God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1111 Fangtian Divine Halberd (3rd watch)

Unlike the previous groups playing together, the last four games were played separately.

Mu Qinglan and Luo Chenxuan are the first group to play.

All eyes were on these two people.

Luo Chenxuan, the eighth-rank Tianmai, the pinnacle domain master!

In the previous few games, he basically won easily, and no one had even seen him show his hole cards. So until now, apart from being sure that he is extremely strong, everyone still doesn't know much about him.

It was also because of this that many people had high expectations for this match, and wanted to see how Luo Chenxuan's strength was!

And his opponent, Mu Qinglan, is not the top of the gods, and has no power of the blood of the gods. Although it is rumored that she is talented and a star formation master, her contracted beasts have been exposed.

Among them, including the golden dragon.

Generally speaking, Mu Qinglan has no advantage at all, but this time, no one dares to underestimate her too much.

——Shui Yanyu is also the pinnacle domain master, isn't she still beaten and bruised all over?

Everyone can see that Mu Qinglan's strength is definitely stronger than her superficial realm!

So for a while, it was difficult for everyone to judge who would definitely win and who would definitely lose in this match.

However, the thoughts in most people's minds still tend to be that Luo Chenxuan will have the upper hand.

On the one hand, his peak strength as a domain master was achieved by himself. On the other hand, he didn't consume much power in the previous games, and he didn't show his strength much.

Compared with Mu Qinglan, who had a fierce battle with Shuiyao before, he certainly has an advantage.

Luo Chenxuan took the lead.

His face was still as stern as ever. However, this did not affect the Luo people's expectations of him.

"Brother Chenxuan! Let them see how powerful you are!"

"That's right! We beat them to pieces!"

This "they" can be heard by anyone as referring to Mu Qinglan.

Luo Chenxuan was silent and introverted, and he didn't like to talk, so he didn't react much when he heard this.

Because they don't need to say these things, he will do the same.

"Goddess is just watching, Brother Chenxuan has to behave well!"

Suddenly, a teasing voice came, which immediately caused many people to burst into laughter.

Luo Chenxuan's heart tightened, and he subconsciously looked at Luo Xiyan, fearing that she would be displeased.

However, unexpectedly, Luo Xiyan looked calm and met his eyes with a slight smile.

As if he didn't care.

Luo Chenxuan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and a look of joy flashed across his eyes.

He and Luo Xiyan grew up together, so he knows her very well.

In fact, she really doesn't like being made jokes like this, and she even hates being involved with all the names of the opposite sex.

Except for one person.

Yun Yi.

Only when that person is mentioned, the smile on the corner of her mouth will reach her eyes.

I don't know since when, Luo Xiyan seems to have become more and more difficult to get close to. She is perfect in everything, and her attitude towards everyone is perfect. But at the same time, she also began to have a layer of alienation.

It seemed that there was an invisible barrier around her, separating her from everyone else.

Luo Chenxuan couldn't remember how long it had been since he saw her smile happily.

In a blur, the last time was when she said she would go to the Yun clan with the patriarch.

At that time, all the important people of the Luo clan knew that they were there to discuss the marriage.

That's why she smiled like that.

But what happened next, no one could have predicted.

Luo Chenxuan couldn't tell what mood he was in.

He felt sorry for Luo Xiyan, but he couldn't deny that when he heard that the marriage between the two parties was abandoned, he felt a little bit of joy in his heart.

But no matter what, he hated the name "Mu Qinglan" in his heart.

That's why he did this on purpose today!

In his mind, Mu Qinglan was not qualified to fight Luo Xiyan.

Just let him solve it.

Xiyan doesn't seem to object, does she?

Mu Qinglan walked onto the field step by step.

Luo Chenxuan looked at her expressionlessly, a red and white light flashed on his right hand, and pointed a long halberd at Mu Qinglan!

"Today, stop here!"

Mu Qinglan raised his eyebrows and glanced at the halberd in his hand.

The whole body is silver-white in color, with a "well" shape on the top, and dark red lines all over it.

Just being held by him like this, there is an unstoppable killing intent rushing towards my face!

