God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1378 Rose Seat (3rd watch)

The development of the matter was completely beyond Mu Qinglan's expectations.

She never expected that when it reached the eighth Sunday, there were signs of a breakthrough!

The last time she broke through to the Lord, she was still in the Burning Heaven Realm.

Come to think of it, it didn't take long at all.

Before that, although her strength had been increasing, there was no sign of a breakthrough.

Because reaching the level of the Lord, every breakthrough becomes extremely difficult.

She originally thought that she would need to accumulate for a long time before she had a chance to break through.

Unexpectedly, it has already started now!

A thought quickly flashed through Mu Qinglan's mind - this lake that has raised thousands of leaves and red lotus for thousands of years is really extraordinary...

If people in the world know that they can break through after just soaking in it, they might want to rob their heads, so they have to come in!

Compared with the past, the pain he had endured before was actually nothing at all.

No wonder those rumors about the tomb of the gods are all miraculous... She didn't pay much attention to it at first, but now she finds that she completely underestimated the power of a strong god master!

In fact, Mu Qinglan couldn't be blamed for this.

When she first met Yun Jing, although she knew he was very strong, but because she put most of her attention on how to break through the Lord, she didn't have much feeling for Yun Jing's strength.

Even after she found out that Yun Yi had borrowed Yun Jing's holy body to condense the real body of the Lord, she never seriously thought about what that meant.

Moreover, what she didn't know was that the Nine Thunder God Lord she met at this time was much stronger than Yun Jing!

Therefore, it is naturally not the same.

Mu Qinglan's eyes were closed tightly, all the distracting thoughts in her heart were eliminated, and she frantically devoured the energy around her!

And the aura on her body is constantly rising!


She started her ninth Sunday of operation!

The Qianye Honglian under her has completely wrapped her up!

There was a slight ripple on the lake water.

It seems that something is about to explode!

Lord Nine Thunders couldn't help murmuring.

"It's really fast... This talent is too good..."

He could see clearly that Mu Qinglan was in the early stage of the Lord.

Originally, he thought that she should be able to reach the critical point after the nine cycles were completed, and if he pushed a little further, she would be able to successfully break through the middle stage of the Lord.

But the development of things was completely unexpected.

Mu Qinglan's talent is stronger than he imagined!

She had been immersed in the lake water for too long before, and ordinary people couldn't fully absorb that power. Generally speaking, it would be good if she could absorb half of it.

But Mu Qinglan is like a sponge, absorbing all those powers!

I have to say, this is also a skill...

The more Jiulei Shenzhu looked at it, the more satisfied he felt.

Being able to pass on the mantle to such a person, he can feel at ease...

After an unknown amount of time, the power vortex above Mu Qinglan's head finally gradually disappeared!

At this time, Qianye Honglian had completely wrapped her in it, making her completely invisible.

There was a faint red light emitting from it, which was extraordinarily bright in this quiet and dark space.

The light was weak and strong, as if breathing.

Then, that huge Qianye Honglian suddenly moved.

The direction to go is exactly where Lord Nine Thunders is!

It was as if an invisible hand pushed Qianye Honglian to the top of Nine Thunder God Lord.

The complicated Chiba Red Lotus suddenly bloomed!

Afterwards, the petals on it also began to wither gradually!

When the petals fell into the water, they quickly melted into patches of red light.

Almost at the same time, thousands of red lotus leaves on the lake also began to wither!

All the petals fell into the water! Turned into a spot of light!

The originally dark and calm lake was quickly covered by these light spots!

At first glance, it looks like a flowing ruby!

Crystal clear, very charming!

When the last petal withered, all the lotus pods, big and small, were submerged in the water!

Only the one in the middle is still standing upright!

Then, that lotus pod suddenly flew up, and then expanded rapidly!

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a rosette that can accommodate one person!

The whole body of the lotus seat is emerald green, but there are a few fiery red flowers in the middle, setting off each other, not only does not make people feel strange, but it is somewhat breathtakingly beautiful.

The lotus seat rose slowly, supporting the huge thousand-leaf red lotus floating in mid-air.

Then, it began to spin a little bit.

Faint rays of light gradually flew up and merged into the Qianye Honglian!

Mu Qinglan felt as if she was in an extremely warm environment, the surrounding was very quiet, and her mind gradually settled down.

At a certain moment, she suddenly realized that she seemed to have touched a barrier.

That is - the threshold of the Lord's middle stage!

Mu Qinglan completed the ninth cycle, and then felt endless energy gushing out of her body like a mountain torrent!

With a move in her heart, she immediately controlled her strength and charged towards that invisible barrier!


A small sound suddenly came from the bottom of my heart!

Break through!

Mu Qinglan suddenly opened his eyes!

At the same moment, the tightly closed petals around her quickly bloomed!

She raised her head and screamed!

The entire space suddenly vibrated violently!

Tonight's train, try to write tomorrow's on the train. update earlier

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