God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1176: Your Majesty (a new update)

Mu Linghan suddenly laughed, extremely cold.

Everyone looked over subconsciously, but saw the unabashed pride and disdain on the face of the handsome young man.

With one hand behind his back, his eyes were deep and condensed.

"Qing'er doesn't need to rely on the Yun Clan, she has someone to back her up."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Luo Qingheng sneered, and looked Mu Linghan up and down.

This was the first time he met Mu Linghan - the rumored elder brother of Mu Qinglan.

There had been rumors before that Mu Qinglan acted in the face of her brother, but the one in front of her was the real Mu Linghan.

According to what I heard before, the two brothers and sisters came from humble backgrounds, and their parents died a few years ago.

Mu Linghan actually said that someone was backing him. Could it be that he was saying that he couldn't do it himself?


"It's up to you—"

Before Luo Qingheng could finish his mocking words, his expression suddenly changed!

Because he suddenly discovered that the aura on Mu Linghan's body suddenly increased! That level of coercion is not weaker than him!

This is - he turned out to be the pinnacle of the Lord! ?

For a moment, Luo Qingheng thought that he had misread it, but after looking at it carefully for a while, he became more and more sure that Mu Linghan was indeed at the peak of the Lord's strength!

The rest of his words suddenly stuck in his throat.

Of course they wouldn't care if there was only one peak lord, but the key point is - Mu Linghan and Mu Qinglan are brothers and sisters!

This also means that Mu Linghan is only less than sixteen years old this year!

But he has already broken through to the peak of the Lord!

How terrible is this?

It was shocking enough that Mu Qinglan had cultivated two avatars of the Lord when she was the Domain Lord, but her brother was even better than her!

Even the members of the Yun Clan, who hadn't paid attention to it before, were filled with horror after realizing the pressure of the peak Lord on Mu Linghan!

"This, how is this possible..."

"Isn't he the same age as Mu Qinglan? How did he break through to the peak of the Lord so quickly?!"

"God... How strong are these two brothers and sisters?"

Low voices of discussion gradually sounded, but the elders of the Yun Clan fell into silence, looking at each other in blank dismay.

Even Yun Pei couldn't help squinting his eyes, and took a deep look at Mu Linghan.

It took a moment for Luo Qingheng to suppress the shock in his heart, and then let out a cold snort.

"I said why you are so arrogant at such a young age. It turns out that you have some capital... But, you don't think that you can really compete with my Luo clan by relying on you as a peak lord?"

Even though he said that, Luo Qingheng was still full of resentment.

Previously, I only vaguely heard that when he was in Honghe City, Mu Qinglan's elder brother, Mu Linghan, seemed to be not weak. He fought the two elders sent by the Shui family, and in the end he directly beheaded each other.

But after he heard the rumor, he always thought that the brothers and sisters had someone else's help, or used some means to kill Shui Tianyue and the other two.

Both Xiejun Mansion and Yun Yi seemed to be involved in this matter.

Who would have thought that Mu Linghan was actually the pinnacle of the Lord! ?

Even if it is the peak of the gods, in the past few hundred years, there is only one person who has broken through to the peak of the lord before the age of twenty! And that person was short-lived, and soon disappeared.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would have believed that Mu Linghan had broken through to such a level at his age?

Mu Linghan suddenly laughed, and turned to look at Yun Pei.

"Patriarch Yun, I have a few friends waiting outside. I wonder if I can invite them in?"

Everyone didn't know why Mu Linghan suddenly changed the subject. Could it be... the few friends he mentioned were his helpers?

But the two brothers and sisters come from humble backgrounds, so what kind of "friends" can they invite?

Yun Pei nodded, and said to Elder Yun Ji, "Go and invite people in."

"Yes." Elder Yunji agreed, and hurriedly left.

The mocking smile on Luo Qingheng's face was even more dazzling.

"Friends? I'm curious, what kind of friends can you invite?"

