God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1371 In the Tomb of the Gods (Part 1)

Yuan Longyuan stared closely at the red light.

In such a short time, the light cluster has spread from a small light spot to the size of a human face!

He is now almost certain that the owner of this suddenly opened tomb must be a god master!

Everything happened too fast.

The group of people in the west arena clearly had just entered the road to the tomb of the gods for less than a day!

How could the tomb of the gods be opened so soon?

Moreover, it is also the tomb of a god master!

Just think about it and you will know what an opportunity this is!

And behind him, the originally commotional crowd also became quiet as the light group gradually expanded.

Countless pairs of eyes were fixed on Xishan Mirror, and they were not even willing to blink.

Time seems to pass very slowly suddenly.

Yuan Longyuan often thought that the light group should stop, but found that it was still expanding!

So, as time passed, that ball of light gradually occupied a full quarter of the Western Mountain Mirror!

Yuan Longyuan's heart was beating rapidly.

He began to frantically recall in his mind, in the previous records of Shenmengya, has there ever been such a large light group?

The most frightening thing is that it still doesn't stop!

There is already a dead silence around.

Everyone knows what that means!

No one expected that they could witness such a scene that only existed in legends!

After an unknown amount of time, the light cluster finally stopped and stopped spreading!

But at this time, it has already occupied one-third of the entire Xishan Mirror!

It is no exaggeration to say that this is the sum of the tombs of several gods!

But this is just a commotion caused by a god's tomb!

The red light group just quietly entrenched on the Western Mountain Mirror.

Its light is not very bright, even very mild.

But at this moment, everyone felt that the red light was extremely dazzling!

Yuan Longyuan was silent for a long time, and finally took a deep breath.

He now felt that although he had just come down from the mountain, but... he seemed to need to go up again.

Such a large ball of light, such a terrifying movement... This time, the pantheon of the gods will probably be more turbulent than imagined!

"Stay here carefully, and don't allow anyone to approach at will. I'll report to the patriarch Ming and others first. If there is any change in the Western Mountain Mirror, please let me know as soon as possible."

Yuan Longyuan's calm and elegant face was a little more dignified.

Only then did everyone react, and quickly said:


Yuan Longyuan turned around, took a step, and couldn't help but look back.

On the Western Mountain Mirror, the red light group that occupies half of the position is bright and brilliant! Very eye-catching!

Yuan Longyuan frowned slightly.

This should be the movement made by someone in the West Arena.

It's just that I still don't know who that person is?

Such a chance, even for him, couldn't help being envious...

When this news spreads, everyone who came to the Pantheon of the Gods will definitely be shocked!

But... who is it?

In Yuan Longyuan's mind, several faces flashed quickly.

He has a good memory, and his own strength is strong, and the power of the soul is abundant, so he quickly passed through all the sixty-one sects in power in the west arena this time.

Somehow, an alluring face suddenly appeared in his mind, and he couldn't get it off.

There was a slight shock in his heart.

--How can it be?

That Mu Qinglan, although talented and assisted by an ancient phoenix, is actually not the top among that group of people.

She shouldn't be able to do such a thing, right?

Yuan Longyuan thought in his heart, shook his head slightly, and walked away.

However, there was an inexplicably subtle premonition in his heart.

Mu Qinglan was able to rely on the strength of the Lord to drag the peak to a draw, so he must have some ability.

What if—it was really her?

Yuan Longyuan sighed softly in his heart.

If it wasn't for her, it would be okay, if it was really her... I'm afraid she will be in trouble for this grand meeting of the gods...

Mu Qinglan naturally knew nothing about the outside world.

In fact, she didn't have the mind to care about those at the moment.

Because now, all her attention is on the person in front of her!

Lord Nine Thunder Gods!

Even though he didn't have a physical body at this time, and he didn't even appear in a human form, but——when these words fell, Mu Qinglan felt a powerful momentum inexplicably, rushing towards his face!

In fact, the other party didn't move, but when he uttered those words, a coercion was naturally generated!

Mu Qinglan was shocked, and felt that wave again, even the blood seemed to be boiling!

The strong God Lord is indeed so powerful that it is terrifying!

Mu Qinglan could feel that her legs were inexplicably weak, as well as the admiration born from the bottom of her heart!

That's an unconscious surrender when facing the strong!

Mu Qinglan clenched her hands tightly, bit the tip of her tongue hard, and felt a bloody breath spread between her lips and teeth, and then suppressed the shock in her heart.

She still stood there, straightened her back, like an unbendable tree!

pride! Self respect!

Finally, the thousand-leaf red lotus swayed gently, and the coercion on Mu Qinglan dissipated suddenly!

Lord Nine Thunders said with satisfaction:

"That's right! You were able to resist this, and didn't use any other strength... Before, the old man underestimated you!"

Mu Qinglan knew that when he said "other powers", he was talking about the ancient gods.

She suddenly felt a little dumbfounded.

She has always kept things like the ancient divine tome hidden, for fear that others would know that she has such a treasure on her body, so why would she use it so casually?

She is not impatient anymore.

Even now, she is still very careful.

As for the moment at the very beginning, she really didn't expect it...

"Senior has won the award."

In front of such a strong man, Mu Qinglan didn't dare to be arrogant, and quickly lowered her head humbly.

Lord Nine Thunders was testing her, but obviously he didn't mean it.

Even if the aura is really moved, she has no fear in her heart.

At the beginning, the men of that man in the Blood Soul Sect could escape, but facing these, not to mention a piece of cake, at least they could handle it with ease.

"The old man never likes to talk nonsense. Since you are allowed in, it is natural to keep your word! All the old man's things are here, you can just pick and choose!"

Lord Nine Thunder God's tone was very heroic.

Hearing this, Mu Qinglan blinked her eyes, and her eyes fell on the red lotuses on the lake.

This means... all the treasures are hidden in this red lotus?

"Senior is generous, in Qinglan's heart, I am grateful!"

Mu Qinglan clasped her fists and thanked her earnestly.

Lord Jiulei suddenly laughed, and said as if playing a prank:

"Hey—girl girl, don't be too happy! This thing is here, but it's not that simple if you want to take it away."

Mu Qinglan was stunned for a moment, and then realized that there seemed to be a layer of enchantment covering those red lotuses.

Seen from the outside, they are just blossoming Chiba red lotuses.

But if this enchantment is opened... the situation inside may be different!

"The old man did have a lot of good things back then, but after a fight, his life was almost lost, and this treasure naturally lost a lot. But don't worry, since he has promised you, the old man will definitely not go back on his word! But , the premise is——you must be able to take these things away yourself before they can be considered yours!"

Mu Qinglan thought it was true.

She knew there would be no pies in the sky.

Although the Nine Thunder God Lord said it simply, how strong will the barrier laid by a strong God Lord be?

Her strength is not enough at all!

This enchantment seems simple, I am afraid it is difficult to deal with...

Mu Qinglan thought so in her heart, but her face was still very calm.

"Senior, Qinglan understands. Then——Qinglan begins now?"

God Lord Nine Thunders didn't speak, but then, the barrier under Mu Qinglan's feet suddenly dissipated!

Then, her body fell down uncontrollably!

Mu Qinglan subconsciously used her Yuanli to fly in the air.

However, she later discovered——that she was too naive!

Because the origin force in her body, the flow speed, suddenly slowed down!

Walking in the air, which was the easiest thing in the past, has become extremely difficult now!

Mu Qinglan only felt a heavy weight on her body!


Mu Qinglan fell directly into the lake!

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