God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1112 Fight Luo Chenxuan! (one more)


A loud sound suddenly came from the field, but it was Mu Qinglan who held Qingyuan Zhan tightly with both hands, raised it high, and then slashed down fiercely!

"Qing Yuan Slash!"

On the ground in front of her, a deep gully appeared immediately from her position, spreading forward quickly!

The blue-black gust of wind instantly enveloped Mu Qinglan in it!

In the blink of an eye, the entire arena has been completely broken into two halves!

The forces of the two sides collided fiercely, instantly creating countless tiny space cracks between the two, entangled and strangled frantically!

"She was able to perform Xiao Perfection consecutively?!"

Seeing this scene, on the one hand, everyone was shocked by the destructive power of the two, and on the other hand, they were surprised that Mu Qinglan was able to perform another blow as powerful as just now!

Xiaoyuan can usually practice after reaching the peak of the domain master. Mu Qinglan was able to perform it once before, which is already very surprising.

Who would have thought that less than two hours had passed, and she would come again!

Little Perfection consumes a lot of Yuanli, but what consumes more is actually Yuanshen's power.

Mu Qinglan had already fought fiercely with Shuiyanyu before, even if she has been working hard to recover her strength during this interval, it is impossible for her to fully recover, right?

"She was able to display Xiao Perfection, nine out of ten because of her identity as a star formation master. But it is absolutely impossible for an ordinary fifth-level star formation master to do this so easily..."

Many people have guessed in their hearts, but they can't figure it out.

In fact, there is a possibility, which is the best explanation, but because it is too absurd, almost no one would think of it.

Even if that thought flashed through my mind, I would subconsciously reject it.

Mu Qinglan, who is only in her teens now, is that realm... possible?

Despite the many speculations of the crowd, Mu Qinglan and Luo Chenxuan on the field couldn't care about those at this time.

In the eyes of the two, only the opponent in front of them is left!

The two forces began to collide and devour each other continuously!

The resulting powerful fluctuations spread continuously towards the surroundings!

The powerful force continued to hit, making Mu Qinglan's face ache as if something had scratched her face!

Her feet also began to sink deeply into the ground due to the influence of this force!

In fact, there is no "ground" in the arena at this time.

The first move of the two has completely destroyed the entire arena!

Her figure swayed slightly, almost toppled by this powerful force!

Mu Qinglan snorted coldly in his heart, clenched Qingyuan Zhan tightly, and stabbed deep into the ground again!


The front part of Qingyuan Zhan has already fallen deeply into it! Let the surrounding forces rage wildly, stay still!

Mu Qinglan's clothes were loose, her black dress easily outlined her slender waist, her long black hair fluttered in the wind, and her eyebrows and eyes were full of murderous intent!

Luo Chenxuan on the opposite side finally frowned.

——He didn't expect Mu Qinglan to be able to perform such a killer move!

He watched the battle between Mu Qinglan and Shui Yanyu very carefully, especially Mu Qinglan's habit of making moves, etc., he had already analyzed in his heart.

He knew that Mu Qinglan's strength was definitely higher than that of ordinary early-stage domain masters, so he wanted to sacrifice Fang Tian's divine halberd directly, intending to end the battle cleanly.

The scene in front of him far exceeded his expectations!

But Luo Chenxuan is not a vegetarian either. Although his reputation on the top of the gods is far inferior to Luo Xiyan, only people in the Luo clan know that his talent and strength are rare in a hundred years!

If there is no Luo Xiyan, Luo Chenxuan, who possesses the eighth-grade Tianmai, must be the most respected person among the Luo clan!

For so many years, he has always regarded Luo Xiyan as his benchmark, constantly practicing and making breakthroughs!

All he did was to be able to catch up with Luo Xiyan's pace!

Therefore, Luo Chenxuan himself has a wealth of combat experience. At this time, when facing Mu Qinglan, although he was surprised in his heart, his body reacted before his brain!

With a swipe of Fang Tian's divine halberd in his hand, a powerful barrier was formed all over his body!

Fang Tian Shenhalber's coercion is extremely strong, naturally it can easily block all the various forces around it!

His eyes were fixed on the field!

That red-gold streak was about to pierce through Mu Qinglan's body, but it was abruptly blocked by her last knife. At this time, it was blocked by the blue-black hurricane around her!

In this blow of Fang Tian's divine halberd, the power of the Nine Spirit Phoenix is ​​contained, which is unparalleled in strength! Even a top domain master of the same level may not be able to stop him after a fierce battle and a great loss of energy!

But Mu Qinglan did it!

The red-golden thorn frantically tried to break through Mu Qinglan's layer of defense, but was still unable to succeed. On the contrary, in the process, the forces of both sides continued to rub against each other and began to weaken gradually.

If he can no longer attack, then this blow is useless!

Luo Chenxuan understood this very well in his heart, so he made a decisive decision, and the energy in his body surged wildly again!

