God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1133 Please stay a step (one more)


These few words immediately stimulated everyone!

What does Yun Yi mean by this sentence? !

Shocked, everyone looked at Yunpei almost subconsciously!

As the young master of the Yun Clan, Yun Yi has a noble status, but in matters of marriage, he still has to follow the opinion of the patriarch Yun Pei.

On Yunpei's old face, there was still no expression, and there was no emotion in his pair of ancient well-free eyes.

No one knows what Yun Pei is thinking at this time.

Even the elders around him couldn't sit still anymore.

——Patriarch, you should say something and express your attitude!

The significance of Yun Yi saying this in public is very important!

This is almost proving Mu Qinglan's identity to everyone!

A family, who can be considered a family with Yun Yi?

Only his concubine!

The elders of the Yun clan were at a loss. It was fine for the young master to like Mu Qinglan before, but if he wanted to treat him as a concubine, it would be completely different!

But now, the patriarch didn't even say a word!

What the hell does he mean?

Do you want to let the young master do this?

The talent and strength that Mu Qinglan showed before really surprised them, and the prejudice against her before also eased a little.

But in their eyes, Mu Qinglan is still not enough to stand in this position!

In the summit of the gods, everyone attaches great importance to birth, on the one hand, it depends on the background, on the other hand, it also depends on the bloodline!

No matter how strong Mu Qinglan is, she is not the Empress of God!

How can such a person be able to afford the position of the young master's wife and future mistress?

Several elders looked at each other in blank dismay, but they did not dare to speak rashly.

It's not that Yun Pei can't hear or see! But he didn't say anything!

He didn't admit it, but he didn't deny it either!

Not only the members of the Yun family, but also all the other families present were waiting for Yun Pei to express his attitude.

Is he on Yun Yi's side, or...

But if he doesn't speak now, everyone will have no way of judging what he is thinking.

If Yun Yi really wants to marry Mu Qinglan, then...

Isn't it equivalent to the marriage between Tonglinghai and Yunzu?

Tonglinghai ranks very low among the top ten aristocratic families. If she has an in-law relationship with the Yun clan, then from now on... the situation at the top of the gods may change again!

"It seems that the Yun family's attitude towards Mu Qinglan is not completely denied... It's just that they want to get Yunpei's consent, I'm afraid it will be difficult..."

"Anyway, if he doesn't deny it now, then he has a chance! Tonglinghai has really embraced a thigh this time..."

"Yun Pei has always been deep in his thoughts. Who knows what he thinks? Although Mu Qinglan is not bad, he is not from a serious family."

"So what? Look at the children of these aristocratic families, who can cultivate the real body of the Lord at this age? Besides, she is not too shabby now with the support of Tongling Hai behind her. And in the future...maybe Tonglinghai is relying on her to prosper!"

For all kinds of comments, Yun Yi seemed to really not hear, and his expression was calm.

As for Yun Yi, he didn't care much.

He just wants to identify Mu Qinglan's identity in front of these people!

This is his real purpose this time!

Luo Nanshan couldn't speak a word.

The entire Luo tribe felt uncomfortable.

Previously, Luo Xiyan was rejected because of Mu Qinglan, but today she lost to her again, and Yun Yi is still here to say such a thing!

This is the territory of the Luo people!

This is simply not taking them Luo people seriously!

Luo Xiyan was about to go down to heal her wounds, but when she heard Yun Yi's words, she stopped suddenly.

She staggered and nearly fell down.

Luo Chenxuan, who had been looking at her all the time, finally couldn't hold back seeing this, and walked up quickly.

"... Xiyan..."

While talking, he was going to help her.

Luo Xiyan's body sideways avoided Luo Chenxuan's movements.

Luo Chenxuan's heart sank.

Luo Xiyan was already supporting the chair next to her, and turned around slowly.

She looked at Yun Yi, at the cold young man who looked like a banished fairy, and looked deeply at another woman.

He said they were family.

She suddenly felt that what she had done all these years was ridiculous.

It was clear that he had never looked at her more, nor had he made any promises.

But she is still living in the dream she wove.

Because she has always known that no one is more suitable for him than her.

He is cold and heartless by nature, and he is like this to everyone in this world. If there is someone by his side, that person must be her.

But she never thought that someone would break in from the outside and ruthlessly tear her dream into pieces!

It's not that she never thought that Yun Yi might fall in love with someone. But she always thought that that person would be her, not anyone else.

But now, the scene in front of her is reminding her how stupid she was!

Qi and blood surged between the chest and abdomen, and Luo Xiyan suddenly spat out another mouthful of blood.


Luo Chenxuan on the side looked distressed, subconsciously stretched out his hand, but finally took it back.

Luo Xiyan closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Afterwards, she took out a pill and took it, and sat down directly, and said to the people behind her:

"Help me bandage it up."

One of her calf bones and arm was broken, and she was supposed to go back to bandage, but now, she changed her mind.

