God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1166 Seizing the house (34 more)

Mu Qinglan thought of the past few years, when Xueyou was in the ancient gods, she could be regarded as sharing the same bed with her, sleeping together day and night...

The mood suddenly became a little complicated.

Of course, Xueyou is just a wisp of primordial spirit now, and those are actually nothing.

What's more, she has always regarded Xueyou as a friend and even a teacher.

She has more respect and reverence for Xueyou.

Never imagined!

Mu Qinglan rubbed the center of her brows with a headache: "Xueyou, you... After you reshape your real body, will you still look like this?"

Xueyou showed a meaningful smile.

"That's natural. Although the bones belong to someone else, they will still look like me when they are fused. Why, are you not satisfied with me like this?"

Mu Qinglan closed her eyes in despair.

She no longer dared to think about Yun Yi's face after seeing the real Xue You...

She is afraid that she will be skinned!

Xueyou came closer, her eyes flickered slightly:

"What? Afraid that kid Yun Yi will be jealous?"

Mu Qinglan pushed his face away expressionlessly.

"Brother, whether a man or a woman can kiss each other."

Xueyou couldn't help but sneered.

This girl... is really ungrateful, and I don't even think about who has been with her these past few years?

Speaking of which, he has done more for Mu Qinglan than Yun Yi!

He stretched out his hand and rubbed Mu Qinglan's head vigorously.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in you little girl. In terms of age, it's not impossible for you to call me grandpa..."

"Who are you scolding!?" Mu Qinglan snorted, "At most, he is a teacher!"

"Teacher is fine too." Xueyou readily agreed, as if afraid of Mu Qinglan's repentance.

Mu Qinglan suddenly felt a little disadvantaged.

She is a cheap teacher, so she recognizes it too quickly...

"Okay, before thinking about that kid, let's think about how to solve the trouble in front of us first."

Xueyou raised her chin.

Mu Qinglan followed his gaze and nodded with a serious expression.

"I'll fight it first in a moment. I'm sure I'm not weak enough to be able to lie down here. After I've dealt with it and seized it, you can see the right moment and use the Nine Souls Return And Jiucai Yuanyang Flower began to reshape the physical body."

Mu Qinglan nodded, then suddenly remembered something, and took out the Fuling Platform.

"Would it be better to have this?"

Fu Lingtai once said that it is the best at this aspect.

Xueyou smiled and said: "I wanted to remind you, but you remembered it yourself. If you don't have this little thing, you will have to spend a lot of effort."

Mu Qinglan: "..."

It turned out that Xueyou had already made up her mind!

The sound of Fuling Terrace was extremely crisp.

"a piece of cake!"

Mu Qinglan felt at ease, then looked at Xueyou and nodded.

Then Xueyou swept away, and walked towards the corpse of the Holy Master in the distance!

When Xue You gradually approached, a translucent figure suddenly appeared above the Holy Master's corpse!

It was a middle-aged man who looked about forty years old, with ordinary appearance, but elegant temperament, he didn't look like a peerless powerhouse, but like an ordinary scholar.

He glanced at Mu Qinglan and smiled slightly:

"Unexpectedly, you have such a helper."

Xueyou raised her eyebrows: "There are more things you didn't expect!"

The man put one hand behind his back and said: "I know you want to win the house. Judging by your strength in life, you should be able to break through the Holy Master. It's a pity... However, if you think that you can win me so easily, it's unavoidable." Still naive."

Mu Qinglan was secretly surprised, but she didn't expect Xueyou's strength to be stronger than she imagined!

No wonder Luo Qingheng didn't get any benefits from him before!

Xueyou snorted and said, "Whether it is I who is naive or you are naive, you will know soon!"

As soon as the voice fell, his figure suddenly disappeared in place!

A faint smile appeared on the middle-aged man's face, but his eyes were still calm.

The next moment, he suddenly turned around without warning, and then punched out!

Under the strong fluctuation of space power, Xueyou's figure quickly appeared!

The two are facing each other!

A huge crack instantly appeared from under the feet of the two of them!

Mu Qinglan's heart tightened.

The other party is the Holy Lord powerhouse. Although Xue You has recovered a lot, she is not at her peak state at this time, so how can she be his opponent?

