God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1380 Locked (Part 2)

A somewhat uncertain voice came from Lord Nine Thunder God:

"What are you calling me?"

Mu Qinglan watched the lotus seat gently moving on the water surface, making ripples, feeling a little dumbfounded.

In fact, she could see that Lord Nine Thunders did this on purpose.

However, there was only gratitude and touch in her heart, as well as a trace of sadness and distress.

The top powerhouse who was once all-powerful must be very eager to pass on his mantle, right?

He has been waiting for tens of thousands of years, how could she be willing to refuse?

What's more, Lord Nine Thunders doesn't care that she has other masters.

This is actually a great opportunity for her.

It's too late for her to cherish it, so why would she not want to?


Mu Qinglan laughed and yelled this out loudly.

Nine Thunder God Lord seemed to hesitate.

"Hey, if you really don't want to, the old man won't force you...Let me continue to fend for myself alone and helpless..."

Mu Qinglan sighed inwardly.

Who would believe that the person in front of him, who looked like a kid cheating on him, was actually a strong divine master?

He even deliberately said such words to provoke him...

Mu Qinglan took a deep breath, her expression slightly restrained, then she clasped her fists in both hands and bowed deeply to Lord Nine Thunders.

"Disciple Mu Qinglan, I have met Master!"

Only then did God Lord Nine Thunders feel completely at ease.

The lotus seat quickly flew back and arrived in front of Mu Qinglan.

In the voice of God Lord Nine Thunders, there was excitement and excitement that could not be concealed.

"What did you just say, say it again!"

Mu Qinglan lifted the hem of her clothes, knelt down, and said seriously:

"In the future, please ask Master to teach disciples more! Disciples will definitely live up to Master and carry forward Master's inheritance!"


Lord Jiulei finally heard what he wanted to hear, and couldn't say anything for a while, he could only yell out a few good words one after another.

"My good disciple! My good disciple! Waiting for ten thousand years for my teacher is not in vain! Get up!"

Mu Qinglan kowtowed seriously before getting up.

In the bottom of her heart, she really regarded Lord Nine Thunders as her master.

Among other things, at least God Lord Nine Thunders is really kind to her.

First, he gave more than a dozen treasures, and then directly gave away all his inheritance.

Mu Qinglan has nothing to repay, but to practice hard!

Lord Jiu Lei Shen paused for a moment before letting out a long sigh.

"I have waited too long for this day as a teacher... I thought I would not be able to wait, but I didn't expect to meet you when the curtain falls from the sky."

Mu Qinglan laughed, her eyebrows and eyes curved.

"Master, I should be the one who said this. Over the past ten thousand years, so many people have entered the road to the tomb of the gods, but they have not been able to snatch you away. I should be lucky."

"You doll has always been sweet-mouthed."

Nine Thunder God Lord is in a very good mood.

Mu Qinglan became his apprentice, which made him so excited. On the one hand, it was because his things had finally been passed on to others. On the other hand, it was also because he knew that Mu Qinglan was not an ordinary cultivator.

Not to mention anything else, just the ancient gods...

"By the way, count the time, the tomb of the gods is about to close, you should leave quickly. If it's late, you won't be able to get out."

Lord Nine Thunders suddenly said.

Mu Qinglan nodded, then suddenly realized something, and asked:

"What about Master?"

Nine Thunder Gods said:

"As a teacher, I naturally have to stay here."

Mu Qinglan couldn't help frowning:

"If you are still here, how can I see you again in the future?"

Once she leaves the God's Tomb, she will definitely leave the God's Tomb Road soon.

It's easy to go out, but it's not so easy to come back.

The Ten Thousand Gods Grand Meeting is held every ten years, that is to say, if she wants to come in again, she will have to wait ten years later.

Moreover, it is also necessary to make sure that she will participate in this pantheon of gods at that time.

Lord Nine Thunders suddenly laughed softly.

"Everything about being a teacher has been entrusted to you, so there is no regret. If you can't get out, it doesn't matter. As long as you can cultivate well, it is enough for a teacher."

Mu Qinglan was silent for a while, and couldn't help asking softly:

"Master, are you...can't go out?"

Nine Thunder God Lord did not speak for a while.

This is an admission.

Mu Qinglan looked around.

This so-called tomb of the gods can be regarded as a place of burial, perhaps... it can also be regarded as a cage.

After a while, God Lord Nine Thunders sighed softly.

"You are very smart. When you cast the star array just now, you must have discovered the abnormality, right?"

Mu Qinglan nodded slightly.

At that time, she built the star array to pick up the Qianye Honglian, connecting her power with the entire space.

But in the process, she discovered that the entire space seemed to be sealed by an invisible force.

At first, she thought that it was deliberately set up by God Lord Nine Thunders in the tomb of God.

But later she discovered that when the Qianye Honglian was picked off, the lake was rippling, but the surrounding forces seemed unmoved.

At that time, she vaguely realized that it didn't seem to be the power of the Lord Nine Thunders.

