God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1186 One step away (three more)

It's not that Mu Qinglan didn't think about it.

When she was on the chessboard and saw the Eight Spirits Conferred God Formation laid by her mother, she had already guessed something.

It's just an idea that hasn't been proven.

And before that, she didn't have much interest in the so-called divine power.

The issue she was most concerned about was - the stronger her mother's background, the more difficult it would be for her to rescue her mother.

And before that, she didn't know that the so-called divine seal would appear between her brows.

"Yun Yi, do you recognize that divine seal?" Mu Qinglan asked.

Yun Yi shook his head.

"I know all about the seals of the top ten families on the top of the gods. But I've never seen one like that between your eyebrows. So... your mother's family is very likely to be a hidden family."

"Hidden family?" Mu Qinglan frowned slightly, "But, isn't the top of the gods already quite..."

"The world is so big, no one knows what kind of powerful existence there is. Among other things, as far as Piao Miao Shenzong is concerned, you crashed into the bronze bell, issued a call, and immediately three peak masters appeared Powerful. The names of these three people have never been heard before, whether in the Five Great Territories or the summit of the gods. It can be seen that such a strong man, or even a more powerful force, may not exist."

Mu Qinglan was deeply convinced.

At first, she thought that Piaomiao Shenzong had fallen, but who knew that thousands of years had passed, and the members of Piaomiao Shenzong still maintained extremely pure loyalty and belief.

It was just the sound of a bronze bell, and they appeared immediately. After seeing Zhenhun Shipo and confirming Mu Qinglan's identity, they respected her without saying a word.

What kind of strong belief and cohesion is this?

And her mother's family may also be similar to such a family that has never entered the world, and it is unknown.

"Actually, I don't know much about these, especially about my mother..."

Mu Qinglan paused, but did not continue.

Yun Yi said: "No problem. In short, for you now, after the awakening of the Yuanmai, the power of the divine master in the body will gradually play a role. After being injured, you can recover quickly, and the cultivation process will be accelerated. Although it may attract Some troubles, but you still have me. In short, the harm outweighs the benefits for you. If I guessed correctly, your brother should have awakened the Yuanmai one step ahead of you."

Mu Qinglan nodded.

Besides, she really didn't know how to explain what happened to her brother.

"I know. The most important thing now is to find out about the bone flute first, and we'll talk about the rest later."

In this way, with the assistance of the two real bodies of the lords, the two finally passed through the large tombstones and finally reached the top!

The incomplete tombstone at the top became more and more clear.

A heavy coercion spread from above!

Because the tombstone is incomplete, there are only two writings on it, which are clearly legible.

"The tomb of..."

Mu Qinglan glanced at it, a little hesitant.

There is not even a name on it, how did Yun Yi guess that this is the tomb of the ancestors of the Yun clan?

Moreover, even if this is really the tomb of the ancestors of the Yun clan, who built it?

Why did Yun Yi guess that he hadn't fallen?

Yun Yi and Mu Qinglan stood side by side, five steps away from the tombstone.

Mu Qinglan knew that those who could stand here, even if they were not the ancestors of the Yun clan, must be peerless powerhouses!

Standing here, the terrifying coercion almost made it difficult for her to move forward!

Even the real bodies of the two Lords were greatly suppressed!

This proves that the owner of this tombstone is at least a powerful Holy Lord!

Yun Yi raised his hand and pointed to a location on the front right of the tombstone.

"It's right there."

Mu Qinglan followed his line of sight and found a small piece of white bone at the bottom of the tombstone!

Just taking a look, Mu Qinglan immediately confirmed that it was indeed a bone flute!

And it looks exactly the same as the one she got in the Hidden Snow Sea before!

At this time, more than half of the bone flute was still buried in the ground, only the top part was exposed.

There were many messy traces around the tombstone, as if it had been destroyed by some force, and the bone flute seemed to have been dug out for some reason.

Just as Mu Qinglan was about to step forward, she was grabbed by Yun Yi.


Mu Qinglan looked at him.

Yun Yi stared at the tombstone and said:

"I come."

Yun Yi took a step forward.

With just this step, several bloodstains instantly appeared on his body!

Mu Qinglan's pupils shrank.

She is all too familiar with such a situation!

She also endured such torture during the crossing days!

She immediately frowned, and said, "Yun Yi, I'll do it myself. The Lord's real body should be able to bear it."

Yun Yi shook his head.

"Your lord's real body has consumed a lot of power before, so I will do it."

Mu Qinglan hesitated to speak.

Speaking of it, in fact, Yun Yi himself consumed a lot of power, but he still insisted on doing it himself.

Mu Qinglan's heart hung up.

Yun Yi took the second step.

Mu Qinglan noticed that the ground under his feet had subsided slightly, and more blood began to flow from the wounds on his body.

Yun Yi continued to take the third step!

This time, he seemed to be trapped in a huge and crazy energy vortex!

Mu Qinglan could feel countless sharp breaths blowing across Yun Yi's body!

The God King Sword in his hand kept flying, and the silver sword light almost enveloped him, but even so, the wounds on his body were still increasing!

Mu Qinglan gripped Qingyuan Zhan tightly.

Yun Yi raised his foot and finally took the fourth step!

At this moment, he is only one step away from you with a bone flute!

Yun Yi stretched out his hand and went to take it!

However, the moment his hand touched the bone flute, a screaming sound suddenly came from above the bone flute!

A powerful wave immediately came from above the tombstone!

The screaming sound became more and more ear-piercing!

But Mu Qinglan suddenly realized that that wave of fluctuations was coming towards him!

Yun Yi was startled, and turned around to stop Mu Qinglan!

But it's too late!

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