God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1150: Yun Xi (18 more)

Mu Qinglan didn't know how long time had passed, but she only vaguely felt that the aura around her was getting stronger and stronger, and it seemed that there was a tendency to break through again!

She couldn't help feeling nervous—she just broke through the middle stage of domain master a few days ago, if she continues to break through now, it will not be a good thing anyway!

Not only has the foundation not been laid well, it will affect her future practice, but also because if she breaks through at this time, she will definitely be discovered!

At that time, the people of the Luo tribe will definitely increase their suspicion of her!

Then all the efforts tonight will be in vain!

Be sure to hold it down!

This thought quickly flashed through Mu Qinglan's mind!

At this moment, the feeling of severe pain is still continuing, she can feel as if she has been skinned and boned! Everything seems to be changing dramatically!

But maybe because of the time, she also felt a little numb, and her sanity barely recovered.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, she slowly got up from the ground, her hands were already bloody from beating and scratching the ground hard.

But this little injury was nothing to her at this moment.

She reluctantly sat down again, her hands formed seals in front of her body, and with the last ounce of rationality, she injected a burst of primordial spirit power onto the soul-suppressing stone!

Now, there is only the soul-suppressing stone, and there is hope to suppress this force!

Mu Qinglan gritted her teeth fiercely, her lips and teeth were full of bloody smell, and the sticky and sweet feeling almost made her internal organs churn!

The power of the primordial spirit was poured into the soul-suppressing stone soul, and a stream of silver light slowly appeared on the top!

The powerful coercion instantly enveloped Mu Qinglan's whole body!

The huge star array appeared under her body again!

Seeing this scene, Qinglin, who had been standing at the entrance of the cave with no expression on his face, frowned imperceptibly, but immediately relaxed his brows and eyes, and a hint of admiration appeared in his eyes.

"Finally, I've been smart for a while... She has a good heart."

In this world, the strong are respected, and everyone wants to become stronger!

Countless practitioners practice hard in order to be able to stand at the top and look down on the world!

The higher you stand, the more you will understand how important strength is to a person.

Therefore, the higher one goes, the stronger one's ambition will be.

Although he didn't like Mu Qinglan's cultivation at all, but he had to say that Mu Qinglan's behavior of suppressing her instead of breaking through at such a time really made Qinglin look at her differently.

Of course she wanted to become stronger. From the first time Qinglin saw Mu Qinglan, she knew that her heart was full of desire for strength!

If she didn't have this desire, she wouldn't be on the chessboard, and she would not be able to concentrate on studying the Eight Spirits Conferred God Formation for more than two years!

Such patience and perseverance definitely require a strong heart and ambition to support it!

But now, she has overcome this desire, and chose to suppress it resolutely!

This is the most valuable quality of a practitioner.

Qinglin folded his arms, and just looked at Mu Qinglan's aura, which suddenly rose sharply, and then quickly suppressed it!

Go up again!

Press again!

Going back and forth like this, it was more than ten times!

There were two times when Mu Qinglan was about to break through to the peak of the domain master, but was suppressed by her again!

Mu Qinglan had to bear the pain caused by the fusion of the black jade slips, and at the same time kept urging the star array on the soul-suppressing stone. The strength and spirit of the whole person were being consumed rapidly!

Her face was red like blood for a while, and extremely pale for a while, and her body was soon drenched with sweat.

Gradually, the crazy aura around her finally began to weaken!

The corners of Qinglin's mouth were slightly curved, but before he could smile, he suddenly saw a faint jade color appear between Mu Qinglan's brows!

Qinglin's expression changed dramatically!

Isn't Mu Qinglan's Yuanmai well sealed? Why suddenly——

He almost didn't even think about it, and immediately walked towards Mu Qinglan quickly, and at the same time, he waved a cyan streamer, which landed on Mu Qinglan's eyebrows!

The powerful fluctuation almost rushed out of Mu Qinglan's eyebrows!

Qinglin's chest trembled, and his breath suddenly weakened a lot.

He frowned tightly, accelerated the driving force, and completely covered the jade-colored marks on Mu Qinglan's eyebrows!

Mu Qinglan felt that her body was extremely hot. Apart from the severe pain, it seemed that flames were spreading from her body.

She couldn't explain this feeling, but she felt as if something in her body was being tightly suppressed, and her whole body was suffocated and uncomfortable, as if something was about to burst!

She couldn't help frowning tightly, and her body began to tremble slightly.

At this moment, suddenly there was a cool force pouring in between her eyebrows!

The burning sensation of manic depression and rage in his body was relieved a lot immediately.

Mu Qinglan gradually calmed down, her eyebrows gradually stretched.

The jade color between the eyebrows finally gradually disappeared.

When he was sure that he was finally completely suppressed, Qing Lin let go of his hand, with a tired look on his face.

