God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1379 Master (1 more)

In Mu Qinglan's eyes, there seemed to be stars blooming brightly!

All the surrounding petals had already bloomed, and then all of them turned into red light spots, which merged into Mu Qinglan's body!

And the lake water under her body also rippled and spread towards the surroundings!

The whole space was instantly filled with red light, magnificent and breathtaking!

The mid-term of the Lord!

Mu Qinglan clenched her fists slowly, and she could feel the abundant energy in her body. When she thought about it, it was like a wave in the morning!

At this moment, she suddenly felt that this space seemed to have become much smaller.

She froze for a moment, only to realize that the power of her primordial spirit had filled the entire space without knowing when!

Every construction was clearly engraved in her mind.

Because of this, she felt that the space of the tomb suddenly became smaller.

Mu Qinglan took a deep breath, carefully feeling the changes in her body.

This feeling full of power is really—————————————

Mu Qinglan stretched her waist, and there was a crackling sound from all over her body.

"It turns out that in the mid-term of the Lord, this is the feeling..."

Mu Qinglan murmured in admiration.

She could feel that at this time, her origin power was already several times that of the Lord's initial stage!

The physical strength has also obviously become stronger than before!

This is already the case in the mid-term of the Venerable Master, I really don't know what it will be like when I break through to the peak of the Venerable Master.

Even... the Holy Lord, and, the Divine Lord above that!

For a moment, Mu Qinglan was fascinated.

No wonder people in this world are seeking to become stronger. This feeling of standing at the top is indeed greedy.


Mu Qinglan let out a long breath, and only then did he think of God Lord Nine Thunders.

When she broke through just now, she vaguely felt a strong and gentle force pouring into her body.

Now that I think about it, it should be God Lord Nine Thunders who is helping.

Mu Qinglan looked towards the middle of the lake, but was surprised to find that the thousand-leaf red lotus that was originally in the middle had disappeared.

There was only a thin red rhizome left at this time.

But the Qianye Honglian on it disappeared.

Mu Qinglan froze for a moment:

"Senior? Senior?"

"What are you shouting for?"

A familiar voice suddenly came lazily from below.

Mu Qinglan was startled, and immediately lowered her head to look, only to see that there was a...

Rosette! ?

This whole body is emerald green, like an emerald rosette, the size is just enough to accommodate a person.

On it, there were a few red spots of light, burning quietly like flames.

This is...

Mu Qinglan asked in disbelief:


"Why are you so surprised?" The voice of God Lord Nine Thunders really came from the lotus seat!

He actually turned into this thing!

"The old man has already turned into Qianye Honglian, didn't you already know?"

Seeing that Mu Qinglan was so surprised, Lord Nine Thunders didn't take it seriously.

Only then did Mu Qinglan come to her senses, and quickly stepped aside—she seemed to be stepping on the God of Nine Thunders just now! ?

"Senior, I'm sorry, but the younger generation offended me just now..."

Mu Qinglan felt a little embarrassed that Lord Jiulei was so indifferent.

She has already taken a lot of things from the other party, and now she is still stepping on...

That is a strong God Lord!

Even if he presents the appearance of a rosette, it is still an incomparable existence!

If people found out that she once trampled a strong God Lord under her feet, I don't know how many people's jaws would be shocked...

"Hey, what are you hiding from? The old man came here by himself just now. Don't tell me you still don't like it?"

Lord Jiulei seemed to be in a good mood, so he joked with Mu Qinglan.

Mu Qinglan couldn't laugh or cry.

"You know I didn't mean that...wait, you said you were just yourself—"

In the middle of speaking, Mu Qinglan finally realized that something was wrong.


God Lord Nine Thunders did make a move just now!

Could it be that he had already come to her feet at that time?

Even changed into this appearance?

Nine Thunder God Lord is a little proud.

"What's the matter here, take a quick look, what's changed in your body."

Mu Qinglan was a little strange.

She just made a breakthrough, and she has the most practical understanding of her physical condition, so why did Lord Nine Thunders ask her to check it again?

But she did it anyway.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, after looking at it, she realized that there was something extra in her sea of ​​qi!

Mu Qinglan looked carefully, only to find that it was actually a lotus seed!

The whole body of the lotus seed is blood red, looks like an agate, clear and translucent.

It quietly suspends within the sea of ​​air, and there doesn't seem to be anything special about it.

But Mu Qinglan could still feel the powerful force coming from above!

"This is..."

"This is Chiba red lotus seed. For thousands of years, this one has been produced in the old man's tomb."

Lord Nine Thunder God's tone couldn't hide his complacency.

