God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1373: Collided (one more)

He was happy, but Mu Qinglan was sad.

Even if the thousands of years of Qianye Honglian has been raised in this lake water, which is of great benefit to the body, she really can't stay any longer now!

Where can anyone endure such pain of cutting flesh and scraping bones all the time?

Moreover, if she really wanted to get more than a dozen, wouldn't she have to find a way to get more than a dozen Qianye Honglian?

Although there are many Qianye Honglians here, there is a certain distance between each other, if they really swim over one by one...

Mu Qinglan's eyes darkened.

Seeing Mu Qinglan's reaction, Lord Nine Thunders couldn't help but smile.

"What? The girl can't take it anymore? This is just the beginning! However, if you really regret it, you can always speak up."


I don't know how lucky it is to meet such an opportunity, no matter how painful it is, she will endure it, she will never regret it, and she will never give up!

Mu Qinglan took a deep breath and swam forward again!

This time, her speed was even faster than before.

Lord Nine Thunder God let out a very soft "Huh", obviously a little surprised.

It is true that this lake water can wash the marrow and cut sutras, but it is also true that it will make people feel miserable.

Especially with such fast swimming, the pain will be more painful.

Of course, in this case, the tempering of the body is also better.

It's just that he never thought that Mu Qinglan could really bear it. From entering the lake to now, he hasn't even cried out in pain.

Seeing her reaction just now, he thought she was going to give up.

How can it be so easy to become a top powerhouse?

Mu Qinglan moved forward little by little, and finally approached that Qianye Honglian again!

This time, with experience, she didn't do it directly, but stared at it for a while.

This is a Chiba red lotus in full bloom, with layered petals and enchanting bloom.

However, compared to the one of the Nine Thunder God Lord, it still looks much thinner.

Is there really his treasure hidden here?

Mu Qinglan's eyes fell on the barrier beyond Qianye Honglian.

It's not very clear when viewed from a distance, but at this moment, it can be seen that this small enchantment is not completely transparent, but glowing with a faint orange.

But the color is so light that it's hard to tell unless you look closely.

At this time, the enchantment looked like a light orange glass cover, covering Qianye Honglian.

Mu Qinglan looked at a few flowers not far away, only to realize that the barriers outside those Qianye Honglian seemed to have various colors, rather than being unified.

Strange, logically speaking, this enchantment should be laid by the Lord of the Nine Thunder Gods, so how could it be a different color?

Mu Qinglan was suddenly startled—could it be that this enchantment was generated by Qianye Honglian herself! ?

"Don't look at it! The enchantment is produced by the things inside, it's not my old man's handwriting!"

Lord Jiulei saw through Mu Qinglan's thoughts at a glance, and immediately spoke directly.

Mu Qinglan nodded clearly, still quite shocked in her heart.

I see.

No wonder she felt that these barriers were very different from each other, so they were generated separately.

In this case, according to the characteristics of the things inside, these barriers are of course different.

That being the case, the things inside should not be simple objects...

After all, he is a strong God Lord.

Mu Qinglan held her breath and concentrated, not in a hurry to make another shot, but began to carefully recall the details just now.

Although everything happened in an instant, but when she thought about it carefully, she vaguely felt that there seemed to be a faint heat above the barrier.

It seems... like a flame.

Mu Qinglan stretched out his hand and circulated the extreme cold power in his body, and his hand was quickly covered with a thin layer of ice!

Then, she leaned forward again!

This time, her movements were much slower. As she approached, she found that the ice layer on her hand was gradually melting!

Qianye Honglian grew in this lake, which should have been extremely cold, but at this moment, she just got closer, and this happened unexpectedly!

She was almost certain that what was inside this thousand-leaf red lotus was most likely a treasure related to fire!

Mu Qinglan held her breath and concentrated, controlling the power of extreme cold in her body, releasing it little by little!

She didn't directly try to break through, but instead manipulated the power of extreme cold to gradually surround the barrier.

Soon, a very light blue ice layer appeared in front of my eyes!

Perhaps it was because there was still some distance from the barrier, so it did not cause a rebound.

Mu Qinglan didn't dare to breathe, her eyes were still fixed tightly.

Then, she began to shrink the outer ice layer little by little!

This time, it was obviously much better than the previous direct touch.

When it was within a fist's distance, that Qianye Honglian seemed to feel something, and suddenly shook slightly.

Mu Qinglan's heart hung high, and he watched without blinking, becoming more and more cautious.

The muttering of Lord Nine Thunders came from beside his ears.

"It turned out to be the power of extreme cold... This girl is not very old, but she has quite a lot of babies..."

I don't know how many lifetimes of good luck I have accumulated to get the Immemorial God's Code, but I didn't expect her to have many other trump cards...

With so many treasures, it would be thankful for someone else to get one, but she actually took them all!

This fate is really not ordinary...

And here, Mu Qinglan's full attention has been placed on Qianye Honglian.

The distance between the ice layer and the barrier has been shortened by half again!

At this time, Qianye Honglian seemed to feel uneasy, and the shaking was much larger than before.

And the surrounding enchantment also swayed back and forth accordingly.

Several times, I nearly hit the ice outside.

Mu Qinglan carefully controlled the ice layer and shrank again!


A subtle sound of impact suddenly came!

Mu Qinglan was startled, but when Qianye Honglian shook, the barrier outside really hit somewhere on the ice layer!

Hearing this voice, Mu Qinglan's heart instantly felt a little uneasy.

Sure enough, the next moment, several cracks appeared on the ice layer!

Mu Qinglan took a deep breath and dived into the lake suddenly!


That layer of thin ice suddenly shattered! The finely shattered ice cubes flew around!

