God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1154: Hurrying Back (22nd Update)

When Yun Yi returned to Shenyue Palace, Mo Yu and others seemed to have already got the news.

"Young master. Miss Mu hasn't come out yet."

Yun Yi nodded, and walked towards the West Hall without stopping.

"She may still be practicing, I'll take a look."

With that said, he walked to the door.

He turned his face slightly: "When you are practicing, you should avoid disturbing her. She has a life plate in her body, so it's okay for me to go. However, no one else is allowed to come in without my permission, you know?"

Mo Yu and the others hurriedly said, "Yes!"

Only then did Yun Yi push the door and enter, and the slender white figure quickly disappeared behind the door.

Mo Yu looked back at the crowd: "Strengthen your vigilance! No one is allowed to come near the Shenyue Palace!"


Yun Yi entered the room, and after a quick glance, he was sure that Mu Qinglan hadn't come back yet.

He went to the table again, sat down, and waited.

Qing'er... In less than half an hour, you will definitely be able to come back, right?

Yun Yi took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes.

Inside the cave, Mu Qinglan finally completely fused the third piece of black jade slip, and the movement in her body gradually calmed down.

She moved her muscles and bones, and there was a crisp sound all over her body.

I have to say that after this time, her physical strength seems to have increased again...

But fortunately, the realm has not improved, and it is still maintained at the level of the mid-term domain master.

As for the two golden villains, they obediently hid them again in the black jade slips.

Mu Qinglan had never heard of someone being able to cultivate two avatars of the Lord before, so she didn't know what to do for a while, so she simply left them alone.

But Qinglin didn't seem to be very surprised. He just stood by and watched her finish all these things before reminding:

"Now you have two real bodies of the Lord, which can guarantee your safety in most cases. Therefore, you must never move your Yuanmai at will."

Mu Qinglan was a little surprised: "Moving... Yuanmai?"

Qing Lin clicked her eyebrows: "Your Yuanmai was originally sealed, but every time you reach a critical moment, your seal will be weakened, which will gradually reveal your true Yuanmai. Now Three-quarters of the primordial veins in your body have been exposed, and if there is any movement, it will cause some trouble."

Mu Qinglan was silent for a moment, and checked his body, and sure enough, he saw that the Yuanmai seemed to be peeling off more, and the jade-colored Yuanmai inside was exposed more than before.

She knew what the "trouble" in Qinglin's words meant.

"I know, I will be careful in the future." Mu Qinglan pursed her lips and smiled, but her eyes were full of determination.

In fact, she had already vaguely felt it before, and now Qinglin's words proved her guess even more.

When going through the Nine Tribulations of the Gods, she was already on the verge of dying at the last moment, but in a daze, she managed to get through the most dangerous part inexplicably.

After she woke up, she didn't even understand how she did it.

But now, she has gradually understood, so she will naturally pay more attention.

Qing Lin nodded in relief.

"Now that you've packed everything, you can go back."

Mu Qinglan was startled suddenly: "I almost forgot! What time is it now?"

Qinglin sneered: "Is it too late for you to think of asking now?"

Mu Qinglan quickly glanced at the sky outside, it was already evening!


Crossing the sky opens, it seems to be at this time in the evening!

Going back now, I don't know if I can still catch up!

"What's the rush, the distance from here to the Yun Clan is not too far, and we will be there in a while."

Qinglin said, and flew outside.

Mu Qinglan also hurriedly followed.

It wasn't until the two of them flew away from the mountain that Qing Lin stopped in mid-air.

"Why...you want to be here specially..." Mu Qinglan murmured.

Qinglin rolled her eyes at her: "Look back yourself."

Hearing the sound, Mu Qinglan turned her head to look, but saw that the top of the mountain and the inside of the cave were covered with a very light blue color!

Is that Qinglin's power?

Just as Mu Qinglan was thinking, she saw Qinglin wave her hand, and the cyan streamer quickly dissipated.

The entire mountain quickly returned to normal.

But when Mu Qinglan saw the cracks all over it, he couldn't help but twitch his eyes.

"This... I did this all?"

She still has a little impression, it seems that when she fused the third black jade slip, she made a lot of noise.

Qinglin glanced at her: "Could it be me?"

As soon as the words fell, a huge roar suddenly came from above the mountain!


Following this loud noise, the entire mountain collapsed!


With a wave of Qinglin's hand, a crack in the space was torn open, grabbed Mu Qinglan's arm, and stepped in!

It took Mu Qinglan a while to adapt to the darkness in front of her, and she quickly felt the terrifying space turbulence around her!

A sharp breath flew over suddenly!

She was startled, and quickly dodged, and that turbulent current flew past her shoulder!

"The responsiveness is not bad." Qinglin said leisurely beside him.

Only then did Mu Qinglan realize that she didn't have Qinglin's protection on her body!