Mu Qinglan could even feel the familiar bloody smell coming from above!

Her eyes are slightly narrowed, wandering on the verge of life and death all year round, which makes her have the keenest perception of danger.

In her opinion, Luo Chenxuan might not be more threatening than the halberd in his hand!

She can almost conclude that this must be a heavenly element!

Moreover, it is very likely that it has surpassed the elementary level!

The members of the Luo tribe were all surprised when they saw Luo Chenxuan directly offering the halberd.

"Brother Chenxuan sacrificed Fang Tian's divine halberd as soon as we met each other?"

"You have to know that even if he is fighting against people in the clan, he will rarely use this thing... It can be seen that he is still a little jealous of Mu Qinglan in his heart!"

"After all, Mu Qinglan also won the water mist and rain! Even though the golden dragon is helping, if the golden dragon can't be saved, he will still make a move!"

"That's true! But Brother Chenxuan is fine, just end the battle neatly!"

"Guess how many tricks Mu Qinglan can go through under Brother Chenxuan? Haha!"

Fang Tian Divine Halberd?

Mu Qinglan smiled lightly.

"It is rumored that among the Luo tribe, there are several magical weapons, including the Fangtian divine halberd that Luoshen once used. Unexpectedly, this thing is in your hands now."

This shows Luo Chenxuan's talent and strength!

If there is no Luo Xiyan, I am afraid that he is the number one genius of the Luo clan!

It's a pity that there is no such if.

Everyone at the top of the gods knows that Luo Xiyan is the top genius of the Luo clan. Because of her great reputation, her peers in the Luo clan look dim.

But at this moment, everyone knows that Luo Chenxuan is also extremely good!

He can even get the Fangtian Divine Halberd!

If there is no accident, he will definitely be one of the people who will stand at the highest place of the Luo clan in the future.

"It's also your honor to be defeated by Fang Tian's divine halberd." Luo Chenxuan said coldly.

Mu Qinglan sneered.

How come these people I met, one or two like to talk like this?

It seems that it is an honor to lose against them.

But they never thought about whether others were willing to lose!

At least in her eyes, she would never feel that this was something to be happy about.

"You sacrificed Fang Tianshen's halberd, which can only prove that I am strong enough, so you have to show your cards. This is my skill, why do you seem to be very powerful?" Mu Qinglan asked in a low voice.

Luo Chenxuan was taken aback for a moment, then frowned.

"Sure enough, he is good at sophistry!"

Mu Qinglan blinked, and asked very sincerely: "Sophistry? Could it be that what I said is not true? How about you put away Fang Tian's divine halberd and use the skills you just fought against me?"


Luo Chenxuan had never met such a troublesome person, and for a while he couldn't think of anything to refute.

"Don't worry, you will know soon... Sometimes, showing your hole cards is just as useless!"

After Mu Qinglan finished speaking, a blue-black light flashed in his hand!

Qingyuan Zhan is a heaven-level magic formula and a heaven-level element, it is used for the opponent's god's halberd, it is still unknown who will win and who will lose!


Luo Chenxuan's expression turned cold, Yuanli quickly poured into Fang Tian's divine halberd!

The red dark lines at the top suddenly came alive!

Then, like a red water flow, it quickly spread to the entire Fangtian Divine Halberd!

A monstrous bloody breath suddenly permeated!

Suddenly, dark clouds gathered in the sky, and the wind howled!

Luo Chenxuan's first move turned out to be a heavenly tactic!

Mu Qinglan raised her eyes and glanced, a bitter smile flickered across the corner of her eyes.

Then, she held the knife in both hands, and her endless energy began to rush towards Qingyuan Zhan!

The power of extreme cold in Qingyuan Slash was instantly aroused!


The surging power of extreme cold continued to overflow, and soon the tip of the knife was covered with a thin layer of ice!

Afterwards, that breath began to spread towards the outside continuously!

The temperature of the entire venue also began to drop!

"It's so cold..." Chong Shuangshuang couldn't help but flinch.

She has a special constitution and a weak body, so she is the most sensitive to these.

