God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1195 Exchange

Lord Wang Yan's heart suddenly burst into flames - this Luo Qingheng did it on purpose!

Before spreading rumors that Di Qianjue had an affair with his precious disciple, and now he made a pun in public, just for fear that others would not know about it!

He is determined to pour this pot of dirty water on Mu Qinglan's head, but that has to be seen, whether he has the ability!

"I really don't understand Patriarch Luo's words. Di Qianjue's ascension to the position of suzerain of the Black Demon Sect is their own business. What can we think? Could it be that we don't let him be, Is he wrong?"

Luo Qingheng choked.

"Besides, this matter has been investigated from the beginning to the end by Chief Luo, you took the lead in investigating, you didn't say something, do something, but asked us, what's the matter? If you really want to hear For my king's opinion, how about...how about this matter being investigated by this king?"

Lord Wang Yan has always been calm, but that doesn't mean he has a good temper.

Especially after the last Family Contest, Luo Qingheng forcibly took away Mu Qinglan's things in public. The relationship between Lord Wang Yan and them was already in turmoil, so naturally he won't save him any face this time!

However, he is powerful, even if the Luo tribe is more powerful than the Tongling Sea, Luo Qingheng is not willing to easily tear the Lord Wang Yan head-on.

As soon as he thought about it, he smiled coldly.

"What did Lord Wang Yan say? I just asked casually. After all, we still have to discuss together."

As he spoke, he didn't wait for anyone to speak, so he changed the subject:

"Since everyone is here, why don't you bring the water mist and rain up first, as well as some evidence that you have found, and show everyone all of them, how about it?"

Of course, everyone has no objection.

Soon, Shuiyanyu was escorted up by two people.

After more than three months, she seemed to be a little thin and haggard, but most of the injuries on her body had healed.

It seems that during this period of time in the Luo nationality, although the life is not good, it is not bad.

However, everyone present could see that the mist of water had been ruined—her aura was not a little bit worse than that day.

To put it simply, her realm has regressed, and if there is no accident, it is impossible for her to go further in this life.

This is an extremely cruel punishment for any cultivator.

Of course, in the eyes of everyone, this is already an extra favor.

Water mist and rain moved Xue Tianding, if she hadn't relied on her to find clues, she would have already killed her, how could she be allowed to continue living?

Then, another body was presented.

It's just that, unlike ordinary corpses, this person's bones are actually red to black, and they look very oozing.

"This is Shui Qingkong's body. When he was found in the prison of the Shui family, he had already killed himself for many days, his flesh and blood rotted, and finally only this pair of dead bones remained."

Luo Qingheng raised his finger.

"Everyone can take a look, his bones are blood-red, and they are still filled with a strong evil spirit! It can be seen that he did refine the Blood Heaven Cauldron during his lifetime."

Everyone looked awe-inspiring.

This is irrefutable proof!

Li Hentian added: "Furthermore, the evil spirit in his bones is indeed exactly the same as the breath on the Blood Heaven Cauldron that day, and of course, it also comes from the same vein as the power in Shui Yanyu's body. Therefore It can be confirmed that the Heavenly Blood Cauldron was indeed refined by him first, and then given to Shui Yanyu."

Tantai Mo also nodded.

Luo Qingheng said: "What can be found now is that Shui Qingkong did have some contacts with the Black Demon Sect ten years ago. But as for who taught him the refining method of the Blood Heaven Cauldron, it still needs to be done." Check again. It’s fine if Di Qianjue is willing to cooperate, but if not—”

Shui Mingfei couldn't help but said: "Di Qianjue is ruthless and cunning! It is said that his own cultivation is very strange. When he was in the Demon Palace, people died for no reason every day. Now he is a After becoming the lord of the Black Demon Sect, people in the Black Demon Sect are even more panic-stricken. It is a joke to ask him to cooperate with us in investigating the matter of the Xuetianding! I think he has done this himself, and also Unknown!"

Master Wang Yan sneered: "Patriarch Shui, why are you, an outsider, so clear about the Black Demon Sect?"

Shui Ming was immediately at a loss for words.

