God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1130 Admit defeat (one more)

Finally, the red-golden flame swept wildly, followed by the transparent water flow! Completely devour the silver star array!

Almost without stopping, the two forces rushed towards Mu Qinglan in a destructive manner!

The defense built by the star array under her was destroyed in an instant!

The flame and the water flow divided into two streams, sweeping towards Mu Qinglan respectively!

In the blink of an eye, that exquisite slender figure was completely submerged!

In this case, I am afraid that he will not die or be disabled, right?

The corner of Luo Qingheng's mouth raised a sneer.

With the power of a divine lord, even a true lord might not be an opponent, let alone a mere Mu Qinglan?

This game took a long time, and it's time to end!

Wang Chan and the others felt their hearts tugging.

"Patriarch, Qinglan should be fine, right?"

Lord Wang Yan frowned, but did not answer for a long time.

Even if he is very optimistic about his precious apprentice, but that is the power of the divine master!

Seeing Lord Wang Yan's reaction, Wang Chan and the others looked at each other, feeling even more worried.

"The star array on the soul-suppressing stone is quite interesting." Tantai Mo, who had been silent all this time, didn't care about the result of the competition, but was more interested in Mu Qinglan.

That thing is not simple...

Po Tong glanced at him.

He Lianxiao shook his head at Helian Liefeng: "It seems that you, little friend, are about to lose. But your strength is indeed extremely strong, no wonder you have been shouting to compete with her before."

Helian Gaefeng snorted.

"Who loses and who wins is still unknown!"

"Oh? You have so much confidence in her?" Helian Xiao became interested.

Helian Liefeng leaned back in the chair: "You, just watch!"

"It's a pity..." Lord Mingyue shook his head regretfully, "Her star array is very powerful. If she can continue to mobilize the power on it, she may still have the power to fight. But... the power of the God Lord is a big killer."

Li Hentian didn't speak, just stared at the field with his eyes tightly.

The power of the Dayuan Wheel Mirror gradually converged.

The ball formed by the flames and water flow in the middle of the arena also began to shrink a little bit.

Luo Xiyan looked at it coldly, with a disdainful expression, the imprint of the flame between her brows seemed even more dazzling!

Then, she stretched out her hand, and the Hongyu Sword suddenly appeared in her palm!

She raises her sword—

This match should be over!

Then, she tightly grasped the Hongyu Sword with both hands, and slashed down fiercely!


Just when the sharp sword energy was about to strike, the ball suddenly burst open!

A golden light and shadow quickly swept out!

Almost no one saw clearly what that golden light was, but when it appeared in front of everyone, countless people widened their eyes in shock, and some even stood up directly! Looking at that touch of gold in horror!

This coercion, this coercion is clearly——

The real body of the Lord!

That touch of gold quickly moved towards Luo Xiyan!

Luo Xiyan herself was taken aback, she just felt a flash of light in front of her eyes, and something was flying towards her quickly!

She felt the terrifying aura of the Lord almost immediately!

Luo Xiyan's complexion finally changed!

She immediately swung her sword and stepped back at the same time!

However, the opponent's speed is even faster than hers!

Soon, the golden figure rushed in front of Luo Xiyan!

Then, a hand stretched out and grabbed her directly!

Luo Xiyan subconsciously stabbed forward with a sword, but the opponent directly grabbed the blade!

Luo Xiyan's pupils suddenly shrank!

This real body of the lord can directly grab the blade of Hongyu Sword!

The Hongyu Sword is the supreme treasure of the Luo clan. It is extremely sharp and cuts iron like mud!

But now, the other party is grabbing it with bare hands, and it's not hurt at all!

She hastily mobilized all the energy in her body, trying to get Hongyu Sword back!

But Hong Yujian seemed to be frozen, it didn't move at all!

Luo Xiyan raised her eyes and wanted to see the opponent's face clearly, but as soon as she moved, the opponent suddenly pulled Hongyu Sword forcefully!

Luo Xiyan's body jumped forward uncontrollably!

A strong wind is coming!

Luo Xiyan was shocked, and immediately dodged, but was still kicked by the other party on the lower abdomen!

The severe pain made Luo Xiyan's mind go blank!

She unconsciously let go of her hand, and flew out backwards!


Her figure fell heavily to the ground! And because Yu Wei was too strong, a long bloodstain was drawn on the ground, and finally stopped!

Dead silence!

No one would have thought that Luo Xiyan would be kicked to the ground in just the blink of an eye!

She is the proud daughter of heaven, a shocking genius! She is also the goddess of the Luo tribe! Respected status!

In everyone's impression, she is always aloof, elegant and charming, even unattainable.

But now, she was lying on the ground, covered in dirty bloodstains and dust.

The day before, she stood dignifiedly and elegantly in front of the Luo God Temple, officially became the Goddess of Luo Clan, and accepted the power of Luo God, what a scene she was, how miserable and embarrassed she is now!

The blow came so fast and so suddenly that Luo Xiyan lay down on the ground for a long time before everyone reacted.

Luo Qingheng was the first to get out of anger.