Without the help of the Yun Clan, what would they fear from a mere Mu Linghan?

The huge Luo people can drown them even with a mouthful of saliva!

Mu Linghan raised his eyelids slightly.

"Don't worry, there must be someone who will make you 'satisfied'."

Seeing his calm and determined expression, Luo Qingheng felt disdainful, but Luo Xiyan frowned slightly.

For some reason, a trace of uneasiness suddenly appeared in her heart.

Mu Linghan looks like this... it seems that he really came prepared...

She thought about it again, and the people who were most likely to come should be the people from the Xiejun Mansion.

Huo Zunting, the owner of Xiejun's Mansion, seems to have a very good personal relationship with Mu Linghan, and it seems that he is at the peak of the Lord.

If he brought someone with him, there is nothing to be afraid of.

The Xiejun Mansion can dominate one side in the western border, but the summit of the gods is not a place where everyone can run wild.

Thinking of this, she felt at ease.

There is still a huge gap between the Xiejun Mansion and the Luo Clan.

She glanced at Luo Qingheng in relief, and then asked Mu Linghan:

"Mr. Mu is so courageous. What does this mean... the matter between my Luo clan and you has nothing to do with the Yun clan?"

Mu Linghan smiled lightly.

"If they insist on meddling, then of course I can't help it."

Luo Xiyan felt a block in her heart.

Mu Qinglan pulled Mu Linghan's sleeve, and asked curiously in a low voice:

"Brother, who is the friend you are talking about?"

She was connected with him, and judging by his expression, the person who came must be not simple.

Could it be someone from the Evil Monarch's Mansion?

Huo Zunting's strength can still speak here.

But looking at my brother's appearance, it seems that it is not so simple...

Mu Linghan frowned slightly, and a strange smile flashed across his eyes.

"You'll find out later."

Soon, Elder Yun Ji came with people.

But his expression was very strange, he seemed a little curious and a little nervous, and when he came back, he couldn't help but look at Mu Linghan.

that look...

"Patriarch, three distinguished guests are here."

As he spoke, he took a step aside.

"Several please—"

His attitude was very respectful and polite.

Everyone's eyes naturally fell on the few people behind him.

Luo Qingheng snorted coldly and looked over.

He wanted to see what kind of people Mu Linghan could invite—

After seeing those three people, Luo Qingheng's cold smile froze immediately.

Luo Xiyan's pupils also shrank suddenly, and her hands in her sleeves were clenched tightly! Keep an eye on those three people!

In fact, at this moment, everyone was looking at the three people who came forward in disbelief.

There is an old man with white hair and beard, kind eyebrows and kind eyes.

Behind him were two men who looked to be in their thirties or forties. He has a square face with a stern look, and the other holds a feather fan and smiles kindly.

Of course, this is not the point.

The key is--

These three people are actually the peak powerhouses of the Lord!

Especially the old man standing at the front, his aura is more subtle, obviously stronger!

I'm afraid that half a foot has already stepped into the threshold of the Holy Lord!

No wonder Elder Yunji's attitude is so polite!

Even in the Yun Clan, a strong man of this strength is definitely the one standing at the top!

This, these three people... are all "friends" of Mu Linghan?

In the entire Yun Clan, countless people looked astonished.

Mu Qinglan also blinked, and looked at the three people blankly—she seemed... never seen these three people before? Where did my brother know such a strong man?

And as soon as they appeared, there were three!

The space is almost frozen.

Mu Linghan then laughed: "The three of you have been waiting for a long time."

It turned out that Mu Linghan really called for his helper!

The entire Yun Clan, Yaque was silent.

This matter has too much impact on them!

Mu Linghan really has such a peerless expert backing him!

And the three of them are the peak of the Lord!

Plus himself, this is already four!

Not all of the top ten aristocratic families can reach such a level!

Not to mention that behind them, there is an evil emperor's mansion and Tongling Sea!

Elder Jin Qi laughed and said, "Young Master Mu, you are being polite, this is what we should do in the first place."