"I, I'm just guessing... Besides, everyone knows about Di Qianjue's bloodthirsty..."

"Hearing Patriarch Shui's plausible words, this king almost thought that you had planted an eyeliner in that Black Demon Sect!" Venerable Master Wang Yan smiled.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Shui Mingfei felt worried, "I just, just want everyone to find out the truth quickly!"

Luo Qingheng said lightly: 'These are not important. The most important thing right now is that we have to join hands. If Di Qianjue agrees to investigate together, that's fine. If he doesn't agree... then we can only fight hard with them. Do you have any objections to this? "

Everyone looked at each other and nodded one after another.

Right now, that's really the only solution.

"Since we have joined forces to form an alliance, it is natural to choose a leader. In this way, we can negotiate with the Black Demon Sect at that time. This matter has been led by the Luo clan from the beginning to the end. In my opinion, it is better to... Luo clan chief, how about it?" "Shui Mingfei said.

In the hall, there was a moment of silence.

Among other things, Shui Mingfei suddenly turned towards Luo Qingheng like this, it really made people have to think about it...

However, their Shui family really needs to rely on the Luo clan to live now, so it is normal for him to be so flattering.

It's just that this servile look really doesn't deserve to be included in the top ten aristocratic families.

Besides, Yun Peike is still sitting there!

"The Black Demon Sect is powerful. I have to say that there are very few people who can confront them head-on. In my opinion, Patriarch Yun is more suitable." Li Hentian said with a smile.

Venerable Wang Yan nodded immediately: "That's right, this king also agrees."

Chong Tianming, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help but sigh secretly when he remembered how his precious daughter acted like a baby and insisted on him helping Mu Qinglan.

"Patriarch Yun is indeed more suitable."

The Chong family is basically ranked fourth, so the right to speak is naturally very important.

Shui Mingfei couldn't help but said: "But this matter involves—"

"Patriarch Yun is extremely powerful, so it is only natural that he should sit in this position." Tantai Mo also spoke.

Luo Qingheng's face was a little ugly.

These people must have heard the news they spread, but they are still in such awe of Yun Pei! Don't even consider avoiding suspicion at all!

Yun Pei's sleeve robe lightly waved.

"Since this is the case, the old man will be disrespectful."

Luo Qingheng gritted his teeth with hatred - he hasn't spoken yet! This Yun Pei actually opened his mouth first, and shamelessly sat on the position of the leader!

But with so many people here, it's hard for him to say anything.

Yun Pei seemed to suddenly think of something: "By the way, Patriarch Luo, don't you disagree? I remember that you have some troubles that have not been resolved. It seems inappropriate to put too much energy on this." Bar?"

It's good not to mention this, Luo Qingheng almost wants to gnash his iron teeth when it is mentioned!

That must have been stolen by Mu Qinglan, but now Yun Pei still has the nerve to mention it?

He said with a cold face:

"Patriarch Yun is naturally the most suitable candidate! I have no objection!"

Yun Pei looked indifferent.

"Since that's the case, I'll personally send a letter to the Black Demon Sect for a hundred years. What to do after that depends on how Emperor Qianjue responds."


Black Demon Sect.

"I want my suzerain to cooperate with their investigation? Is this suzerain really stupid? If I give them this opportunity, wouldn't I, the Black Demon Sect, be at the mercy of others?"

Above the main hall, Di Qianjue let out a cold snort, and threw the letter in his hand.

The people kneeling below hurriedly said:

"Sovereign calm down!"

Di Qianjue's bewitching and cold gaze swept across from below.

"But... about the matter of the Blood Heaven Cauldron, who will explain it to the suzerain? Huh?"

This thing was banned a hundred years ago, even the Black Demon Sect was no exception.

But now, the matter was found on their heads!

Whether he is willing to be investigated is his business, but if the Black Demon Sect has such a thing, he will definitely not tolerate it!

Everyone shivered and didn't dare to say more.

Di Qianjue leaned lazily on the seat, playing with a bright red and alluring flower between his pale and slender fingers.

