God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1153 Wind Rest Bridge (21st update)

Yun Yi looked cold.

"She is naturally in the Yun clan, Shenyue Palace."

Luo Qingheng asked again: "Really? Who can prove this?"

Yun Yi suddenly laughed, extremely cold.

"All the guards of the Shenyue Palace can prove this matter. Since she entered the Shenyue Palace three days ago, she has been recuperating and has never come out."

However, Luo Qingheng didn't believe a single word: "If I remember correctly, the Shenyue Hall is the residence of the young master of the Yun clan, so naturally there are all young master Yun's people there."

The implication is that if Yun Yi has the heart to protect Mu Qinglan, these words are too many to count.

"In this case, you can find out by asking the person who guards the barrier." Yun Pei suddenly said, "Yun Ji, go and call the person who is in charge of guarding the barrier these days."

Elder Yunji quickly said: "Yes."

After speaking, he quickly backed out.

"The Yun Clan is closely guarded, and anyone who enters or exits will leave traces. So, what does Patriarch Luo think?" Yun Pei asked.

Things have been done so far, and the Yun Clan has given the Luo Clan enough face. Luo Qingheng also accepted it as soon as it was good, and bowed to Yunlin.

"That's naturally the best, I'll stay here first, thank you, Patriarch Yun. When the matter is investigated and the truth comes out, everything will be clear."

He gave Yun Yi a meaningful look.

"I believe that the Yun family has always been fair and will never shield anyone."

Yun Yi's brows and eyes were slightly cold, but he didn't speak again.

Soon, Elder Yunji walked in with three men.

The three of them followed Elder Yunji respectfully: "I have met the patriarch!"

Elder Yunji explained: "Patriarch, Patriarch Luo, these three people are clearly in charge of entering and exiting the barrier in the past three days. They are well aware of the movements inside and outside the clan."

Yun Pei nodded and asked, "Let me ask you, has Mu Qinglan ever gone out in the past three days?"

The three knelt on the ground and shook their heads respectfully when they heard the words: "Nothing."

Luo Qingheng's expression changed.

Yun Yi took a look and asked, "Are you sure? This matter is of great importance. If there are any omissions..."

The man kneeling in the middle suddenly bent down and said:

"Patriarch, young master Mingjian! Your subordinates are in charge of the entire barrier, which is equivalent to being responsible for the safety of the Yun clan. How dare you neglect your duties? This subordinate can guarantee that everything you say is true!"

The other two followed closely behind: "The same is true for my subordinates!"

Yun Yi continued to ask: "Then how are you sure that Qing...Mu Qinglan hasn't left during these three days?"

The three men were all stunned for a moment, and then said cautiously: "This...Ms. Mu has a special status. If she really went in and out, we will definitely remember..."

That's Mu Qinglan!

For her sake, the young master rejected the Luo clan's marriage contract, and was even imprisoned in the Burning Heaven Realm. Who doesn't know about the entire Yun clan?

What's more, there has been a lot of rumors about the family competition recently, and they talked a lot in private, so they were naturally impressed by Mu Qinglan.

If there is any movement from her, there must be many people paying attention both openly and secretly, not to mention such a big event as entering and exiting the Yun Clan?

Yun Yi nodded clearly, then looked at Luo Qingheng.

"Patriarch Luo, is there anything else you want to ask?"

Luo Qingheng clenched his palms into fists and gritted his teeth secretly.

He still doesn't believe it!

But that's the end of the story...

Yun Yi asked in a low voice: "By the way, if I remember correctly, it takes about three days to travel from here to the Luo clan, and if you want to go back and forth, it will take a full six days. I don't know how the Luo clan leader determined , Mu Qinglan can freely travel back and forth between these two places in less than three days?"

Luo Qingheng's face turned pale.

Mu Qinglan couldn't do it, but the person who appeared that night was clearly able to tear the space apart!

With such ability, it is not impossible to go back and forth in such a short period of time!

However, if he said this, it would completely remove Mu Qinglan's suspicion!

Because everyone knows that Mu Qinglan is only a mid-term domain master! Although she has the real body of the Lord, it is definitely not enough to tear apart the space and escape!

Therefore, he must not say this!

But if I don't say anything, the time will not be right...

For some reason, Luo Qingheng had a strange intuition in his heart - Mu Qinglan must have something to do with this matter!

He himself knew that looking at the events before and after, he could completely deny the possibility of Mu Qinglan, but he was really not reconciled.

What's more, when he was in the family competition before, he deliberately exerted strong coercion on Mu Qinglan, but Mu Qinglan fought back instead!

At that time, he thought it was the power of Mu Qinglan's Lord Master, but now that he thought about it, he felt something was wrong.

What if... there is really a stronger existence in her body?