"This is not an ordinary Chiba red lotus seed, but a treasure that incorporates the power of the old man! Inside, there is still hidden the old man's lifelong knowledge! Of course, you can't comprehend it now. When you break through the Holy Master, naturally You can open it. At that time, this Chiba Red Lotus Seed will completely belong to you, and everything inside will also be yours!"

Mu Qinglan was shocked.

The amount of information contained in the words of God Lord Nine Thunders is too great!

This is...he gave it all! ?

As if aware of Mu Qinglan's shock, Jiu Lei Shenzhu's tone rose a little, and he laughed.

"How about it, the old man promised to give you something, but now, are you still satisfied?"

More than satisfaction? !

Mu Qinglan was flattered!

"Senior, this, this is really too precious..."

It was rare for Mu Qinglan to stutter.

She wanted to ask for some treasure from God Lord Nine Thunders, but she didn't expect the other party to give such a heavy gift!

She clearly understood that by doing this, God Lord Nine Thunders almost gave her everything!

But what can she do?

Even with a thick skin like Mu Qinglan, she still felt that this gift was a bit hot.

Lord Nine Thunder God is very leisurely.

"Hey - things are what my old man wants to give, you just accept it! If one day, I can thoroughly comprehend the things inside, old man, I will not live this life in vain..."

Mu Qinglan listened, and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

What does this mean...

This is for her to inherit his mantle!

Mu Qinglan was a little confused for a moment,

"Senior, you should entrust this thing to your apprentice..."

Lord Jiulei let out a surprised "Huh".

"Aren't you my old man's apprentice now?"

Mu Qinglan: "Huh?"

When did this happen! ?

Why doesn't she know?

The God of Nine Thunders said as it should:

"From the time you entered the tomb of the gods, you have already agreed to be my old man's apprentice! This is an unwritten rule of the Shenmu Road. Could it be that you don't know?"

Mu Qinglan: "..."

What kind of rotten rules are these...

Although she respects and admires God Lord Nine Thunders very much, it is too sudden to become a master and apprentice so inexplicably, right?

Seeing that Mu Qinglan hadn't spoken for a while, Lord Nine Thunders asked in disbelief:

"You girl, you don't want to be my old man's apprentice!?"

Mu Qinglan hurriedly said:

"How could it be? You are a strong God Lord, and it is extremely rare luck to be your apprentice... It's just, it's just that the junior did not know this rule before. And... the junior already has a master..."

And, not just one!

Thinking of this, Mu Qinglan couldn't help sighing.

Why does she always seem to encounter such things?

It was always like this at the beginning, and it was the same when I met Lord Wang Yan later.

How did you get to Lord Nine Thunder Gods? It’s still like this?

Even God Lord Nine Thunders didn't even mention a single word, and directly gave her the inheritance!

It's good now, the deal is done, if she refuses, it would be too much!

But if you promise...

Wouldn't a strong man of this level mind that she already had a master?

God Lord Nine Thunders really didn't mind.

"What's the matter! No one stipulates that a person can only have one master in his life, right? Besides, if you can get to this day, is it possible to say that there is no master? Don't worry, old man, I have lived for too long. I've already seen through it all, and I don't care. The only thing I care about in my heart is this inheritance. I thought it would be fine once the old man's soul dissipated completely..."

Although God Lord Nine Thunders spoke calmly, in Mu Qinglan's ears, it was inexplicably more desolate and lonely.

Think about it too.

How lonely is it to spend ten thousand years alone?

Mu Qinglan didn't even dare to imagine what kind of mood that was.

"It's fine if you die. It's a pity that no one will inherit the old man's skills. I didn't expect to meet you..."

Lord Jiulei sighed, and then said a little lonely:

"The old man was very happy at first, and he didn't think about asking your opinion. It's the old man's fault... If you really don't want it, then... forget it. Since the things have been given to you, naturally there is no reason to take them back. From now on, let me, old man, fend for myself here alone..."

Mu Qinglan had a headache and said quickly:

"Senior, what are you talking about? This junior is really not unwilling, it's just a little sudden—"

"Forget it, you don't need to comfort me..." Lord Nine Thunder God sighed, seemingly with endless loneliness, "You go. From now on, just pretend you haven't been here before."

After finishing speaking, the rosette floated down.

Mu Qinglan looked at it, and for some reason, she felt a little discouraged from above.

This can't work...

Mu Qinglan hurried to catch up and said:

"Senior, don't say that. The junior just didn't expect that a strong man like you would be willing to be the master of the junior. This is the blessing of the junior. If others don't envy you, how could the junior refuse?"

God Lord Nine Thunders seemed to be injured, he sighed, ignored it, and walked towards the lake.

Mu Qinglan was helpless, seeing that the lotus seat was about to sink into the water, she quickly shouted:


The rosette suddenly stood upright, barely stopping on the surface of the water.

Lightly touching, ripples rippled around.

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