Then, he cupped his hands at Yun Pei: "I'm Xia Jin Qi, I met Clan Chief Yun."

Yun Pei nodded, and also cupped his hands in return: "You are welcome."

Such a strong man, even he, had to be treated with caution.

Elder Jin Qi smiled kindly, and then he looked at Mu Qinglan.

"This must be Miss Mu..."

Seeing Mu Qinglan's blood-soaked appearance, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, replaced by a wave of awe-inspiring anger.

"Dare to ask, who hurt Miss Mu like this?"

Mu Qinglan looked at Mu Linghan in a daze.

Who are these people? Why do they seem to be... familiar with her?

Moreover, she was injured, why do these people seem to be full of anger?

Mu Linghan didn't look at her, but said:

"Qing'er's injuries were caused by crossing the sky, so you don't need to worry about it."

As soon as these words came out, the dangerous aura on those people calmed down, but there was obviously dissatisfaction between their eyebrows and eyes.

Mu Linghan changed the subject, and said calmly:

"But now that Qing'er is recovering from her injuries, someone has no evidence to slander her for stealing something, and because Qing'er is helpless, they want to settle accounts with her..."

Elder Jin Qi's expression has completely cooled down.

Elder Zeng frowned, and the breath in his body suddenly rose! It seems to be ready to shoot at any time!

Elder Jiuyu beat the feather fan in his hand, and his smile was a bit cold.

"Oh? I don't know, who is it that has such guts?"

Hearing this, Luo Qingheng immediately became angry, even if the other party was the peak of the three lords, it was impossible for him to allow the other party to insult him like this!

"What are you, dare to speak nonsense here!?"

Elder Jiuyu looked over, sized Luo Qingheng and the others up and down, smiled and said coldly: "It's really self-inflicted. If you think about it, it's you?"

Mu Linghan raised his eyebrows slightly: "You guys don't know. When Qing'er was in the family competition earlier, because she showed the real body of the Lord, they forcibly took away the real body formula. The debt has not been paid back , I didn't expect them to chase after the Yun clan, accusing Qing'er of stealing their things..."

"Oh. So that's it. I've seen a lot of shameless things, but I've never seen such a shameless person. Such a shameless person is actually the head of the Luo clan. Presumably the Luo clan is not a good thing." Jiu Although Elder Yu smiled, his words became more and more pungent.

Luo Qingheng's forehead was full of anger: "You guys! Presumptuous! Who are you!? This is a matter between my Luo family and Mu Qinglan. I advise you, don't meddle in other people's business, and you will end up in trouble !"

Elder Jin Qi said lightly:

"You have offended people who shouldn't be offended. Besides, who said we are nosy?"

"We are all loyal to Ms. Mu. Now that you have provoked her, it is naturally equivalent to provoking us! If you don't give a satisfactory answer to today's matter, don't blame me for being rude!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked!

Cangxu Peak, Qifeng Bridge, and even the crowds in the surrounding mountains all fell into dead silence! She looked at Mu Qinglan in horror!

Such three top powerhouses actually said... to be loyal to Mu Qinglan? ! What does this mean? !

Luo Qingheng thought he heard it wrong, but the expressions of the people in front of him were still extremely cold and full of hostility! Obviously not kidding!

But... how is this possible! ? How could such a strong person have anything to do with Mu Qinglan?

Isn't she of humble origin? Isn't she backgroundless?

What are these now? !

Luo Xiyan's usually calm expression finally showed a crack, and a cold breath flashed in his eyes.

Mu Qinglan was also confused, and couldn't help asking:

"I don't know how many..."

Elder Jin Qi and the three looked at Mu Qinglan, then knelt down on one knee and saluted respectfully.

The deep and powerful voice instantly spread far and wide between heaven and earth!

"One of the twenty-eight constellations of the Piaomiao Shenzong—Jin Qi, led by Jiu Yu and Zeng Eleven, pay homage to Your Majesty!"

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