God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1188 God's Tombstone (Fifth Watch)

The man didn't seem surprised, but smiled instead.

"I remember, you were the one who came to God's Tombstone last time, right?"

Yun Yi was slightly startled, and said, "Ancestor Huiyan."

"You don't have to be polite. Since I entered the tombstone of the god, I have never seen anyone else. It is also a chance for you to come in today."

After speaking, Mu Qinglan suddenly felt the invisible pressure on her body relieved a lot.

She couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

"Huh? Are you not from the Yun clan?"

Yun Jing looked at Mu Qinglan, and then his expression changed slightly.

"Thousand God Phoenix Crown is here with you?"

Mu Qinglan's heart was shocked - he could even see this directly!

But after thinking about it, this "Thousand God Phoenix Crown" was originally cast by Yun Jing, and it was normal for him to be able to perceive it.

Mu Qinglan then saluted respectfully:

"Mu Qinglan, the younger generation, met the ancestors of the Yun Clan. The Phoenix Crown of the Thousand Gods..."

"Qing'er is my fiancée, so the Phoenix Crown of the Thousand Gods is on her body." Yun Yi spoke first.

Yun Jing smiled.

"I guessed it. Your talent is indeed capable of taking on the role of young master. But..."

There was something meaningful in his eyes.

"You little fiancée is not ordinary..."

Mu Qinglan and the two of them didn't speak.

it means...

Could it be that he sensed the existence of the ancient gods?

But Yun Jing didn't say much afterwards, just asked:

"What are you two doing here? Especially Yun Yi, you have clearly been here once before, why did you come again so soon?"

Mu Qinglan raised her hand.

"Don't blame me, senior. He mainly came with me this time. I came here mainly to find this thing."

In her palm, the bone flute lay quietly.

Yun Jing looked startled, then fixed her eyes on Mu Qinglan tightly, and asked:

"Can you handle it?"

Mu Qinglan looked at Yun Yi strangely: "This...isn't this just a bone flute, why can't you hold it..."

Yun Jing frowned, but asked:

"This bone flute... what are you doing here?"

Mu Qinglan pursed her lips.

"It's a long story at this time, in short, I was looking for my father, so I had no choice but to find this bone flute. Before Yun Yi said that he had seen this bone flute in the Burning Heaven Realm, so I followed him. "

It seems that Yunjing clearly knows something...

If Mu Qinglan is not mistaken, he seems to have an unconcealable hatred for this bone flute?

It's just that he is the ancestor of the Yun clan, and he is a strong god master, so how could he have anything to do with this thing?

Mu Qinglan paused, then explained:

"My father was taken away by the person behind this thing, and his whereabouts are unknown. The only clue is this bone flute, so in desperation, I made this plan."

Hearing Mu Qinglan's words, Yun Jing's expression relaxed a lot.

"You mean your father was also attacked by their people?"

Mu Qinglan's heart skipped a beat.

This "also"...

The amount of information contained seems to be a bit large...

Yun Jing seemed to see through her mind, and said lightly:

"There's no need to guess. I was locked in this god's tombstone by them, and I couldn't get out."

Yun Yi frowned: "What?"

Yun Jing was a divine lord back then, so powerful, and created the Yun Clan with one hand, how could he be trapped here? Difficult to get out?

Who does he mean by "they"?

Mu Qinglan clenched her hands unconsciously, her eyes fixed on Yunjing.

"Senior, I wonder if you can tell—"

Before she could finish speaking, Yun Jing shook her head.

"If you want to save your father from their hands, I'm afraid it will be more difficult than going to heaven. You don't have to ask me more, and I won't answer you."

Mu Qinglan became anxious immediately: "Senior——"

"I made a bet with someone back then, and now I'm stuck here because I'm just willing to admit defeat. Moreover, I also promised that I would not tell anyone about those things, including you."

He sighed lightly: "Even if you are Yun Yi's fiancee, I can't break the contract."

This has been said absolutely.

Mu Qinglan could tell that he really couldn't speak.

Just as Yun Yi was about to speak, Mu Qinglan pulled him.

Now that Yun Jing has made up his mind, no matter what he says, he will not change his mind.

That being the case, why let Yun Yi plead for mercy?

Seeing her like this, Yun Jing's expression softened slightly.

"I am here, day and night, but I don't know how long has passed outside?"

Yun Yi said: "It has been more than a thousand years since our ancestors left."

Yun Jing was startled, and murmured:

"So it's been so long..."

He suddenly turned his face slightly, looked at the crystal coffin on his shoulder, and said with a gentle smile:

"Chuchu, look, it's been more than a thousand years, doesn't time go by so fast?"

His eyes were full of pampering and rolling, as if his beloved was beside him, listening carefully.

However, he was speaking to the person inside the crystal coffin.