But what was more in her heart was surprise - she remembered that Mu Qinglan's knife contained extreme cold power, and she had seen her use it several times before, but it had never been as terrifying as it is now!

Soon, a layer of frost formed on the ground!

Luo Chenxuan took a look, his expression moved slightly.

"The power of extreme cold..."

This kind of power that naturally exists in the world is very precious and rare. But for the Luo people, it's not something too unreasonable.

"Do you think you can help you with this bit of extreme cold power?" Luo Chenxuan said in a cold voice while frantically urging Fang Tian's divine halberd to condense the power between heaven and earth.

The corner of Mu Qinglan's mouth curled up.

"Who said it was a little?"

Luo Chenxuan was startled.

Then, he sensed an even more turbulent force of extreme cold, gushing out from the blue-black long knife in Mu Qinglan's hand!

In an instant, the entire arena was completely frozen!

That cold air went straight to Luo Chenxuan!

Luo Chenxuan's heart shuddered, and he immediately cast an enchantment all over his body!

When the extremely cold force touched his barrier, he immediately stopped, but before Luo Chenxuan could heave a sigh of relief, he saw that the barrier had also started to be covered with frost!

He was startled, and his shoulders shook suddenly!

A strong force came out, the barrier shattered, and the ice cubes frozen on it also shattered!

But the power of extreme cold still followed closely!

At this moment, Luo Chenxuan suddenly had a question in his heart - why does the extreme cold power on Mu Qinglan seem to be endless?

He pursed his lips, and the power on Fang Tian's divine halberd immediately spread!

Like a hurricane, it instantly shattered the thick ice around him!

For a while, ice balls splashed everywhere!

"Fang Tian Divine Halberd——Phoenix Thorn!"

Luo Chenxuan shouted sharply, and a huge phantom instantly appeared on Fang Tian's divine halberd!

The whole body is golden and red, and the momentum is amazing!

It looks like an ancient phoenix!

But upon closer inspection, it was clearly not the case.

"It's a ninth-rank primordial beast—the Nine Spirit Phoenix!"

The voice of the golden dragon came suddenly.

"The Nine Spirit Phoenix is ​​the most powerful primordial beast with the bloodline of the ancient phoenix besides Suzaku. There must be the remnant soul of the Nine Spirit Phoenix inside this Heavenly God Halberd!"

Mu Qinglan frowned and sneered.

The people of the Luo tribe really don't know what's wrong with them, they like to lock up the remnant soul so much!

It was an ancient phoenix before, and now it is a nine spirit phoenix!

Hearing this, Suzaku finally couldn't hold back, and quickly rushed out of Mu Qinglan's body!

Mu Qinglan glanced at it: "Zhuzhu, you are still only a rank eight..."

But Suzaku was staring at the huge phantom of the Nine Spirit Phoenix, and the crimson flames were burning wildly all over his body!

Mu Qinglan froze for a moment, then suddenly thought: Rumor has it that Jiulinghuang and Suzaku are old enemies...


Just as this thought flashed through Mu Qinglan's mind, the huge phantom of the Nine Spirit Phoenix suddenly waved its wings fiercely!

A golden red light arrow stabbed towards Mu Qinglan immediately!

In mid-air, where the light arrow passed, a black space crack was torn open immediately!

Even the frozen ice on the arena was affected and shattered in an instant!

The golden-red light arrow was wrapped with powerful and unparalleled power, and the originally frozen thick layer of ice was covered with cracks in the blink of an eye!

Before everyone had time to react, the ice layer on the entire arena was instantly overturned!

For a while, ice slags splashed and smoke and dust rose everywhere! The terrifying energy fluctuations swept away with countless shattered stones and ice thorns!

Many people were shocked, and wanted to take a closer look, but found that the storm was raging, making it almost impossible to see the situation in the field clearly!

In the blur, only the golden-red color can be seen, and it is heading towards the black figure at high speed!

Its speed is so fast and its momentum is so fierce that it almost makes people's hearts tremble!

Seeing that, Mu Qinglan's body was about to be pierced!

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