God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1165 Xueyou’s True Face (33rd update)

Mu Qinglan got up and took a step forward!

Twenty Heavens!

Everything happened so fast, before everyone could react, they saw that Mu Qinglan had opened his eyes and opened the nineteenth heaven!

And the golden real body of the Lord also instantly turned into a streamer and returned to Mu Qinglan's body!

She continued to go upwards, but she didn't know that the entire Yun Clan was already boiling!

Because a moment ago, they could see clearly that the real body of the second Lord appeared in front of Mu Qinglan!

Moreover, it is exactly the same as the first one!

When everyone was still speechless in shock, Mu Qinglan's second real body of the Lord had already punched out, directly breaking through the barrier!

Seeing that the two avatars of the lords disappeared quickly and returned to Mu Qinglan's body, the crowd was finally in an uproar!

"Did I read it right just now? Mu Qinglan actually has two real bodies of the Lord!?"

"How is it possible! I think it's probably a clone or something... How can anyone in this world cultivate two avatars at the same time? And those two are clearly the same! How could there be two?"

"But, but why do I feel that those two are equally powerful? Nineteenth Heaven, although it took her a long time, but... this should be faster than the previous ones, right? Now It's the night of the second day, she still has a day and a half, maybe it's true..."

"...Have you ever heard that someone can cultivate two real bodies of the Lord? Even if they are as powerful as the patriarch, they may not be able to do it, right?"

"Didn't it mean that Mu Qinglan came from a humble background? And she seems to have just broken through the middle stage of domain master a few days ago, how can she have two real masters?"

Because of the appearance of the real bodies of these two lords, Mu Qinglan, the entire Yun Clan fell into confusion, and even the well-informed elders were full of astonishment.

Because they were too shocked, the elders on Cangxu Peak were eerily quiet.

However, in their minds, they were all thinking about the same question——

Is it possible for a cultivator to have two avatars of equal strength at the same time?

And the point is, this person has not even broken through the threshold of the Lord!

Even Yun Yi's phoenix eyes flashed a hint of surprise.

It was already unexpected that Mu Qinglan summoned the real body of the Lord in the family competition before, but I didn't expect her to show an even more shocking and speechless side today!

The real bodies of the two lords!

How on earth did she do it?

Yun Yi fixed his eyes on Mu Qinglan.

She was wearing a black dress, and her figure was exquisite and slender. She looked extremely small in this huge crystal pillar.

Above her head, there are still several steps, which are far away and seem to be never reached.

However, who would have thought that such a slender body contained such a powerful force?

The seemingly unclimbable Thirty-Three Heavens, she has already traveled more than half of the journey now!

He has always known that she is a bright pearl covered in dust, and one day she will bloom with thousands of brilliance, but she is even more dazzling than he imagined!

Originally thought that this life was nothing more than this, but who would have thought that there would be a person who would break into his eyes, enter his heart forcefully, and become an inseparable part of his life.

How lucky to meet you in this life.

It was dark.

Mu Qinglan calculated the time, it was already the second night.

She had already walked through the nineteenth floor, and when she looked up, she could vaguely tell that she had already walked through more than half of it.

But she knew she couldn't let up.

The further to the back, the stronger the difficulties she will face.

After all, when she was on the nineteenth floor, she had already used her hole cards, and if she went up, she didn't know what she would encounter.

But fortunately, under the successive shots of the two real bodies of the Lord, although Mu Qinglan walked slowly in the next few floors, overall, it was smooth.

She silently had a guess in her heart—perhaps, here, there will be a particularly difficult hurdle in Fengjiu.

One night passed quickly like this.

Her idea was finally confirmed the next morning.

——She came to the twenty-ninth floor!

It was almost noon at this time, and in three days, nearly two days had passed.

In other words, she must successfully walk from the twenty-ninth floor to the thirty-third floor in such a short period of time!

Yes, standing here at this moment, she can already clearly see that there are still four floors above!

If you look up, you can see the huge reflection above your head.

She could also see her own figure, looking at her.

On the thirty-third floor, there seems to be a huge mirror, reflecting everything on it.

And what Mu Qinglan has to do is to climb up to the thirty-third floor, which is the so-called - ascend to the sky!

If she can't go up in time, what awaits her is a terrible punishment from heaven!

Soon, Mu Qinglan was dragged into another space!

This time she was prepared, but when she saw everything in front of her eyes, she still couldn't help being surprised.

At this time, she was actually standing on a wasteland!

The territory is vast and boundless!

And not far in front of her, lay a pair of white bones!

It was a complete set of human bones, neatly arranged.

On this wasteland, this pair of withered bones looks a bit desolate.

However, Mu Qinglan didn't dare to underestimate this skeleton—how could it be a simple character that could exist in the twenty-ninth floor space?

