary practitioners?

Even if the lord is against the golden dragon, it is absolutely impossible to have any advantage in physical strength!

Therefore, after this blow, Shuiyanyu will not die or be disabled!

Hearing Mu Qinglan's words, Shui Yanyu moved her fingers, and then tried to stand up with her arms supported.

But just as she raised her head, she uncontrollably fell down again!


The whole body, from the inside to the outside, is indescribably painful!

Shui Yanyu almost felt his mind go blank! The whole person has been driven crazy by the intense pain!

Only then did she realize that her ribs had been broken, and the right arm holding the sword had also been broken!

The internal organs seemed to be squeezed together, excruciating pain!

The mouth and nose are full of sticky sweet smell.

Don't think about it, she knows how embarrassed she is now!

"misty rain!"

Seeing this, Shui Ming finally couldn't hold back and stood up abruptly!

When he saw the injuries on Qing Shui Yanyu's body, his expression immediately distorted for a moment!

With Shiyanyu injured like this, the next game will definitely not be able to proceed!

This match is sure to lose!

Water Misty Rain is the greatest hope of their Shui family!

He originally hoped that Shuiyanyu would shine in the four competitions this time and earn enough face for the Shui family!

Now how to do? !

"Mu Linghan! You're presumptuous!"

Shui Ming was so angry that he didn't care about anything at the moment, and immediately yelled at Mu Qinglan!

"The game requires the end, you are sincerely wanting Misty Rain's life! Even if she offended you before, you can't do this cruelly! Why are you so vicious!"

"Shui Mingfei!" Venerable Wang Yan stood up immediately, with a stern look on his face, "Be more polite to me!"

"Why are you being polite? You don't know what kind of 'baby apprentice' you are, and you killed Misty Rain as soon as you came up. This is still in front of everyone! If it was in private, I'm afraid you would have put Misty Rain to death. !" Shui Mingfei was originally unwilling to confront Wang Yan head-on, but now that Shui Yanyu has been abolished, all the plans of the Shui family have been ruined!

How can he not be angry? !

What else does he have to worry about?

Lord Wang Yan sneered.

"Shui Mingfei, you have to figure it out! This is a family competition! An elite battle! Will outsiders intervene in the battle between the two of them? This is just a normal competition! You, the Shui family, are allowed to use the domain of the domain master, Can't I let the people from Tongling Sea fight back?!"

It's okay not to mention this, but Shui Mingfei feels even more angry when he mentions this.

"Ha! You still have the face to mention it! The golden dragon is clearly not Mu Qinglan's contract beast! Isn't it considered a foreign aid?! It is clearly Mu Qinglan who fouled first! In my opinion, this one Mu Qinglan should be ruled out after only one match! Such a despicable person is not qualified to participate in the family competition!"

Venerable Wang Yan laughed back angrily.

Shui Mingfei's words are so preposterous, turning the truth upside down, really shameless!

"Who said I have nothing to do with Mu Qinglan?"

Before Lord Wang Yan could speak, the golden dragon suddenly spoke!

Everyone was shocked! Then Qiqi looked at the golden dragon!

The golden dragon is entrenched in the air, looking down at everyone, with a deep and deep voice, full of majesty!

Mu Qinglan couldn't help but glanced at it.

What does it mean by this...?

She did not have a contract with the golden dragon...

"In Mu Qinglan's body, there is my blood lin. The day the blood lin enters the body, there is already an equal contract between me and her."

The sound of the golden dragon echoed throughout the square!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

equal contract?

Blood Lin?

Luo Qingheng lost his voice and said: "The Blood Lin is a treasure of the golden dragon. Once it is sent out, it is equivalent to surrendering its life! But... isn't the equal contract already lost?!"

The golden dragon glanced at it indifferently, sarcastically.

"Equal contracts are not lost, but only primordial beasts with the bloodline of ancient divine beasts can contract."

The implication is that you said it was lost because you haven't seen enough noble beasts!

Luo Qingheng choked.

Immediately, he snorted coldly and said, "What's the matter! My Luo clan and the ancient Phoenix are also in an equal contract!"

However, the only person who made the contract was the Goddess.

But now, Luo Xiyan is here, not to mention the real remnant soul of the ancient phoenix is ​​contracted!

Speaking of the golden dragon, its status is even lower than that, so where does it come from to mock them?

The golden dragon's eyes slowly swept across Luo Xiyan's body, and his expression became more indifferent and cold.


Is that considered an ancient phoenix?

Lord Wang Yan grasped the point, and immediately asked Shui Mingfei:

"Now, what else do you have to say?"

Everyone knows how important the blood lin is to the dragon clan. Since the golden dragon gave the blood lin to Mu Qinglan and formed an equal contract, then this match is naturally not considered foreign aid!

Shui Ming's brain was in severe pain, his eyes turned black, his chest was almost out of breath, but he still couldn't speak a word.