The phantom of the Nine Spirit Phoenix on Fang Tian's divine halberd quickly disappeared, but the blood-red lines on the long halberd suddenly rolled, and then, like a flexible snake, it swam towards his arm holding Fang Tian's divine halberd And go!

The moment he touched his palm, the blood-red lines spread quickly!

In an instant, his arm was covered with red scales one after another!

Each scale is the size of a fingernail, row upon row, closely connected to each other, shining with a cold color under the sunlight.

If you look carefully, you can also see that there seems to be a touch of gold on it, looming.

"Nine Spirit Phoenix Arms!"

Luo Chenxuan let out a low cry, stomped his foot on the ground hard, and suddenly jumped up! Charge towards Mu Qinglan!

At this time, the two forces that were entangled between the two had almost been consumed, but the aftermath was still palpitating. Luo Chenxuan rushed over at this time, and would undoubtedly be blocked by this force!

But what was shocking was that Luo Chenxuan's speed was not affected in the slightest!

The Fangtian divine halberd in front of him is extremely powerful, moving forward is like entering a land without people!

Because of this, before everyone could react, Luo Chenxuan's figure had already rushed in front of Mu Qinglan!

He held Fang Tianshen's halberd tightly in his hand, and with the exertion of his muscles, the blood-red scales on his arm rose and fell one after another, making it appear more permeable!

Anyone who sees it will understand what kind of terrifying power is hidden under the blood-red scales!

He was in mid-air, and compared to Mu Qinglan who was still standing there firmly, he looked condescending.

This posture and state allow him to better accumulate strength!

Hit with all your might!

When Fang Tian's divine halberd stabbed towards Mu Qinglan again, the power that was originally entangled between the two of them dissipated together!

The golden-red phoenix thorns and the blue-black storm barrier were all torn apart silently by Fang Tian's divine halberd!

Terrible power is coming!

Mu Qinglan suddenly looked up!

Fang Tian's painted halberd was still an arm's length away from her, and her eyebrows were already tingling!

Then, a sticky, sweet and fishy warm liquid slowly flowed down!

Before touching it, the extremely sharp aura above Fang Tian's painted halberd had already pierced a bloodstain between Mu Qinglan's eyebrows!

Just one step closer—


Mu Qinglan suddenly pulled out Qingyuan Zhan, and crossed him in front of him!


There was an incomparably crisp sound!

The thin layer of ice covering Qing Yuan Zhan quickly cracked!

A strong force came and instantly shattered Mu Qinglan's jaws!

Her arms were numb at this moment! Almost broke!

As soon as Mu Qinglan gritted her teeth and changed her mind, she took advantage of this force and suddenly backed away!

Luo Chenxuan quickly followed! Fang Tian's divine halberd thrust out again!

Mu Qinglan flipped his wrist, and was about to push Fang Tian's divine halberd away, but Luo Chenxuan seemed to have expected it, and quickly leaned out from another direction, using the part of the word "well" in the front to firmly jam Qingyuan Zhan !

Mu Qinglan has a bad heart! The energy in the body is running rapidly, and immediately cast Liuyun Jue!

A great pulling force came!

Mu Qinglan made a decisive decision and let go of her hand immediately! Back quickly!

With a flick of Luo Chenxuan's arm, Fang Tian's divine halberd threw Qing Yuan out!

Without any hesitation, he continued to chase after Mu Qinglan!

Every step of the way!

Mu Qinglan frowned while dodging.

Luo Chenxuan's current strength is obviously much stronger than before, the most obvious is the strength on Fang Tian's divine halberd, which is completely more fierce and domineering than the blow just now!

The biggest reason for this may be the change in his arm!

She could feel that the power of his arm was definitely beyond Luo Chenxuan's own strength!

Or, is that also a killing move of Fang Tian's Divine Halberd?

Numerous thoughts welled up in Mu Qinglan's mind, and the speed was also displayed to the extreme!

But even so, she could still feel that Luo Chenxuan was gradually approaching!

Her speed is fast, but Luo Chenxuan is not inferior to her in this respect!

Moreover, avoiding like this all the time is not a solution, it will only make myself fall into a more passive situation!

With a flick of Mu Qinglan's wrist, the sea golden sand vine quickly spread away!

However, before touching Luo Chenxuan, he was already shattered by the powerful aura around him!

The blood between her eyebrows gradually flowed down and seeped into her eyes.

She blinked, and all the scenes in front of her eyes suddenly turned blood red!

At this moment, Mu Qinglan suddenly felt the space around him start to freeze!

The Yuanli in her body suddenly seemed to have encountered some obstacle, and the speed of its flow dropped suddenly!

Her heart skipped a beat—

Domain of the domain master!

Luo Chenxuan still kept such a trick!

As if sensing the astonishment in Mu Qinglan's eyes, a cold sarcasm flashed across Luo Chenxuan's face.

"I said, stop here!"

And at this very moment, Luo Chenxuan had seen the right moment and struck with all his might!

Above Fang Tian's divine halberd, there was a whistling sound suddenly!

Then, it stabbed Mu Qinglan's eyebrows again!

There is no way to avoid it!

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