He got up directly, pointed at the golden figure above the sky with one hand, and said angrily:

"It's you!"

Yesterday he noticed that there seemed to be an unusual power in Mu Qinglan's body, and even directly bounced his power back, and gave him a blow, which made him suffer a lot!

At that time, he didn't have time to think about it, but now that this person suddenly appeared, he immediately associated it all!

The real body of the Lord!

There is such a helping hand in Mu Qinglan's body!

No wonder... no wonder!

"Who the hell are you!?"

Then he looked at Mu Qinglan who was gradually showing his figure on the field, his facial features were distorted because of his anger, and he shouted sharply:

"Mu Qinglan! Did you know that in this kind of competition, with the help of foreign aid, you will be disqualified!?"

Everyone was in an uproar!

Could it be that Mu Qinglan really borrowed the power of other people?

If that's the case... Then in the previous game, did she ask this helper to help?

How true or false is the strength she showed before?

Facing Luo Qingheng's sharp accusation, Mu Qinglan raised her eyebrows with a relaxed expression.

"Huh? Foreign aid? What foreign aid? Where is it?"

"You're still arguing!" Luo Qingheng took a step forward, his voice sharp, "Everyone can clearly see that the real body of the Lord—"

"This Lord's real body is mine, what's wrong?"

Mu Qinglan interrupted Luo Qingheng's words in a cold tone, with a smile on his brows and eyes, showing undisguised sarcasm.

"Is it okay if I use my real body?"

As soon as these words came out, Luo Qingheng's voice stopped abruptly!

The plaza, which had been a little restless, became strangely quiet again!

——The real body of the Lord is mine!

——I use my own real body!

Luo Qingheng's mouth was still open, and the ferocious expression on his face hadn't faded away, making him look ridiculous.

He turned his neck stiffly, and looked seriously at the golden figure above the midair for the first time.

But when he saw that face that was exactly the same as Mu Qinglan's, there was a loud noise in his mind!

The rest of the words, in any case can not say.

Everyone stared at this scene dumbfounded.

Even Yun Pei sat up straight and looked at Mu Qinglan's real body of the Lord!

It should be said that these people present are also well-informed, if it is just the real body of the Lord, they will not be so shocked.

But the key is... Mu Qinglan said, this is her real body of the Lord!

"you are lying!"

Luo Qingheng's voice trembled unconsciously: "You just broke through the middle stage of domain master, how could you have the real body of the lord! Don't think that this real body can pretend to be your appearance, and you can deceive the world!"

In the quiet square, his shrill voice seemed a little harsh.

Mu Qinglan picked out her ears, a little impatient, and said mockingly:

"Patriarch Luo, are you saying that everyone present is as blind as you, and can't see who the real body of the Lord is?"

"You—" Luo Qingheng almost couldn't catch his breath.

"This kind of thing is clear at a glance. I believe that other patriarchs and elders know it well. Of course, if you insist on telling nonsense with your eyes open, then I can't help it."

Mu Qinglan said, shrugging.

Yun Pei took a deep look at Mu Qinglan, and then said slowly:

"It is indeed recorded in ancient books that some practitioners can establish their real body first, and then break the realm of the Lord. But few people know, and even fewer can do it..."

Mu Qinglan blinked, but she didn't expect Yun Pei to speak for her.

Yun Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, looking at Mu Qinglan, a smile flashed across his eyes.

Once the Lord's real body appeared, it was enough to make everyone shut up!

Luo Qingheng almost gritted his iron teeth!

Mu Qinglan narrowed her eyes and said with a smile: "Of course, if Patriarch Luo really doesn't believe it, I can prove it to you."

Luo Qingheng's heart suddenly sank!

Then, he saw that Mu Qinglan raised his hand suddenly.

The golden real body of the Lord in the sky also raised his hand——


Before Luo Qingheng had time to say what he was blocking, Mu Qinglan slapped Mu Qinglan hard!


The extremely loud slap in the face makes one's teeth sore!

But just as Luo Xiyan got up, she was slapped hard again!

She fell to the ground again!

"Mu Qinglan!"

Luo Qingheng trembled all over, and was about to step forward to stop her immediately!

Lord Wang Yan suddenly laughed loudly, and said loudly: "Patriarch Luo! This match is not over yet, is it?"

Luo Qingheng stopped abruptly!


This match is not over yet, even though Luo Xiyan was knocked to the ground, she is still in the arena!

If he went up at this time, it would be equivalent to admitting defeat automatically!

The Luo people can't afford to lose this man!

But - in front of so many people, Mu Qinglan slapped Luo Xiyan, and where did he put their face?

Luo Xiyan's mind had just regained consciousness when she was hit again, and half of her face quickly turned red and swollen!

Blood was gradually oozing from the corner of his mouth, and he looked very miserable.

Mu Qinglan glanced at Luo Qingheng and asked, "Did you see clearly?"

Luo Qingheng couldn't speak a single word!

Afterwards, Mu Qinglan looked at Luo Xiyan.

"Admit defeat?"

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