Ask now, and sure enough!

"Are you... suppressed by some force?"

Mu Qinglan asked very cautiously.

It is really hard for her to imagine what kind of power is able to lock the strong God Lord here!

Lord Nine Thunders shook his head.

"It's not that anyone suppresses the teacher, but... the teacher himself can't get out. That level of power already existed when the tomb of the gods was born. If there is no tomb of the gods, the teacher may have already lost his soul. "

Mu Qinglan was shocked.

"In that fierce battle ten thousand years ago, countless god masters and powerhouses fell, even as teachers, they were not spared, and finally died here in battle. After the physical body was damaged, even the things of life were completely destroyed, leaving only The last ray of remnant soul. Originally in this situation, the teacher would not be able to survive, but then he inadvertently broke into this place. It is precisely because Qianye Honglian has become the second natal object that the teacher can barely wait until today .”

"If you continue to stay here, you will be able to keep your soul alive. And once you leave... within a month, your soul will be completely scattered."

The voice of Lord Jiulei was very calm, as if he was talking about other people's affairs.

In fact, the soul of the god master is also very strong.

However, his natal object was damaged, which caused him a huge blow. Even with Qianye Honglian later, he still couldn't fully recover.

What's more, ten thousand years have passed, his soul has been gradually consumed, and it is completely unable to support him to leave here.

Lord Nine Thunders laughed.

"But these are not important! As a teacher, there is only one thing left in my heart, and now it is finally settled. No matter what happens in the future, there will be no regrets! It doesn't make any difference whether you go out or not. What the world has done has never been done. Yes, most of them have done it as a teacher before, if they really go out, they will feel noisy instead!"

Mu Qinglan pursed her lips slightly.

She believed that Lord Jiulei had really taken these things aside.

In the long time of ten thousand years, what else can't be forgotten?

However, as long as he thinks that he will stay here alone in the future, enduring the darkness and loneliness, Mu Qinglan can't help but feel sad for a while.

Mu Qinglan couldn't help asking:

"Is there really no way?"

After asking, she herself felt that the question was a little naive.

The Nine Thunder God Lord is a strong God Lord, if he can find a way, he won't wait until today.

Nine Thunder God Lord laughed.

"You don't have to worry about being a teacher anymore! As long as you go out and practice hard, you will carry forward the inheritance of the teacher, and being a teacher is very comforting! Time is running out, let's go!"

As she said that, Mu Qinglan felt a soft force coming from in front of her, gently supporting her body.

Lord Nine Thunder Gods is going to send her out in person.

Above the lake water, there are suddenly countless red light spots flying up!

Soon, those points of light converged to form a brilliant road, all the way up, spreading away!

It was clearly the same as the scene at the beginning!

Mu Qinglan finally lifted his foot, took a step forward, and stepped onto the road.

However, the mood at this time is completely different from before coming in.

Mu Qinglan took a step and couldn't help turning her head.


She just recognized this master, but she wanted to separate again.

No one knows if there will be a chance to meet again in the future.

"Let's go!"

The rosette swayed slightly.

Mu Qinglan hesitated for a moment, then turned around suddenly, walked a few steps quickly, and reached in front of the lotus seat.

"Master, this disciple will definitely come back in the future!"

While talking, Mu Qinglan knelt down and solemnly kowtowed three times.

"You must wait for me!"

Lianzuo took a step forward and tapped Mu Qinglan's forehead lightly.

"Why do you want to come to such a ghost place for the second time? From now on, you just need to practice hard!"

Mu Qinglan's heart seemed to be clenched by something.

She didn't say anything more, and took a fixed look at the lotus seat in front of her.

"Master, take care—"

As soon as Mu Qinglan finished speaking, she suddenly felt a strong suction burst out of the sea of ​​air!

The rosette in front of him suddenly shook!

Mu Qinglan was shocked.

"This, what's going on here?"

Before she could react, the lotus seat suddenly turned into a stream of light, piercing into her sea of ​​energy!

Accompanying it was the exclamation of Lord Nine Thunder Gods.

When Mu Qinglan realized it, there was nothing in front of her eyes!

And that lotus seat... no, God Lord Nine Thunders, has already reached her sea of ​​qi!

Mu Qinglan quickly asked:

"Master? Master? What's the matter? How are you?"

"Hey, hey - it hurts the old man to death!"

In the sea of ​​​​qi, there was a cry of pain from the Lord of Nine Thunders.

Mu Qinglan became nervous.

How could this happen suddenly?

She clearly did nothing just now!


She held her breath and looked inside, only to realize that the Nine Thunder God Lord seemed to have entered the ancient divine tome!


"Master, are you okay?" Mu Qinglan asked worriedly.

Lord Nine Thunder God wanted to cry but had no tears.

How could he have forgotten that Mu Qinglan still had such a fetish in his body!

It's good now, I'm locked up here!

In this world, where is the master imprisoned in the disciple's sea of ​​qi!


What a shame!

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