God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1108 Protecting Weaknesses (Third Watch)

Many people were surprised when they heard Chong Shuangshuang's name.

Rumor has it that this young lady from the Chong family has always been very weak, and she has been doted on in the Chong family, and has rarely even appeared in front of the world for so many years. No one expected that this time, the Chong family would be willing to let her come out to participate in the competition.

And it's a highly competitive elite battle!

In addition, Chong Shuangshuang didn't play in the last match, and everyone didn't know her strength, so most people were a little more curious about her.

Mu Qinglan pondered for a moment.

When she saw Chong Shuangshuang just now, she paid special attention to it. Although Chong Shuangshuang's breath was much stronger than before, his face was still a little pale.

I don't know how her health is, but people from the Chong family will allow her to participate in the family competition?

But maybe, they also have their own considerations. Just like they allowed Chong Shuangshuang to go to Zhongyuan Secret Realm back then.

Except for Chong Shuangshuang, Mu Qinglan was not familiar with this scene, so he simply closed his eyes and began to recover his strength.

The Misty Rain is just the beginning, and the subsequent matches will only be more exhausting.

Wang Chan and the others didn't dare to disturb her, and all became quiet.

Not long after, a few exclamations suddenly came from my ears.

"She turned out to be the mid-term domain master?"

"How old is Chong Shuangshuang this year? Fifteen years old? How did he break through to the mid-term domain master?"

"No wonder the Chong family treasures her so much...I'm afraid this talent is not much worse than Chong Jingyan's!"

When Mu Qinglan listened, she suddenly laughed in her heart.

The child really started again... How long has it been since she returned to the summit of the gods?

It seems that she has not been idle during this time...

I just don't know if her body can take it...

Mu Qinglan opened his eyes, just in time to see Chong Shuangshuang throwing a whip on the shoulder of the boy opposite him!

The latter originally wanted to fight back, but for some reason, his expression suddenly changed, and then his movements became much slower!

Chong Shuangshuang took the opportunity and swung his whip again!

This time, the boy had no strength to fight back and was thrown out directly!

Chong Shuangshuang was actually the first to win!

Mu Qinglan glanced at her whip, raised her eyebrows slightly, and closed her eyes again.

Mu Qinglan almost didn't watch the subsequent games.

Until, all games are over.

Those with the strongest strength will undoubtedly win easily.

Only a few of them unexpectedly used their hole cards and won the victory.

On the whole, the result is not much different from everyone's previous expectations.

Mu Qinglan originally thought it would be a one-on-one match, but unexpectedly, the rules changed.

"Next, ask the person who just won the victory to step forward."

As soon as Luo Nanshan said this, Mu Qinglan gave him a surprised look.

Wang Chan seemed to see her doubts, and said in a low voice:

"I forgot to tell you just now, in fact, after this round of elite competition, everyone will compete together to rank. In the final final, only the top eight are eligible to participate!"

Mu Qinglan's eyebrows moved slightly: "Together?"

"Yes, everyone stands on the field, and then the patriarchs of the major families take turns to exert pressure. The sooner you come out, the better your ranking will be."

While talking, Wang Chan urged Mu Qinglan and Wang Xiaoping to go up quickly.

After the last round of competition, Wang Chan failed to win. In the entire Tongling Sea, only Mu Qinglan and Wang Xiaoping were left to continue the competition.

Mu Qinglan nodded, and sure enough, he saw that other people had also stepped forward.

She and Wang Xiaoping looked at each other and walked forward together.

The arena has been cleaned up, and it seems that because of those barriers, there is basically no damage around.

"Everyone, please come on stage."

Luo Nanshan raised his hand to signal to everyone.

A ray of light suddenly lit up!

Mu Qinglan looked intently, but saw that the arena had been neatly divided into grids.

It seems... It was specially designed to let them in.

"This round of competition will directly come out of the rankings. Except for the top eight who can continue the competition, if the rest of them want to change their rankings, they must challenge those who rank higher than themselves. Challenge wins , the ranking can be changed!"

Luo Nanshan's voice fell, and many people around him really became nervous.

Obviously, most people still care about this ranking very much.

Although the family competition is said to be a competition, but who doesn't come here with the mentality of wanting to win?

If the loss is too ugly, then the position in the top of the gods will also be shaken.

Therefore, no one dares not to care about this game!

Mu Qinglan chose a position at random. Wang Xiaoping also incidentally stood on her left.

As soon as she stood still, Chong Shuangshuang trotted over and quickly occupied a position on her right.

"Sister Qinglan!"

It was probably because he was still a little jealous of Yun Yi, so this time Chong Shuangshuang behaved himself and just ran over, trying not to throw himself into Mu Qinglan's arms.

But she was very excited, her little face was full of excitement and anticipation.

