God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1187 Silver Hair (four more)

A golden figure flew out in an instant, and headed towards that wave!


With a huge impact sound, the chest of Mu Qinglan's real body of the Lord was sunken deeply in an instant!

Mu Qinglan's body shook, and he also spat out a mouthful of blood.

Another real body of the Lord followed immediately! Stopped in front of Mu Qinglan again!

However, the real body of the second lord was still ruthlessly blasted out!

Mu Qinglan felt ruthless in his heart, and directly threw out the sea gold sand vine, entangled it on the broken tombstone, then pulled it hard, and jumped!

She has no time to take care of the pain all over her body, and the sea gold sand vine is also rapidly festering!

Mu Qinglan rolled on the spot, and actually grabbed the half bone flute with one hand!

She was about to turn around and leave immediately!

However, at this moment, the ground under her feet suddenly shook violently!

Mu Qinglan was taken aback, and quickly lowered her head to take a look, and found that there were several cracks spreading from the place where the bone flute was pulled out!

But what was even more shocking was that even the incomplete tombstone seemed to start shaking!

A strong uneasiness welled up in Mu Qinglan's heart, enduring the severe pain and planning to retreat, but suddenly found that there was a huge suction coming from above the tombstone!

Her body moved towards the tombstone almost uncontrollably!


Yun Yi also sensed something was wrong, and immediately reached out to hold Mu Qinglan's hand!

However, the power on the tombstone was too strong, Mu Qinglan and Yun Yi didn't hold on for too long, they were directly swallowed by it!

The figures of the two disappeared in an instant!

Above the sky, the wind howled, and the turbulent gray-blue waves kept beating on the reef.

On the top of the stone mountain, the incomplete tombstone is wobbly, and it seems that it will be broken at any time!

Mu Qinglan's eyes fell into complete darkness.

She was held tightly in Yun Yi's arms, and the two of them seemed to be falling. There was darkness in all directions, and nothing could be seen.

The further down, the more Mu Qinglan could feel the biting cold around him.

She couldn't help frowning.

There is an extremely cold power in her body, and the general cold has no effect on her at all.

But now, she couldn't help shivering, as if she had fallen into an ice cave, one could imagine how cold it was down here.


The two of them were actually sucked into the broken tombstone?

Before Mu Qinglan could figure it out, a light suddenly appeared below her.

Mu Qinglan looked intently, only to realize that the bright light didn't seem to be a light, but...

A piece of white snow?

The snow seems to be able to emit a faint brilliance. Although it is not dazzling, it can still be seen clearly when gathered together.

Soon, the two of Mu Qinglan landed on the snow.

Feeling the soft touch under her feet, Mu Qinglan was still a little unresponsive for a while, and raised her eyes to look around.

here it is…

Here is a boundless snowfield!

Where they are now seems to be on top of a snow mountain, and looking into the distance, they can clearly see the rolling snow mountain.

Between the snow-capped mountains is a large flat snowfield, stretching as far as the eye can see.

Other than that, nothing.

Mu Qinglan raised his head and glanced in the direction where they fell, and found that the "sky" here was a gray color, a little dark, and it seemed that heavy snow was coming.

However, I couldn't see where the two of them came from.

Mu Qinglan looked at Yun Yi and asked, "Yun Yi, have you been here before?"

Yun Yi looked a little condensed and shook his head.

The time he came before, although there was a change on the tombstone, nothing like this happened.

At first he thought that the bone flute was just placed there randomly, but after taking a look at it, he never paid attention to it again.

But it wasn't until just now that he finally realized—the bone flute is very likely to be the mechanism that opens the tombstone!

His eyes fell on the bone flute in Mu Qinglan's hand, and his eyebrows were slightly drawn.

Mu Qinglan also thought of something, and frowned.

"This bone flute...how could it be connected to this tombstone?"

As she spoke, she also looked seriously at the bone flute in her hand for the first time.

This bone flute is about three inches long, the whole body is white, and there are several holes in it.

At the tip, there are faint traces of being polished by the years.

Probably because that part has been exposed to the outside for a long time.

Other than that, however, there is nothing unusual about it.

With a thought in his mind, Mu Qinglan injected a little energy.