Above Qianye Honglian, another burst of powerful impact burst out suddenly!

The surrounding lake water was immediately stirred up!

Mu Qinglan was also rushed out again!

Sensing that powerful impact, Mu Qinglan felt bad.

I thought I could temporarily escape under this lake, but now it seems that it is useless at all.

Mu Qinglan's body uncontrollably moved towards the distance again!

When she finally stopped and looked out of the water, her heart suddenly became half cold.

——She was rushed to the spot again!

All the hard work just now was in vain!

Hiding below is really useless!

Nine Thunder God Lord suddenly burst into laughter.

"Hahahahaha! You girl is so naive! The Chiba Red Lotus originally grew in this lake, complementing each other. Not to mention hiding under the water, you are still the same even if you hide at the bottom of this lake! Hahahaha! "

Mu Qinglan Black Line: Are you really so happy to see her fail?

Could it be that he was reluctant to give up the baby and deliberately set up this difficulty?

Mu Qinglan gritted her teeth - she must find a solution as soon as possible! Otherwise, if this continues, she really won't get anything!

After finally coming in, is there any reason to return empty-handed?

Although it still failed this time, it was not completely useless.

At least, the power of extreme cold seems to be able to slightly restrain the power of the enchantment!

If it wasn't for the impact just now, maybe it could really be controlled.

Mu Qinglan wiped the water off his face.

Now she is soaked all over, and there is no place that does not hurt.

But maybe because I have gotten used to it, the pain at this time seems to be not as severe as before.

Mu Qinglan took a deep breath, and then swam forward again!

While Mu Qinglan was undergoing an inhuman test in the tomb of the gods, the people outside were also waiting with difficulty.

On the vast and boundless wasteland, the blood mountain in the distance still stands there.

Everyone sat on the ground, very quiet.

And their sights all fell not far in front of them.

That gully has been completely closed, but there are still obvious traces.

They all know that under that is the tomb of God!

"I don't know how your majesty is doing now..."

Elder Jin Qi showed worry in his eyes.

Counting the time, Your Majesty has been in for an hour, but there is still no movement.

Elder Wushen shrugged his rosy nose, but he wasn't too worried.

"Hey, your lord was specially invited in just now! What's the problem? I've never heard of such a thing before! Our lord must be an auspicious person with his own destiny! Maybe it's a big chance Woolen cloth!"

Hearing what he said, the originally tense atmosphere suddenly relaxed a little.


Among other things, just being able to enter the tomb of the gods is enough to make people enviable, not to mention that Jun Shang seems to have been invited in on his own initiative! ?

All they have to do now is wait in peace!

The corners of Xueyou's mouth curled up slightly undetectably.

When the girl saw the red road appear, although she was a little surprised, she wasn't shocked, and she soon returned to normal.

When she stepped forward, she looked even more at ease, very natural.

This showed that she had been prepared for a long time.

Others don't know, but he knows her best.

Even if it is really a death situation, she can survive it, let alone this time?

Worried about her? It's really not necessary.

Xueyou got up and went to the fourth elder Chang.

The eyes of everyone couldn't help but followed.

Xueyou checked again and finally nodded.

"Okay, now you should be able to operate the three-point power. After a while, you will be able to fully recover."

Hearing what he said, all the elders of Piaomiao Shenzong also breathed a sigh of relief.

Fourth Elder Chang is one of their pillars, and it would be the best if they can recover as soon as possible.

"Palace Master, that Elder Chang Si, didn't he get hit by a hidden weapon when he was fighting with Gao Yi before? Why now, it seems that there is no problem at all?"

An old man beside Xue Ning—— Xue Yang, the third elder of Wuyun Mansion, asked in a low voice.

"If I'm not mistaken, the hidden weapon used by Gao Yi should be poisonous! Moreover, I heard that the hidden weapons used by the people in Xiaoyaoling used to be obtained from the Nether Mansion, and they are highly poisonous! , Almost dead! I heard that there was once a powerful Holy Lord who died in their hands! How did the fourth elder Chang recover so quickly?"

Xue Ning frowned slightly.

In fact, he had discovered that this was wrong before.

They are all clear about the virtues of those people in Xiaoyao Ridge.

And their most common method is the hidden weapon.

Moreover, their hidden weapons are notoriously insidious.

Because it was backed by the Nether Palace, no one could do anything even if they were so arrogant.

People who had enemies with Xiaoyao Ridge died from this hidden weapon, but not a few.

I thought that the fourth elder Chang would not last long, but I didn't expect that not only did he not die, but he was even better?

His current complexion is clearly much stronger than at the beginning!

Listen to that Xueyou again...

"Could it be that there is no poison on the hidden weapon..." Xue Ning murmured in a low voice, but immediately shook his head in denial, "No."

Gao Yi's mind was ruthless, and he attacked very hard. The hidden weapon was designed by him, and it was definitely poisoned. Thinking about Gao Jingyou's behavior at that time, it was obvious that he was also poisoned.

"Could it be that they have an antidote to that poison?" Xue Yang asked with some uncertainty.

Xue Ning frowned: "How is it possible? Didn't it mean that the antidote to the poison is only available to people from the Nether Palace?"

How could this Piaomiao Shenzong have such a thing?

"However, if this is not the case, it is really inexplicable..."

Just as Xue Yang was talking, he suddenly felt something and turned around abruptly!

"Mansion Master, someone is here!"

Xue Ning had already turned his head and looked away, and sure enough, he saw a group of people appearing in the sky!

"That is--"

Xueyou raised her eyebrows slightly, then stood up straight and looked in the same direction.

After he noticed that aura, his expression became a little subtle.

It turned out to be... them?

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