God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1128 Breakthrough! (two more)

This is Mu Qinglan's first attempt to activate the star array on the soul-suppressing stone.

Originally, she just planned to take out the soul-suppressing stone soul, so as to reduce the burden, after all, every moment this thing stays in the sea of ​​​​qi, it is tempering her power of primordial spirit.

When she was comprehending the Eight Spirits Sealing God Formation before, she didn't take it out, because the existence of the soul-suppressing stone would also accelerate the growth of her primordial power, and it could make her primordial power become more solid.

But it's different now.

Luo Xiyan was a formidable opponent, one of the strongest among the younger generation she had ever met.

Excluding elder brother and Yun Yi, probably Luo Xiyan was the one to count.

That's why Mu Qinglan didn't dare to be sloppy in the slightest, and even less dared to take it too seriously, so she planned to take out the soul-suppressing stone.

But what she didn't expect was that she was just trying to push it, and the star array appeared directly under her body!

It's just that without the urging of the power of the soul, it has always been in an extremely calm and quiet state.

Of course, even so, it still blocked the power of Luoshenjue!

This made Mu Qinglan very surprised, but at the same time felt more relaxed.

The power of this star array seems to be stronger than imagined...

Taking out the soul-suppressing stone soul, Mu Qinglan immediately felt a burst of relief in his body!

The suppressed energy in the body also began to flow rapidly!

This smooth feeling made Mu Qinglan squint her eyes in satisfaction.

Afterwards, she allocated more power of primordial spirit and injected it into the star array.

Because this star array was rubbed on the soul-suppressing stone, Mu Qinglan didn't actually need to rebuild the star array, but just needed to use the power of the primordial spirit to drive the star array to run.

From a certain point of view, this star array is somewhat similar, but obviously the power contained in this thing cannot be compared with a star array.

Mu Qinglan let out a breath slowly, feeling that the sense of oppression from the domain of the domain master around him seemed to have eased a lot.

Then, she discovered that after the star array started to operate, it actually started to wreak havoc on the surrounding space!

The most obvious thing is the jade-like finger that has been hanging above her head. After the power of the star array spreads, the front end of the finger melts quickly!

Although Mu Qinglan closed her eyes, the power of the primordial spirit spread enough for her to "see clearly" everything that happened around her.

The power of the star array quickly sliced ​​through it, and then completely turned it into powder! Disappeared without a sound!

And the domain of the domain master, which was originally very strong, began to shake violently at this time!

Those bright runes began to dim, and some even began to produce some cracks, as if they were about to disintegrate!

At this moment, Mu Qinglan suddenly sensed something was wrong.

——Why is the energy in her body still rising?

She thought that after taking out the soul-suppressing stone, she would be less suppressed and it would be more convenient for her to act.

But it's been a long time, and she even started to activate the star array on the soul-suppressing stone, but within the sea of ​​qi, there is still a steady stream of energy gushing out, and then spreading to the limbs and bones!

Mu Qinglan's eyebrows twitched.

This feeling... seems to be... going to break through?

As if to confirm her conjecture, when she poured more primordial power into the star array, the light on it became brighter and stronger!

Finally, with a loud bang, the domain of the domain master established by Luo Xiyan completely shattered!

Countless runes shattered at this moment!

Even the remaining fingers disappeared suddenly!

Luo Xiyan's body trembled, and the vitality in her body almost lost control! There was a bloody breath between the lips and teeth!

A halo of faint silver glowed, wrapped in extremely violent energy, centered on Mu Qinglan, and spread towards the surroundings!

In an instant, flying sand and rocks!

The entire arena was almost overturned!

Startled, Luo Xiyan immediately tiptoed and flew backwards!

Almost at the same time, the ancient phoenix, which was fighting with Suzaku, suddenly changed direction, spread its wings, and stood in front of Luo Xiyan!

The huge wings waved, and a terrible wave of fire was set off again!

The two forces collided head-on!

However, there was hardly any pause, and the silver halo instantly crushed the flame!

Now, Luo Xiyan's expression finally changed.

Everyone present finally realized that things seemed to be developing in a direction they hadn't expected.

Because they discovered that Mu Qinglan not only started to counterattack, but also...

The aura on her body is actually starting to strengthen!

Before, because of the isolation of the domain of the domain master, no one knew what the two of them were talking about, nor could they notice the specific situation of them.

