God Concubine Supreme

1146 Chapter 1146

Mu Qinglan looked at the two black jade slips, and the power of summoning almost surged out from the bottom of his heart!

No wonder she didn't realize it before, but she was actually sealed by this red jade plate!

This is guarded by the power of Luoshen's divine master, so it can naturally isolate the breath on it!

And that time before, the reason why she could feel it was probably because the black jade slip was trying to come out, but it was quickly suppressed again!

Afterwards, the two black jade slips flew up together and came towards Mu Qinglan!

The moment they came out of the grid, Mu Qinglan immediately heard a slight sound, as if something had suddenly shattered!

A strong uneasiness suddenly surged in her heart, she quickly grabbed the two pieces in her hand, and summoned them into the sea of ​​qi!

"I heard some news from Shui Yanyu earlier, but I don't know if it's true or not." Luo Xiyan suppressed the absurd thoughts in her heart and said.

Luo Qingheng became interested: "Oh? Is it about this black jade slip?"

Luo Xiyan smiled: "I heard that when Mu Qinglan was still in Xiling College, someone came to her door and asked Xiling College to hand her over. Naturally, Xiling College refused, so those people used …the Blood Heaven Cauldron.”

Luo Qingheng looked shocked: "You mean... that was sent by Shui Yanyu?"

"That's right. She mentioned this matter before, but because the Blood Heaven Cauldron was broken in the end, and those people were wiped out, so she is not very clear about the specific situation. I wonder if you still remember Li Hentian before?" A conversation with Mu Qinglan?"

Of course Luo Qingheng remembered!

At that time, Li Hentian asked Mu Qinglan who broke the Blood Heaven Cauldron, and Mu Qinglan smiled and said that she broke it!

Then everything is connected!

"Shui Yanyu asked someone to help, and planned to use the Blood Heaven Cauldron to deal with Mu Qinglan, but he didn't expect that everyone died, and he was caught. And Mu Qinglan should have cultivated respect since then. The real body of the Lord. Otherwise, I should not be able to do this." Shui Yanyu said lightly.

"I see!"

Luo Qingheng finally understood!

No wonder Mu Qinglan has such a good background, she's already prepared and just waiting for others to jump in!

"It's roughly the same, but I'm afraid only Mu Qinglan knows some specific details." Luo Xiyan glanced at Luo Qingheng calmly, and said seemingly unintentionally, "As for that thing... I don't know I’ve seen it before, so it’s hard to infer.”

In the room, fell into dead silence.

After a while, Luo Qingheng looked serious, and said in a deep voice: "In that case, you can go and take a look with me. After reading it, there may be some new clues."

The black jade slip is a very important inheritance of Luoshen, and only the patriarch of the Luos has always been able to find out.

However, the goddess has a special status, she is almost equal to the patriarch, so it is not out of order to show Luo Xiyan.

Luo Xiyan frowned slightly, seeming to refuse:

"Patriarch, I'm afraid this is inappropriate..."

"What's inappropriate! You are now a goddess of the Luo tribe, so you are naturally qualified to see it! Besides, why not if I accompany you?"

Luo Qingheng didn't think too much, so he waved his hand to interrupt Luo Xiyan's words.

Luo Xiyan struggled for a moment, then nodded lightly: "Then, since this is the case, Xiyan would be more respectful than obedient. I just hope to find out some clues to help you find out the secret hidden by that thing. Then not only is it a good thing for you This is a good thing, and it is of far-reaching significance to the entire Luo people."

Luo Qingheng was very relieved in his heart: "That's right. It's better to hit the sun than to choose the day, so just follow me."

With that said, he walked towards the door.

A flash of light flashed across Luo Xiyan's eyes, then the lids of her eyes drooped slightly to hide her emotions, and followed.

This is a mountain next to Phoenix Mountain. As soon as you go out, you can see the Luo Temple.

Luo Qingheng soared into the air and walked forward!

Luo Xiyan followed closely behind.

Luo Qingheng glanced at her, and said: "This thing has been enshrined in the Luoshen Temple, and it was sealed by the Luoshen himself, so only the patriarch of the Luo clan can take it out. If others move it, it will only attract people. Murder!"

Luo Xiyan smiled faintly, and said: "Since the God Lord personally sealed it, and the Luo Temple is heavily guarded, naturally there will be no one—"


Before Luo Xiyan finished speaking, Luo Qingheng's expression changed drastically!

Her heart also jumped: "Patriarch, what's wrong?"

But seeing Luo Qingheng looking at Luoshen Temple with a ferocious expression, he said sharply:

"Someone broke into Luo Temple!"

Luo Xiyan was finally shocked: "What!?"

Luo Qingheng has already headed towards the Luo Temple first!

