God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1109 Targeting (one more)


Mu Qinglan was a little surprised.

"you mean…"

Xueyou sneered coldly: "His move seems to exert the same pressure on everyone, but in fact it is not at all. At his level, he can already control Yuanli at will. If you put more pressure on your body, it will be difficult for others to see it. But for you, it will be a little troublesome."

Mu Qinglan's eyebrows moved slightly.

"You have cultivated the real body of the lord, and your physical strength is much stronger than other people! Even the peak domain lord may not be your opponent in hand-to-hand combat! The power in your body has been severely suppressed. Others may have been bloody for a long time! But take a look, which one is like this around you?"

Mu Qinglan looked around, and found that although the expressions of those people were very dignified, they seemed to be... different from her.

Because each area is separated, although they can be seen from each other, they cannot be perceived.

So Mu Qinglan didn't quite know what was going on with the people next to him.

But there is one thing she can be sure of - that is, other people can use Yuanli, but she can't!

But at the beginning, she had already seen a few people trying to attack the cyan barrier of power.

As for her, the energy in her body seems to have stagnated now!

"Really..." Mu Qinglan murmured in his heart.

Xueyou couldn't help asking: "You girl, why aren't you angry? He's making it clear that he's targeting you!"

Mu Qinglan shook her head and said seriously:

"I'm just a little surprised that he would be so blatantly shameless."

Even if he doesn't like her, or even holds a grudge against Luo Xiyan because she was rejected, but there are many ways to deal with her, is Luo Qingheng like this?

Xueyou snorted coldly.

"According to the status of the Luo clan at the top of the gods, it is normal for their clansmen to think highly of themselves. Being rejected by Yun Yi can almost be regarded as a disgrace to their entire family. If you don't blame this on you, it will be a shame." Who is it to blame? As the patriarch, Luo Qingheng probably hates you to the bone."

Mu Qinglan was a little dumbfounded, and felt very ironic.

"To make Luo Qingheng so impatient and attack me directly in public, I'm pretty good, isn't it?"

"He did this out of fearlessness. Because it can be seen that the tricky person must be someone stronger than him, but in the field, there are only a handful of such people. Although Wang Yan is also a peak lord, he is as good as him. Than, it's still a bit worse. As for the others..."

Xueyou suddenly laughed out of nowhere.

"Yun Pei can tell, but he won't fight Luo Qingheng for you now."

Hearing this, Mu Qinglan subconsciously looked at Yun Pei in the distance.

Yunpei's old face was still calm, as if nothing could change his calm eyes.

Mu Qinglan looked away.

"That means, I can only carry it by myself?"

It's not impossible, it's just... If Luo Qingheng made up his mind to deal with her, it would be very difficult for her to deal with it.

Xueyou was silent for a moment, then said quietly:

"Why do you think I suddenly reminded you of this?"

"You recovered your strength?!"

After a brief silence, Mu Qinglan finally couldn't hold back, and exclaimed in her heart!

Xueyou lazily said: "Not completely, it has almost recovered to 80% of its heyday."

Mu Qinglan was stunned for a while before realizing what Xueyou meant.

"How did you recover? It's not that you have to have a physical body before—"

"Reshaping the physical body is only the last step, but before that, the accumulation of one's own strength is the most important thing." Xueyou said.

Mu Qinglan's mind was spinning rapidly, but no matter how she thought about it, she felt that this matter was really shocking!

You know, Xueyou has been staying in the black jade slip!

"How did you recover?"

Mu Qinglan really couldn't figure it out.

In the past few years, she has been with Xueyou, except for the matter of reshaping the physical body, the two of them have discussed it several times, but have not mentioned anything else at all.

As for the recovery of strength... Xueyou never disclosed the slightest bit!

So now that he said that, Mu Qinglan was extremely surprised!

"Didn't you say before that you have been in the black jade slip for a long time? Why did you not recover for so long, and suddenly—"

"What a silly girl."

Xueyou suddenly laughed, the original hoarse and lazy voice seemed to be a little clearer, with a bit of teasing, a bit of doting.

"Although I was trapped in the black jade slip, it was precisely because of this that I didn't lose my soul and managed to save my life. Before the black jade slip recognized you as the Lord, its power has been sealed, although it can be saved My soul, but other than that, there is no more power that can restore me."

"But since the black jade slip recognized you as the master, its own power has been continuously stimulated, and that layer of seal has gradually become less firm. Every time you encounter danger, the black jade slip will take the initiative to protect the master, thus continuously activating Your own power. It will be even more obvious when you fuse the second piece."

