God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1129 Great Yuan Wheel Mirror (Third)

Of course Mu Qinglan could sense the changes in Luo Xiyan.

Her current Yuanli practice has indeed broken through the threshold of the Lord!

Even if she has not cultivated the real body of the Lord, her coercion should not be underestimated!

At least it is several times stronger than the peak domain master!

Mu Qinglan is well aware that there is a huge gap between a domain master and a powerful master.

When he first met Venerable Tan Luo, although he had only one remnant soul left and hid in the Death Sound Killer, with the power of the remaining Venerable Lord, he could still easily kill the strong Domain Lord!

In his place, the bones of several domain masters were sacrificed! Among them, naturally also includes the domain master peak powerhouse!

Those strong domain masters fell into Lord Tan Luo's trap because of curiosity and greed, and none of them escaped in the end!

From that matter, it can be seen that the Venerable Master is definitely not an existence that can be compared with the Territory Master.

The domain master is very strong, but in the world, there are many people who can become domain masters!

Among other things, almost all the young children from various families who came to this family competition today are already strong domain masters!

But what about the Lord?

Very few!

The Shui family lost two powerful masters, Shui Tianqing and Shui Tianyue, and almost hated her to the core!

Although the current Luo Xiyan is not yet a real master, the power she possesses is enough to shock people!

What's more, she still has the power of a divine master, which has not been used yet!

Mu Qinglan sneered in her heart.

Luo Xiyan is planning to give her a fatal blow while she is breaking through!

But don't even think about it, if she really wasn't prepared at all, would she just let herself break through?

Wouldn't that be equivalent to sending one's own head up?

Mu Qinglan is not that stupid.

Therefore, even though Luo Xiyan's aura surged, she still remained motionless!

Luo Xiyan raised her hands slowly.

On the slender and fair fingertips, there was a scarlet golden flame burning.

Soon, the flames gradually gathered into a circle in front of her.

The ancient phoenix neighed, and quickly got into the circle formed by the flames!


The ring was instantly filled! From a distance, it looks like the flames formed a disc!

The burning flames almost distort the space!

Then, one of her hands held the flame in her palm, and the other hand suddenly raised, pointing directly at the sky!

In an instant, the wind howled!

Then, a stream of water, condensed into the shape of a sword, suddenly flew from a distance!

"It's Luoshui!"

The people of the Luo tribe were the first to react, and when they noticed the unique breath of Luoshui, they were all taken aback!

"The Goddess can already use Luoshui?" In addition to being shocked, they were more excited and excited.

Luoshui surrounds Luoshan Mountain and flows downstream. It looks like a simple river, but in fact Luoshui contains extremely strong power.

If ordinary people fall into Luoshui, they will not be able to escape at all, and will only sink into Luoshui in the end!

Among the Luo people, there are absolutely no more than one person who can mobilize the power of Luoshui!

Although Luo Xiyan is already a goddess, it is naturally very shocking to be able to mobilize the power of Luoshui so quickly.

When it touched Luo Xiyan's hand, the water flow completely dissipated and swirled around her palm with incomparable flexibility.

Luo Xiyan led that stream of water into the flame in the other hand!

A strange scene happened—the flames of Luoshui and the ancient phoenix formed a stable balance with each other!

Soon, the disc in her hand changed its appearance: half was red-golden flames, and half was crystal clear water!

The two forces merged with each other, and each occupied half of the position, which was extremely magnificent and peculiar!

"To be able to fuse the power of Luoshui and the power of the ancient phoenix so perfectly, Luo Xiyan is indeed a top genius..."

Even Chong Jingyan, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help murmuring.

When he fought Luo Xiyan before, he had already noticed that she didn't use all her strength, but he didn't expect...she was stronger than he imagined!

Chong Shuangshuang pouted a little unhappy.

"That's because Sister Qinglan is powerful enough to force Luo Xiyan to this point, isn't it? And... I don't think she may be able to break through Sister Qinglan's star array!"