Who would have thought that Mu Qinglan would have a contractual relationship with the golden dragon! ?

He is unwilling!

He resents!

He placed high hopes on Shui Yanyu, how could he be defeated so directly! ?

Lord Wang Yan has already looked towards Luonan Mountain.

"Elder Nanshan, can we decide whether to win or lose this match?"

Luo Nanshan was suddenly called by his name, and he was taken aback for a moment before he realized it.

He really didn't want to judge Mu Qinglan as the winner!

As a member of the Luo tribe, he hated Mu Qinglan to the extreme!

I thought that this water mist and rain would definitely win, but who knew, it would be like this in the end!

He was very irritable, but there were so many people here, but he couldn't do anything...

"This one..."


As soon as he spoke, he heard a weak voice suddenly.

This sound was heard clearly by everyone.

——This is clearly the sound of mist and rain!

Mu Qinglan narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Shui Yanyu.

She actually used her intact left arm to support herself upright!

At this moment, her description was really in a state of embarrassment! It's also extremely miserable!

Because of the heavy fall, not only did she have multiple fractures on her body, but her face was also bruised and swollen.

With the addition of some messy bloodstains, the delicate and delicate appearance before was completely lost.

She gritted her teeth, slowly raised her head, and looked at Mu Qinglan.

"I...I haven't...didn't admit defeat..."

Everyone was stunned.

It's already like this, and you still refuse to admit defeat?

Everyone can see that she is absolutely powerless to fight now!

Luo Nanshan coughed.

"Since Shuiyanyu won't admit defeat, then——the game will continue!"

No one expected that Shuaiyu would suddenly make a sound.

Lord Wang Yan and Shui Mingfei, who were arguing fiercely, stopped.

The others looked at each other in blank dismay.

In this case, it is not easy for others to stop...

"Patriarch, if the eldest lady continues to compete... I'm afraid..."

"What are you afraid of! Misty Rain has always been extremely smart, I believe she must not be in a desperate situation yet!"

Shui Mingfei interrupted the words of the people around him, and fixed his eyes on Shui Misty Rain, with an extremely fervent hope in his heart that she could really make a move.

When many people nearby heard this, they gave Shui Mingfei a weird look.

However, Shui Ming had other plans in his mind.

The golden dragon is very powerful! Now Shiyanyu was indeed seriously injured!

But... she still has the last hole card!

On the other side, everyone in Tongling Sea was also full of doubts.

"Patriarch, why did Shuiyanyu do this? She has no chance of winning this match!" Wang Chan and the others couldn't help asking.

Venerable Wang Yan pondered for a moment, but suddenly he glanced at Shui Mingfei again, seeing a blazing greed flashing in the latter's eyes.

As if... looking forward to something...

Lord Wang Yan frowned insignificantly.

"Just look at it."

Almost no one understands why Shuiyanyu does this.

Even if she is not injured, she is definitely not the opponent of the golden dragon!

However, Mu Qinglan looked at her, but suddenly thought of something, and his heart moved.

Shui Yanyu had already grasped the Luoshui sword, barely standing up.

She was dripping with blood and looked horrific.

But Mu Qinglan suddenly noticed something, and his pupils suddenly shrank!

——A wound on Shui Yanyu's arm is healing at an extraordinary speed!

That is definitely not the speed of recovery that normal people can have!

Because Mu Qinglan has a special constitution, she recovers very quickly after being injured, so she is very sensitive to this.

Therefore, when other people still felt that Shui Yanyu's body was covered with cuts and bruises, Mu Qinglan had already noticed that the blood on her body had dried up!

That proves that her wounds have scabbed over!

This speed is even faster than Mu Qinglan!

Mu Qinglan's eyes were like knives, staring at Shuiyanyu firmly!

Shui Yanyu seemed to have noticed something, and raised her eyes again.

The eyes of the two collided!

The corner of Shui Yanyu's mouth suddenly evoked a cold smile!

Mu Qinglan has a bad heart, so she must dodge immediately!

However, the water mist and rain had already disappeared in place!

In the next second, he suddenly passed through the previous layers of protection and arrived directly behind Mu Qinglan! The bloody hand turned into a claw, and quickly grabbed Mu Qinglan's neck!

Just as Mu Qinglan was about to move, he suddenly felt a strong stench coming towards him!

Her movements slowed down for a moment!

Then, there was a cold and sticky feeling on the neck!

It was Shui Yanyu who grabbed Mu Qinglan's neck tightly!

Her movements were too fast and extremely flexible. Although the golden dragon was aware of it, she was so huge that she couldn't stop her for a while!

Suzaku spread its wings, and a scarlet flame immediately struck towards the misty rain!

Shui Yanyu let out a sinister smile, and her sharp nails scraped viciously across Mu Qinglan's skin!

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