God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1370 Lord of the Nine Thunder Gods (Part 2)

The swaying red lotus can be described as swaying, everyone can see the excitement and pride of the old man.

"How about it, didn't you expect it? Hahahaha! Girl dolls still have too little experience!"

Vigorous and low-pitched laughter echoed throughout the space, almost shaking people's ears.

There are circles of ripples on the lake.

And in the center, there is only a red lotus, dancing freely...

Mu Qinglan: "..."

Hmm... This situation is really unexpected.

Mu Qinglan suppressed the turbulent emotions in her heart, and for a while, she didn't know what expression to use to face this...

God master strong?

Normally, her mind is always very bright, but at this moment, she was also shocked by the scene in front of her, and she really didn't know what to do.

It took a while for Mu Qinglan to find her voice and let out a dry laugh.

"Hehe, yes, this junior really didn't expect it..."

How many people in this world can think of it? !

A majestic divine master turned into a red lotus? !

Who would believe it!

Even if he has been lost for thousands of years, the vicissitudes of life are not the same reformation, right?

Mu Qinglan's reaction successfully pleased the other party.

He burst into another powerful hearty laugh.

Looking at it, Mu Qinglan suddenly felt a little tormented.

For such a rather enchanting red lotus, it is really difficult for her to connect it with this laughter...

It's not like she hasn't seen a strong God Lord, but isn't that the style of painting?

At the beginning, when she saw Yun Jing carrying the crystal coffin, walking non-stop in the ice and snow, she still thought it was incredible.

Now comparing the situation in front of her, she suddenly felt that Yunjing's appearance was really quite normal...

Mu Qinglan looked at it for a while, and finally couldn't help asking:

"Senior, why didn't you appear in the form of a soul, but..."

"The old man's soul has long since fallen into pieces. Although the remaining wisp of soul can still transform into a human form, it's a lot of work. So let's not bother!"

Mu Qinglan was still a little dazed, glanced around, and asked:

"Then... these lakes and lotus, are you also conjured up?"

"That's not true."

The old man was also straightforward. Seeing that Mu Qinglan still didn't understand, he simply explained the matter to her clearly.

"This red lotus is a very special Chiba red lotus, and it originally grew here. Thousands of years ago, after the old man fell, his body was damaged and his soul lost. He didn't live long. Arrived here. At that time, it was just a small pool of water, and a Chiba Red Lotus had just grown. The old man simply hid on the Chiba Red Lotus. Over time, he became one with the Chiba Red Lotus, and here, also Gradually it became like this. Up to now, Qianye Honglian is already a part of the old man!"

Mu Qinglan nodded knowingly.

"I see…"

"It's more than that! Do you know that the god masters actually have their own destiny. If the destiny is damaged, then even if the god master is still alive, he will gradually lose rank and fall out of the god master In the first battle, not to mention the things of destiny, even the physical body and the divine body were all damaged, so it was impossible to survive. Who knows that this thousand-leaf red lotus has the effect of concentrating the mind and nourishing the essence, and over time, it also becomes It's the old man's second natal object."

The old man said, seeming to sigh.

Even with just a few words, one can still imagine what an earth-shattering scene the gods would be fighting against each other back then.

Mu Qinglan listened quietly.

She didn't know what this so-called "natural thing" was, and Yun Jing never mentioned it when she was in the Burning Heaven Realm.

But listening to this meaning, it is only available to the strong God Lord, and, for them, it is extremely important.

And this one, after losing everything, can re-cultivate the second natal thing, I really don't know how strong he was before he was alive!

Mu Qinglan nodded half understanding.

"That's why you say that Qianye Honglian is yourself?"

"Haha! Girl doll is really smart, she can understand everything!" The old man seemed very satisfied with Mu Qinglan.

Mu Qinglan's heart gradually relaxed a little, and then she clasped her fists in both hands, and bowed solemnly to the thousand-leaf red lotus in salute.

"Junior Mu Qinglan, I have met senior."

Although I have already greeted each other before, but now it is equivalent to seeing each other for real, so this gift is still required.

As for Mu Qinglan's behavior, the old man was obviously very pleased.

"Since you have come to the old man's tomb, naturally you want to know the old man's name."

Mu Qinglan's heart skipped a beat.