Speaking of the star array, Chong Jingyan was also a little puzzled.

The star array under Mu Qinglan is very strange. Although it is extremely complicated, if you look carefully, you can find that there are many breakpoints on it.

Logically speaking, this star array cannot function normally at all...

But obviously, now Mu Qinglan is relying on this star array to defend and buy time for herself to break through!

And this star array is indeed controlled by her!

"Who wins and who loses is yet to be known..."

Now, Chong Jingyan has admitted in his heart that Mu Qinglan does have the strength to compete with Luo Xiyan!

I just don't know, when her primordial beasts have already been defeated, can she rely on this star formation to turn the situation around?

And... even if she really breaks through, how much strength can she increase?

After all, there is still a gap between her and Luo Xiyan...

The disk in Luo Xiyan's hand was about the size of a person's face, and she held both sides with both hands, as if holding a strange mirror.

However, no one dares to ignore the power of this peculiar disc!

Then, she let go of her hand and pushed the disk out!

"Great yuan wheel mirror!"

After the Dayuan wheel mirror flew out, it rose against the wind!

Wherever it passed, the space was torn apart, almost forming a cylindrical vacuum zone!

Soon, Dayuan Lunjing arrived in front of Mu Qinglan!

At this moment, it is already as tall as a person!

The fiery flames are burning crazily, and the clear water is flowing slowly!

The two intertwined, forming a powerful coercion, crushing towards Mu Qinglan!

The star array under Mu Qinglan suddenly burst into a burst of strong light!

A silver streamer flew out instantly! Stopped directly in front of the Dayuan wheel mirror!

Boom boom boom!

The two sides collided with each other, and in an instant, water splashed and sparks flew!

However, the speed of the Dayuan Wheel Mirror was still dragged down!

Another silver streamer flew out!

This time even stronger than last time!

Then, without hesitation, it hit the Dayuan wheel mirror!

The Dayuan wheel mirror finally stopped!

The two forces are stuck in a stalemate!

While everyone was sweating, they were also secretly shocked.

Luo Xiyan obviously used all her strength for this Great Yuan Mirror!

It has the power of the Lord, and the power of the ancient phoenix and Luoshui!

Mu Qinglan actually stopped it? !

To be precise, it was the star array under her that stopped her!

But she is just a fifth-level Star Array Master——

"Her power of primordial spirit has already broken through to a sixth-level Star Array Master!"

Li Hentian let out a long breath, and looked at Mu Qinglan with a complicated expression.

Lord Mingyue also nodded, then frowned, and murmured: "It's strange... At the family meeting in Tonglinghai, she seemed to have just broken through to the fifth-level Star Array Master. Her power of primordial spirit has been enhanced so much?"

Even if she is Lord Wang Yan's apprentice, this situation is too strange!

The power of Yuanshen is different from Yuanli. Yuanli can be given to others as a inheritance, so that a cultivator's strength can be greatly improved within a certain period of time.

Such as water smoke and rain.

However, the power of the primordial spirit cannot be given to each other, but can only be practiced by the star array master himself!

How many people can't cross the threshold of a sixth-level star formation master in their lifetime, and Mu Qinglan has reached it with ease?

As long as she is willing, she can clearly break through to the sixth-level Star Array Master now!

If she is willing to do so, she will definitely become the youngest sixth-level star formation master!

Even if you look at the entire summit of the gods, no one can match her!

Such talent...

"If I'm not convinced that she is indeed from a small remote empire, I really have to doubt whether she has another identity." Li Hentian smiled wryly.

Otherwise, such a heaven-defying talent, such an incredible opportunity... and so many trump cards that no one else dared to think about!

Although she "comes from a humble background", she has such a "net worth" at such a young age, I'm afraid few people can match it!

At this moment, a powerful aura suddenly burst out from Mu Qinglan's body!


The Yuandan in Mu Qinglan's sea of ​​energy has completely turned into a black five-star Yuanjing!

