God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1151: Immemorial God Emperor (19th update)

"That's right!" Yunxi blinked her grape-like eyes, clasped her fists with her little hands, and said very sincerely, "Brother, I heard that my future sister-in-law is resting. Let's go, okay?"

She knows that her brother has always liked this future sister-in-law, who can make her brother fall in love with her, she must be a very good person!

Although she thinks Sister Luo is also good, but unfortunately her brother doesn't seem to like her.

In her heart, of course her brother is the most important.

Aunt Jin has already said that a twisted melon is not sweet, and for such a big event as marriage, both of them should be willing to do it!

Yun Yi smiled slightly.

The word "sister-in-law" sounds very pleasant to the ear.

Seeing the face of Wannian Bingshan's brother actually laughed, Yunxi suddenly felt hopeful, and couldn't help asking: "Brother, do you agree?"


"Ah—" Yunxi was immediately disappointed, with a slumped face.

Brother seldom smiles, is it because he mentioned his future sister-in-law?

But why didn't you agree to her and let her go and see him?

Yun Xi rubbed her fingers and looked at him eagerly.

"But... but... I don't see you now, but I will always see you in the future! Can't I see you sooner?"

She is my brother's only sister!

What did Aunt Jin say?

She is... yes! She is still a sister-in-law!

Yun Yi's expression remained unchanged: "Since we will always meet in the future, why do we have to do it now?"

Yunxi was immediately discouraged.

I knew that people like my brother couldn't be persuaded!

After thinking about it, she put her hands on her hips and snorted.

"Hmph, if you don't see it, you won't see it, anyway, I always have a way!"

Yun Yi raised his eyebrows: "Don't make trouble. Have you learned what Aunt Jin taught you recently?"

A proud smile appeared on Yunxi's face: "Of course! Aunt Jin even praised me!"

"She never praises you. Last time you practiced Tianyun Sword and Xinluo Sword, didn't she also praise you for your brains?"

"...I have practiced both kinds of swordsmanship!"


Yunxi was defeated.

Seeing that there was really no other way, she could only admit defeat.

never mind!

Anyway, there will be opportunities in the future!

Yun Yi looked up.

"Aunt Jin is here. You go back with her first."


Yun Xi glanced back, and sure enough, she saw Aunt Jin walking towards her.

She rolled her eyes and said, "Then I'll go first. I'll come to see my brother another day."

With that said, he ran out in a quick trot.

Yun Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, but he didn't expect Yun Xi to agree to leave so simply this time.

He pondered for a moment, then opened the folder in his hand again. But after taking a look, he suddenly remembered something, and he paused.

Then, he got up too.

After leaving the main hall, he turned around and headed towards the west hall.

The guards in front of Shenyue Hall immediately saluted.

"I have seen the young master!"

Yun Yi nodded, walked all the way to the door of the West Hall, knocked three times, and said:

"Qing'er, I'm coming in."

Then, he opened the door and walked in.

Several guards looked at each other, and couldn't help looking at Mo Yu who was beside him.

"Brother Mo Yu, today is the third day... In a few hours, the crossing sky will open, you say... Miss Mu..."

Although the words were not finished, everyone knew it well, and no one dared to say with certainty that Mu Qinglan would be able to survive the day.

After all, they are all Yun Yi's people, so it is inevitable that they will feel a little worried.

You know, in the few times before crossing the sky, no one survived...

Why isn't Mo Yu worried? But of course you can't say that in front of everyone.

"You can't trust Miss Mu, can't you still trust the young master?"

Several people looked at each other, and immediately felt relieved.


If you are really not sure, the young master will not sit still, and maybe even won't agree from the beginning!

"Anyway, Ms. Mu is also the one who cultivated the real body of the lord in the early stage of the domain lord. Looking at the top of the gods, how many can do it?" Speaking of this, Mo Yu was also full of admiration.

To be able to achieve this step, the right time, place and people are indispensable!

Mu Qinglan and the young master are indeed a perfect match in the world!

Having said that, everyone felt more at ease.

"That's right! You even have the real body of the Lord. Miss Mu's talent and strength cannot be underestimated!"

"Just waiting for the crossing sky to open..."

"The young master went in to discuss this matter with Ms. Mu, right? I really hope everything goes well, so that those who don't like us can learn a good lesson!"

"Haha, that's right!"

Yun Yi entered the room, but it was still empty.

He didn't seem surprised either, and went straight to the table and sat down.

It's the third day.

She hasn't come back yet.

In fact, on the first night, he had already sensed that something was wrong. When he took a look in the middle of the night, he found that the person had disappeared.

People outside didn't know about it, and most importantly, even within the Yun clan, they didn't notice any abnormality.

He can be sure that Mu Qinglan must have left the Yun Clan, but as to how she left so quietly, he is not quite sure.

As for what she's going to do...