This is an extremely strong man from ten thousand years ago...

The old man's voice suddenly changed from the loose and arrogant one before, and became serious.

In Mu Qinglan's ears, there seemed to be a thunderbolt!

"I am the Lord of the Nine Thunders—Zhong Ce!"

Divine Dream Cliff.

The majestic mountains are undulating, and the peaks are tall and steep, which makes people sigh.

On the top of the mountains, there are no trees and flowers, only black and red rocks, scattered with each other, filled with a chilling atmosphere.

At the foot of the mountain, the members of the Yuan clan had already separated out and guarded them strictly.

Among them, there was a place where many people stood neatly together.

And in front of them is a mirror about the height of a person.

The frame of the mirror is red, like wood but not wood, like jade but not jade.

And in the mirror, there was a blank, and no figure was reflected.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the mirror, as if they were waiting for something.

A sound of footsteps suddenly came from the mountain.

It was Yuan Longyuan.

And the people waiting in front of this mirror are undoubtedly the many responsible personnel of the sub-arena.

Yuan Longyuan's expression had returned to normal at this time.

He walked towards the mirror.

Everyone saluted together.

"I have seen Lord Longyuan."

Yuan Longyuan waved his sleeve robe lightly, causing everyone to stand up, but their eyes still fell on the mirror.

"What's the matter?"

The current few people shook their heads.

"Returning to Master Longyuan, there is nothing."

Yuan Longyuan nodded, but he didn't care too much.

This mirror is called the Xishan Mirror, and it is a treasure specially used to inspect people in the West Arena.

If there is any change in the people who entered the road to the tomb of the gods, the Xishan Mirror will respond immediately.

Of course, in the Western Mountain Mirror, it is impossible to see the specific situation in the Road to the God's Tomb.

However, based on the changes in the Xishan Mirror, one can roughly guess what happened.

Therefore, after these people arrived at the foot of Shenmeng Cliff, they stayed here all the time.

It wasn't long before the sub-arena match ended, so it was normal that there was no movement in the Xishan Mirror.

At this moment, it seems that the games in the other three sub-arenas have not been completely over yet.

Yuan Longyuan stood in front of Xishan Mirror with his hands behind his back.

He seemed to be observing Xishan Mirror, but in fact, only he knew that he was thinking about other things.

During the journey down from the mountain, he walked very slowly, and he was also thinking about something along the way.

However, there is still no solution.

Yuan Yikang finally gave him a very clear warning, Yuan Longyuan knew that it would be very dangerous if he just entangled in this matter.

But he can't control it.

On Shenmeng Cliff, people from all walks of life will gather soon.

This time, the patriarch made up his mind to settle the matter thoroughly.

At that time, she will suffer the most.

He didn't know if he could control it by then.

Moreover, he actually heard that the child she had with that man seemed to have been captured...

I'm afraid...

Yuan Longyuan closed his eyes.

These things have nothing to do with me, do they?

Originally, he thought that he was indifferent, but in the end, he just saw a face that was somewhat similar to her, and it turned out like this.

He didn't know what he would do if he saw her again with his own eyes.


At this moment, a strange sound suddenly came from his ear.

Yuan Longyuan suddenly opened his eyes!

The people next to him had already reacted immediately.

"Lord Longyuan, the Xishan mirror has changed!"

Yuan Longyuan stared forward!

I saw a red spot of light suddenly appeared on the originally smooth mirror surface of the Xishan Mirror!

Then the spot of light expanded rapidly, gradually becoming the size of a palm!

Yuan Longyuan was shocked.

This is…

"Someone entered the tomb of God!?"

This movement also immediately shocked the other people present!

If a spot of light appears and can be extended, it proves that the tomb of God is opened!

How long has passed, and someone actually found the tomb of the gods and successfully entered it! ?

"This is the next God Lord - no! This light is still expanding!"

The tombs of the gods are divided into levels.

Because the gods are divided into lower gods and upper gods.

And these two levels are very different.

Generally speaking, the larger the light cluster, the stronger the owner of the tomb of the god.

According to the previous probability, a whole sub-arena may not be able to be a god's tomb sometimes.

And among all the records, 90% of the cases were found in the tomb of the next god.

But now—this is definitely not just the tomb of the God Lord!

There are only two updates today, and they will be added later.

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