God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1104 Collision (Part 2)


Her nails quickly brushed across Mu Qinglan's fair and delicate skin, leaving no trace.

The smug and gloomy smile on Shui Yanyu's face suddenly froze!

She had been brewing this move for a long time, and used the strongest power she could display now, but—why didn't she manage to cut through Mu Qinglan's skin?

When her mind was in a mess, a mass of crimson flames quickly attacked her hand!

She sensed the danger and retreated immediately!

But the flame still barely brushed the back of her hand away!

In an instant, a burning and severe pain hit, causing Shui Yanyu's face to contort immediately!

She didn't have time to think too much, she was about to retreat immediately!

At this moment, she suddenly felt a hand tightly clamping her wrist!

Shui Yanyu looked up in astonishment, and met Mu Qinglan's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling!

"You don't think that such poison will work for me, do you?"

Shui Yanyu's heart suddenly seemed to be grabbed by someone forcefully! Crumpled into a ball!

At this moment, she had only one thought - how did Mu Qinglan guess it?

How did she guess it! ?

She mixed the poison into her blood, and her movements were so secretive that no one could see it! How did Mu Qinglan know?

Did she guess?

But when she saw those dark and piercing eyes, she knew that Mu Qinglan really knew!

Shui Yanyu did not hesitate, and was about to retreat immediately!

But Mu Qinglan grabbed her wrist so tightly that she couldn't move at all!

Originally thought that as long as Mu Qinglan's veins were cut, she could be directly solved, but I didn't expect...

"What's the point of relying on Yuan Beasts!?" Shui Yanyu suddenly screamed, with a strong look of viciousness and resentment flashing in his eyes.

If it wasn't for the help of the golden dragon, Mu Qinglan would have been trampled under her feet by now!

How could she be in such a mess? !

The corners of Mu Qinglan's mouth curled up slightly.

"Didn't you say that how many contracted beasts I have are not a hole card?"

Shui Yanyu suffocated in her heart.

How did she know that Mu Qinglan could even summon a golden dragon!

"What's more, I can contract Yuan beasts, which is considered my ability. Isn't it?"

Mu Qinglan spoke slowly, not at all panicked by the sneak attack, and seemed to have no doubts about Shui Yanyu's rapid recovery of power.

Shui Yanyu gritted her teeth and suddenly sneered.

"In the final analysis, you just dare not compete with me in an upright manner! Relying on Yuan Beast, relying on Master, relying on Yun Yi...Mu Qinglan, from the beginning to the end, you have really relied on yourself!?"

Mu Qinglan really couldn't understand her brain circuit, blinked and said:

"Shui Yanyu, make it clear that the Yuan Beast belongs to me, the master belongs to me, and Yun Yi... also belongs to me. Isn't it reasonable for me to rely on them? Just like you, don't you also rely on the Shui family to dare Why do you want to do it like this, huh?"

Young Master Yun, whose face had always been cold, finally calmed down, and a look of satisfaction flashed in his sea-like phoenix eyes.

Although he really wanted to get rid of Shui Yanyu immediately, it was worth it for Qing'er to say this.

However, he was happy to hear this, but even more people were unhappy because of it.

Luo Qingheng's heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously looked at Luo Xiyan behind him.

Luo Xiyan looked calm, the corners of her mouth were still perfectly curved, she didn't seem to care.

But Luo Qingheng knew her best, knowing that she must be unhappy at this moment, so she could only reprimand in a cold voice:

"In broad daylight, to say such a thing openly, really—shameless!"

Then Mu Qinglan, what can be compared with Xiyan?

Luo Xiyan's expression was indifferent, as if she didn't care.

It seemed that he was thinking of other things.

What did Mu Qinglan just say?

She said... Yun Yi is hers?

Who qualified her?

In what capacity did she say this?


Luo Xiyan was still sitting upright, with her hands crossed in front of her lower abdomen, no matter when or what happened, it seemed that she would not panic at all.

Always dignified, always elegant, always noble.

Her eyelids drooped slightly, covering the waves in her eyes, and the smile on the corner of her mouth seemed a little cold.

Water mist and rain... Sure enough, it is still not on the stage, and the strength of the domain master's peak has been taken care of by Mu Qinglan to such an extent.

Really stupid!

Shui Yanyu was very stubborn, looking at Mu Qinglan provocatively.

"After all, you just don't dare to fight with me alone!"

Mu Qinglan smiled, and slowly increased the strength in her hands.


Shui Yanyu's wrist suddenly made the sound of bones breaking!

The originally gloomy and arrogant smile on her face suddenly distorted!


