God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1164 Two real bodies! (32 more)

"So, are you still going to insist?"

Mu Qinglan was stuck in her throat, her heart seemed to be severed by a knife, her chest was oppressed like a stone, and she could hardly breathe.

She finally knew how cruel she had done to Yun Yi.

For a moment, Mu Qinglan shook his head.

"I must spend the crossing days!"

The old man suddenly became anxious: "You girl! What are you thinking? The old man told you—"

"The junior thank the senior for his guidance, I am very grateful."

Mu Qinglan said, and bowed deeply to the old man.

She really appreciates him.

If he hadn't said these things, maybe she would never have known them.

She used to think that if Yun Yi is willing to speak, then she is willing to listen, and if he is not willing to speak, then she is willing to accompany him.

But now she understands that there are some things that can never be said.

Because it hurts too much.

But it was also because of this that she wanted to continue.

——Yun Yi has uncovered the scars and paid such a price just to fight for their future together. How could she hold back?

The only way is that she successfully ascended to the sky!

Although in everyone's eyes, this is an impossible thing to do, but she still has to do it!

In any case, she can't let herself down, let alone Yun Yi!

"The junior has already thought about it. Senior, please—"

Mu Qinglan said, her feet slightly staggered, and she stretched out her hand.

The old man frowned at her.

"She is really a stubborn girl! Although she is beautiful, her brain is hard to turn around! If this is the case, don't blame the old man for being cruel!"

As he said that, the old man snorted angrily and threw out a palm at will!

"Fengtian Palm!"

Above the sky, a huge palm print quickly condensed, and then pressed towards Mu Qinglan!

Mu Qinglan looked up.

"Primeval real body!"

The golden figure flew out instantly! Go towards that huge palm print!

That huge palm print was pressed down with a mighty force!

Taikoo real body punched out!


The two forces clashed fiercely, and there was a powerful aftermath in an instant! Spread towards the surroundings!

Amidst this raging energy, Mu Qinglan's ancient real body finally collided with that palm print!

The coercion of the vastness continued to strengthen, directly pressing down on the real body of Taikoo!

Immemorial real body was immediately knocked down to the ground!

Mu Qinglan's chest trembled, and a mouthful of blood suddenly spewed out!

The people who were watching outside were watching nervously.

They didn't know what Mu Qinglan was going through at this time, they could only see that the golden real body of the Lord seemed to be wrestling with some force.

The Lord's real body seemed to be suppressed by something, he punched forward, but his body began to tremble, and then suddenly knelt down on one knee!

Mu Qinglan also vomited blood at the same time!

The bright red blood stained her clothes in an instant, and quickly wet the black fabric.

Yun Yi clenched his fists tightly, his knuckles turned white, and the veins on the back of his hands were bulging.

His jaw was tense, and the aura around him was extremely cold, making it impossible to approach.

It seems that if he is not careful, he will explode.

Many people thought of something, looked at Yun Yi with a vague expression, and then quickly looked away as if they had been noticed.

Today's Yun Yi is no longer the kid that everyone bullied...

However, I really don't know why he agreed to the request of the Yunpei patriarch.

Even if he really likes Mu Qinglan, it's not impossible to take him as a concubine, so why take such a risk?

The golden figure got up quickly again! Charge again!


A force slammed down, and then severely suppressed the real body of the Lord!


The real body of the Lord directly hit the crystal pillar!

Mu Qinglan's eyes were still closed, but her face turned paler again!

Without any hesitation, the golden figure rushed up again!

The strength of the old man is too strong!

The Lord's real body has been knocked down several times in succession, and every time he was hit hard, the light on that body would become dim.

The source and the real body are connected by blood, and Mu Qinglan has also been greatly affected. The power in the body is constantly being consumed, and at the same time, the internal organs are also continuously being impacted, and the breath gradually becomes weaker.

Yet she never gave up.

That golden figure, as if it would never stop, rushed towards the huge Fengtian palm in the sky again and again!

At first it could barely be touched, but later on it was able to leave a few shallow marks on it.

But that little attack power doesn't have much impact on Fengtian Palm at all.

Gradually, even the old man's expression gradually changed.

At first, he thought that after Mu Qinglan was hit, he would realize that with his own strength, he could not move forward at all, so he gave up.

However, as time passed bit by bit, the golden Lord's real body was already covered with scars, and Mu Qinglan herself had consumed too much power.

However, she hasn't stopped yet!

Looking at the real body of the Lord who charged up again, the old man's brows gradually tightened, and a trace of doubt appeared in his eyes.