The people next to her naturally didn't dare to neglect her, and quickly knelt down to help her bandage.

Fortunately, her physical strength is not too weak. Although her bones are broken, her overall injuries can still be controlled.

Luo Qingheng also came over, and asked worriedly: "Xiyan, how are you?"

Luo Xiyan smiled faintly: "I'm fine, it's just that... I've made you and your family ashamed, and I feel ashamed."

"What nonsense!"

Hearing her words, Luo Qingheng felt even more distressed, and even the expressions of those around him were moved.

Luo Xiyan lowered her head.

"Everyone expects a lot from me, but I..."

"How can this be your fault? It's all Namu—"

Luo Qingheng realized that he had lost his composure, and immediately restrained himself, swallowed the rest of the words, lightly patted Luo Xiyan's shoulder, and comforted him:

"Your body is the most important thing, don't worry about other things for now."

Things are already like this, what else can they do?

If you continue to make trouble, it will only make the Luo people lose face even more!

Anyway, Luo Xiyan is still the goddess of their Luo clan, and she is the most talented person in this generation, so of course they still have to protect her.

Luo Xiyan's face was full of apology.

Luo Qingheng sighed helplessly.

Luo Xiyan suddenly remembered something, raised her eyes and asked softly: "By the way, patriarch, there is something... Xiyan doesn't know if I should say it or not."

Luo Qingheng asked strangely: "What is it?"

Luo Xiyan paused.

"You should have entered Luo Temple, right?"

Luo Qingheng looked serious: "What do you want to say? Could it be related to Luo Temple?"

Luo Qingheng pursed his lips.

Afterwards, she used the power of Yuanshen to say a word to Luo Qingheng.

Luo Qingheng was taken aback for a moment, then opened his eyes wide in shock, and suddenly turned to look at Mu Qinglan!

Mu Qinglan noticed Luo Qingheng's gaze, and couldn't help raising her eyebrows slightly.

He seems to be... what's wrong?

When he looked at her before, he was filled with jealousy and loathing, but now, for some reason, there was a little more probing in his eyes, and...


His eyes fell on her, as if he wanted to see through everything about her!

This aggressive look made Mu Qinglan feel very uncomfortable.

She simply looked at Luo Qingheng too!

However, Luo Qingheng seemed to realize something, and quickly turned his gaze away.

Mu Qinglan's eyes could not help but fall on Luo Xiyan who was beside him.

Luo Xiyan also looked away casually.

Mu Qinglan frowned secretly.

And at this time, Tantai Mo, who had never spoken much, suddenly spoke.

"Since that's the case, let's just let go of the last match of this family competition. Anyway, it's just a exchange of ideas. If the two of them have no intention of fighting again, then there's no need for it."

Chong Tianming nodded.

Anyway, Chong Shuangshuang and Chong Jingyan performed very well, especially Shuangshuang, they were very satisfied with being able to rush to the end and fight against Yun Yi.

Not to mention Chong Shuangshuang's physique, many people have already guessed that after the family competition, they can also stabilize their Chong family status.

"Brother Tantai is right. Since this is the case, how about ending this scene?"

He Lianxiao also expressed his attitude immediately: "Okay! Just let us boys go back and study hard. Next time we meet, we might win! Haha!"

Everyone laughed, and the atmosphere became more lively.

In this way, everyone has plans to leave.

Lord Wang Yan looked at Mu Qinglan and the others: "Let's go too!"

Just as Mu Qinglan got up, she suddenly heard Yun Yi's voice.


Mu Qinglan looked up.

"come over."

Before Mu Qinglan could react, Wang Chan and the others urged her to go quickly.

"Go quickly! Don't make Young Master Yun wait!"

Mu Qinglan glanced at several people angrily: "Are you my people or his people?"

Wang Chan and the others looked at each other and couldn't help laughing:

"It's all 'family' anyway! What's the difference!"

Mu Qinglan couldn't help laughing, turned around and walked towards Yun Yi.

"What do you want from me?" Mu Qinglan raised her head and asked with a smile.

Yun Yi took her hand.

"Follow me back to the Yun Clan."

Mu Qinglan was shocked instantly: "What?"

"Didn't you want to find out about the bone flute before? There should be clues to check. Also, meet a few people by the way."

meet a few people...

Mu Qinglan suddenly understood something in her heart: Emotional Yun Yi is going to take her to meet her parents?

But she is not ready yet!

And, and... Yun Pei, the patriarch of the Yun Clan, although he didn't deny it just now, he didn't admit her identity either!

Mu Qinglan coughed: "So...is it too early?"

Yun Yi raised his eyebrows and led her back.

"Not early. I've been waiting for this day and night."

Mu Qinglan's heart softened suddenly, and he simply let him go.

However, just after the two of them walked a few steps, Luo Qingheng suddenly said in a cold voice:

"Mu Qinglan, please stay."

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