Mu Qinglan glanced at it, and remembered that Xueyou once said that the ancestor of the Yun clan had a true love, but his cultivation talent was not high and his lifespan was extremely short. Although the ancestor used various methods, he still failed to keep him.

The "chuchu" here should be...

"At the beginning, I said that I would always be with you, but you didn't believe it. Now, a thousand years have passed, can you believe it?"

Yun Jing's deep voice was very gentle, and seemed to be a little proud.

It seems that being here for a thousand years is not a punishment for him, but a proof for him to prove his will.

Mu Qinglan thought to herself, this "Chuchu" must have been sealed in this crystal coffin.

For more than a thousand years, I am afraid that Yun Jing has been carrying this crystal coffin for a long time.

How lonely would that be?

Even if you talk, you will never get an answer. What kind of torture is it?

But looking at Yun Jing's appearance, she didn't seem to feel any pain.

Mu Qinglan's heart trembled slightly.

What kind of love is this to achieve such a degree?

"There are two little guys coming, do you want to open your eyes and have a look?"

Hearing this, Mu Qinglan frowned slightly.

open one's eyes…

Hasn't this person already passed away? How could Yunjing still say such words?

Is it because he just talks like this out of habit, or...the one inside really hasn't completely disappeared yet?

Yun Jing shook her head.

"You've been sleeping all the time. There's really nothing I can do about you. But it's okay. These two little guys will be here to accompany me recently. You don't have to worry about it."

Mu Qinglan frowned.

What does this mean?

Yun Jing looked back at the two of them and shook her head.

"It's a pity...the two of you are not yet the lord."

Yun Yi asked: "I don't know what the ancestor said... what does it mean?"

Yun Jing smiled, raised her finger and pointed to the sky.

"You two, don't you know that if you want to come out from here, you must at least be a strong Lord?"

The snow soon stopped.

Under a snow mountain, several people found a place to rest.

Yun Jing didn't intend to stop at first, but now that she met the younger generation, she still wanted to say a few more words, so she stayed for the time being.

He put down the crystal coffin, and sat beside him, with one hand on top of the crystal coffin.

He even chose a flat place to place the crystal coffin, and swept the surroundings clean, as if he was afraid that the person inside would not like it.

Mu Qinglan and Yun Yi stayed by the side.

It took Mu Qinglan a while to understand what Yun Jing meant.

"You mean, unless the two of us officially become the Lord Master, otherwise, we won't be able to get out from here?" Mu Qinglan was thinking, still feeling a little unbelievable.

Yun Jing nodded and laughed.

"It's just the lord, it shouldn't take long for the two of you to break through."

Yun Yi has already broken through the Venerable Lord with one foot, and only needs to cultivate the real body of the Venerable Lord.

And Mu Qinglan has already cultivated the real body of the Lord, so he only needs to cross the threshold of the Lord.

To be honest, this is really not a difficult task for Mu Qinglan and Yun Yi.

But the key is...

She is hiding in Xuehai, and there is still that one-year agreement!

And now, about three months have passed.

In other words, she had to go out within nine months!

In nine months, from the middle stage of the domain master, to the peak of the domain master, and then crossed the threshold of the lord...

Mu Qinglan felt that even if she was very talented, she basically couldn't do it.

It takes time to break through, and what she lacks most now is time!

Yun Yi seemed to have thought of this question too, and his expression was a little condensed.

"Ancestor, besides this, is there no other way?"

Yun Jing chuckled lightly.

"Even though I am the body of the God Lord, I am still trapped here and cannot leave. As long as the two of you break through to the Lord, you can leave. Why should you complain?"

Mu Qinglan smiled wryly in her heart.

Their situation is different!

Yun Jing has survived here for a thousand years because the only person he cares about is here!

But she can't!

If after nine months, she is unable to leave the Burning Heaven Realm and arrive at the Tibetan Snow Sea...

"Hurry up. It's daytime here now, and after a while, it will turn into night here." Yun Jing looked a little more serious.

Yun Yi frowned: "Day? Night? Could it be..."

"There is no sun here, so there is no alternation of day and night. I don't know how big the space here is. Thousands of years have not yet passed. It's just that the sky here is quite special. It is usually a long period of day and night. Upside down. Although I don’t count the time, roughly, the duration of day and night is about half a year.”

"During the day, the sky will not be dark. On the snowfield, energy is full. It's just that on the sky, it will snow from time to time. When the whole place is covered, the night will come. After that, there will be a long darkness. And that At this time, the energy here will also be frozen. It will not be melted until the next day comes. This is a reincarnation."

Mu Qinglan and Yun Yi were shocked together!

Yun Jing glanced at the sky.

"Now, about half of the day has passed. In a short time, the mountains here will be completely covered. Until the next day comes."

"So, hurry up."

Mu Qinglan's eyes darkened.

That said, they only have three months!

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