God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1145 The Power of Luoshen (13 more)

It has to be said that Qinglin's aura is indeed very strange. After Mu Qinglan rushed down, the moment he touched the barrier, the barrier really cracked a gap soundlessly!

Mu Qinglan immediately stepped in! Go to the gate!

The moon is dark and the wind is high. She is dressed in black, which was originally inconspicuous. The layer of blue light has almost completely diluted on her body. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all!

In addition, the attention of those people was drawn away by Qinglin at this time, so no one noticed that there was already a person behind them, heading towards the Luo Temple!

They are responsible for guarding outside the barrier, and usually they themselves cannot enter the barrier, so naturally they would not expect someone to break through the barrier and enter without a trace!

Mu Qinglan moved extremely fast, and rushed to the gate of Luo Temple in a few steps.

The door is locked!

A cold light flashed in Mu Qinglan's hand, and a blade as thin as a cicada's wing appeared!

Then, she carefully inserted the blade into the door lock, and turned it lightly——


There was a slight sound of the door lock falling, and Mu Qinglan quickly looked back, but at this moment, she heard another sharp sound from the other side of the cliff, which just covered up the sound of the door lock being opened!

Mu Qinglan held her breath, carefully pushed the door open a little, and then quickly entered sideways!

Then, that gap was quickly closed again.

On the other side, half of the people went to the cliff to search, but after searching for a long time, they still found nothing.

"Boss, did we hear it wrong? There is an abyss down here, and it will be difficult to come up if you fall..."

"Yeah! Maybe it's some kind of bird..."

In front of the Luo Temple, there was an angry shout from the guard general.

"Cheer up! Search carefully! If there is any abnormality, report it immediately! Even if it is a bird, you must not let it go!"


Those who went to search continued to explore the vicinity, while the rest of the people became more vigilant and guarded the Luo Temple.

The guard general looked back at the Luo Temple, then looked away again.

"Look carefully! If something goes wrong, even if you have ten lives, it won't be enough!"


If he could get closer, he would see that the lock on the gate had been unlocked.

Too bad he didn't.

It was midnight at this time, and in Luo Temple, there were only a few lights shining with a faint glow.

The entire hall was empty and quiet, even a little cool.

Everything is the same as the time she came a few days ago, there is no difference.

Mu Qinglan looked up at the innermost red jade slab.

At the position below, the two bright pearls emitted a faint glow, reflected on the red jade plate, as if they had ignited the flame carved on it, so lifelike.

Mu Qinglan took a deep breath and walked forward.

When she was three steps away from the jade slab, she finally stopped.

She looked up, and there were no other carvings except the flame and the big "Luo" character.

But she always felt something was wrong.

When she was here that day, she didn't feel anything at first, but when she was about to leave, she suddenly felt a strong calling!

She can be sure that it must be the third black jade slip!

At that time, she clearly felt that it was in the red jade plate...

But now, that feeling has disappeared again.

Mu Qinglan was puzzled. The black jade slips would have a strong attraction to each other. It was like this when they found the second piece.

The second black jade slip was buried under the Seventh Peak, but when she entered the mountain's belly, she already felt that familiar calling.

That is unstoppable no matter what.

But now this one is a bit strange.

How could it be possible to have a feeling in one moment and disappear in the next moment?

Mu Qinglan's gaze swept over the jade slab carefully.

After thinking for a moment, Mu Qinglan put his hand on the red jade slab.

A burst of black primordial power surged out in an instant!


In Mu Qinglan's ears, there was a sudden roar!

Startled, she immediately let go of her hand and took a few steps back!

And on the red jade plate, a faint glow began to emerge!

From the lowest position, it seems that something is rising and jumping.

Mu Qinglan took a closer look, and suddenly the corner of his eye twitched!

What suddenly appeared below was a cluster of red-gold ancient phoenix flames!

——Under the engraved pattern is the real sealed flame!

The cluster of flames spread quickly, covering the entire jade slab!

The position on the edge, in the blink of an eye, was shrouded in blazing flames!

The temperature in the entire hall also rose instantly!


There was the sound of flames burning something.

Mu Qinglan looked intently, her pupils suddenly shrank!

The word "Luo" in the middle gradually disappeared!

Instead, there is a portrait of a tall figure!

It was a man in his thirties who looked like he was wearing a robe and standing with his hands behind his back.

The face is sharp and angular, and between the brows, there is a detached demeanor!

Especially those eyes!

