The person who came had a youthful face, a hale hair, a hale and hearty spirit, a pair of very bright eyes, he did not look like an old person at all.

He was wearing a gray robe and looked very ordinary, but when he appeared in this hall, he was silent.

The aura around him seemed to be normal, but there was an inexplicable hidden aura circulating around him.

The people present were very sure when they saw him the first time - this person must be a strong Holy Lord!

For a moment, the entire hall fell into silence.

Even Yunpei Gujing's eyes were full of waves.

Fourth Elder Chang smiled faintly, seeming to be very kind.

"This old man is the regular fourth of the twenty-eight constellations of Piaomiao Shenzong. I came here today to discuss matters concerning your lord."

Your Majesty?

Who else is the emperor of Piaomiao Shenzong! ?

Isn't it Mu Qinglan?

But the previous rumors, didn't they say that they had a few strong masters at the peak of the Lord, why did a strong Lord come out in a blink of an eye? !

You know, ten peak masters are not as good as one holy master!

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

"I heard that when the Luo clan went to the Yun clan to find Mu Qinglan's troubles, the ones who came out to support Mu Qinglan were three powerful masters at the peak of the lord. Could it be that there are stronger ones in the Piaomiao Shenzong?"

"Since he said that, his identity must be correct! But... who would have thought that Mu Qinglan would have the backing of a powerful Holy Lord?"

"Hey, don't forget, Mu Qinglan is now the emperor of Piaomiao Shenzong, that is to say, even this powerful Holy Lord has to bow his head and obey Mu Qinglan's orders!"

"What kind of existence is this Piaomiao Shenzong... With such tyrannical strength, it is almost comparable to the top ten aristocratic families!"

"Hey - there are aristocratic families, but they are not as good as them..."

Luo Qingheng held his breath in his chest.

Facing a powerful Holy Lord, even if he has no brains, he still knows that the other party cannot be provoked!

He frowned, his face ashen, and asked:

"Dare to ask Your Excellency... Are you really a member of Piao Miao Shenzong?"

Fourth Elder Chang narrowed his eyes, then smiled.

"Is it possible that Patriarch Luo is suspecting that the old man is lying? Or... Patriarch Luo is blind and deaf, unable to hear or see?"

This is not polite at all!

Even Yun Pei would not accuse Luo Qingheng face to face like this!

When had Luo Qingheng been so humiliated? Immediately a fire came up!

But thinking that the other party is a strong Holy Lord, I can't bear it again!

"This...Elder Chang Si, right? Although you are powerful, don't forget that this is the Luo clan! Some words, I hope you still—"

"You are all going to send the Lord of my Piaomiao Shenzong as a hostage, so is it possible that I still expect the old man to treat you well?"

Fourth Elder Chang interrupted him with a slightly cold expression.

Luo Qingheng was speechless for a moment.

He actually forgot that there was such a group of people behind Mu Qinglan!

"Elder Chang Fourth, don't get me wrong. We just said it casually just now, and we haven't decided yet... Although Patriarch Shui raised this matter just now, we haven't agreed yet."

When Shui Mingfei heard this, he immediately became anxious—this is to make him take the blame!

"Patriarch Luo, we were—"

Luo Qingheng gave him a cold look, and immediately made Shui Mingfei swallow the rest of his words.

They are now isolated and helpless, leaving only the last straw of the Luo people. If even they are offended... I am afraid that the situation of the Shui family at the top of the gods will be even worse!

"This old man doesn't care about your matters. Anyway, it seems that this is not the first time you have targeted Jun Shang, right? My Piao Miao Shenzong still remembers the previous accounts clearly!"

Fourth Elder Chang came to the summit of the gods after Elder Jin Qi and others.

Before coming, they had already told him the previous things.

Although Fourth Elder Chang looked gentle, his temper was actually not very good.

He had been hidden from the world for many years, and finally waited until Piaomiao Shenzong reappeared, but he heard so many messy things before he saw Junshang.

Do these people think that they are easy to bully by the people of Misty Shenzong?

Fourth Elder Chang didn't intend to give them a good look when he came this time!

Luo Qingheng took a deep breath and said, "Elder Chang Si, you may have misunderstood us. Moreover, this time it is about the Blood Heaven Cauldron. The top ten aristocratic families on the top of the gods are working together, not my family alone. Great. The Black Demon Sect Master Qianjue threatened that if he was to compromise and cooperate with the investigation, then Mu Qinglan must be sent there. We were just discussing what to do, but we didn’t directly decide to send Mu Qinglan there—”

"Do you have the guts?" Elder Chang Si put one hand behind his back and asked lightly, "Or, can you bear the consequences of angering my Piao Miao Shenzong? Huh?"

In the main hall, the top leaders of the top ten families are sitting. It can be said that the most powerful forces on the top of the gods have gathered here.

If it were anyone, I'm afraid they wouldn't have the guts to say such things in front of them!

But this is not the case with the Fourth Elder!

He is the Holy Lord powerhouse!

Among those present, perhaps only Yun Pei can compete with him!

What's more, he is not alone, behind him, there are clearly countless strong people!

Who knows how many powerhouses there are in this Piaomiao Shenzong! ?

Fourth Elder Chang looked at Yun Pei.

"Patriarch Yun, may I ask you, are you still in the Yun clan?"

Yun Pei nodded: "Still in the Burning Heaven Domain."

Many people were secretly surprised.

They only knew that Mu Qinglan had passed through Hengdutian, but they didn't know that Mu Qinglan had actually entered the Burning Heaven Realm?

Isn't that the forbidden place of the Yun clan? She shouldn't have done anything wrong, so why did she go there?

Fourth Elder Chang nodded.

"So, when Your Majesty comes out, I will naturally take it back."

As he spoke, he looked at Lord Wang Yan again, and cupped his hands.

"Thank you, Lord Wang Yan, for teaching me earlier."

Lord Wang Yan was startled, and hurriedly said: "You are polite! That girl Qinglan is my precious disciple, so naturally I can't tolerate being bullied by others!"

This is... the Holy Lord powerhouse...

Fourth Elder Chang laughed, and said: "It is also a great blessing for you to have a master like Lord Wang Yan around."

Otherwise, Mu Qinglan didn't know what she would be made into by these people before.

Luo Qingheng finally gritted his teeth and said:

"But if Mu Qinglan is not allowed to go, Diqian will never cooperate with our investigation, so what? Is it possible that we really want to formally declare war with the Black Demon Sect?"

Elder Chang Si raised his eyebrows and said lightly:

"That's your business, what has it to do with my Piao Miao Shenzong?"

Luo Qingheng almost spit out a mouthful of blood!

I'm sorry, I'm straightening out the outline, and when I read the outline, I suddenly saw the ending, so the next part will be carefully considered and written slowly. Will the remaining two updates be updated together at noon? But don't worry everyone, it won't end immediately, the plot will be finished, and it will be a matter of course

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