He looked at Mu Qinglan and closed his eyes with a headache.

Three-fourths of the primordial veins in her body have been unsealed... If this continues, once something happens, I'm afraid it won't be able to hold back.

Once Yuanmai is completely unsealed, it will be a good thing for her, but even worse.

When the power of her blood is awakened, her strength will definitely be greatly improved, and it will also be of great benefit to her future practice.

But this will undoubtedly attract the attention of some people.

She still doesn't have the strength to fight against those people...

Qing Lin's eyes were heavy, and he sighed after a long time.

Now, he can only hope that those people haven't discovered Mu Qinglan's existence, and taking advantage of this time, the most important thing is for Mu Qinglan to improve his strength as soon as possible.

The aura on Mu Qinglan's body finally calmed down gradually, and the trace between her eyebrows completely dissipated.

And in her body, those three golden handwritings were finally fused together!

A more delicate golden villain than before appeared in the sea of ​​air!

The pain on her body gradually eased a lot, and Mu Qinglan finally noticed the little golden man, and couldn't help being a little curious.

When the golden villain appeared before, she successfully cultivated the ancient real body, but this time...

While she was thinking about it, she suddenly saw the little golden person, and suddenly split into two!

Mu Qinglan was startled, and when she looked carefully, she saw that the two golden villains were exactly the same!

And, most importantly...

The aura of these two golden villains has not weakened at all!

Mu Qinglan was stunned for a long time, but suddenly there was a voice coming from the black jade slip!

The voice was deep and deep, with a force of stability and surrender, as if it came from a distant time and space!

"In the chaotic world, the Immemorial God Emperor incarnated the Three Thousand Laws in his body, for--the Immemorial God's Code!"

Yun Clan, Shenyue Palace.

Yun Yi was in the main hall, flipping through the notebooks accumulated in recent days. Because he went to Honghe City temporarily and didn't come back for a long time, there was a backlog of things that he hadn't had time to deal with.

In addition, the family competition also delayed time, and his desk has piled up a lot.

As the young master, his status in the Yun Clan can almost be said to be below one person and above ten thousand people. There are many things for him to decide. And since he left the Burning Heaven Realm, Yun Pei has already decided to entrust him with some important matters in the clan, so he seems even busier now.

After he sat upright at the table, he held a pen with one hand, his fingers were long and slender, and the sunlight came in from the window, making his cool and handsome face even more like a person in a painting.

When I opened it, I saw one, and it was about his marriage again.

"The young master will be eighteen years old, and he is in full bloom, but he has not made a marriage contract. It is wrong. It is right to choose an elegant lady..."

Yun Yi glanced at it, then threw it out casually.


On the ground in front of his desk, a small mountain had already piled up.

Undoubtedly, those who were admonishing this matter were all thrown away by Yun Yi.

Most of these are previous excerpts, but after the family competition, no one talked about it again.

Undoubtedly, Yun Pei's attitude had already woken them up.

Even if crossing the sky is really sad, Yun Pei is willing to give this opportunity, which proves that he still values ​​Mu Qinglan.

Moreover, when they came back, the comments Yun Pei said before Cangxu Peak had already spread.

He has already said that if Mu Qinglan has the power of a god master, he can compete with Yun Yi. The young generation at the top of the gods will be invincible. Those people below, no matter how dissatisfied they are, will all be honest Really shut up.

Suddenly, he paused and looked up at the door.

"elder brother!"

There was a sound of hurried footsteps, and soon, a petite figure appeared in front of the door.

Although immature and blue, the small face that has gradually revealed a stunning appearance is full of undisguised excitement and anticipation.

Mo Yu, who was full of helplessness, followed closely behind: "Young master, the young lady must come in, and the subordinates did not stop..."

Yunxi wrinkled her nose: "Hmph, I just want to see my future sister-in-law! Why do you stop me?"

Yun Yi glanced at Mo Yu: "Go down first."

Mo Yu felt like she had been pardoned, and quickly thanked En and retreated. After leaving the main hall gate, she finally let out a long sigh of relief.

——Hey, Miss, they don't dare to provoke her! The young master can take care of it...

In the main hall, Yunxi thumped and ran towards Yunyi, leaned in front of the table, opened his eyes wide, and said excitedly: "Brother! I beg you, just let me see! I This time, I begged Aunt Jin for a long time before she agreed to let me come out!"

When she heard that her brother had brought someone back, she was so excited, she was about to come to Shenyue Temple, but Aunt Jin copied the Heart Sutra several times.

Aunt Jin said that the future sister-in-law has just experienced the family competition and is recuperating her body, so it is not easy to disturb her.

So, she waited for two days and came today.

I heard that crossing the sky will be opened this evening, and she wants to try to see her in advance!

Yun Yi put down the pen and leaned back.

"You came today for this matter?"

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