She only heard a light sound coming from her body, and then felt that her whole body was suddenly filled with endless power!

From the early stage of domain master, to the middle stage of domain master!

She suddenly opened her eyes, and there was a bright light shining in her dark and bright eyes!

From top to bottom, it seems that every place is filled with incomparably abundant power!

Mu Qinglan stretched, and there was a crackling sound coming from her body.

——It’s so cool!

This feeling of being suppressed for a long time and finally breaking through is so refreshing!

The power consumed before has already been recovered in the process of breaking through, and it has become stronger!

Mu Qinglan raised her eyes, and saw the Dayuan Wheel Mirror not far in front of her at a glance!

Luo Xiyan's expression became stiff after seeing Mu Qinglan get up.

No matter whether Mu Qinglan can win this match or not, it is a fact that she made a breakthrough in the battle between the two sides!

This matter, I am afraid that within a day, it will spread throughout the entire summit of the gods!

Everyone will know that she is clearly a few realms higher than Mu Qinglan, but not only did she fail to deal with her quickly, but instead allowed Mu Qinglan to break through a level!

This was equivalent to slapping her hard!

The surging emotion in Luo Xiyan's chest became more intense, almost making her unable to maintain the expression on her face.

The two forces above the Dayuan Wheel Mirror suddenly broke through the boundary between them, and began to entangle wildly!

The energy of the surrounding world also began to pour into the Great Yuan Mirror!

Mu Qinglan stood up, and the power of the primordial spirit surged out!

The entire star array instantly became more dazzling!

Countless streamers began to spin!

Mu Qinglan didn't use the entire star array, because she had learned about the Eight Spirits Conferred God Formation, so she had learned to divide the star array into several parts.

There are a total of ten breakpoints on the star array, and Mu Qinglan estimates that the ten star arrays should also be superimposed on each other, and the breakpoint is where the star arrays connect to each other!

She waved her palm lightly, several streamers of light quickly gathered in her palm, and then formed a small star formation!

Although the star array was only a circle bigger than her slap, anyone with a discerning eye could tell that it was a sixth-level star array!

She can now build a six-level star array so easily?

But soon, they found that they had guessed wrong.

Because on Mu Qinglan's other hand, a second star array soon appeared!

Similarly, it is also a sixth-level star array!

Being able to build two sixth-level star formations at the same time in such a short period of time shows the strength of Mu Qinglan's primordial spirit!

Mu Qinglan didn't continue to use the star array, but instead clapped both hands to directly superimpose the two star arrays!

The moment the two star arrays were superimposed, they began to fuse crazily!

And in one of the positions, a breakpoint appeared!

With a wave of Mu Qinglan's hand, the star array flew out instantly!

Afterwards, it collided with Dayuan Lunjing fiercely!

The distance between the two is extremely close!

Their respective strengths began to devour each other!

"Girl, if you add a third star formation, you will definitely be able to mobilize the power of this great star formation. Isn't it easy to deal with this great yuan mirror?"

Xueyou suddenly spoke lazily.

Mu Qinglan raised her eyebrows.

Xueyou really thinks highly of her...

"You think I don't want to?" Mu Qinglan spread her hands helplessly, "Among the big star arrays, only these two sixth-level star arrays I can understand, and the remaining eight, even if you kill me now, I can't handle them." Come out. Make it a point."

Only then did Xue You chuckle: "You can break the Eight Spirits Conferred God Formation, but now you can only understand the sixth-level star formation?"

Mu Qinglan laughed, and then blinked.

Seeing that the situation on the court was at an impasse, Luo Xiyan finally felt certain!

A vast coercion suddenly broke out!

Afterwards, Luo Xiyan rose into the air! And between her eyebrows, a red flame mark suddenly appeared!

Mu Qinglan sneered.

She is finally going to use Luoshen's power!

On the Dayuan Wheel Mirror, suddenly the power exploded!

The silver star array began to crumble!

In the early morning of the 30th, the update started

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