God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1185 God Lord Bloodline (Part 2)

Mu Qinglan narrowly avoided this blow!

When Yun Yi stabbed out with the silver sword, he split that strange and powerful aura!

Several forces spread out and hit the ground fiercely!

Mu Qinglan clearly saw a deep mark drawn by the sharp breath on the rocks!

If it falls on you...

Mu Qinglan accidentally saw Yun Yi's serious expression, as if he was thinking about something, and couldn't help asking: "Yun Yi, what's wrong? What's wrong?"

Yun Yi thought for a moment, then shook his head.

"This place seems to be more dangerous than the last time I came, you must follow me."

Mu Qinglan nodded without doubting him, and quickly followed.

The two continued to head towards the summit.

Where the two of them are now, the distance from the top seems not far away, but there are tombstones everywhere in the middle. Mu Qinglan had just taken two steps, and was attacked twice. Sex comes to the fore.

When he got to the middle position, Mu Qinglan finally summoned two ancient avatars, one in front and one behind, to block those attacks.

With the help of the ancient real body, Mu Qinglan and Yun Yi were much more relaxed.

Looking at the two identical avatars of the golden lord, Yun Yi raised his eyebrows slightly.

It never occurred to him that her real body of the lord turned into two.

"Is this what the Luo clan stole from you?" Yun Yi asked.

Mu Qinglan hooked her red lips: "That's right!"

Yun Yi saw the undisguised flamboyance between her brows and eyes, and couldn't help but also laughed.

"They probably never imagined that they would snatch things from you in front of everyone without regard for face, but they would end up with such a result."

Mu Qinglan shrugged: "That can only be blamed on them not being able to use the treasure themselves, but giving me a chance instead."

If Luo Qingheng hadn't insisted on robbing her, she wouldn't have known that the third black jade slip was actually in the Luo tribe.

Moreover, it is still in a place like Luo Temple.

Even if she thought about it, she would never think of going to that kind of place to find the black jade slip!

Therefore, it can only be said that they themselves were too unlucky to take the initiative to deliver things to their door.

Mu Qinglan naturally "smiled and accepted".

"Speaking of this, if you have a chance in the future, you still have to thank them well." Mu Qinglan said with a smile.

Yun Yi laughed.

She really isn't afraid to piss off the Luo family?

But in fact, this is nothing, Mu Qinglan's strength has been increasing, and Yun Pei's identity as the future mistress of the Yun clan has also been recognized by Yun Pei. The most important thing is that she has another Piao Miao Shenzong behind her.

With so many backers, it is impossible for the Luo people not to be afraid.

Even if they did find out something, it would be impossible for them to attack Mu Qinglan directly like the previous two times.

And when the time comes, it is still unknown who is strong and who is weak!

Seeing that Yun Yi stopped asking, Mu Qinglan took the initiative to explain a few words.

"Actually, I have this thing in my body, and you have known it for a long time. But for various reasons, I haven't told you about it."

Yun Yi raised his hand and waved his sword, dispelling an attacking aura nearby, and glanced at her with warm eyes.

"I just need to know that this thing is good for you, that's enough."

As for what it is and what kind of function it has, he is actually not interested at all.

The only thing he asks is that Mu Qinglan can be well.

If this thing can make Mu Qinglan stronger, that's enough.

Mu Qinglan smiled.

"Actually, when I was in Zhongyuan Secret Realm, my Yuanmai was completely destroyed and my Yuanli was completely lost. It was because I got this thing accidentally."

Yun Yi's expression changed.

He almost never heard her mention those things in Zhongyuan Secret Realm.

In the past, it was because there were her most painful memories there, but later, after learning that Mu Linghan was not dead, they didn't have a serious conversation about those things at the beginning.

"After being kicked out, I returned to the imperial capital of the Shengyuan Empire, exhausted the rest of my cultivation base, and then started to practice again by relying on it. By the way, I happened to meet you again at that time." Mu Qing Lan blinked, "At that time, I still thought, how could I still see you again after being thousands of miles away."

Young Master Yun looked calm.

"If you don't see me, who else do you want to see?"

In his opinion, this is clearly destined, even if they are separated, they will still see each other sooner or later.

At that time, although he thought she was Mu Linghan, but for some reason, he repeatedly rescued her.

Perhaps sometimes, intuition is often the most accurate.

In other words, she has become part of his instinct.

Mu Qinglan gave him an angry look.

