God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1374 Standing in Line (Part Two)

Those who came were from Xiaoyaoling.

Gao Feng and the others have been wandering here for a long time since they entered the road to the God's Tomb.

But the location of the blood mountain seemed to be constantly changing, so they couldn't really get close.

After such a long time, Gao Feng's patience has already been exhausted.

Gao Yi and the others also noticed that his mood was worse than before, and they didn't dare to say a word, they followed cautiously, and didn't dare to say a word.

It wasn't until they saw the figure in front that everyone finally reacted.

Gao Yi excitedly pointed to the front and said:

"Brother, look, there are people ahead! We are on the right track!"

Gao Feng's originally tense expression finally eased a little, and he squinted his eyes.

They have been walking for a long time before, but they have not been able to see a single figure.

So seeing someone at this time proves that they were not circling before.

Gao Feng was in a better mood, and was about to speak, but suddenly his eyes froze, and then he frowned.

Because he seemed to have seen a few familiar figures...

"Those people... seem to be..."

Gao Feng murmured.

Gao Yi behind him has already reacted first: "Piaomiao Shenzong! Brother, those are Piaomiao Shenzong's people!"

It really was them!

Gao Feng suddenly laughed, a bit cold.

"What a coincidence..."

There is no place to find when you break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it!

He was thinking about where to find Mu Qinglan and the others after he entered the road to the tomb of the gods, but he didn't expect them to appear in front of him now!

In this place, there are no referees who are in the way!

He glanced over and frowned: "Who are those people next to you?"

There are only a dozen people in Piaomiao Shenzong, but the people in front are obviously more than their family.

Gao Yi stared at it for a while, and said with some uncertainty:

"Brother, it seems to be someone from Wuyun Mansion..."

"Five Yun Mansion?"

Wuyun Mansion is also one of the well-known sects, but they have no contact with Xiaoyaoling.

"How did they get together with Piao Miao Shenzong?"

Gao Feng frowned with a bit of disgust.

The two sides are clearly not at war.

Gao Yi sneered.

"Brother, what is there to worry about? The people from Wuyun Mansion will not help the people from Piaomiao Shenzong, right? From my point of view, they just bumped into each other by coincidence."

Peak is noncommittal.

This is the road to the tomb of the gods. Here, the competition between various gangs is extremely fierce.

But these two families are actually getting together now, and they live in peace with each other.

It's really strange.

While talking, they have already moved forward quickly!

The elders of Piaomiao Shenzong realized that they were people from Xiaoyaoling, and they all stood up and became vigilant!

There is going to be a fierce battle between them and Xiaoyaoling this time!

"It's really them."

Xue Ning took a look and recognized the peak in front of him.

"Master, what shall we do?"

Everyone in Wuyun Mansion looked at Xue Ning.

Xiaoyaoling and Piaomiao Shenzong have enmity, since they met here, a big battle will definitely break out.

They are caught in the middle, it is a bit difficult to do.

If they help Piaomiao Shenzong, they will definitely offend Xiaoyaoling, and even Nether Palace.

If they don't help... the two sides have already said that they want to join forces, and it would be a disloyalty to stand on the sidelines at this time.

Xue Ning fell into deep thought, his eyes flickered slightly, and his heart was quite entangled.

Soon, the people from Xiaoyao Ridge finally arrived!

After landing, the atmosphere between Xiaoyao Ridge and Piao Miao Shenzong immediately became tense!

Before even saying a single word, the two sides have already entered a state of battle!

Gao Feng sneered:

"It seems that God helped me to meet you so soon. What a coincidence, isn't it?"

Elder Wushen was about to speak, but Xueyou had already taken a step forward with a lazy tone.

"This is also what I want to say. Although it is invisible to the eye, it is better to deal with some things earlier, so as not to be an eyesore."

Gao Feng's complexion quickly became ugly.

His eyes swept over everyone, only to realize that Mu Qinglan wasn't here!

When they came just now, they had already seen that there was no one else around.

Everyone from Piaomiao Shenzong is here, why did Mu Qinglan just disappear?

Gao Feng sneered and said:

"Where's Mu Qinglan? Why isn't he here? Could it be that he knew we were coming and hid on purpose? Ha!"

Mentioning this name made him so angry that he wished he could be arrested immediately and tortured severely!

