God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1149 Twilight (17 more)

Immemorial Divine Canon!

Mu Qinglan can basically be sure now that the complete Immemorial Divine Canon is divided into four pieces, each scattered. And now, in her hands, she has collected three of them!

The first piece destroyed and reshaped her Yuanmai, making him reborn;

The second piece allowed her to officially know the ancient gods, and leapfrogged the ancient real body;

third block...

Mu Qinglan held her breath, and her heart was beating violently. Looking at the third piece, it was slow and firm, and it perfectly matched with the previous two pieces!

She stared closely at the golden writing that emerged, and it seemed that even the blood in her body began to surge in an instant!

Afterwards, golden writing appeared on the other two black jade slips one after another!

When those three words appeared neatly, Mu Qinglan suddenly felt a roar coming from his body!

Only then did she realize that the blood in her body was actually speeding up!

Similarly, there is also the Yuanli within the Yuanmai!

As if some switch was touched suddenly, she suddenly fell into a strange state!

An incomparably vast aura suddenly erupted from the black jade slip! Like a flood erupting, it rushed towards Mu Qinglan's limbs and bones!

Mu Qinglan was startled, and before she had time to react, she immediately felt intense pain coming from every part of her body!

It was as if a fire had been burned suddenly, and it was also as if a knife was being scraped fiercely!

Those powers are really too powerful, in just such a split second, they have crazily poured into every part of her body!

Mu Qinglan felt that her vital veins seemed to be torn apart!


There was a brief blank in Mu Qinglan's mind, and a painful roar suddenly burst out from his throat!

Just with this sound, several cracks appeared in the mountain walls around her in an instant!

Qing Lin, who was lying down and resting, heard such a movement, and quickly turned around to look.

Seeing Mu Qinglan's painful expression, he couldn't help frowning.

His eyes swept over the cracks around Mu Qinglan, and he murmured: "...Is it stronger than I imagined...It really is..."


Suddenly there was a crisp sound above Mu Qinglan's head. It turned out to be a huge rock that was shattered and was about to fall!

Qing Lin casually waved a cyan streamer, filling the entire cave in an instant.

The stone that was about to fall was just covered by that layer of cyan streamer, and stopped moving.

Although this cave is not big, the movement Mu Qinglan made is not small, Qinglin rolled his eyes helplessly.

"It's really... Yatoujing will make trouble for me..."

While speaking, he looked around the mountain again, and it rose into the sky, and then the blue streamer completely enveloped the entire mountain!

In this way, the fluctuations in Mu Qinglan's body can be completely isolated, so as to avoid any messy troubles.

After confirming that the surrounding area had been taken care of and that no one would notice, Qing Lin returned to the entrance of the cave.

He glanced inside, just in time to see that Mu Qinglan had fallen to the ground in extreme pain, curled up into a ball, and seemed to be shaking.

From time to time, there was a low, painful moan in her throat, as if she was trying to suppress it.

Qinglin could vaguely see her eyes closed tightly, her face pale.

He clenched his hands slowly, and moved his steps, as if he wanted to step forward, but in the end he didn't move, and just stood there quietly, looking at Mu Qinglan.

At this time, no one can help her except Mu Qinglan herself.

This is the chance God gave her. If she can catch it, her future will be limitless. If she can't take it...

Qinglin frowned and snorted coldly.

——How could it be unbearable!

The last time Mu Qinglan felt this way was when he got the first black jade slip.

At that time, she was still in the Zhongyuan Secret Realm. When everything happened, without any warning, the piece of black jade slip directly ran into her body.

What followed was a long and painful torture, almost death!

When she woke up, she found that the Yuanmai in her body had been destroyed, and her Yuanli was almost exhausted!

At that time, she was still trying to take out the black jade slip, but she couldn't succeed no matter what, so she had to accept it in the end.

She didn't expect that when the third black jade slip was fused, she would encounter such torture!