Mu Qinglan nodded knowingly: "So, as the power of the black jade slip became active, you were also more affected inside, and even made you gradually recover your strength?"

Xueyou sighed apologetically.

"That's right. In fact, I wanted to tell you about this before, but I don't think it's meaningful to tell you. After all, if I can't help you, it's better not to say it."

Mu Qinglan's heart warmed slightly.

She understood what Xueyou meant.

He deliberately waited until the day when he could help her before telling her all this!

In this way, if she encounters any danger, he can directly help her!

Mu Qinglan never knew that Xueyou was able to bear it so far!

"Why do you need to be so polite between you and me?"

Xueyou raised her voice slightly.

"That's different. I can't help you when others have bullied you so many times. This time, I have to help you out!"

Mu Qinglan couldn't help laughing, her eyes were slightly hot.

"I haven't helped you reshape your physical body yet, you..."

"Don't worry. Because you have cultivated into the ancient real body, the power of the seal on the ancient god's tome has been weakened a lot. Although I can't completely leave this jade slip now, I will allocate some power to help you teach a few people, It's still possible."

Mu Qinglan blinked.

"Including Luo Qingheng?"

Xueyou sneered.

"What is he?"

Time passed slowly, and after Luo Qingheng exerted coercion, other aristocratic family heads successively took action, covering it with layers of coercion one after another.

Those who can stand here are all figures with top talents and strengths from various families.

So except for Yun Yi who is like a god-defying existence, most of the other people are actually not much different.

Almost everyone began to try to break through this terrible coercion!

With a thought in Yun Yi's mind, the silver sword appeared in his hand, and a cold and sharp breath circulated on it.

This level of coercion actually poses no threat to him, and he is basically sure that he can split it with a single sword!

But he didn't do anything directly, instead he looked at Mu Qinglan next to him.

Then, he frowned slightly.

Because he found that Mu Qinglan seemed to be in a daze.

Her eyes looked obliquely forward, but her eyes were not focused, as if... she was thinking about something.

For some reason, Yun Yi felt that Mu Qinglan's state seemed a little strange, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

And at this moment, a tyrannical energy fluctuation suddenly came from not far away!

A figure suddenly broke out!

It was Luo Xiyan!

With almost no effort, she directly tore away the layers of coercion with a raised hand! Step out!

Everyone wasn't shocked that Luo Xiyan could do it, but they were surprised that she could do it so quickly!

She looked calm, as if she had just torn a piece of paper!

On the other hand, among the remaining people, most of them tried their best, but they still didn't even leave a gap!

This is the huge gap between Luo Xiyan and them!

"The Goddess of the Luo Clan...the power of the blood is really amazing..."

"Ninth grade Tianmai, it's really extraordinary! What's more, she has already crossed the threshold of the Lord with one foot, and has also received the inheritance of the power of the God Lord... The future is really immeasurable..."

"I just don't know who is better between her and Yun Yi?"

After Luo Xiyan came out, not long after, the second person finally came out!

It was Chong Jingyan!

Almost as soon as he came out, the third person followed closely behind!

Seeing this person, the field was suddenly quiet for a moment.

Because the third person is the boy from the Tantai clan who has just been found!

His strength is obviously stronger than everyone guessed before!

In a short time, the top three have already appeared!

Only five spots left!

After Mu Qinglan and Xueyou finished speaking, they noticed Yun Yi's gaze.

The corners of her lips curled up, and then she raised her chin, signaling Yun Yi to go out first, and then she would come later.

Only then did Yun Yi feel relieved, nodded slightly, and then swung his sword to chop!

The terrible coercion in front of him was cut into a huge crack without a sound!

Yun Yi lifted his foot and stepped out easily!

Watching Yun Yi leave, Mu Qinglan felt more clearly that the coercion imposed on her was heavier than before!

If it wasn't for her physical strength being strong enough, I'm afraid the blood vessels would have burst right now!

Mu Qinglan gritted his teeth clenching the pain of being crushed all over his body.

Luo Qingheng, I, Mu Qinglan, have written down this account!

Her eyes sharpened, and then she shouted in her heart:

"Xue You!"


Within the sea of ​​qi, it seemed as if a dike had been broken suddenly, and endless power surged out from the black jade slips!

In an instant, it spread to Mu Qinglan's limbs and bones!

The pain all over the body disappeared instantly!

A powerful, abundant feeling filled the whole body!

Chong Shuangshuang next to him waved at Mu Qinglan.

Mu Qinglan gave her a look, motioning for her to leave first.

Chong Shuangshuang nodded obediently, then stretched out his hand, and put his palm on that layer of enchantment.

Afterwards, the enchantment began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye!

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