However, the bone flute remained silent.

"The power of the primordial spirit may be useful." Yun Yi said.

Mu Qinglan hesitated for a moment, then separated a wisp of the power of the primordial spirit, and slowly poured it into the bone flute.


A low, deep and strange sound of the flute suddenly came out from the bone flute!

Mu Qinglan was startled, and subconsciously stopped.

However, the sound of the flute still spread far away!

In this boundless snow-capped mountain and snow field, it keeps reverberating!

woo woo——

The sound was somewhat similar to the sound of the wind, but it was more vigorous and powerful, and it seemed to be able to reach the bottom of my heart when it was heard.

Even Mu Qinglan herself couldn't help being shocked by it.


She looked at the bone flute with some surprise, the one that Zang Xuehai got earlier, it seems that it can't be like this...


At this moment, above the sky in the distance, there was a huge roaring sound suddenly!

Both Mu Qinglan and Yun Yi were taken aback and looked up quickly. However, in the originally gray sky, large swathes of dark clouds gathered, and then there were countless snowflakes, falling down one after another!

Then, a tall figure suddenly came from the place where the sky and the earth meet!

It was a man, wearing a black robe, but it seemed to be very worn out, with long silver hair hanging down to his ankles.

However, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is... a crystal coffin is actually carried on his shoulders!

He was tall and straight, walking from the sky, even though Mu Qinglan couldn't see his face clearly, he could still feel the powerful aura of that man!

Mu Qinglan immediately became vigilant all over, with a heart hanging in her throat——

This man is the strongest among the people she has ever met!

Even Xue You, who has stepped into the realm of the Holy Master, can't match her!

He walked on foot, leaving a series of deep footprints on the vast silvery white snowfield.

The heavy snow fell, and soon buried his footprints.

In such a boundless world, he just like this, carrying the crystal coffin on his shoulders, striding forward through the snow!

This scene made Mu Qinglan's heart tremble, and he didn't recover for a long time.

However, Yun Yi beside him was suddenly shocked and murmured:

"... ancestors?"

Mu Qinglan's heart skipped a beat:

"What did you say!? That's..."

There is only one person in the world who can call Yun Yi his ancestor——

God Lord of the Cloud Clan: Yun Jing!

How could Yun Jing, who was rumored to have died thousands of years ago, appear here again?

Mu Qinglan's mind was in chaos, and his eyes were fixed on the man who kept moving forward in the wind and snow.

He is... Yun Jing! ?

At this moment, the man seemed to be aware of their existence, he stopped and looked up.

Even though there was still such a long distance, when his gaze swept across Mu Qinglan's body, Mu Qinglan still felt as if he had been completely seen through!

It was like a sharp blade, scraping across every part of the body!

Mu Qinglan couldn't help holding her breath, she felt that her whole body, even the blood, was completely frozen!

Then, the man spoke.

"Huh? Someone actually came in?"

His voice was low, slightly hoarse, but very pleasant.

Then, Mu Qinglan suddenly felt a blur in front of her eyes, and her whole body seemed to be crushed heavily by something.

But it was only for a moment, and the uncomfortable feeling quickly disappeared.

And when she saw the scene in front of her clearly, her heart suddenly stopped——

This man was already standing ten steps away from her!

His speed is...


Mu Qinglan suddenly reacted and turned to look!

She and Yun Yi were standing on the snow mountain just now, but now they are here!

It was clearly this man who brought the two of them here!

But he didn't even move a finger from the beginning to the end!

Mu Qinglan felt a deep sense of awe welling up in her heart, and turned her head to look at the man with a stiff neck.

He looked to be in his thirties, handsome and handsome, with sharp edges and corners, with silver hair hanging down casually. Although he was wearing shabby clothes, he still had an irresistible elegance all over his body.

Moreover, his eyes were also silver.

And his expression was very calm, carrying the extremely exquisite crystal coffin on his shoulders, but it seemed effortless, and he still looked graceful and elegant.

That is based on the self-confidence and calmness under the powerful strength!

At this moment, his eyes had already fallen on Yun Yi.

"Who are you…"

Yun Yi saluted immediately:

"Junior Yun Yi, I have seen my ancestors!"

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