Xueyou crossed her arms with both hands, suddenly stretched out a hand, and waggled her index finger.

"No, no, don't get me wrong. She just doesn't want to get her eyes dirty."

Mu Qinglan is now in the tomb of the gods, how can he care about these dirty things?

Gao Feng narrowed his eyes.

Mu Qinglan was indeed not here.

"Don't talk about these useless things! Where the hell is Mu Qinglan? Let her get out! Otherwise... her few subordinates will die for her!"

As Gao Feng spoke, he swept across the crowd gloomyly, threatening unabashedly.

Xueyou seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"If you have the ability, you can give it a try."

He was so frank and calm, and even took the initiative to provoke, which made Gao Feng suspicious.

It's strange that Mu Qinglan is not here, why are these people still so arrogant?

Even if their people do have some strength, but there are so few people, compared with them, there is no chance of winning at all!

But this Xueyou has such an attitude...

Could it be that there is fraud in it?

Gao Feng looked at Xue You in amazement, Gao Yi next to him suddenly found something, and gasped in shock.

"Why isn't he dead yet!?"

Gao Feng looked along his line of sight, only to realize that Chang Si was standing behind the crowd in an inconspicuous place!

Although his face was still a little pale, his eyes looked more lively than before.

According to predictions, he should have died of poison at this time!

At the very least, it should be dying!

How could it be like this?

Fourth Elder Chang snorted.

"The old man's fate is great, and he didn't die in your hands. Are you disappointed?"

Gao Gao stared at him closely and didn't speak for a while, his hands clenched into fists in his sleeves.

He was still calm on the surface, but in fact, there was a storm in his heart.

——The poison is unique to the Nether Palace, and the antidote is extremely rare, even if they are their own, they may not be able to solve it.

Chang Si was hit by that poisonous needle before, and it stands to reason that he should be dead now, why did he become like this instead?

It looks like it has been detoxified!

Even, his situation seems to be stronger than Gao Jingyou!

"Your poison is cured?"

After a while, Gao Feng finally gritted his teeth and asked.

Fourth Elder Chang twitched the corner of his mouth coldly, but did not speak.

But this is already the most obvious answer.

The fire that had been simmering in Gao Feng's heart suddenly surged up!

How can this be! ?

The poison on Chang Si's body was really cured! ?

Even he himself has only a little bit of antidote! How did Chang Si detoxify?

He really can't figure it out!

"Unexpectedly...you still have this skill..." Gao Feng finally gritted his teeth and spit out a sentence.

Xue You chuckled lightly.

"There are many things you can't think of. Do you think that the whole world belongs to you, Xiaoyaoling?"

He thought that with the backing of the Nether Palace, he could do whatever he wanted, but he didn't think about it, the Nether Palace was not invincible in the God and Demon Heaven.

But if you are not careful, you may offend people.

Gao Feng was so arrogant and arrogant, he didn't know how many troubles he had caused himself.

And he himself thought he was great.


Gao Feng suddenly laughed too, extremely cold.

"It seems that the things just now are not enough... If this is the case, it's better to have a thorough showdown now, huh?"

As soon as the words fell, he suddenly waved his hand.


Gao Yi and the others behind him responded immediately.


However, just as they were about to go forward to fight, a deep and powerful voice suddenly came from the side.


Gao Feng slowly turned his head, narrowing his eyes dangerously.

"Master Xue, what does this mean?"

Xue Ning took a step forward and put one hand behind his back. Hearing this, he gave a meaningful smile.

"It's nothing interesting. It's just that I just met Ms. Mu earlier, and I think I hit it off very well. Therefore, if Master Gao Ling insists on fighting against Piao Miao Shenzong, then... my Palace Master can't just stand by and watch!"

He thought clearly.

Offending Gao Feng is equivalent to offending Netherworld.

However, Mu Qinglan's side is obviously not simple.

In the Phoenix Valley alone, it is not inferior to the Nether Palace at all!

Moreover, he always felt that there seemed to be many secrets in Mu Qinglan.

If he said that there was no one behind her, he would never believe it.

What's more, she has now entered the tomb of the gods.

Maybe they will have a chance too!

So, after much deliberation, he chose to stand by Mu Qinglan's side.

Left and right, he is also very disgusted with Gao Feng, at worst, he will tear his face today!

Gao Feng let out a "ha".

These people are probably crazy!

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