Mu Qinglan gritted her teeth, enduring the waves of pain that swept over her!

At the same time, the aura around her is also rising crazily!

If Mu Qinglan can carefully check the situation in his body, he will find that the Yuanmai in his body is also changing!

When she experienced the Nine Tribulations of the Gods before, half of the primordial veins in her body had begun to peel off, gradually revealing a layer of jade-colored primordial veins inside.

And now, under the impact of this powerful force, the part that has not yet peeled off begins to disintegrate!

At this time, Mu Qinglan's mind was already occupied by the severe pain, and he didn't have the extra energy to notice the changes in his body.

Faintly, she could feel the power in her body increasing crazily!

Endless power surged in, like sea water constantly beating on the black crystal like a pentagram!

After a long time, the outline of the Yuanjing became clearer, and the black Yuanjing also appeared deeper and brighter.

thousands of miles away.

"What? Didn't find anyone?!"

The old man who was sitting quietly on the chair suddenly got up when he heard the words, and looked at the kneeling man in front of him in shock and anger.

"How is this possible?! The clues left on the jade tablet before could not be clearer. As long as you follow along, you will definitely find the evil species! Now you say you haven't found it?!"

The man kneeling on the ground hung his head even lower: "Elder, you don't know something, then... that kid is too cunning! He actually separated a strand of his own soul to attract the attention of his subordinates, and then he didn't know What method did he use to hide himself. When the subordinate followed the trail of the soul, he realized that it was his trick to get rid of the shell! The subordinate is guilty, please punish the elder!"

The old man frowned tightly: "You mean, he did this on purpose? Could it be...he already guessed that we would go find him?"

However, this matter has always been kept very secret, only he and a few confidantes know about it, so how did that bastard know about it?

The kneeling man moved a bit, and asked cautiously: "...Elder, maybe he thought of something when he caused the jade plaque to move? Or...he already knew his life experience, so—"


The old man interrupted him without hesitation:

"According to her temperament, she would never turn back when she broke up with the family because of that man. She has been incognito for more than ten years, and she absolutely refuses to mention these things again."

He still clearly remembers that at that time, she swore that she would live the ordinary life of Xianyun Yehe, and she was unwilling to accept the mercy of the clan.

Later, she did, and almost lost her life.

It was a leisurely life that she managed to steal, how could she be willing to give it up?

She already hated this family to the core, so why would she talk so much to that wicked son?

"However...she has been brought back for more than three years. During this period of time, that scoundrel discovered something by himself, maybe..."

He paused, then asked in a cold voice: "Did you catch the soul of that bastard and bring it back?"

Even if you don't catch anyone, you can do a lot of things if you catch a ray of soul.

The kneeling man held his breath: "... this subordinate is incompetent. At that time, after realizing that it was just a sliver of his soul, this subordinate planned to bring it back, but he was very cunning, and he had lost his soul very early. "Thousands of Miles" was left on it, and when the subordinate was about to attack, he summoned the soul back!"

To attract thousands of miles, what is attracted is the soul. In an instant, it can travel thousands of miles, and there is no trace to check.

Even if he has the ability to reach the sky, it is impossible to catch up.

And in this way, the clues that were finally found were also cut off!

The old man was silent for a long time, and there was a deep and cold light in his old eyes.

After a long time, he opened his mouth slowly.

"Even... even Qianliyin has... It can be seen that he has some skills..."

At the beginning, he only thought that scoundrel was a waste, but now, he not only has scheming, but also has means, and he is more difficult to deal with than he imagined.

However, he tried to use his own strength to compete with the whole family, so he took himself too seriously!

"Send more people and continue to investigate! His blood power has been awakened, as long as he moves, he can be found immediately!"


It's a pity that that evil son was not born in the clan, so he doesn't have his jade card.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be easy to catch him?

However, presumably he will not be free for long.

At the same moment, within the clan's ancestral hall, within the jade tablet emitting a faint glow, there was another gleam of light, which was fleeting!

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