He wanted to see who it was that had the guts to break into the Luo Temple of their Luo clan! If he doesn't smash his body into thousands of pieces, it will be hard to get rid of this hatred!

Luo Xiyan frowned and looked at the Luo Temple.

After such a big thing happened, the surrounding area of ​​Luo Temple was still quiet!

It really is bad!

Luo Qingheng rushed towards the Luo Temple, quickly attracting the attention of the guards.

When they were about to be on guard, they found that it was Luo Qingheng who came, and everyone hurriedly saluted: "I have seen the patriarch!"

Luo Qingheng's face was livid: "Immediately block the Luo Temple!"

Everyone was startled, how could it be so nice to suddenly block the Luo Temple?

Moreover, the patriarch looks like this... It seems that something big has happened...

"What are you still doing in a daze! Lock the Luo Temple for me!" Because of anger and excitement, Luo Qingheng's voice became sharp.

When everyone came back to their senses, they didn't dare to ask any more questions, so they had to act immediately. Even those who were still searching on the edge of the cliff came back quickly and surrounded the Luo Temple.

Luo Qingheng stared at the gate of Luo Temple, and saw the unlocked door lock at a glance!

In an instant, there seemed to be a fire bursting out in his chest and abdomen!

The holy land of the Luo clan, the Luo Temple, was actually broken into without anyone noticing it!

This is simply a great shame!

If it wasn't just that he wanted to take Luo Xiyan to have a look, and he checked the barrier by the way, he probably wouldn't be able to know that something big had happened here!

It's really a shame to throw it home!

"... Clan... Patriarch..."

The guard general opened his mouth cautiously, and was slapped hard by Luo Qingheng just as he said a few words!


This time he was full of anger, and almost used ten percent of his strength to knock the guard general into the air, then fell heavily to the ground, and passed out!

Seeing this, everyone immediately trembled in their hearts—the patriarch had never been so angry!

What exactly happened here?

"It is your supreme honor to let you guard the Luo Temple! How dare you neglect your duties... You really are so impatient!"

The veins on Luo Qingheng's forehead popped up, and he cursed angrily: "If you don't want to live, there are a thousand ways in the clan to make your life worse than death!"

Everyone was terrified in their hearts, and they were so frightened that they didn't even dare to breathe.

Look at the guard general who spoke just now, he was directly beaten out, and his life and death are unknown!

Luo Qingheng sternly shouted: "Show me all of them! If you let one person go, you will all be buried with me!"

Only then did everyone gradually guess what happened, and they were all shocked—could it be that the patriarch meant that someone had broken into the Luo Temple?

How can this be? There are so many of them, but they have been watching here all the time!

What's more, there is a very strong enchantment outside, how could someone go in quietly?

However, Luo Qingheng had already shouted at the door, with a sinister voice:

"People inside, get out!"

Luo Qingheng found out!

Hearing the movement outside, Mu Qinglan quickly placed all the black jade slips in the sea of ​​​​qi, and was about to leave immediately!

However, at this moment, a huge energy suddenly burst out from that grid!

The powerful air wave immediately overturned Mu Qinglan!

Mu Qinglan's figure flew upside down uncontrollably!

Mu Qinglan gritted her teeth, and with a wave of her wrist, the sea golden sand vine quickly spread out and wrapped tightly around a pillar!

Sea gold sand vines quickly taut!

Relying on this strength, Mu Qinglan was able to stabilize her figure!

However, within this short period of time, great fluctuations have already occurred in the entire hall!

The grid obviously also has the power of the seal. After being broken open by force, it instantly triggered an energy riot!

On the huge red jade slab, the flame seemed to burn more intensely!

The surrounding temperature rose rapidly, and Mu Qinglan almost thought he was in a sea of ​​flames!

As the flames spread above, she also felt very clearly that there seemed to be more power under the jade slab, which was about to explode!

Without further ado!

Without even thinking about it, Mu Qinglan turned around immediately!

Boom boom boom!

Before she left the Luo Temple, there was a sudden sound of energy explosion behind her!

Several forces immediately attacked Mu Qinglan's back!

Mu Qinglan cast Liuyun Jue and narrowly escaped, but fell into a dilemma.

Go out, Luo Qingheng is waiting with someone!

If you don't go out, it's hard to deal with the energy attack that explodes here!

Sensing the movements in the Luo Temple, Luo Qingheng was already trembling with anger.

The other party really moved the black jade slip!

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for such a situation to occur!

A person's name appeared in his mind almost instantly!

People from the Luo clan will definitely not come here to steal things, they must be outsiders!

There is probably only one person who can guess that there is a black jade slip hidden here, and who attaches great importance to this thing!

Mu Qinglan!

It must be her!

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