God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1189: The True Body of the Lord (six more)

Several times before, Mu Qinglan forcibly suppressed her realm, so as not to break through too quickly and cause the foundation to be unstable.

But she didn't expect that one day she would face such a problem.

——In three months, even Mu Qinglan was not sure about breaking through to the realm of the Lord.

And now, there is no other better way.

Mu Qinglan pondered for a moment, then asked:

"Senior, after we go out, do you still plan to stay here?"

Yun Jing was startled, and her fingers lightly brushed over the crystal coffin.

Because the crystal coffin has delicate carvings and reflects bright light, neither Mu Qinglan nor Yun Yi have seen what the people inside it look like.

Yun Jing looked at the crystal coffin and said slowly:

"Wherever Chuchu is, I will be there."

From the looks of it, it seemed that he really didn't have the slightest desire to go out.

Mu Qinglan narrowed his eyes, and a thought flashed in his mind, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them again.

It doesn't seem appropriate to ask those now...

Maybe, you should wait.

Mu Qinglan looked at Yun Yi and shrugged helplessly:

"Yun Yi, I'm afraid I'm going to hold you back."

In three months, what should she do to successfully break through to the realm of the Lord?

Before Yun Yi could speak, Yun Jing suddenly laughed.

"You girl, you are really innocent. Maybe this kid is not as fast as you!"

Mu Qinglan was surprised: "No way?"

Yun Yi's realm has already entered the Venerable Lord, as long as he cultivates the real body of the Venerable Lord and fully integrates.

According to his talent, is it not a trivial matter to cultivate the real body of the Lord?

The Yun clan's family has a great career, so there must be a top-notch real body technique for him to practice.

However, Yun Yi's expression was a little solemn.

He looked at Yun Jing: "It turns out that the ancestors have already seen it."

Yun Jing laughed.

"If I can't even see your problem, it would be too much."

Mu Qinglan's heart sank.

For some reason, she actually felt that the conversation between the two made her a little worried.

What does Yun Jing mean... Yun Yi wants to cultivate the real body of the Lord, it is actually more difficult than allowing her to break through to the realm of the Lord within three months?

But, how is this possible?

"If I'm not mistaken, you have tried at least five real bodies of the Lord, but none of them succeeded, right?"

Yun Jing's plain and simple words immediately set off a huge wave in Mu Qinglan's heart!

She looked at Yun Yi almost dumbfounded.

The five real bodies of the Lord! ?

He actually—

But what Yun Jing said was clearly saying that Yun Yi had tried five methods, but none of them could be cultivated?

Mu Qinglan felt that his mind was in chaos.

If someone else can't cultivate the real body of the Lord, she thinks it's nothing, but this person is Yun Yi!

His talent is extremely high, how could he not be able to cultivate the real body of the Lord?

Yun Yi's hands on his knees slowly tightened.

Mu Qinglan noticed that his expression was a little tense.


In fact, he had broken through the threshold of the Lord a long time ago, but after such a long time, he was still unable to condense his real body.

He has tried the most precious real body formula of the entire Yun clan, but it still doesn't work.

He never told anyone about this.

Including Yun Pei and Mu Qinglan.

Everyone thought that it was only a matter of time before he cultivated the real body of the Lord, but only he knew it. In fact, this was a huge gap for him!

This can almost be said to be the biggest obstacle he encountered on the road of cultivation.

He has been hiding this matter intentionally or unintentionally, but he didn't expect Yun Jing to see through it at a glance.

Yun Jing shook her head.

"When I left the Yun Clan, I left behind three volumes of the Lord's True Body Jue, and they were all ranked thirty-six in the real body. They were ranked second, sixth, and eleventh. These three volumes, you also Tried everything?"

Yun Yi looked calm: "Yes. Including Huo Yan Wang Zun ranked ninth, and Ice Blade Wang Zun ranked third."

Thirty-six kinds of supreme true gods, he himself tried five kinds!

And among them, the real bodies of the second and third Wang Zun were even included!

But—all failed? !

Mu Qinglan was stunned for a moment, feeling full of absurdity.

Yun Yi has already tried to cultivate so many supreme real bodies, but still failed?

Yun Jing didn't seem to be surprised: "Sure enough... your physique is abnormal, but it seems that this problem is more serious than I imagined."

Yun Yi didn't speak, obviously acquiescing.

Mu Qinglan frowned secretly: Physique? The biggest problem with Yun Yi's body is the red line on his chest.

Could it be because of that?

"Can't even the second-ranked Xuanyang king be able to calm down..." Yun Jing murmured, and then asked: "What if it is the first-ranked Taixu king?"

Yun Yi said: "For thousands of years, King Taixu has never appeared in this world."

Not once.

Under such circumstances, how could he possibly try?

Yun Jing frowned, her expression gradually becoming serious.

"If this is the case, it will be difficult for you...Perhaps only Taixu Wangzun in the world can carry the power of your Yuanmai. If you can't find the formula, then you may never be able to formally break through to the realm of the lord."