"You also know what happened later. If you hadn't persuaded me, I might never go to the Five Great Academies again. At that time, I was trying to hide its existence, but I didn't expect...it still caused a lot of trouble."

Moreover, among the five major academies, none of them could completely protect the ancient divine scriptures in her body.

——Let's not talk about the Luo clan, just talk about Di Qianjue, who has pestered her several times and was almost snatched away by him.

"But those troubles have also been resolved one by one, and the most important thing is - it was originally incomplete, and I happened to find other incomplete parts in Xiling College."

Yun Yi nodded: "So when you broke through the seventh peak, you had already cultivated the real body of the Lord."

Mu Qinglan frowned.

Yun Yi thought for a while, and finally fully understood.

"And that thing from the Luo clan just gave you two avatars of the Lord?"

Mu Qinglan smiled without saying a word.

How should I say this... In fact, she probably has more than two...

Of course, it seems a bit premature to tell him this now. After all, she hasn't obtained all the ancient gods, and what she has comprehended is even more limited.

As for the so-called Primordial God Emperor...the Three Thousand Laws...she has no clue.

It's not too late to wait until you find something in the future.

"So I said, thank them for their help."

While the two were talking, there was another sound of pinging, bang, bang, and bang on the avatars of the two lords.

Yun Yi glanced at it, suddenly thought of something, and said:

"I remember that your Lord's real body was seriously injured in crossing the sky before. But now it seems to be healed?"

As he spoke, he looked at Mu Qinglan, and there seemed to be waves in his eyes.

Mu Qinglan froze for a moment.


There is one more important thing that she didn't tell Yun Yi.

"Yun Yi, actually...I planned to find time to talk to you about this before."

Mu Qinglan said slowly.

In fact, she had no intention of keeping Yun Yi from the beginning about the awakening of the Yuanmai.

It's just that I haven't found the right opportunity to explain this matter.

Because even she herself doesn't know what the Yuanmai seal in her body is, and what it means when Yuanmai is fully awakened.

Yun Yi was silent for a moment, and then asked word by word:

"...The primordial veins in your body actually have the power of a divine master, right?"

Mu Qinglan raised her eyes in shock—how could Yun Yi know?

Even she herself suddenly woke up at the moment when she crossed the sky and finally boarded the thirty-third heaven!

Because at that time above the sky, there was a strange force descending on her.

Mu Qinglan knew that it was the power of the so-called divine master of the Yun Clan!

However, before she could react, she felt an incomparably vast aura suddenly gushing out of her body, blocking that ray of power from the divine master and directly defeating it!

That way, it seems that it is guarding something noble, and it is not easy to offend!

When Mu Qinglan realized what had happened, the force in his body quickly retreated and spread to every part of his body.

Everything happened very quickly, when the aura on her body completely disappeared, Hengdutian just happened to completely disintegrate!

Everyone's attention was focused on crossing the sky, and almost no one noticed the changes in her body.

"How do you..."

Yun Yi's eyes fell on her eyebrows.


"Did you know that you also have a seal between your brows?"

Mu Qinglan was shocked.

"...God... seal?"

At first she didn't understand what Yun Yi was talking about, but soon, she remembered seeing a strange mark on Luo Xiyan's brow.

That imprint seemed to be the symbol of the Luo clan. When Luo Qingheng opened the enchantment of the Luo Temple, she clearly remembered that his Yuanli also formed that imprint.

There is also the Yun family, although the imprint is different, but there is no doubt that it is also their unique symbol.

She couldn't help touching the center of her brow, which was smooth.

"...You mean...I once had a...God Seal here? What does that mean?"

Yun Yi stared at her and said word by word:

"The seal of the gods is the mark of the descendants of the god master. However, not everyone has the seal of the gods. Only people with extremely strong power of the god master in their blood can have such marks on the eyebrows."

Mu Qinglan's breathing was stagnant.

"...you mean...I..."

"You are the Empress of the Divine Lord yourself, and... your talent is extremely high, the power of the Divine Lord within your bloodline is almost top-notch!"

After Yun Yi finished speaking, there was a dead silence between the two of them.

Mu Qinglan knew exactly what he meant.

But for a while, there were still some people who couldn't react.


"The power of the divine master in your body either comes from your father, or... your mother." Yun Yi's eyes were complicated.

According to what I saw on the chessboard before, the power of the God Lord in Mu Qinglan's body must have inherited her mother's blood!

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