God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1175: There Is Her in the World (Three Shifts)

"Patriarch Luo, are you planning to make trouble in my Yun clan?"

Yun Pei suddenly spoke in a cold voice, his old face was still calm, but everyone could feel the turbulent undercurrent beneath the calm!

Everyone was silent.

Yun Pei had just announced in public that he recognized Mu Qinglan's identity, and had even promised her the position of Mistress of the Yun Clan in the future. What Luo Qingheng did now was undoubtedly slapping him in the face!

Luo Qingheng's heart sank!

Unless it is a last resort, he absolutely does not want to provoke the Yun family, especially Yun Pei, whose strength has become more and more unfathomable in recent years.

However, in the current situation, how could it be so simple?

It would be fine if Mu Qinglan stole other things, but it was a black jade slip!

That is the thing of the Luo God that has been passed down by the Luo people for thousands of years!

How could he let it go so easily?

In the entire Luo clan, he was basically the only one who knew about this matter, but now, everyone already knows about it!

If he can't get the things back, how can he sit down as the patriarch? !

What's more, judging from Mu Qinglan's situation before and after, that black jade slip is obviously very extraordinary!

Is there anything that can allow people to cultivate the real body of the Lord in the early stage of the Domain Lord?

And there is more than one real body of the Lord!

Luo Qingheng had guessed before that the black jade slips must be the supreme treasure, but no matter what method was used, there was no movement from the two black jade slips.

Who knew that Mu Qinglan would take the lead now!

He has no evidence, but he can already confirm that the thing is on Mu Qinglan's body!

Luo Qingheng's face was livid.

Luo Xiyan suddenly took a step forward and said lightly:

"Patriarch Yun, please don't misunderstand. The patriarch is only in such a hurry because he wants to solve this matter quickly. We will never wrong anyone, but if anyone wants to hide the truth, we will definitely Won't let it go easily!"

As she spoke, she looked at Mu Qinglan and smiled slightly.

"Miss Mu, how do you explain the matter of the real bodies of these two respected masters?"

Mu Qinglan raised her eyebrows, and the corners of her lips curled up in a sarcastic arc.

"First, it's my business that I have two real bodies of lords. I don't need to explain it to anyone. Second, you have slandered me again and again, but you have yet to come up with evidence. I think I should ask you, should I apologize to you?"

Apologize to her! ?

Luo Qingheng got angry and was about to speak when Luo Xiyan suddenly glanced sideways at him with a meaningful look.

Only then did Luo Qingheng calm down instantly, and swallowed all the insulting words back to his stomach.

Even so, his complexion is still very exciting.

Everyone could tell that he was about to be pissed off by Mu Qinglan.

Luo Xiyan was still very calm, and said lightly:

"Miss Mu, we definitely didn't mean to target you. It's just that this matter, but it seems to have an unusual connection with you everywhere...Of course, I believe in Miss Mu's character, so I hope to find out about this matter more than you. In this way, our troubles can be solved, and you can also be innocent."

Mu Qinglan suddenly chuckled.

"Miss Luo, I'm innocent in the first place. What you said seems to have evidence that I did it? I'm a soft-spoken person. I dare not take the blame lightly."

Luo Xiyan frowned slightly.

She suddenly discovered that Mu Qinglan was more difficult to deal with than she imagined.

"Patriarch Yun, this is a private matter between my Luo clan and Mu Qinglan, are you determined to intervene?" Luo Qingheng suddenly asked in a deep voice.

Everyone fell silent.

This question is too straightforward.

In any case, the Luo clan is also the second-ranked family on the top of the gods. Although it is not as good as the Yun clan, its power is definitely not small.

If they are determined to fight Mu Qinglan to the end, then it is very likely that the relationship between the two parties will deteriorate further because of Mu Qinglan.

At that time, even if they are not afraid, there will be some troubles to some extent.

Seeing Luo Qingheng like this, he really took this matter very seriously, and even asked such a question.

Yun Pei sees nothing in the ancient well, and no one knows what is going on in his mind.

