God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1372 Back and forth (two more)

Mu Qinglan suddenly felt surrounded by the icy lake water!

She couldn't help shivering—the lake water seemed to be colder than ice!

The cold air came from all directions, followed her skin, and crazily drilled into her body.

Mu Qinglan was secretly startled, it was almost colder than in the ice cave where she found Qingyuan Zhan!

She was about to mobilize the real fire of the ancient phoenix, but she suddenly heard the voice of God Lord Nine Thunders.

"This lake has soaked Qianye Honglian for tens of thousands of years. Although it is icy cold, it can wash the marrow and cut the sutras. Just bear with it."

Hearing this, Mu Qinglan had no choice but to grit her teeth and suppress the thoughts in her heart.

Pulp washing...

You must know that for her now, there is almost no such opportunity.

Because she obtained the ancient god's tome, she has cultivated the ancient real body, and her own physical strength has also become extremely strong.

After being tempered by the ancient gods last time, the Yuanmai and Yuanli in her body have become extremely pure.

Under such circumstances, it is actually very difficult to get a chance to wash the marrow and cut the scriptures.

Now that Lord Jiulei said so, let's try it for now!

Mu Qinglan gritted her teeth, enduring the piercing pain.

At this time, she realized that her body immersed in the water did not continue to sink, but just stayed at a position where her body was almost completely submerged in the water.

Could it be that this was intentional...

Mu Qinglan secretly thought about it, and couldn't help laughing bitterly.

This is really a lot more convenient, at least she can soak most of her body in the lake water and endure the cold air to cleanse the marrow and cut the scriptures without any effort.

Gradually, her body seemed to become numb, and the tingling sensation gradually diminished.

Mu Qinglan looked around.

In all directions, there are Chiba Red Lotus!

Some are already in full bloom, showing a bewitching posture, some are half-opened and half-closed, and some are just a small flower bud.

She had been standing at the top position before, and didn't take a closer look at the appearance of these Qianye Honglians.

Now that she was soaking in the lake water, she could see everything.

Although the name is Qianye Honglian, these lotus flowers do not have branches or leaves.

Instead, they have only red petals, which are layered and intricate.

Compared with ordinary lotus, it is much more complex and delicate.

And in the center of the Chiba Red Lotus, yellow stamens can be vaguely seen.

She looked to her front right - there, there was a Chiba red lotus closest to her!

She took a fixed look, and immediately decided to try this Chiba red lotus first!

Although I don't know what's in there, but after trying it out, I can always find out whether this Qianye Honglian is easy to deal with...

Mu Qinglan immediately swam towards the thousand-leaf red lotus.

However, as soon as she moved, she immediately felt a more intense stabbing pain, sweeping over!

At this moment, it seemed as if thousands of needles had pierced his body!

Mu Qinglan was almost suspicious of life—this lake water can really wash the marrow and cut scriptures?

The good thing is that she doesn't feel anything now, but there are many pain points!

She just waved her arm lightly just now, and she felt that this arm was going to be abolished!

""Hey, don't you feel pain? "

Lord Nine Thunders asked curiously.

Mu Qinglan: "..."

Which eye of yours sees that I don't hurt anymore? !

Oh, you have no eyes.

Mu Qinglan clenched her teeth, and managed to hold back the scream of pain that was about to blurt out.

Fortunately, she has experienced this kind of pain several times before, so she can bear it a little bit at this time.

Mu Qinglan didn't even have the energy to speak, and put all her body and mind on the thousand-leaf red lotus in front of her.

Despite the pain, she swam forward as fast as she could!

"Tsk, the girl's willpower is quite strong..."

Lord Jiulei obviously knew how painful Mu Qinglan was at this time, and his tone became lighter.

"Be patient for now, just wait a while and get used to it! Don't think you are suffering now, the lake water raised by thousands of years of red lotus is not something ordinary people can see! After a while, you will naturally know about it It's good, hehe!"

For some reason, hearing his voice, Mu Qinglan felt that he seemed to be gloating...

She almost felt like she was going to be scraped off a layer of flesh!

There also seemed to be a strong bloody breath between her lips and teeth!

But fortunately, she is always moving forward.

After suffering for a while, she finally got close to that Qianye Honglian!

Mu Qinglan stopped, looked at Qianye Honglian who was close at hand, took a deep breath, then raised her hand, and grabbed it!


As soon as her hand touched the barrier outside Qianye Honglian, she immediately felt a powerful force and bounced herself away!

Her body fell backward uncontrollably!


She just watched Qianye Honglian helplessly, getting farther and farther away from her...

When she stopped, she realized that she had stopped at the place just now!

She's back in place again!

Looking at the swaying red lotus, Mu Qinglan suddenly felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Could it be...

Is she going to swim again?

It’s really okay to go again, but if——she was bounced back again...

Isn't it coming again?

The most desperate thing is: if she has been unsuccessful, wouldn't she have to come back again and again! ?

Nine Thunder God Lord couldn't help gloating:

"Hey, the girl is still young, so it's a good thing to spend more time in this lake!"

The new article "Abandoned Slaves and Overturned Heaven: The Young Emperor's Beloved Concubine" is coming

Under the red candle tent, amidst the flickering candlelight, the beautiful young master looked at a certain empress with a silly smile on her face, "Li'er, what are you doing?"

"Look at you!" A certain queen licked the corner of her mouth, her eyes were as charming as silk.

"Does it look good?"


"Then what?"

"Want to eat..."

This is a battle of black belly and domineering general attack! In 2018, the excitement is not to be missed!

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