There seemed to be flames burning in Xueyou's blue eyes!

Then, on his hands, a layer of blue flame really and quickly appeared! Spread quickly!

The expression of the middle-aged man finally changed, and he retreated quickly!

"Ghost fire?"

He quickly looked at Xueyou, and asked in surprise, "Are you from the Nether Palace!?"

Xueyou squinted her eyes: "You know a lot."

Mu Qinglan was confused.

Where is Nether Palace?

Why has she never heard Xueyou mention it?

And... isn't he the senior brother of Venerable Poison Dragon? Why is he related to this Nether Palace?

The mysteries in her heart are one after another, and Mu Qinglan faintly feels that Xueyou's identity is not as simple as she thought.

And the so-called ghost fire on him!

Although she was separated by some distance, she could still feel the chill coming from above the flame!

This flame is obviously not an ordinary thing!

When many thoughts flashed through Mu Qinglan's mind, Xueyou had already fought with that man again!

At the same time, Mu Linghan was leading those powerful masters to the Yun Clan quickly.

Because the four of them are all powerful masters at the peak, their speed is extremely fast.

But even so, Mu Linghan's heart became more and more anxious.

"Young Master Mu, don't worry, we will reach the Yun Clan in half a day." Elder Jin Qi with white hair and beard persuaded.

Mu Linghan nodded: "I am really grateful to the elders for walking with me. But I really miss you, so..."

"After all, Mr. Mu and Ms. Mu are brothers and sisters. Naturally, they have a deep relationship. I can understand it. However, Mr. Mu, don't worry too much. Ms. Mu is now my Piao Miao Shenzong's emperor, and her status is honorable. If there is any If people dare to bully each other, we will naturally not let it go!"

"Elder Jin Qi is right. Although we haven't come out for so many years, we are not easy to bully, are we? Especially since Piao Miao Shenzong has planned to re-enter the world, we can't allow others to play wild on us. If Miss Mu is good That's all, if...something really happens, then we're going to have a big fight!" Elder Jiuyu, who was holding a feather fan, was smiling, but his tone was very sharp.

Elder Zeng Shishi, who had always been taciturn, didn't say much, but he obviously had the same attitude as the two of them.

Mu Linghan nodded.

Originally, he had already prepared for the worst, but he didn't expect to have so many helpers suddenly, which really made him feel more relaxed.

However, what he was really worried about was not something outsiders could understand.

The last time he checked Qing'er's body, he found that half of the seal of the Yuanmai in her body had been peeled off.

If she goes there to cross the sky now, she will reveal her identity if she is not careful!

He managed to fool the other party in Zangxuehai before, but if Qing'er is exposed this time, it will be really troublesome!

Although he really wanted to confront those people head-on, it was obviously not now!

But now that the matter has developed to this stage, the only thing he can do is to rush over as soon as possible!

Once any accident happens, he will protect Qing'er immediately!

As time passed bit by bit, he became more and more anxious.

He took a deep breath, suppressing the surging emotions in his chest and abdomen.

Within the space, Xueyou has already entered into a fierce battle with that strong Holy Lord!

Contrary to what Mu Qinglan expected before, Xue You was able to draw with the opponent!

The two of you come and go, almost shattering the entire space!

Mu Qinglan fixed her eyes tightly, watching them fight.

It is almost impossible to meet a strong player of this level in battle!

In fact, Xue You's strength is not dominant, but the Nether Fire on his body is extremely strange, causing a lot of trouble for the other party.

So, the two fell into a stalemate.

Finally, after Xueyou attacked the man from behind with Nether Fire again, the man was overwhelmed and hesitated for a moment!

Xue You took the opportunity to step up!

The blue ghost fire that filled the sky instantly surrounded that man! Make it unable to move!

Then, he suddenly shouted at Mu Qinglan:

"Girl! Do it!"

Mu Qinglan was shocked!

Xue You's figure had already penetrated into the Holy Master's corpse!

Without hesitation, Mu Qinglan immediately wrapped the corpse with sea gold sand vines, pulled it hard, and made it fall on the resurrection platform that had already been prepared!

At the same time, she approached quickly, took out the Nine Soul Return and the Nine Color Yuanyang Flower, and after being burned into powder with the Suzaku Fire, she quickly flew over the corpse!

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