"Sister Qinglan, did you see my game just now? Did you see it?"

Mu Qinglan couldn't help laughing: "Of course I saw it."

"Then how was my performance?" Chong Shuangshuang was full of enthusiasm, and "seeking praise" was clearly written in his eyes.

Mu Qinglan pinched her cheek.

"Your state is higher than mine now, so it's naturally excellent!"

Chong Shuangshuang narrowed his eyes contentedly, and pouted when he remembered something.

"Actually, it's all because of the awakening of the bloodline! Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to break through so quickly! But I think... Sister Qinglan, you seem to be stronger..."

There was a sudden silence around.

A familiar cold fragrance hits.

Mu Qinglan turned her eyes and saw that Yun Yi was walking towards her.

Then, he directly occupied the position in front of her.

Chong Shuang stuck out his tongue, and quickly stood up obediently.

Wang Xiaoping on the side also became a little nervous.

Many eyes around are focused on here.

Mu Qinglan was about to speak, but Yun Yi had already reached out and squeezed her wrist.


Sensing a surge of energy pouring into her body, Mu Qinglan couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Sure enough, he shouldn't have let him see the fight she had with Shui Yanyu just now...

"I'm fine..."

"do not move."

Yun Yi's voice was slightly cold, and he interrupted Mu Qinglan's words, and his grip was tighter.

Mu Qinglan glanced at him, his face was cold, and his jaw seemed to be a little tight.

The whole person is like covered with a layer of frost...

This is... angry?

When Mu Qinglan rolled his eyes, he guessed why he was angry.

She softened her voice and said with a smile:

"Look, I'm really fine! I—"

"That kind of person is not worthy of your own hands."

Yun Yi's voice was low, as if he was suppressing something.

No one knew, when he saw her fighting with Shui Misty Rain just now, how much he wanted to go up and finish Shui Misty Rain!

But he knows he can't.

She has her pride.

So even though he felt distressed, he could only endure it.

Mu Qinglan's heart softened, and she gently rubbed her fingers against his hand, her eyebrows and eyes curved:

"I got it!"

Yun Yi raised his eyes to look at her, and her sweet smile was reflected in the deep phoenix eyes.

She likes to laugh very much, and has all kinds of smiles.

Cunning, clever, angry, sarcastic, provocative, cocky.

And now, it's acting like a baby.

The anger that had been stuck in his chest suddenly dissipated.

The heart seemed to be hit softly by something, but it was helpless but kept sinking.

The place on his hand where she scratched lightly was itchy and hot.

He grabbed her evil hand with his backhand and took a deep look at her.

"There is no more chance."

Mu Qinglan nodded quickly.

Just now I thought I had escaped a catastrophe, but there was another sound in my ear.

"Go back and clean you up."

She blinked, and Yun Yi's eyes seemed to be surging with dark tides.

It's even threatening...

Mu Qinglan wrinkled her nose.

It's not certain who bullies whom!

"Is there no one here? No one, I'm standing here!"

A familiar voice came, and Mu Qinglan immediately saw Yun Yi's eyes turned slightly, looking behind her.

His eyes are like a knife!

It's a pity that the people behind him are obviously dead. Pigs are not afraid of boiling water.

"What a coincidence? Are you all here? Hey, Qinglan, you see, we are so coincidental, why don't we wait out and learn together, how about it?"

Helian Liefeng could tell that if Yun Yi was around, it would be impossible for him to fight Mu Qinglan.

So he learned from the painful experience and decided to ignore Yun Yi directly.

Mu Qinglan gave him a sympathetic look.

"Well... If you can live well for a long time, you should have a chance..."

Helian Gaefeng chuckled.

While the few people were talking, the others had already stood still one after another.

Seeing Yun Yi standing directly beside Mu Qinglan, many people had complicated expressions.

Luo Nanshan took a look, frowned, and then said in a deep voice:

"During the competition, it is absolutely not allowed to help or attack each other! Once discovered, the qualification for the competition will be disqualified immediately!"

After speaking, he looked at Luo Qingheng.

"Patriarch, please—"

Since it was a family competition held by the Luo people, he should be the first to put pressure on it.

Luo Qingheng glanced quickly, and then waved his sleeve robe fiercely!

A cyan elemental force flew out in an instant!

In a short while, the cyan energy spread rapidly, and then formed a circle, completely covering the entire arena!

The people inside immediately felt a strong pressure, pressing extremely heavily on their bodies!

Mu Qinglan was about to run Yuanli immediately, but found that Yuanli in her body had almost stopped flowing!

How strong is Luo Qingheng? His coercion is much stronger than that of Misty Rain!

At this moment, Xueyou's voice suddenly sounded.

"Hey, this old thing is really shameless enough to attack you!"

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