"This suzerain has left the Black Demon Sect a few years ago, and has been in the Demon Palace almost since then, rarely coming back. Therefore, I don't know much about many things in the Black Demon Sect. I don't know...someone dares to Here, doing such things?"

In his long and narrow eyes, there seemed to be a flash of murderous intent.

"If you confess now, my suzerain can still show mercy and give a whole body. If you don't say anything, wait for my suzerain to find out..."

Everyone is still dead silent.

Di Qianjue snorted coldly.

"Send the news to Yun Pei, just say that you want my suzerain to cooperate with their investigation, and send Mu Qinglan over!"


After Di Qianjue's reply letter reached everyone's ears, it caused quite a commotion.

——He actually made such a request? This is almost a blatant robbery!

Only Luo Qingheng was secretly delighted: When Xi Yan said to start from here, he was dubious, but he didn't expect Di Qianjue to really be interested in Mu Qinglan! And it was exchanged with such an important thing!

Now, even if they don't say anything, people from other aristocratic families will definitely have doubts about Mu Qinglan!

However, this Mu Qinglan really doesn't know what ability he has to make Di Qianjue such a cruel and merciless person so obsessed with him?

But that's also not important.

For them, Di Qianjue was the real assist this time!

Let's see what the Yun Clan is going to do this time!

What can the Yun family do?

Not to mention Yun Pei, even Lord Wang Yan would not agree!

"Joke! The two parties negotiated, where did they make such a request? What kind of heart is there for Di Qianjue? I don't know. I only know that if a woman is exchanged for the compromise of the Black Demon Sect, the face of the top ten aristocratic families will be destroyed. It's just completely lost!"

Luo Qingheng said in relief: "Hey—Honor Wang Yan is serious. Why did this matter come to this? Di Qianjue must have his reasons for wanting someone. Haven't we agreed yet? But having said that, Di Qianjue has a perverse personality, no one can say for sure, if he is rejected this time, what will he do...Maybe, he will make a fuss in the entire summit of the gods! If it is true Let Mu Qinglan stabilize him temporarily..."

"Luo Qingheng! You're so shameless! I think it's better to send you there, you can hold that Emperor Qianjue better!" Venerable Wang Yan couldn't help but yell!

Luo Qingheng's face froze.

"Honor Wang Yan, is it over now?"

"Bah! I think you've passed it! If Diqian wants Luo Xiyan, I don't think you'll say that!"

Luo Qingheng smiled but wasn't smiling.

"Mu Qinglan's celestial beauty attracted Di Qianjue to be like this, but Xi Yan doesn't have that kind of ability."

"She really doesn't have that ability."

At this moment, a clear voice suddenly came!

Everyone looked, but it was Mu Linghan!

He didn't even look at Luo Xiyan, and smiled lightly.

"My sister is loved by everyone, and there is nothing I can do about it. There are too many people coveting her in this world, so there are a lot of troubles. It is no less troublesome than the goddesses of the Luo tribe, who rarely have such troubles."

Luo Xi's lips turned pale.

"You! How did you get here!?"

Luo Qingheng got up immediately, staring at Mu Linghan in shock and anger.

Mu Linghan smiled and said:

"It's nothing, I just heard some rumors about my sister recently, and I thought I should deal with some things. Unexpectedly, it was just in time. She is always a troublemaker. As an older brother, I naturally want to come out , help her solve her troubles, don't you?"

Luo Qingheng said angrily: "This is the Luo clan! All the people here are the aristocratic families at the top of the gods! What qualifications do you have to stand here!?"

Mu Linghan glanced around with a calm expression.

"What qualifications do I have to stand here...you will know soon."

He suddenly turned around and smiled loudly.

"Elder Chang Si, please."

After the voice fell, a person suddenly arrived!

Everyone was shocked——

This man is...

Holy master strong! ?

I read everyone's comments yesterday, and I couldn't reply one by one, but I am very grateful.

After a day of sleepy rest, the update is two hours late this morning, but it will still be normal at 9:30 tomorrow.

There should be a surprise update in a few days.

Cough cough, I forgot to add the last part just now, so I just added it.

Thank you again for everyone who supported February, only the code words can be returned wholeheartedly

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