God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1134 The Luo Clan’s Supreme Treasure (Part 2)

Mu Qinglan's heart skipped a beat and she looked back.

Some people who had already planned to leave also looked over.

Luo Qingheng's face was very serious, and there was a strong majesty between his eyebrows and eyes.

This was different from his expression of anger and jealousy against Mu Qinglan just now.

The premonition in Mu Qinglan's heart became stronger and stronger - Luo Qingheng really has something to do!

The corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and she said with a smile, "What advice does Patriarch Luo have?"

Luo Qingheng looked at her sternly, and asked word by word:

"There is something I would like to ask Ms. Mu about. Where did your lord's true body... the magic formula come from?"

There was already a questioning tone in his voice.

The smile on Mu Qinglan's face gradually faded, and she raised her eyebrows and said, "This kind of thing seems to be my private matter, so there's no need to tell others, right?"

Many people around were also puzzled: Indeed, the Lord's True Body Art is extremely precious, and it is absolutely confidential to anyone. Luo Qingheng would not be ignorant of this truth, but why would he ask Mu Qinglan this question in public now?

No one would say this instead!

Luo Qingheng sneered.

"Private matters? You may be sure that this thing came in an aboveboard manner?"

Mu Qinglan stared at Luo Qingheng.

It turned out that he had this idea...

"It seems that Patriarch Luo thinks that my things are not open enough?" Mu Qinglan asked back.

"You know it yourself!"

Luo Qingheng's voice suddenly became a little harsh!

"People from all the aristocratic families are here today, everyone can be a witness! If you have a clear conscience, take it out and have a look! How dare you?"

Lord Wang Yan suddenly shouted: "Luo Qingheng! Are you crazy! Who in the world would make such an unreasonable request? Why did you ask Qinglan to hand over the magic formula of the Lord's real body!?"

Luo Qingheng snorted coldly, and cast a gloomy look at Lord Wang Yan.

"Lord Wang Yan, I respect you as a senior, and I treat you with three points of politeness. But don't treat me like a member of the Luo clan, so you can be easily bullied! Whether this matter is related to you is still unknown!"

The people who said this were even more puzzled.

Luo Qingheng What does this mean?

Could it be that he wanted to say, what's so tricky about Mu Qinglan's Master's True Body Technique?

"Luo Qingheng! As the patriarch of the Luo clan, if you spit blood on others, you would be too self-deprecating!" Lord Wang Yan would not give in at all!

Luo Qingheng suddenly laughed, straightened his body, and said seriously: "Because I am the patriarch of the Luo clan, I must figure out today's matter!"

Mu Qinglan frowned gradually.

Luo Qingheng asked her to respect the Lord's real body formula, so it is very likely that she knew that there was a black jade slip hidden in her body! And he probably knew that this black jade slip was the Immemorial Divine Code!

Otherwise, he wouldn't have mentioned this on purpose!

But - what does the ancient gods have to do with him, and the Luo people?

He spoke so righteously, even with anger and contempt. It didn't seem like he was coveting the ancient gods, but more like...she robbed them?

Thinking of this, Mu Qinglan couldn't help but laugh.

Xueyou once said that this ancient divine tome is the supreme treasure in the world, and countless strong men, even at the risk of losing their souls, are still going forward to snatch it!

Just the two incomplete black jade slips in her body now have been stained with the blood of many people!

The Luo people's status in the top of the gods is indeed very high, and their ancestors are indeed powerful gods!

But Mu Qinglan dared to conclude that this ancient divine tome could never be theirs!

Otherwise, how could the ancient gods recognize her as the master?

Yun Yi was about to move, but Mu Qinglan gently pulled his hand.

Yun Yi looked down at her, and Mu Qinglan shook her head.

She can handle this matter by herself.

And, maybe...you can find some clues about the ancient gods!

Seeing Mu Qinglan's firm expression and clear eyes, Yun Yi nodded slightly.

Mu Qinglan let go of his hand and took a step forward.

"Patriarch Luo, I don't understand what you said. My Lord's True Body Art is my property, so what does it have to do with your Luo clan?"

Luo Qingheng sneered in his heart, even at this time, Mu Qinglan was still arguing!

When he turned his gaze, he looked at Shui Mingfei.

"Master Shui, I think you have a certain right to speak about this matter, right?"

Shui Mingfei was startled by the roll call all of a sudden, with a dazed look on his face: "What?"