Yun Yi's posture was lazy, his brows were slightly drawn on his cold face, and his bony fingers tapped on the table regularly.

He could probably guess what she was going to do.

Now there are only a few hours left before the opening of the crossing sky.

If she doesn't make it back in time...

Yun Yi closed his eyes.

No, she can definitely come back.

Listening to that voice, Mu Qinglan's every word was like a distant and vigorous bell ringing, which made her feel numb all over!

She was stunned for a moment, but the words kept echoing in her mind:

"In the chaotic world, the Immemorial God Emperor incarnated the Three Thousand Laws in his body, for--the Immemorial God's Code!"

The meaning of this sentence is... the ancient god emperor, transformed into the three thousand laws, and then formed this ancient god's tome? !

But, who is the Immemorial God Emperor, and what is the Three Thousand Rules?

Isn't this so-called Immemorial Divine Canon just a volume of the Lord's True Body Art?

There was a buzzing in Mu Qinglan's mind, and for a while, he couldn't figure out what it meant.

And that voice, after saying this sentence, never sounded again.

Mu Qinglan looked at the two golden villains again.

Of course, these two look exactly like her, and their movements are exactly the same, just like a pair of twins.

For some reason, a ridiculous and bold guess suddenly appeared in Mu Qinglan's mind——

Could it be that these two... are both the real body of the Lord? !

Mu Qinglan reacted, and was immediately startled by her own thought.

The real body of the two lords?

How can this be! ?

Ordinary cultivators, after cultivating to the realm of the Lord, merge with the real body of the Lord, and they will officially become a strong Lord.

They often title themselves according to the characteristics of their own practice, especially the characteristics of respecting the real body of the Lord.

Just like the first Lord Lei Ming she saw in the Cantian Dao Mansion back then, it was because the real body of the Lord was related to this that she got such a title.

Of course, there are also some people who don't have them, so they are called by their names directly.

For example, Lord Wang Yan, when this name is mentioned, everyone will know that it refers to him.

However, it can also be seen from here that every strong Lord has only one true body of the Lord!

How could anyone have two?

Mu Qinglan vetoed this idea in her heart, but after she carefully looked at the two little golden men, this idea kept popping up again.

Mu Qinglan suddenly opened his eyes!

If...she brings them out...

Just as this thought flashed through her mind, she suddenly felt a golden light flash before her eyes!

A golden figure is appearing in front of his eyes!

Mu Qinglan looked up - it was the real body of the Lord!

She blinked: what about the other one?

Could it be that only one can come out?

She exhaled lightly, and guessed that this idea should be wrong. How could there be someone with two real bodies of the Lord?

What's more, she is only in the middle stage of domain master now!

Just as Mu Qinglan was thinking, she suddenly saw Qinglin standing in front of her without knowing when.

At this time, he was looking at her with an indescribable look...

Mu Qinglan's heart moved: "Qinglin? What are you... looking at me like that for?"

Qing Lin crossed her arms with her arms raised, her brow raised high.

"I'm just a little curious. With your current ability, can you support two real bodies of the Lord?"

Mu Qinglan was astonished.


Two, one, respect, master, true, body? !

She suddenly realized something, and suddenly turned her head to look!

Sure enough, a golden figure came into view!

This... one in front and one in the back, are really two avatars of the Lord!

Moreover, the aura and coercion are exactly the same as before, and they have not been weakened by becoming two at all!

Mu Qinglan opened her mouth slightly, and didn't recover for a while.

She was stunned for a long time before her heart moved and she summoned them back into her body.

The two golden villains appeared on the black jade slips together again.

Mu Qinglan suppressed her heartbeat, held her breath and concentrated, urging the two golden villains to merge again!

Almost as soon as she thought about it, the two reunited and became one!

That voice came again——

"Three thousand laws, one is the origin, divided into two, two established into three, three transforms all things!"

Mu Qinglan carefully rejected this sentence, but the more she thought about it, the more shocked she became.

This means... this means...

Could it be that this ancient divine tome can eventually transform into three thousand real bodies! ?

"Young master! This subordinate has something important to report!"

Yun Yi was closing his eyes, quietly waiting for Mu Qinglan to come back, but suddenly heard a hurried communication from outside.

He narrowed his phoenix eyes slightly, but he had already guessed something in his heart.

Afterwards, Yun Yi got up, opened the door with a normal expression, and walked out.

"what's up?"

The visitor hastily saluted respectfully, and said: "Report to the young master! The patriarch of the Luo clan brought six elders here, and they have already reached outside the barrier! Say, I want to visit one or two!"


Who doesn't know that the Family Competition has just ended in Phoenix Mountain of the Luo Clan, so what's there to visit right now?

No need to think about it, there must be something!

Yun Yi asked lightly: "What is the reason?"

The man hesitated for a moment, then stammered and said:

"The patriarch of the Luo clan said...that he has something important to discuss with Ms. Mu!"

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