When Mu Qinglan looked at those long and narrow eyes, he couldn't help but tremble violently in his heart!

For a moment, she thought that the person standing in front of her was a real person!

Those eyes seem to be able to see through everything, and they are not angry and majestic, making it impossible for people to even have a thought of resistance!

An extremely dangerous premonition hit her heart, and Mu Qinglan immediately bit the tip of her tongue!

The rich sweet smell immediately spread between the lips and teeth!

Relying on the sobriety brought about by this stinging pain, Mu Qinglan forced herself to look away!

She had no doubt that if she continued to read, she might not be able to get out of here today!

It was just such an extremely simple movement, she seemed to have exhausted all her strength and was covered in sweat!

Mu Qinglan breathed heavily, and could almost hear the sound of her heart beating!


This is Luoshen!

Although Mu Qinglan knew that the God Lord was extremely strong, she never thought that it was just a portrait, but it had such terrifying power!

Her strength, in front of such a strong person, is simply not enough!

However, at this moment, the light on the jade board suddenly dimmed.

A strong call suddenly hit my heart!

Mu Qinglan's heart skipped a beat, and she immediately looked up!

I saw that the middle position of the red jade slab suddenly appeared a space!

Mu Qinglan rushed forward immediately!

Two incomplete black jade slips were lying there quietly!

found it!

"Patriarch, are you looking for me?"

When Luo Xiyan walked into the room, she happened to see Luo Qingheng standing by the window, as if she was looking at something, her brows were slightly frowned, and she seemed to be thinking.

Hearing Luo Xiyan's voice, Luo Qingheng turned around: "Xiyan, you are here. How is your health these days?"

Luo Xiyan smiled faintly: "Thank you, Patriarch, for your concern, it's all right now."

Most of those injuries were flesh wounds, and with some medicinal materials and self-healing, it was almost the same.

Luo Qingheng nodded: "That's good. As a goddess, you will have to deal with many things gradually. So I don't want these things to affect you."

Luo Xiyan shook her head: "No. Rather... why did you ask me to come today?"

Luo Qingheng sighed and frowned even tighter.

"I called you over so late because I really wanted to discuss something with you. I didn't want to delay you, but... I am afraid that only you can know about this matter. Therefore, in desperation, I have to let You come."

Luo Xiyan didn't speak, just looked at him quietly with a docile expression.

Luo Qingheng looked around first, and after confirming that the barrier had been set up so that no one would hear it, he hesitated for a while, and said:

"Xi Yan, what else do you know about...that thing?"

Luo Xiyan's eyes flickered slightly: "You mean, Luoshen kept it?"

Luo Qingheng nodded, and said simply: "After I got the black jade slip from Mu Qinglan, I tried it in the Luo Temple, but when I put these two pieces together, there is still no response! These few days God, I have thought of many ways, but nothing works."

Luo Xiyan frowned slightly: "Could it be something..."

Luo Qingheng waved his hand: "That's not true. I can be sure that the thing is real. If you see it with your own eyes, you will know that it can't be fake at all. But I don't know why, the two pieces are put together, or Nothing happened."

"Those two pieces, do they fit together?" Luo Xiyan asked.


Just because he can fit, he is even more strange.

Luo Xiyan thought for a while, and said, "Clan Chief, could it be... In fact, other incomplete parts are needed to activate it?"

"Need anything else?"

Luo Qingheng felt a little strange when he heard it suddenly, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it made sense.

"If you say that, it may not be impossible...Although I have two pieces now, they are still incomplete after all...Is it really necessary to find them all?"

If that's the case, the other parts need to be found ASAP!

Why didn't he think of it before!

It's just that if it's like this, it's a little empty joy.

He shook his head and sighed: "If that's the case, I really don't know how long it will take to find them all."

Back then, Luoshen left one piece, and after such a long time, they managed to find the second piece. If they want to find the rest... no one can guarantee how long it will take!

"Patriarch, don't worry. Now that you have found two yuan, it is finally a good start." Luo Xiyan comforted.

Luo Qingheng nodded, but his expression suddenly changed.

"No! Absolutely not!"

Facing Luo Xiyan's strange gaze, he said word by word:

"Did you forget that Mu Qinglan's black jade slip is incomplete, but——she also cultivated the real body of the Lord?"

That proves that even a mutilated black jade slip can still be useful!

But they have already got two pieces, why is there still no progress?

In Luo Xiyan's mind, an extremely absurd guess suddenly flashed through quickly.

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