Because of the Shuiyanyu incident, the atmosphere in the entire Shui family was very gloomy, and Shui Mingfei didn't want to stay here for a long time. It was so hard to get through until the end of the family competition, they were already planning to leave quickly, but who knew that Luo Qingheng would pull him out again.

Luo Qingheng reminded: "If I remember correctly, two elders of the Shui family died in Red River City in the western border a few months ago. Master Shui, is there such a thing?"

Shui Mingfei's face became very ugly.

This incident is a disgrace to the Shui family. I hoped it would be over as soon as possible, but Luo Qingheng actually said it so directly!

He nodded with a stiff face: "...not bad."

"Patriarch Shui, those two elders seem to be powerful masters, but in the end, they both died there inexplicably. Don't you think it's strange?"

Shui Mingfei almost wanted to rush up and cover Luo Qingheng's mouth!

After sending out so many people, not only failed to capture them back, but even wiped out the entire army! It's embarrassing enough to put this on anyone!

But they still went to deal with Mu Qinglan first, and they didn't even have a legitimate excuse to seek revenge on her!

Shui Mingfei gritted his teeth: "This matter...is indeed a bit strange...but we haven't investigated it carefully..."

Luo Qingheng suddenly raised his voice and asked:

"If I'm not mistaken, Patriarch Shui, you sent people there for something on Mu Qinglan's body, right?"

Shui Mingfei suddenly opened his eyes wide!

How did he know!

This matter is extremely secretive, apart from him and Shui Tianqing Shui Tianyue knowing about it, even the people who followed him didn't know about it—could it be Shui Yanyu who told all of this?

At this moment, many thoughts flashed through Shui Mingfei's mind. Although he didn't answer this sentence directly, his reaction was already a very positive answer.

Fortunately, Luo Qingheng did not continue to question him, but instead looked in other directions.

"Besides, Elder Mingyu from Tianyan Mountain and Elder Qifeng from the Zongzheng family have all gone, right?"

People from Tianyan Mountain and Zongzheng's family all became a little embarrassed.

In fact, many people in the summit of the gods knew about this matter at the time, at least it was definitely not just the three of them who found out the news, but they were the ones who made the move.

Moreover, before Mingyu and Zongzheng Qifeng could make a move, they saw the members of the Shui family being killed by Mu Qinglan and his group! Then they very wisely chose to leave directly. After all, they didn't participate in this matter much at all.

But Luo Qingheng didn't have to ask them to answer.

He just wanted these people to remember this matter.

"I believe everyone present has heard about this matter, but I didn't pay attention to it because I was busy with other things at the time. As for what Mu Qinglan was hiding, I, the Luo clan, had no clue. Not interested. Until today—"

He stared at Mu Qinglan, his eyes were like knives!

"Until just now, when I saw the real body of the Lord she summoned, I felt that something was wrong. After thinking about it carefully, I finally realized that Mu Qinglan's real body of the Lord is a product of our Luo clan! "

Everyone was in an uproar!

Luo Qingheng said word by word: "Mu Qinglan! No matter what method you used to obtain this thing, I advise you, you'd better return it immediately! Otherwise, don't blame me, the Luo people, for being rude to you!"

All eyes were on Mu Qinglan!

Mu Qinglan suddenly found it funny, so she really laughed.

She hadn't seen such a person for a long time. He clearly wanted to steal other people's things, but he could still lick his face and say that the things belonged to him?

The face is too big!

Mu Qinglan laughed back angrily, because she had guessed what Luo Qingheng wanted to say before, so when she heard it now, she was not very angry.

She asked slowly: "Patriarch Luo, you say that my Lord's True Body Art is yours, do you have evidence?"

Luo Qingheng snorted and said in a sarcastic tone:

"Want evidence? Yes! Just take that thing out now!"

Mu Qinglan pushed the broken hair on her cheeks behind her ears: "I'll take it if you say so, is there such a good thing?"

"You really don't dare!" Luo Qingheng became more and more angry, "That thing is the treasure inherited from our Luo Clan! Thousands of years ago, the God of Luo fought with people, and it was unfortunate that they scattered them! So today, if you want to, you have to pay it back, if you don't want to, I have to pay it back!"

Luo family?

Inherited treasure?

Mu Qinglan pondered for a moment, then asked slowly:

"Oh? Since it belongs to the Luo clan... Then, dare to ask the head of the Luo clan, what is this thing? It doesn't recognize you Luo people as the main ones, so why did it choose me instead?"


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