He didn't think that much just now, but now, he suddenly realized a problem——

Mu Qinglan's real body of the Lord is too good at fighting, right?

Also puzzled were the members of the Yun Clan who had been watching.

How long has it been since Mu Qinglan summoned the real body of the Lord?

The sky has gradually darkened!

They can't count how many times Mu Qinglan's real body of the Lord has been beaten away!

But every time they thought "it should be here, she can't fight anymore", Mu Qinglan always responded unexpectedly, and urged the Lord's real body to charge up again!

This is no longer a question of giving up or not giving up - how can anyone still have such a strong fighting power after being hit so many times?

Of course, it couldn't be compared to the beginning, but compared to the normal rate of power loss, it was horribly slow!

How long can she fight?

In other words, how long does she want to fight?

The expressions of everyone, from sympathy, ridicule, and disdain at the beginning, gradually turned into disbelief.

"Her avatar of the Lord is indeed very strong. Judging by her strength, she is at least in the top ten of the thirty-six avatars." Elder Yunji sighed, his face full of admiration.

In the early days of the domain master, he was able to cultivate the real body of the lord, and he was already a genius who was one in a million. He did not expect that the strength of the real body of the lord was so high!

He flirted with Elder Yunlin: "Look, our Yun Clan has a few good volumes of real body formulas, but among the younger generation, how many can succeed? Mu Qinglan has no background It's not bad, but because of this, her talent and opportunity are even more shocking, isn't it? If you want me to say, it's definitely enough to be worthy of our young master!"

Elder Yunlin's expression relaxed a little.

The strength that Mu Qinglan has shown recently has indeed changed him a lot.

It's just that he had already said that to Mu Qinglan before, if he changed his words immediately now, he really couldn't do it.

Elder Yunji knew that he was stubborn, and the most important thing was that he valued Yun Xiao very much back then, and he had always been brooding about that matter, and there was always a hurdle in his heart that he couldn't get over, but it's normal to react like this now.

He is willing to try to accept Mu Qinglan, which is already a good start.

"This real body of the lord is not bad, but it's a bit too much to say that it can be ranked in the top ten of the thirty-six real bodies." Elder Yun Zhen snorted coldly, "Besides, there is no golden one in the top ten." The real body of the Lord."

Even if you want to support Mu Qinglan, you have to think about some things, right?

Elder Yunji smiled slightly.

Elder Yun Mi smiled and smoothed things over: "In the top ten, there is indeed no golden real body of the Lord. However, the world is so big that there are no surprises. Maybe Mu Qinglan got some powerful real body of the Lord by accident? After all, if it's not good enough... Luo clan... hey."

If the real body of Mu Qinglan is nothing, then why is Luo Qingheng trying to snatch things away so shamelessly?

All the elders looked at each other, knowing that the point was over and they couldn't continue, so they all shut their mouths.

Only Yun Pei's eyes are deep and unpredictable.

The ancient real body was already covered with cuts and bruises.

Mu Qinglan's face was extremely pale, but she still didn't stop.

The golden figure was knocked down heavily!

On the ground, there are already potholes, and there are traces of violent force bombardment everywhere.

Standing in front of Caimen, the old man gradually became impatient.

This doll is real!

How endless!

Doesn't she hurt?

Isn't she tired?

The Lord's real body was almost crippled by the beating, why didn't she give up, and she was still able to fight?

How did she cultivate the real body of the Lord? It's too much to bear, right?

She doesn't find it annoying, he can't stand it anymore!

However, at the moment when his mind was relaxed, Mu Qinglan's aura suddenly became violent!

Then, another golden figure flew out of her body, heading towards the huge palm in the sky!

Like a golden sharp arrow, it traversed the sky and pierced through it!

The old man's eyes widened suddenly: What's going on? Did Mu Qinglan's real body of the Lord suddenly regain his peak strength? !

But soon, he saw that besides the figure in the sky, there was another one on the ground not far away!


The one on the ground, breathing weakly, was clearly the one who had been beaten countless times before!

The one in the sky is full of strength, and it is a new one!

The old man looked dull, unable to react for a long time.

——In Mu Qinglan's body, there are actually two identical real bodies of the Lord! ?

How can this be?

Just at this time!

The real body of the Lord in the sky, strike with all your strength!


A hole was finally pierced through that huge Fengtian palm!

At the same moment, the entire space was completely shattered!

Everything around suddenly dissipated!

Mu Qinglan suddenly opened his eyes!

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