Before he could speak, Elder Yun Zhen behind him snorted coldly:

"Patriarch, you should think twice. Although Mu Qinglan has already crossed the sky and gained the power of a divine lord, she is also qualified to be the young lord's concubine. However, she is not a member of my Yun clan after all. The Luo people have been with us for many years, and we have a deep friendship. The relationship between the two peoples has been alienated because of Mu Qinglan before. If we completely fall out with the Luo people because of her, it is really... not worth it. "

Elder Yun Mi also smiled, and said: "Although Elder Yun Zhen's words are too straightforward and not very nice, it is not unreasonable. In my opinion, there is no need to be so deadlocked. Both sides sit down and discuss together No? If they want to investigate, then let them investigate! I believe that Ms. Mu is an upright person, and she will definitely not do such a thing. After the investigation, Chief Luo and others should be willing to do so Apologies. Everyone's happy, aren't they?"

Mu Qinglan sneered in her heart.

People from these two lines really couldn't sit still.

They never expected that Yun Pei would say such a thing. Seeing that Yun Yi's position was stable, and he was even appointed as the next patriarch, they naturally became anxious.

It's a good show for a red face to sing a white face!

Especially this Elder Yun Mi, who is indeed quite deep in the city, seems to be speaking for her, but every word and every word is pushing her to a passive position.

If he really followed his wishes, Mu Qinglan had no doubt that even if there was no evidence at that time, they would still be able to produce evidence out of nowhere! crucify her!

Yun Yi's icy eyes swept across several people, and then he said word by word:

"I made an appointment with Mu Qinglan a long time ago, and she has passed the crossing sky now. Even if she has not yet married, she is still my fiancee and the future concubine! You are saying that now, allowing outsiders to oppress you Is the future mistress of the Yun Clan?"

In the last sentence, his tone was extraordinarily cold.

Everyone was shocked, even Elder Yun Zhen couldn't help frowning.

If Yun Yi said so, they would have no way to deal with it.

In the future, the mistress will be bullied, but the Yun clan will turn a blind eye to it. If it spreads, they will be shameless? !

Although they didn't want to admit Mu Qinglan's identity in their hearts, Yun Pei had already said that!

If the entire Yun Clan is shamed because of this, then who should bear the responsibility?

For a moment, everyone fell into silence.

Luo Qingheng suddenly gave Mu Qinglan a gloomy and ironic look.

"Mu Qinglan, the status of the Yun clan is respected, and the head of the Yun clan and the elders are all upright people. On the top of the entire gods, the Yun clan is very famous. It is not good for us to hide behind the Yun clan. What can I do with you. But, have you ever thought that implicating the Yun Clan would make them ashamed? But if you still have a little conscience, you should stand up for yourself!"

This is to force Mu Qinglan to take the initiative to reject the support of the Yun Clan.

When everyone in the Yun clan heard the words, they also looked at Mu Qinglan with different expressions.

Although no one said anything, it has to be said that Luo Qingheng's words still caused a ripple in everyone's hearts, shaking them somewhat.

The members of the Yun Clan do have arrogance in their bones, and it would be really uncomfortable if they were implicated in this way for no reason.

If Mu Qinglan is really innocent, it's fine, at most it's a riot, but if... what did she really do?

Luo Xiyan took a deep breath, and then looked at Yun Yi with her beautiful eyes.

In her usually calm and quiet eyes, there seemed to be a wave suddenly, and there seemed to be tears in the faint, flashing past.

"Yun Yi."

She opened her mouth suddenly, her voice was the same as before, and her expression had returned to normal, but anyone who saw it would see her faint sadness.

"Yun Yi, you and I finally got to know each other. I congratulate you for getting what you want and getting the person you want. You were right to support her. It's just... I don't want this matter to involve the whole Yun Clan. People with the world in mind should not be fettered by these."

This is very cryptic, but it is very clear - Yun Yi will inherit the position of patriarch in the future, if the entire Yun clan is implicated because of Mu Qinglan, then he will inevitably be criticized and bewitched by beauty , it is difficult to take on the big responsibility.

Yun Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, then raised his eyes, his phoenix eyes were deep, his noble face was like floating ice and snow, cold and indifferent, unapproachable.

Immediately, his crimson thin lips uttered a few words coldly.

"Since I have the world in mind, there is only her in this world."

It's the last day, the tickets in your hand are flying, and it will expire after today!

In addition, most of you really don’t read the off-topic baa, and it will continue to be updated in the early morning of February 4th.

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