God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1155 Apology (23rd)

Hearing this voice, the smile on Luo Qingheng's face suddenly froze!

He looked over in disbelief, and a familiar face that he hated appeared in front of him!

It was Mu Qinglan!

It turned out to be her! ?

Not only him, but everyone in the Yun clan who had been waiting for a long time also looked at that exquisite figure in unison!

That woman's face is extremely clear and beautiful, with a loose and flamboyant smile on her face, her eyes are like stars, she seems to be more magnificent and moving than the afterglow of the setting sun!

Yun Yi was standing beside her, and for a moment, it seemed that he was also being compared!

She is like a brilliant pearl, exuding dazzling light, no matter where she goes, she seems to be able to attract everyone's attention immediately!

Yun Yi's appearance and temperament are top-notch. Few people in the world can match him. Almost everyone standing by his side will be eclipsed by him.

However, Mu Qinglan was different.

Standing together, the two of them actually give people a feeling of complementing each other, no matter how you look at them, they seem to be equally outstanding, equally stunning!

When seeing the two of them, a word suddenly appeared in everyone's mind——

A perfect match!

For a moment, they couldn't think of anyone who would be more suitable for each other than them!

This is the first time for Mu Qinglan to make an official appearance in front of everyone in the Yun Clan. I don't know how many people are looking at her.

Before she came back with Yun Pei and others, she only met some high-ranking elders, but most of them didn't have time to look at her carefully at that time, and she had already followed Yun Yi to the Shenyue Hall. There are also some who didn't catch up with her at the time, and were even more curious about her.

So at this time, everyone naturally looked at her carefully with various thoughts.

I have to say, at least it looks like this, it really matches Yun Yi very well...

Such an appearance, and that all-over bearing... Doesn't it seem like the rumors say that he is a person of low birth?

Even the women in the aristocratic family may not be able to match it yet!

It's no wonder that the patriarch is willing to give her the chance to cross the sky...

Facing these gazes, Mu Qinglan and Yun Yi had already arrived in front of Yun Pei and the others.

Mu Qinglan made a salute: "Patriarch Yun, I have been practicing in Shenyue Temple before, so I woke up a little late, you won't be angry, right?"

Yun Pei looked Mu Qinglan up and down, his eyes moved slightly.

She seems to have... some changes...

"It's all right. The bell just fell, and you're not too late."

Mu Qinglan smiled brighter: "Thank you, Patriarch Yun, for your understanding!"

As she spoke, she glanced to the side, with a hint of sarcasm in the corner of her mouth.

"If you listened to what Patriarch Luo said just now, then I would be really sad. I practiced so hard to successfully pass through the crossing sky, and at the same time let down your hope. Speak provocatively..."

Luo Qingheng finally recovered from the shock, and said angrily: "What did you say!? Who provoked it?! I was just joking with Patriarch Yun!"

Mu Qinglan covered her lips and smiled in surprise: "What a coincidence, I was also talking to Patriarch Yun, why did you take it seriously?"

Luo Qingheng choked, and almost didn't come up with this breath.

This Mu Qinglan has such a sharp mouth!

The smile on Mu Qinglan's face gradually subsided, and she said meaningfully:

"Yun Yi also told me about the previous things. I'm surprised, I don't know who pretended to be me and did this kind of thing. It's too much! Fortunately, these days, I have been thinking about it. In the Moon Palace, everyone can testify for me, otherwise...wouldn’t it be impossible for me to wash myself off even if I jumped into the river?”

Luo Qingheng couldn't say a word.

Looking at Mu Qinglan's radiant look, he felt very uncomfortable!

I don't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that although Mu Qinglan was joking, his words and demeanor were full of sarcasm and provocation.

That made him even more uncomfortable.

Yun Yi said lightly: "Qing'er doesn't have to worry about it. Patriarch Luo is also eager, so he accidentally misunderstood you. Moreover, he also said earlier that if you came out today, he would admit that he was wrong, and he would have to do it in public. I apologize to you."

Mu Qinglan asked in surprise, "Really?"

The corners of Yun Yi's mouth curled up slightly: "At that time, the patriarch and several elders also heard it, and the patriarch Luo kept his promises, so what he said naturally counts."

Mu Qinglan looked at Luo Qingheng with raised eyebrows, and said with a smile:

"Patriarch Luo, what's the point of this?"

Luo Qingheng can't wait to go up and tear Mu Qinglan's face off!

And Yun Yi!

When did he say "in public"? !

But at this time, everyone is watching, and he can't pick on Yun Yi, otherwise he will appear narrow-minded!

He was really crazy to say such a thing!

Still in front of Yun Pei and the others!

Now Yun Yi took the initiative to propose that so many people were listening and watching, even if he wanted to deny it, there was nothing he could do!

However, want him to apologize to Mu Qinglan?

Do you want his face anymore!

Who doesn't know that Mu Qinglan and their Luo clan have already had an enmity, but at least at that time, their Luo clan took the initiative, but now?

His face is equivalent to being stepped on by Mu Qinglan!

"Patriarch Luo, you are so polite. Although there were some festivals between you and me before, but since it has passed, there is no need to mention it. But I didn't expect you to apologize to me now... Although I don't Excuse me, but after all, this is what you personally promised, Patriarch Luo, if I insist on refusing, wouldn't it make you a person who broke your promise?"

Mu Qinglan seemed to be relieved: "Don't worry, I will listen carefully to your apology and remember it clearly! I believe everyone will look at Patriarch Luo with admiration in the future!"

"you you you--"

Luo Qingheng's hands were trembling, if not for the last sliver of reason, he might have started to do it now!

Luo Qingheng took a deep breath, finally suppressing the impulse in his heart.

--never mind! Anyway, Mu Qinglan is going to cross the sky afterwards! He knew where it was!

For so many years, among the Yun clan, no one has ever been able to cross the crossing sky alive!

If Mu Qinglan goes in, it will definitely be a dead end!

Let's hold back this breath now, and when she dies, this revenge will be avenged!

As for the black jade slip... There is no way to check it carefully now, so I just continue to wait!

Luo Qingheng frowned, gritted his teeth and said:


Mu Qinglan blinked: "What? Who's sorry?"

Luo Qingheng closed his eyes, every word seemed to be squeezed out from the gap between his teeth.

"I said... I misunderstood you before, now I apologize to you! Yes, no, please!"

Mu Qinglan frowned.

"You don't have to be so loud, I'm still young, I can hear you."

Luo Qingheng almost spat out a mouthful of old blood!

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