What's more, the white bone does look different from ordinary bones.

How should I put it... Mu Qinglan thinks that this pair of bones is very beautiful.

Yes, pretty.

Because the bone as a whole showed the color of white jade, as if carved with high-quality jade, with a warm luster.

But no one will confuse it with the real jade when seeing this white bone - jade is a dead thing, but inside the white bone in front of him, there seems to be an indescribable aura!

Mu Qinglan couldn't tell where this feeling came from, but the first time she saw it, she immediately became alert!

"It turned out to be a sacred bone?"

Xueyou spoke suddenly, full of surprise.

Mu Qinglan froze for a moment: "Holy bone? What is that?"

In Xueyou's usual lazy tone, there was a bit of uncontrollable excitement.

"The Holy Lord is above the Lord! The bone of the Holy Lord should be the holy bone!"

Mu Qinglan's heart was shocked!

This turned out to be... This turned out to be the corpse of a strong Holy Lord? !

"Holy Lord powerhouses can be used as ten thousand, and they can even move mountains to fill the sea! Talking and laughing, they can make the Lord Lord powerhouses be wiped out! And even after they die, their bones will still contain powerful energy! "

Xueyou's words made Mu Qinglan excited involuntarily, and the blood in his whole body seemed to start to flow rapidly!

Is the Holy Master strong, so strong? !

"I just don't know, what is the identity of this person, and he will be buried here, in the wasteland of violent corpses..."

Mu Qinglan smiled wryly.

"Even if it's the Tiger Falling in Pingyang and the Wasteland of Violent Corpse, if I want to deal with it, I'm afraid it will be very rare..."

Xueyou suddenly laughed and said:

"Girl, this person doesn't need you to act. Just leave it to me!"

Mu Qinglan was startled: "You want to help me?"

Xueyou's strength is still extremely strong, otherwise it would not have been possible for Luo Qingheng to suffer that dull loss.

If he made a move, it would indeed be a good idea...


In Xueyou's lazy and deep voice, there is an undisguised strength!

"I want to seize the house!"

Mu Qinglan was really shocked: "What? Seize the house? But this is—"

This is the corpse of the Holy Master!

"Because it is the corpse of the Holy Master, it is the most suitable! My physical body has been damaged for many years, and my soul has also been greatly depleted. If I hadn't relied on the ancient gods, my soul would have been scattered. Fortunately, the ancient gods recognized you as the Lord, so I have Chance has gradually regained its strength. The corpse of the Holy Master contains the power of the Holy Master, and it is more hopeful to stabilize the soul and reshape the body!"

He laughed and said: "Of course, when I succeed in taking the house, the last step will still be left to you. The nine-colored Yuanyang flower and the nine-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-colored flower from before will finally come in handy this time. "

Mu Qinglan thought for a while and asked, "Didn't you say earlier that you still need to find something?"

Xue You said: "No need. Having the corpse of the Holy Master is enough to make up for the remaining shortcomings, and it can even be said to be better!"

Mu Qinglan nodded:


Xueyou laughed: "You girl, you agreed without even thinking about it, aren't you afraid that I will lie to you?"

Mu Qinglan blinked.

"We have all lived and died together for so long, do we still need to think about these issues? Besides, it is probably very rare for me to deal with the corpse of the Holy Master. You are also helping me!"

"Hahaha!" Xueyou laughed heartily, "Okay! To be able to see the light of day again depends on today!"

"Girl, just let the ancient gods release me!"

Mu Qinglan nodded, then held his breath and concentrated, and sent out a thought towards the ancient divine tome.

After that, a streak of gold gradually spread out from the black jade slip!

Mu Qinglan felt the air in the sea, and suddenly it shook!

Then, that golden streak flew out instantly!

In front of her eyes, a golden light flashed instantly!

Mu Qinglan subconsciously raised her hand to cover her eyes, and between her fingers, she saw a tall figure appearing in front of her!

The man was tall and tall, with broad shoulders and narrow waist. He was dressed in a blue and white brocade robe, outlining his perfect figure. His long blue hair, like the deep sea, was blown down.

Afterwards, he turned his head, his face was unparalleled, and his pair of blue peach blossom eyes seemed to be captivating.

Standing here, he seemed to overshadow everything around him!

A lazy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Why, surprised?"

Mu Qinglan was too shocked, and stammered: "You you you—you are not an old—"

She didn't finish her sentence, but the meaning was obvious.

Xue You is a fellow apprentice of Venerable Poison Dragon, logically speaking, even if he is not an old man, he should be a handsome uncle, right?

Now, who is this lazy and dignified man in front of him who looks like he is only twenty-seven or eighteen years old? !

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