As if guessing what Mu Qinglan was thinking, Qinglin crossed his arms and said lazily:

"Now you also have two real bodies of the Lord, and you have undergone another tempering. The strength of your physical body is already comparable to that of the peak of the Lord. For you, this movement is like scratching an itch."

Mu Qinglan was shocked: "...When did you think highly of me?!"

What about contempt? Disdain? Dislike it?

Why is he so relieved now! ?

Qinglin glanced at her, and asked strangely: "These things are the simplest things for you. If you can't do it, it's useless, right?"

Mu Qinglan: "...Hey, I see."

Qinglin is quite satisfied with Mu Qinglan's attitude: "If you want to open up a space tunnel by yourself, you must first understand the fluctuations in it. Now is an opportunity, but the time is not very long, you can simply feel the feeling first. .”

There were several more wild forces coming towards her, and Mu Qinglan dodged immediately, but was still scratched by one of them to the waist, and immediately felt a sharp pain.

Probably bleeding, but not serious.

It was nothing compared to what she had been through before.

However, Qinglin's feeling... is this what he is referring to?

Qing Lin shook his head regretfully: "The time here is too short, when I have a chance in the future, I have to practice hard."

Mu Qinglan suddenly felt a chill go down her spine, and asked quickly, "How long will it take to arrive?"

Time passed bit by bit.

Under the Cangxu Peak, the circular Qifeng Bridge was almost full of people.

Almost all the people from the Yun clan came at this time.

Everyone is waiting for Mu Qinglan's appearance!

On Cangxu Peak, Luo Qingheng glanced at the sky and sneered in his heart.

"Patriarch Yun, the time... seems to be coming soon? Why hasn't Mu Qinglan appeared yet? Young Master Yun just said to call her, but it's been a long time, and she hasn't come back yet?"

Yun Pei put his hands behind his back, his expression expressionless.

"There is still a quarter of an hour."

Luo Qingheng almost laughed out loud.

half an hour?

I'm afraid that Mu Qinglan won't be able to come back in another half day!

As for Yun Yi, this time he slapped himself in the face even more severely!

He wanted to see, what else could Yun Pei say if Mu Qinglan hadn't appeared in half a quarter of an hour!

Elder Yunji beside him also nodded: "Crossing the sky is extremely dangerous, maybe Mu Qinglan is making final preparations."

Luo Qingheng glanced at Elder Yunji, with a mocking cold smile on the corners of his eyes and brows.

You can still find reasons now, when the time is up, no matter how many reasons you have, they are all jokes!

"I hope so! If Mu Qinglan doesn't show up today...wouldn't it be equivalent to playing tricks on the entire Yun clan?" Luo Qingheng looked at Yun Pei sincerely, "Patriarch Yun, you have a big heart and treat her like this. I know how to be grateful!"

Yun Pei frowned slightly, and finally took a look at him.

"Thank you, Patriarch Luo for your concern. But I think it's better for Patriarch Luo to deal with the affairs of his own clan first."

Luo Qingheng's face turned cold, and he swallowed the rest of the words.

Although insolent!

For half an hour, he didn't believe that Mu Qinglan could really come back!

"Young master, the time is almost up, the patriarch has sent someone to remind you, look..."

Mo Yu stood in front of the gate of the West Hall, feeling extremely anxious.

After the young master went in just now, there was no movement inside, and it turned out that he just waited until now!

There is only the last bit of time left before the crossing sky opens!

Why haven't the young master and Miss Mu moved yet?

"Wait." Yun Yi's cold voice came from inside.

Hearing this, Mo Yu felt helpless and nervous.

He didn't dare to urge him at first, but he was already impatient!

If you are late... so many people in the Yun clan are waiting!

In particular, the patriarch and all the elders have already arrived!

If it's too late, I'm afraid this time, Ms. Mu will directly offend the entire Yun clan!

But Yun Yi had already spoken, and he urged him once, but he didn't dare to say anything more, so he took a deep breath secretly, hoping that the young master and Miss Mu could catch up!

In the room, Yun Yi sat quietly, and the warm light of the evening shone in, reflecting on his jade-like face.

He has a calm expression, only a pair of phoenix eyes, as deep as the sea, as if he wants to swallow everything in!

His hands kept beating regularly, until at a certain moment, his movements finally stopped.

Then, he got up and headed out the door.

If it doesn't work, he will go personally——

Just as he took a step, he suddenly noticed something and immediately looked back!

A crack in space suddenly appeared in front of my eyes!

His heart skipped a beat!

The next moment, Mu Qinglan's figure stepped out!


A bell rang suddenly!

Everyone's expressions changed slightly at this moment.

Luo Qingheng couldn't hide the pride and sarcasm on his face.

"It seems... Mu Qinglan really doesn't plan to come out... Or, is she not in the Yun clan at all?"

Yun Pei was about to speak, but suddenly there was a clear laugh:

"Patriarch Luoluo is bothering you! However, the matter between me and the Yun clan seems to have nothing to do with your Luo clan, right?"

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