Then all of this makes sense!

But these, how to say the export?

Inside the hall, there was an almost suffocating silence.

Yun Pei said to the three of them, "Go down."

Several people quickly said: "Yes."

With that said, he quickly backed away.

"Patriarch Luo, I'm asking now. Although your subordinates say that person looks like Mu Qinglan, these people can also prove that Mu Qinglan has indeed never left the Yun Clan these days. Presumably , it should be someone else."

Yun Pei glanced at Luo Qingheng: "We are also very sorry that such a thing happened. But, Patriarch Luo, you have found the wrong person and the wrong place. There is nothing we can do to help this matter."

These words already have the meaning of seeing off guests.

It was true in the first place, Luo Qingheng did not say hello in advance, and just brought a few elders here, which was somewhat disrespectful to the Yun clan. The fact that the Yun family doesn't care about them doesn't mean that they are happy to see such a thing happen. It's just for the sake of friendship with the Luo people for many years, and they don't want to let the two sides tear each other up because of this matter.

Although the relationship between the two of them is already very bad, but for the sake of each other's face, they will each compromise a part.

What's more, Yun Pei even called someone over to ask, no matter what, he was doing his best, if Luo Qingheng still refused to give up, it would be too ugly.

It's a pity that Luo Qingheng is now overwhelmed by anger and jealousy, he really doesn't intend to worry about anything.

So, feeling ruthless in his heart, he looked at Yun Yi again, and asked word by word:

"I heard that the crossing of the cloud clan is about to open today, so Mu Qinglan should also appear?"

Yun Yi's eyebrows were slightly condensed, and his eyes were cold.

There seemed to be a wave of waves in Yun Pei's old and calm eyes, and he took a deep look at Luo Qingheng.

How can Luo Qingheng care about other things at this time?

If the black jade slip cannot be found, he is the eternal sinner of the Luo clan!

He doesn't want to, and can't bear the infamy!

In comparison, even if he slightly offended the Yun Clan, he would not hesitate to do so!

"If you don't mind...I think, let's also see Mu Qinglan crossing the sky. I wonder if Patriarch Yun will allow it?"

The elders of the Yun clan all looked a little ugly.

Where is crossing the sky?

That is the same as the Burning Heaven Realm, a special boundary for the Yun Clan!

Although there are only a handful of people who have been in it for so many years, it is the Yunzu's own business!

When will it be an outsider's turn to see? !

Even Luo Qingheng doesn't have the qualifications!

Yun Pei suddenly stood up, his tall figure instantly brought a strong sense of oppression!

His voice is low, with a heavy coercion, which makes people tremble:

"Patriarch Luo, I called these people for questioning for you because the Yun clan and the Luo clan have been friends for many years. The matter has been found out, and it has nothing to do with my Yun clan or Mu Qinglan. What are you doing now? Said... Are you questioning the guards of the Yun Clan, or... Are you questioning me?!"

The last few words were uttered sonorously and powerfully, like a thunderbolt, which suddenly exploded in everyone's hearts!

Several elders hurriedly said: "Patriarch calm down!"

Luo Qingheng also suddenly felt a little troublesome - this old thing Yun Pei is not so easy to mess with!

He hurriedly said haha: "Patriarch Yun, don't be angry. You really misunderstood me. How could I not trust the Yun clan? I can't trust you? I just said that... because I really can't let it go. If there is I hope that Patriarch Yun will forgive me for the offense."

Yun Pei's expression was still cold.

Luo Qingheng thought about it, and quickly said: "How about this, for the sake of friendship in the past, we each take a step back. We only need to see Mu Qinglan in the Yunzu today! As long as we see her, we will leave immediately. Absolutely not to stay longer, and I will never doubt her again! How?"

Yun Pei's expression was a little hard to see through.

Afterwards, Luo Qingheng looked at Yun Yi and said, "Young Master Yun, if this is the case, it can be regarded as completely repaying Mu Qinglan's innocence. If she can show up today, I will personally apologize to her, how about it!?"

Yun Yi narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly: "Really?"

Luo Qingheng said firmly: "Seriously!"

Yun Yi thought for a moment, then looked at Yun Pei.

Yun Pei said: "You can decide on this matter."

Yun Yi glanced at Luo Qingheng calmly.

"It's a deal!"

There is only the last half an hour left before the crossing sky opens.

People within the Yun Clan have gradually begun to gather at the Qifeng Bridge around Cangxu Peak.

There are also many people waiting on the nearby mountain peaks.

Yun Pei and his party came out together with Luo Qingheng and his party.

The place where the crossing sky opens is in the middle of Hanxingtan under the Qifeng Bridge!

Yun Yi glanced at several people.

"I'll go get her."

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