Shui Yanyu couldn't help but cry out in pain, subconsciously trying to break free!

But Mu Qinglan's hands were like pliers, firmly jamming her wrist!

Mu Qinglan smiled lazily.

"It's okay, anyway, your injury recovers quickly. If you break a bone, it should grow back soon."

"You! What nonsense are you talking about!"

Mu Qinglan's words made Shui Yanyu flustered, and her eyes became dodgy.

However, at this moment, from the corner of her eye, she happened to see Yun Yi who was at the side.

He leaned on the chair casually, but he still couldn't conceal his elegance and grace.

There are so many people around, but he is still the most dazzling existence.

Qingyue's outstanding demeanor, a peerless face...

I don't know how many women have devoted themselves to him, but what about him?

In his heart, there is only Mu Qinglan!

Thinking of this, an uncontrollable jealousy suddenly surged into my heart!

Whether it's in the Zhongyuan Secret Realm, or in the five colleges, or even in the summit of the gods!

Always be like this!

In Yun Yi's eyes and heart, there will always be only that one person!

Ke Mu Qinglan - why should she?

On looks, background, talent...

Where did she lose?

She is not reconciled, she is really not reconciled!

Shui Yanyu suddenly raised her head, and stared at Mu Qinglan fiercely!

Those eyes turned red unknowingly! There are countless bloodshots all over it!

At first glance, there is still a trace of penetration.

Mu Qinglan's heart skipped a beat.

Somehow, Shuiyanyu looks like this...something seems wrong...

But then, Shui Yanyu suddenly laughed.

Her whole body went limp, as if she had given up all struggles, except for her eyes, which kept looking at Mu Qinglan.

"Don't you just want to win? Well, you just come!"

There was a strange light reflected in her eyes, and she said softly:

"However, I lost to the golden dragon, not to you."

After finishing speaking, Yuan Li was actually withdrawn, as if letting Mu Qinglan handle it.

Mu Qinglan sneered in her heart.

It seems that Shui Yanyu was really pushed into a hurry, and even used this aggressive method.


This is a chance...

Mu Qinglan's eyes flickered slightly, and then she suddenly raised her lips and smiled, and pushed Shui Yanyu away with a casual push.

"Okay! Today I will do as you said! You and I don't need Yuan beasts, let's fight!"

When Mu Qinglan finished speaking, everyone was taken aback.

——Is she crazy? !

Victory is within easy reach, but she actually agreed to Shui Yanyu's unreasonable request! ?

If there is no Yuan Beast, who knows how much strength she will have?

Even though Shui Yanyu has been seriously injured, but now it seems that she still has the power to fight!

If the two fight again, and Mu Qinglan faces it alone, I'm afraid there is still no chance of winning!

What on earth is she thinking?

Shui Yanyu was stunned for a moment, then immediately screamed:

"You said it! You said it! You can't go back on your word!"

Mu Qinglan chuckled, then waved.

Both Suzaku and Yinfeng disappeared quickly and returned to the Sea of ​​Qi.

The golden dragon and Mu Qinglan exchanged a look before going back.

In the blink of an eye, the three primordial beasts all disappeared!

Everyone didn't expect Mu Qinglan to be so straightforward, and they were a little stunned.

"Let's make a quick decision."

Mu Qinglan even put Qingyuan Zhan away, clasped his hands together, and his joints made a crisp sound.

Shui Yanyu was originally excited, but after seeing Mu Qinglan so calm, she suddenly felt ominous.

But she put the thought aside in an instant.

Most of the injuries in her body have basically recovered. At this time, the chances of winning against Mu Qinglan are great!

Mu Qinglan couldn't bear to be provoked so much, she deserved her failure!

Thinking of this, Shui Yanyu immediately circulated the remaining energy in her body and gathered it in the palm of her hand!

Even if she consumes a lot, the remaining power is stronger than Mu Qinglan!

Soon, the momentum of Shuiyao's whole body rose again!

Many people opened their eyes wide in shock.

"How is it possible!? She suffered such a serious injury just now, how can she still—"

She actually, really still has the strength to fight! ?

Water Misty Rain clenched his hands into a fist, and then quickly blasted out!

This punch was extremely simple, and it went straight towards Mu Qinglan's face!

The sound of breaking through the sky came!

The ground was even affected by this powerful force, and there were several cracks that spread quickly!

It can be seen how powerful this punch is!

Mu Qinglan's hair was blown by the strong wind! Fly like a black butterfly!

The next moment, she suddenly took a step forward!

Then, a punch blasted out!


The fists of the two collided head-on!


Shui Yanyu's hand bones suddenly shattered!

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