But with the rupture of the domain of the domain master, they soon realized that Mu Qinglan had started to devour the energy of the surrounding world!

"I'll go! Is she trying to break through!?"

Helian Liefeng yelled out in shock.


He managed to surpass Mu Qinglan once in realm, and she was about to break through so soon? !

The point is--they are still competing now!

If she wants to break through, Luo Xiyan will give her time and opportunity?

Helian Liefeng glanced at the situation on the court again, and silently retracted the question.

have to.

From the looks of it, even if Luo Xiyan didn't want to give it this time, she had to give it!

It seems that she can't even get close to Mu Qinglan now!

Of course, if she really attacked in close quarters, Mu Qinglan's perverted body energy might really have an advantage.

But, how could Mu Qinglan break through at this time?

Mu Qinglan herself was puzzled by this question.

But soon, she vaguely guessed the answer.

During the more than two years inside the chessboard, although most of her energy was used to comprehend the Eight Spirits Conferred God Formation, during this process, her own cultivation of Yuanli has never stopped.

Dripping water wears away rocks, not to mention that her talent is already extremely high, during this period of time, she has accumulated extremely abundant energy!

It was just because her mind was elsewhere that she didn't notice these changes herself.

And those gradually accumulating energy were all gathered in the sea of ​​qi.

To be precise, most of them entered the black jade slips.

But now, Mu Qinglan took out the soul-suppressing stone, and the long-term oppressive power suddenly disappeared, and the energy in her body naturally began to surge out crazily!

For example, her body is a container, and during this time, she kept absorbing power, as if she was constantly filling her body with water.

At a certain point, the container is filled, and if it cannot be replaced with a larger container, the water will overflow.

But there is a black jade slip in Mu Qinglan's body, which makes her an elastic container that can continuously hold water.

If this has been the case, although the water will not overflow, great pressure will be generated in the container.

When this container is suddenly opened one day, the water that has been accumulated for a long time will naturally gushe out!

It's hard for Mu Qinglan to stop even if she wants to!

What's more, this is not a bad thing, she is naturally happy to go with the flow.

Those more than two years were enough for her to lay a solid foundation!

If those people knew that Mu Qinglan regarded his breakthrough as "going with the flow" at this time, I'm afraid how many people would be pissed off!

Since she broke through the domain master, the pre-Yuan Dan directly formed Yuanjing.

At this moment, within her sea of ​​qi, a round crystal with incomparable black luster was slowly rotating.

And in the surroundings, endless yuan power rushed in, like waves constantly beating on the yuan crystal.

Along with this process, those Yuan Forces were gradually absorbed by Yuan Jing!

On the primordial crystal, some small crystals gradually grew, which seemed to be changing shapes gradually.

Mu Qinglan's body is like a huge black hole, which continuously devours the energy of the surrounding world, and then gathers with the power in his own body, and transfers into the Yuanjing together!

Luo Xiyan gritted her silver teeth tightly, as if something was churning crazily between her chest, she felt that the bloody breath between her lips and teeth seemed to become more intense.

In this match, everything was perfect, even she had already calculated everything, just waiting to directly defeat Mu Qinglan!

But she never imagined that Mu Qinglan actually had the trump card of soul-suppressing stone soul!

The most important thing is that there seems to be a star array engraved on the soul-suppressing stone. Mu Qinglan only needs to inject the power of the soul to operate!

But that star array is clearly incomplete!

Luo Xiyan couldn't figure it out.

But she knew one thing: today's competition still made Mu Qinglan stand out!

She pursed her lips, and slowly clenched her palms.

Mu Qinglan chose to break through at this time, as if she expected that she would not have the strength to break through the defense of her star array?

It's too...too naive!

If she gave Mu Qinglan a fatal blow at this time, then Mu Qinglan would not only be defeated, but it would be even more likely that she would not be able to make further progress on the road of cultivation from now on!

Thinking of this, Luo Xiyan's expression became slightly restrained.

Then, she slightly staggered her feet and gradually held her breath.

Immediately, her momentum began to rise rapidly!

"The goddess is finally about to use the power of the Lord!"

The people of the Luo tribe were aggrieved for a long time, but when they saw Luo Xiyan finally started to move, they couldn't help jumping for joy.

Soon, Luo Xiyan's aura broke through a certain point!


There seemed to be a slight sound coming from Luo Xiyan's body!

Then, a terrible coercion suddenly descended!

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