Yun Yi's eyes drooped slightly: "This junior knows."

The arena fell into dead silence for a moment.

Mu Qinglan could also hear the conversation between Yun Yi and Yun Jing clearly. Although the two didn't say it clearly, she could probably guess some of it.

Probably because the power of the Yuanmai in Yun Yi's body is too special, so the ordinary real body of the Lord can't bear it at all.

Now, the last hope may be that Taixu Wang Zun.

But Yun Yi himself said, after so many years, King Taixu has never appeared in this world, so how can he cultivate in the short three months left?

Some people want to practice but don't have the real body formula, and some people have the real body formula but can't cultivate successfully.

But like Yun Yi, he has several volumes of thirty-six supreme real body formulas in his hands, but none of them can succeed.

Moreover, it's not that he can't cultivate, but that this real body can't bear his Yuanmai!

This is the most painful and helpless place.

Finally, Mu Qinglan couldn't help but asked:

"Could it be that there are no other more powerful Venerable Lord's True Body Art in this world?"

After the words fell, both of them looked at her.

Yun Yi looked calm, but Yun Jing was meaningful.

He laughed and said, "There is some truth in what you said. After all, the world is so big, no one can say for sure that there is no more powerful Venerable Master's True Body Art. Besides, you are the best example."

Mu Qinglan paused.

"Your lord's real body is probably comparable to the number one Taixu Wangzun, and even... stronger. It's a pity... your lord's real body is not complete yet, you can cultivate by yourself Coming out is already a miracle. Not to mention Yun Yi."

Yun Jing is worthy of being a strong divine master, and Mu Qinglan was also amazed by such vision.

Seeing that the other party has almost figured out herself, Mu Qinglan no longer hides it, nodded and admitted:

"You are right, it is indeed incomplete now. And... it has already recognized the master, I am afraid that it cannot be cultivated by the second person."

She is telling the truth.

Yun Jing's expression moved slightly: "...Acknowledge the Lord? It seems that I did underestimate you... But you are much luckier than this kid to have such a chance."

He looked at Yun Yi: "Then what are you going to do now? If you still can't become a strong master, you will always be trapped here."

It's almost an endless loop.

Yun Yi was silent for a moment.

"If there is no way to go, I will kill a way!"

Both Mu Qinglan and Yun Yi began to practice penance in the tombstone of God.

She spends almost all of her time practicing, and has no time to care about anything else.

Fortunately, the energy here is sufficient, and her cultivation has never stopped.

Moreover, it seems that because the Yuanmai has been fully awakened, she can clearly feel that the speed of those forces entering her body has become much faster than before.

No, or rather, it is not the same at all!

If the speed of Mu Qinglan's cultivation before was like several rivers converging, then now, it can almost be said to be a raging tide!

Those powers poured into Mu Qinglan's body one after another, and were quickly transformed into her own power by the ancient gods.

The speed was so fast that even Mu Qinglan was surprised.

It is no exaggeration to say that her current cultivation speed is definitely five times faster than before!

Now she finally understands why Qinglin disliked her so much when he first saw her.

——With such cultivation conditions, his requirements are not high at all!

On the other hand, Yun Yi's practice has become very difficult.

He had tried several spells before, but they all failed. Now here, there is almost nothing he can do.

Although his strength is getting stronger every day, if he doesn't have the real body of the Lord, he can't be regarded as a real master of the Lord.

What's more, the most important thing is that if you don't have the real body of the Lord, you won't be able to break through the Holy Lord in the future!

Yun Jing looked at Mu Qinglan for a while, and after noticing that the aura around her was constantly increasing, she smiled with satisfaction.

"The fiancée you chose has a much stronger cultivation physique than Chuchu."

If Chu Chu had half of Mu Qinglan's talent back then, they wouldn't have come to where they are today.

Yun Yi looked slightly warm.

"Qing'er dare not compare with the former mistress. Besides, she had suffered a lot of crying in the past. It is not easy to be able to be where she is today."

Yun Jing asked: "Then if you can't cultivate the real body of the Lord, don't you want to make her suffer more?"

Yun Yi pursed her thin crimson lips.

Yun Jing suddenly laughed, with a strange look on her face.

"Actually, I still have one last solution. It's just extremely dangerous, and it's just my guess, and I've never used it before. I don't know, are you interested?"

Yun Yi's eyes flickered slightly.

"Please tell the ancestors. In any case, Yun Yi is willing to give it a try."

Yun Jing waved her sleeves, and instantly cast a barrier to separate Mu Qinglan.

He looked at Yun Yi and said:

"I had obtained a volume of the Lord's True Body Jue before, but I didn't know the name. And because I already had the Lord's True Body at that time, I never used it. But... its power is stronger than the second-ranked Xuanyang Wang Zun is several times stronger! I don’t know... would you like to give it a try?”

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